InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 28 Days ❯ Playing Hard to Get ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
AN: Yep, I finally wrote chapter eight at last and as you may have noticed I changed the summary because every time I read it before, I cringed and wanted to puke. It really did sound cheesy. Anyway, now that I've finished Two Faced I should be able to update my other fics more regularly (but then I'll start like three more fics and get slowed down again) ^_^.

2 8 Days

Playing Hard To Get

"Mr Rinka, how's life going?" Inuyasha greeted his patient with an unusually cheerful attitude.

"Same old same old." the man replied from his wheelchair. "Hernia's still there, keep having those mild heart attacks as well. My wife left me, my teenage daughter hates me and my dad just died."

"Good, good." Inuyasha started to wheel him off to the examination room. Nope, nothing could spoil his mood today. The delivery man hadn't turned up that morning so there was a good start to any day there already.

But of course, that was just jinxing it.

"Doctor Inu!" Aki came huffing up behind him.

Inuyasha gripped the hand holds of the wheelchair a little tighter and turned with an unwavering smile. "What is it, dear?"

"Kagome's gone again, sir."

Needless to say, the reaction she received was enough to send Miroku jangling his money filled pen pot all the way down in reception.

Inuyasha left Mr Rinka to his own devices and stormed back up to reception with Aki scurrying along behind him.

"Where the fuck is Kikyo?!" Inuyasha demanded as he reached reception and slammed a fist on the desk, making Miroku look up. "You are a surgeon! STAY in surgery for the love of god!"

"I don't have any patients. And ever since Kikyo took off I have had nothing better to do." Miroku said defensively. "You wanna hear my theory?"


"I bet Kagome kidnapped Kikyo." He thought about that. "But then again, maybe not. She didn't have Kikyo with her when she discharged herself."

"She dis - What the hell is wrong with you?!" Inuyasha grabbed Miroku by the lapels and dragged him forward. "You just let her walk out of here?!"

"Of course - she said you discharged her yourself!" Miroku pried his hands off.

"And you believed her?!"

"Yes." Miroku shrugged. "Though I'm guessing by the look on your face that she was telling a fib.."

"I don't believe this." Inuyasha growled. "Call the family - see if she's there. If not - then call the police."

"That's a bit mean." Aki commented.

"They'll find her quick than the two of you fur brains put together will." Inuyasha grouched as Miroku picked up the receiver.

"Hello this is Shikon Hospital speaking - is Kagome there, we seem to have lost her." Miroku trailed off. "Ok. I did not know that you didn't know she was lost."

"Hey Dogtor!"

"Oh no." Inuyasha slumped against the desk for a moment before turning miserably to the entrance. "Oh. why aren't you dead yet?!"

"Nice try." The delivery man was now wheeling himself through the automatic sliding doors in a wheel chair with a broken leg. "Guess who's my new doctor?"

That happy morning was fast flinging itself out of the window. Inuyasha cast a despairing look at Miroku who was too busy holding the phone slightly away from his ear with a wince to notice. "When I said lost - I just meant misplaced-"

Inuyasha was fast loosing the thread of reality and looked around for something normal to cling to. He spotted Aki stood placidly by the desk, who quickly stiffened when she noticed his look. "D-Doctor?"

"Aki! Go get me a coffee from the canteen - and tell them not to hold back on the caffeine!" he called as she raced off to do his bidding.

"I wonder what this means. It must be fate that has brought us together again, Doc." The delivery man mused.

"Or maybe it just means my voodoo doll is working after all." Inuyasha mumbled and glanced up as Miroku suddenly slammed the phone down hastily. "Is she there?"

Miroku just gave him a dry look and went back to filing.

"Doctor Inu!"

Inuyasha turned, filling with dread, as two security guards came huffing in through the doors. "What?"

"This crazy chick just took off with your car!" one panted.

"We couldn't stop her - she was too fast!"

"Doctor Inu!" Aki arrived back.

"Hey Dogtor - when do I get my leg set?"

"Inuyasha, do you have any idea what comes after P in the alphabet?"

"Do you want us to call the police?"

"Oh - and Kagome's parents don't know where she is - you'll have to find her."

"Hey - he's my Dogtor first - I need my leg reset - come on!"

"Doctor - you're coffee is getting cold and I have errands I have to run for Doctor Fei so-"

Aki fell short as the coffee in her hand was suddenly knocked flying to smash against the wall behind the front desk. Everyone fell silent as Inuyasha tossed his papers down and stomped off down the corridor, throwing his stethoscope away as he did so.

Mr Rinka came out of an examination room as Inuyasha passed. "Hey - you said you could see me now - where are you going?"

Inuyasha just ignored him and kept on walking until he was gone from sight.

Aki huffed and balled her fists on her hips. "Well that's gratitude for you."

"He better not have just quit - I need by leg seen to." The delivery man scowled.

"Oh don't worry, he'll be back in five minutes." Miroku went back to his filing. "He does this every other Monday or whatever. oh look. he's completely covered all these forms in coffee!"

"Someone should really talk to him about handling these strops." Aki said and looked around. Suddenly everyone looked like they had busy stuff to do and see so she just sighed and gave up. After all, even she wouldn't like to tell Inuyasha to take it easy.


Mondays were always the longest day of the weak. no seriously they were. Especially when you had to work fourteen to fifteen hours a day - even at weekends. And people always liked to pick Mondays out of all the other days to get sick or get into an accident.

The only blissful moment on a Monday when at eleven o'clock when he got to clock out and go home. unfortunately not this Monday. His car had been stolen and while the police were on the case, he still had to walk home. He probably could have taken the tube or something, since it was quite a distance. but if truth be told he was a little claustrophobic. though that wasn't going to be told to anyone.

So after a long day of work. he had a long walk home. where he would probably find a long list of bills and a long answer phone message from his mother telling him to wear clean underwear.

All he wanted to do was crawl into bed and get some rest.

He eventually rounded the corner into his parking lot and stopped dead. His car was sitting right in the usual spot, looking like it hadn't been moved at all since yesterday. He stared and puzzled over this before quickly running over and looking it up and down for damage. Not a single scratch. no dents. no smashed windows and no forced entry. The only thing that was wrong was that the radio inside had been smashed to pieces.

With a wince Inuyasha decided he didn't really listen to it anyway, so he wouldn't bother paying for a new one. So seeing as he baby was safe and sound in its allocated lot, he went up to the door and started rummaging around his pocket for his keys.

Unfortunately, he discovered with dread, his keys had also been stolen.

"Ah shit." Inuyasha slumped and thumped his forehead against the hard door. With a sigh he pressed the call button. He waited a few seconds before pressing it again.

There was a static sound from the speaker beside him before a rather grouchy voice answer. "What you want?"

"Let me in." Inuyasha told the super.

"Who the hell are you?"


"Ain't you already checked in?"

"I'm standing outside the door." Inuyasha said flatly. "I am not checked in. I am not in my apartment. I am not happy. I am stressed. my life sucks and if you don't open the fucking door in the next ten seconds then I will climb up onto the roof and then throw myself off."

"And the part where I start to sympathise comes when?"

"Either open the door or spend the rest of the night cleaning up my splattered remains." Hadn't he already had this conversation with Kagome?

"Alright, alright." came the mumbled reply.

There was a beep and the door clicked open. Inuyasha didn't bother to say his thanks as he proceeded straight up the stairs, all the way to the top of the apartment building to the last door on the last level. Being the organised person he was, he had been well prepared for the event in which he would be locked out.

He got on one knee and took a look at the lock closely. He then took a penknife from his pocket and inserted it into the lock and squiggled it around a bit before it clicked.

The door swung open and he finally stepped back inside. yep. still the same old apartment. nothing changed. His boxes were still lying around, yet to be unpacked and sorted, even though he had moved in over a month ago. He just hadn't had the time to.

He stopped dead when he head the TV going in the lounge. He hurried to the doorway and looked on with surprise as Kagome turned her attention away from the TV set to regard him. "You took your time."

"I'm sorry, I ran late. I." he suddenly frowned. "Why the hell am I explaining myself to you?!"

"And don't be so sneaky about entering." Kagome said, looking back at the TV. "I thought you were an intruder or something."

"I live here!" Inuyasha burst out.

"I know." Kagome nodded and held up his wallet and set of keys. "You know you really shouldn't lean so close to check my pulse. All kinds of things just fall out your pockets."

"You pick-pocketed me!" he growled and clenched his fists. "Do you have any idea how worried everyone has been about you?! You're mother has already gone to the police and she was in hysterics on the phone!"

Kagome shrugged. "Whatever."

Ouch. Inuyasha went over and snatched his valuables back. "And you wrecked my radio!"

"It was playing the song 'we're gonna live forever'." Kagome said dryly.

"Irony hitting you hard?" Inuyasha said in an equal tone.

"No, I just don't like the melody." Kagome retorted and started to ignore him in favour of watching the late night quiz show. "Oh - I know this one! It's Tom Hanks!"

The TV suddenly went dead and Kagome switched a glare to Inuyasha who held the remote up and blew on the end like it was a pistol. Kagome sighed and settled down onto the sofa, turning her head away to ignore him.

"I guess you don't want to talk." Inuyasha shrugged.

"You'd guess right." Kagome said shortly.

He smirked and started to shrug out of his jacket. "Nope. because if you didn't want to talk you would have gone somewhere else. Out of all the places you could have been with all my money and my car. you chose my place."

Kagome's jaw visibly clenched. "I was bored. I reckoned you had cable."

"Sorry to disappoint."

"I thought doctor's were supposed to be rich." Kagome snapped angrily.

"We are."

"Then why are you driving a mini and not a Porsche?" she glowered at him.

"Because." he trailed off, not really sure. "I guess doctor's always get their car nicked. so when that one gets nicked I'll get the insurance and by a bigger one."

"When will it be nicked?"

"Dunno. I've had it for five years. no one seems to want it." He shrugged.

"Figures." Kagome stood up and headed off to the kitchen. "Where do you keep the coffee."

"Don't drink coffee."



"Um. you got any squash?" she scowled at him.

"In the third box to your left."

"Only just moved in?"

"Recently." he shrugged. "July I think."

"Wow." Kagome made herself a drink and sat back down. She grabbed the remote off Inuyasha and turned the TV back on.

Inuyasha sighed and stuffed his hands into his pockets. It seemed everyone was out to make his life a misery today, especially Kagome. What he really needed right now was sleep. but he had a feeling he'd be trying to convince a dying girl to go back to hospital.

But seeing as he had all night to do that, he just headed into the back bedroom to get changed. When he came back the TV was on its side on the floor and the remote had made a nice large chip on the screen. Looking over at Kagome he saw she was sitting calmly on the sofa, sipping her drink like nothing had happened.

"You must really hate me." He said as he sat down at the other end of the sofa.

"I should probably mention I hate those TV shows with Karaoke Christmas carols." She said without looking up at him.

By now Inuyasha was sorely tired of having his possessions smashed and people beating around the bush. "Tomorrow morning you get up at seven. We're going back to the hospital."

"No, we're not." Kagome replied curtly.

"Do you really think you could stop me if I wanted to get you back there?" he said with a hint of warning.

Kagome's firm calm expression faltered slightly and she glanced at him warily for a moment, her eyes flicking him up and down. She was surprised by how. young. he looked now. Not young like her. but too young to be a doctor. "I'm stronger than I look." She replied, knowing it was a pointless defence.

"You'll have to go back. I'm not having a comatose girl in my house for the rest of the month. My landlord won't care if it's a corpse or a hamster that's sharing with me. I have to pay double either way." Inuyasha said darkly. "Besides. your family really miss you. you haven't talked to them in days."


"So why not?"

"Why should I talk to them?" Kagome scowled, folding her arms closer to her chest. "All they do is simper and moan and look at me with pity and fear. They treat me extra nice - they treat me like I'm already leaving them! You could still find a cure, right?"


"Imagine how disappointed they'll be if I'm cured." Kagome turned her head away. "I'm as good as gone to them."

Inuyasha was thinking very hard. He had no idea what he was supposed to say to convince her otherwise. "Do you really mean that?"


"No you don't." Inuyasha said rather simply and mirrored her expression and looked the other way as she sharply looked at him.

"Don't even dare presume you know how I feel!" she snapped. "Have you ever been told you were going to die?!"

"Repeatedly. by my older brother at least three times a day." He responded casually and looked back. "But don't you always say something really harsh when you're in a mood and then later when you're back to normal you don't feel the same way?"

Kagome scowled. "I am NOT in a mood!"

"Sure you ain't." he smiled in a way she found rather patronising. "You're like this all the time now aren't you, so how can it be a mood?"

Kagome clenched her fists. "I mean what I say and I don't want to see them! I could die tomorrow for all the good it'll do! What's the point in living out twenty odd days of my crummy life anyway?"

"Why do you hate them?" he asked suddenly, with a slightly serious expression.

Kagome winced. "I don't hate them exactly."

"Then why don't you want to see them?"

"I." she struggled for the valid reason, but it seemed nothing more than a petty excuse to isolate herself. "I don't know."

"Kagome. don't leave them before you have to." He said softly.

Something about his choice of words hit home and that firm shield she'd been holding up crumbled and she began to cry. Inuyasha froze in horror. he hadn't wanted to make her cry, just show her a little sense. This was his fault.

"It's ok." He sat up quickly and stared at her. "You don't have to cry - it's not your fault!"

"Yes it is!" Kagome whimpered. "I'm being stupid and mean. and I'm taking it out on my family."

"It's understandable." He tried.

"No it's not! I'm a nice person! I love my family to death and I wish everything would just go back the way things were!" Kagome cried. "Let me go home! I want to go home!"

"You can't." he sighed, grimacing as her sobs grew louder. "This is a new virus. we can't release you from the hospital in case you infect other people."

"I want my life back." she suddenly leaned against him, and it took all his will not to lean away in surprise. "I want my lawyer husband and my lawyer kids!"

Inuyasha shuddered.

After a few awkward moments, Inuyasha just sucked it in and wrapped an arm around her shoulders in a comforting way. This had the opposite of the desired effect, as she just started to cry harder and buried her head in his shoulder to smother her sobs. For once he demonstrated his somewhat strained limit of compassion and rubbed her arm. "It's ok. don't cry."

It was only a few moments after he spoke that she pulled back, hiccuping softly. "Sorry. your shirt-"

"It doesn't matter." He said quickly and smiled tightly. "You gonna be ok?"

"Possibly. I just remembered you need to give me another dose of that medicine." she said shakily. "It's been over fifteen hours since the last dose, I might. you know."

He nodded and sighed. "It's ok, you're not in any immediate danger, so you don't have to go back there so soon."

"Good." Kagome nodded slightly and looked down. "Look. I'm really sorry for making things difficult for you."

"Stop apologising, it isn't your fault." He chided her and pretended to stifle a yawn behind his hand, deliberately causing Kagome to catch to contagious yawning. She at once found sleep weighing heavily on her eyes and shifted around slightly to lean back against the sofa.

"Can I stay here the night?" she asked tiredly, worn out from crying.

Inuyasha just nodded and settled back as well, waiting for her to drop off so he could safely make it off to his own bed. Unfortunately. he was completely exhausted after such a hectic Monday and slipped off to sleep before her.

Kagome smiled slightly as her doctor's head lolled to the side and murmured something in his sleep. Taking advantage of him in his sleep was a bit mean, but he wasn't about to complain, and she needed the comfort, so she leaned back against his shoulder and allowed herself to drift off, feeling better than she had done in a few days.

AN: hopefully next chapter should be up sooner. Until then - hope you have nice and happy lives ^_^