InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ § Kagome's Angel § ❯ The beginning of the rest of my life ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

§ Kagome's Angel §
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Inuyasha
- 1-
The beginning of the rest of my life
Running through the forest, faster and faster. She can't stop, she won't stop forever running. She's terrified. No one can hear her; no one can save her, so…why is she still running? She screams “someone…anyone…help me please!” How did she ever get into this mess, never in her life did she ever think that something like this would happen to her. I mean you hear freaky things like this happening to other people, it's not that unlikely…well maybe it is, but yet still, she can't help but ask “why me?”
Everything that's happening in her life, every problem and challenge that she has faced all started on that nasty, horribly disgusting day.
It was like any other day, the sky was grey from rain. It was rainy cloudy and cold, just how Kagome felt. Kagome was a beautiful, young, healthy girl. She had nice beautiful long black hair; she was about 5'3” and a fairly popular girl, even if she didn't acknowledge it. She was the tippical 16 year old girl. She had the friends who thought they were the shit, she had the friends who were always hatin' on her behind her back, and she had the boys tryin' to holla at her like they really that cute, especially now that she and Naraku were “over”. Like they ever really went out, two days wow. The only problem she really had was her mom. Her mother maxien was really sick but she won't say anything to her. Kagome has tried asking her mom, talking to her mom, and helping her mom, but she still won't tell her what's going on. Since Kagome's not the type to push people that much, she won't say anything until her mom wants to talk about it. It's just like you know when someone's hiding something from you, but yet still you won't say anything. So Kayla leaves it alone.
The morning started off as usual, she woke up late, which caused her to miss the bus, which made her late to school, which means the rest of her day was messed up, but yet still she acts like nothings going on in her life. Her friends more like acquaintances don't really know what's going on with her, but then again they don't really care.
Kagome POV
The 6 period bells finally rang and the last period of the day has finally begun. Thank god it's Friday.
“Girl what happened to you last night?”
“What do you mean?”
“I called your phone and left you a message for you to text me back, but you never did.”
“Last night wait what was I doing last night…? I can't remember but what happened?”
Sharon's eyes got wider and had a little shimmer to them, her mouth spread into a smile. I knew she was about to tell me something she had no business knowing let alone telling anyone.
“You don't know, girrrl kalisha was saying mad shit about you yesterday.”
Now my first reaction would be to confront kalisha, but seeing as its Sharon who's telling me all of this I didn't jump off the handle right away. Sharon was a nice tan colored Latina. She had long brown curly hair and stood about 4' 6”. I've known Sharon almost as long as I've known anyone at this stupid school. She's supposed to be one of my best friends, but I wouldn't hold her to it. Sharon is a pretty girl, but she has always been jealous of me. I can see why with my curves and everything, but I don't boast about it
“Oh really, and where did you hear this?” Her smile got wider and I got a little more interested.
“Well you know that party I wanted you to go to?”
“Well kalisha was there and I saw her talkin' to Sandra right. So tell me how I'm dancing with this fine chocolate boy and she pulls me away from him to tell me that kalisha said this, that, and the other about you and you know who.”
“Did you say anything to kalisha after you found out?”
“Naw, by that time she wasn't even their anymore.”
“Iight so if I go up to her about it, you'll be there with me right?”
I didn't really need Sharon to go with me, it's not like I'm scared of kalisha or nothing. I just want to see how long it will take her to back out, if she even agrees that is.
“…well you know I would go anywhere with you and do anything for you, but you know me and kalisha aren't talking right now as it is.” She looked scared and I knew she was lying, even if she was trying to hide it, so I desided to play with her a bit.
“I'm just going to find out what she said; she doesn't even know you told me.” And as I thought she's trying to figure something out to save her lying ass. I don't even know why I talk to her.
“Iight I'll go with you but I can't go after school…I have to go with my dad somewhere.”
“Oh that's ok.”I waited for her to smile
“We can go right now.” I saw as her face fall and my smile got bigger inside
“The teacher won't let us.”
“Please I'll just tell him I need your help.”
“Can me and Sharon go to the bathroom?”
“Why do the two of you need to go?”
“I need her help with something.”
It took a while but we finally got out of class. I knew we would and I really want to see what's going to happen. Cause I know kalisha and kalisha doesn't hold her toung, so what ever Sharon “supposedly” knows, I should already know.
I knocked on the door to Mrs. Klark's room where kalisha had art, which basically meant a free period.
“Excuse me Mrs. Can we please have kalisha?” I use my sweet voice. It usually gets me what I want, and it helps a lot that Mrs. Klark loves me.
“Oh of course sweetheart, kalisha, Kagome would like to see you.”
I heard some shuffling and kalisha scream and smack Rouen for grabbing butt as she walked passed her as he always does at any given chance. Which means she's going to be mad when she gets out here. I can see Sharon getting a little more anxious as kalisha came closer.
“Hey girl wazzgood.” She kissed me on the cheek with a smile. Now, either she's a really good actress or someone (Sharon) is lying.
“Hey, I wanted to ask you about something I heard.”
“Yeah, what is it?”
“Ok did you go to a party yesterday?”
“Yeah.” Strike one
“Did you talk to Sandra there?”
“Yeah, what is this about?” Strike two
“I told you I want to find out something about what I heard.” Sharon was looking worse and worse by the minute, and kalisha just looked cofused.
“What were you talking about?'” she looked sad and I got worried for a minute that Sharon was telling the truth.
“Kagome I don't think you want to hear this from me.”
“No I'm sure I want to hear it from you.”
“Kagome let's not even bother she'll probably lie, I'll tell you exactly what happened. So let's just go.” Sharon tries to drag me away from kalisha, but she wasn't having it.
“You should the last person talking about liers, you say mad shit behind her back and then you want to frount like you Kagome's best friend.” Kalisha looked at me dead in the eye and I knew she wasn't lying.
“The only reason I said I'd rather not tell you about last night was because this hoe was all up on Naraku and then went to tell Sandra mad shit about what you and him did, knowing that bitch don't you cause you had him in first place.” I looked a Sharon like no this bitch didn't and all she did was look down so I know kalisha wasn't lying.
“Thank you kalisha.” I started to walk away but Sharon wasn't done
“I'm sor-” I cut her off by smacking the shit out of her. How dear she even attempt to apologize after what she did. I knew she wasn't best friend material, but damn I thought I could at least trust her, kalisha and Rebecca, and I know damn well Rebecca ain't saying shit.
“Don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't even breathe when I'm near.” I know it was harsh …matta fact it wasn't harsh enough. I walked back to class alone and left Sharon there by herself cause kalisha bin went back into her class. Sharon never came back to class and quite frankly I really don't care.
Meanwhile on the other side of school Sharon was busy crying her eyes out to Naraku and Sandra.
“I know something is going to happen now.”
“Nothing is going to happen to you, you're my girl now you understand me.”
Naraku held Sharon close to him. He didn't really care; he just wanted to get back at Kagome for humiliating him in front of the whole school. Even if he was saying shit about her going back to him, she shouldn't have flown off the handle like that.
“We'll just make sure we meet her outside after school and have a talk.” He gave off an evil laugh that sent shivers down her spine. She didn't really want to hurt Kagome, but Sharon was so scared at the time, she panicked and told the first person she thought she could trust. Oh how the tables have turned.
When Kagome got outside she saw a gang of people and in the front where none other than Sharon, Sandra, and Naraku. She recognized some people like Narakus cousins Kagura and kanna, but other then that she didn't really know anyone. Kagome started to walk home but Naraku stood in front of her
“Where do you think you're off to?” Kagome made sure she made eye contact and stood her ground.
“What the hell do you want?”
“I just wanted to set so-”
“What the hell do you think ya'll doing?” and like a true friend hear comes kalisha and Rebecca to the rescue.
“This ain't got nothing to do with you, so you needs to leave before you get hurt.” Sandra stepped in front of kalisha and raked her up and down with her eyes.
“Girl I know you not comin' out your face like that, you know damn well I will beat you down.”
I knew Sandra was scared. She has always been scared of kalisha who wouldn't, kalisha fight like a straight up dude and Rebecca ain't that far off. I gave kalisha a thank you smile and stared to walk away, but Naraku had to be the dumb one and grab my arm mad hard and pulling me back. Which made kalisha even madder. When she went to lunge at Naraku she wasn't paying much attention and Sandra punched her in the gut. That's when Rebecca decided to jump in and snuffed Sandra dead in the mouth drawing blood that tricked down her chin. Kalisha went to go back after Sandra but someone got in her way. Before you know it mad people jumpin' in the fight, all of kalisha friends, all of Rebecca's friends, and even some of my friends jumped in. the fight gave Naraku the distraction he needed. He pulled me a good distance away from the fight, I was kicking and screaming the whole way mind you.
“Listen to me you fucking bitch, your going to do as I say. Do you hear me?” I countered him right back
“I'm not going to bend backwards for your hoe. Do you hear me?” that wasn't very smart on my part. I mean can fight but it ain't nothing like kalisha or Rebecca, that didn't do me any good especially against Naraku.
“Listen this whole thing could be over if you just come back to me…or do me a couple of favors with that tonge of yours.”
I'm just standing there disgusted like this nasty motherfucker just said what, oh hell no. I had to do something to get him off of me, cause this shit right here ain't about to happen. He was rubbing my arms up and down and that's when I noticed he was coming closer to me like he was going to kiss me. The only thing was he wasn't looking at me really, more like just my chest, so I took the opportunity to knee him in the balls and push him off of me. I ran as fast as I could, I never heard the screams, I never heard the crash, I never heard his bones being crushed. All I could hear was my own heavy breathing and the sound of my rapidly increasing heartbeat.
As I ran all I could think about was that one night when I gave him a second chance, well I didn't really give him a second chance, I gave this guy I didn't know a chance. Don't get it twisted I'm not a slut it's just that I was at a Masquerade party. I was wearing a sexy all-white nurse costume: hat, corset, miniskirt, thigh highs, garter, and high-heeled shoes, with a stethoscope around my neck and a medical bag as my purse. I had every one at the party call me nurse Taboo. By the time the party really got underway, I was already drunk not just tipsy. That's when I saw Naraku, even if I didn't know it was him at the time.
“I know you and you know me,” a man whispered into Kagome's ear. The men pressed his groin against her butt as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“How do I know you?” Kagome played along.
“We were lovers,” the man responded as he kissed her neck.
“I would know that body and those legs anywhere.” Kagome turned to face the man. He was dressed as the Phantom of the Opera, with his mask covering most of his face.
“Why are we no longer lovers? Did it end badly?”
“Yes,” the man whispered sensually into her ear, gentally coxing her into a back room shutting the door behind him and tuning the lights out. In that time the man had freed Kagome's breasts from the corset. “I know those breasts too.”
“What the hell do you think your doing?” Kagome pulled her corset backup.
“Tonight I'm reclaiming what is mine.”
“Boy you're taking this to damn far.”
“Am I? You are mine.” In the dark Kagome felt fingers being slipped into her pussy. “I'm going to fuck you tonight right here at this party and you're going to let me.”
“We can't, not here…” pleasure was starting to take over her senses.
“Kagome,” he whispered in her ear
“You know my name!”
“I know a lot more than that,” he was still working his fingers within her pussy, gently massaging her G-spot.
“Who are you?” even though Kagome had a pretty good guess, she still wanted him to tell her, plus she was still drunk she could be wrong.
“Let's see if you remember.”
He took his fingers out of her, and unfastened his pants. The phantom spun Kagome around, spread her legs, and trusted his rigid dick into her hot, sopping-wet pussy. The force of his actions took her breath away. She was quickly approaching her limit, but just as she was about to get off he pulled away.
“Naraku!” Kagome exclaimed, exasperated, as she spun around and slapped his face.
“I'm not yours and I never was!” Kagome started to walk towards the door, like hell she was going to sit here and let him have his way with her after what he did, that boy must be crazy. She would have believed herself, the only problem was the fact that she wanted more. In fact she was secretly hoping he would come back after her, even if he didn't admit it to herself.
“We'll just see about that.” Naraku grabbed a hold of Kagome, lifted her up, and spread her legs as he slammed her against the wall, rendering her powerless to stop him. He grabbed a hold of himself and plunged it deep inside of Kagome, pushing hard and fast, burying himself as far into her body as he could go.
“This pussy is mine and I can have it whenever I want.” Luckily Kagome was so far off, she didn't even realize what he said, not to mention the fact that she was drunk as hell.
Coming back to the present Kagome rested for a while on the trunk of a tree. All of the memories she thought she buried came at her so fast that Kagome couldn't run anymore.
Kagome started to walk home when she felt that she would be able to walk into her house without having a mental break down.
As she walked, Kagome started to see police cars and an ambulance speed past her. That's when Kagome recognized the strange sound she was hearing, she could hear sirens everywhere so she walked faster. As she turned the corner, Kagome saw police cars, a fire truck and an ambulance; she could also see someone being put into the ambulance truck. From where she was Kagome couldn't tell which house everything was for, but as she got closer and closer, she walked faster and faster until she ran full speed into a police officer that was trying to hold her back.
“Excuse me, your not allowed here ma'am. This is a restricted area.” Kagome looked at him like he was crazy.
“This is my house, what do you mean I'm not allowed through? Where is my mom?”
“You live here…oh damn *sigh* I'm sorry miss…but your mother passed away.”
Kagome didn't know how to react, but can you blame her. What would you do if you came home from a bad day at school, only to be told that you mom was dead. Kagome was so overwhelmed that she blacked out.
AN: ok so that chapter one. I hope you liked it cause there's a lot more to come. As for is all fair in love and war I promise to get to that no matter what k. I just got my comp taken away again so there's no telling how long it will take.
Anywayz review!!!!!!!!! ^o*