InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 28 Days ❯ Remorse ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
AN: Fast losing my voice right now... I sound all croaky and all Jacken-ish

28 Days


Three days had come and gone... and Kagome was still alive, making Kouga want to rethink his prediction of her death. He'd taken more blood samples and sent it off for testing. Of course he'd had to make the ever witty comment that Kagome would probably be dead by the time they got the results back.

Somehow... Kagome didn't feel so wonderful about dying anymore. Kouga made her feel uneasy... that dying just happened and the only thing that could be done about it could be predicting it. So far she'd seen no evidence that he'd been working on a cure...

Inuyasha had been better in her book. He'd joked with her... she'd known he'd worked on a cure. Sometimes she'd sneaked off at night to go find some action in the game rooms upstairs... she'd once come across him working in a lab... or more like sleeping in the lab.

She'd gone inside to check that he hadn't popped his clogs, only to find that he'd knocked himself out over working for her cure. Her heart had really warmed to him then. He'd given her hope and he'd treated her like a human being... Kouga treated her as a patient. He distanced himself and had already decided that she would die soon so there was no point working himself extra hard for a cure.

But he'd surprised her.

"I called your family here today to discuss a possible treatment for your virus." Doctor Kouga sat at the end of Kagome's hospital bed while Kagome's mother and grandfather stood hesitantly near her side.

"What treatment?" Mrs Higurashi asked quietly, but she was obviously hopeful.

"It may be a little radical... but so far I don't see any harm in trying it." Kouga shrugged. "She's going to die anyway, so the risk is worth accepting I think."

Kagome's hand flinched slightly at his casualness. Inuyasha had been casual... but somehow this was different. This is was being casual without caring. Inuyasha had been casual because he'd known that was how Kagome could accept it. Kouga just didn't care.

"What treatment?" Kagome asked, repeating her mother's question.

"What I'm proposing is a total blood transfusion." Kouga plunged right in. "But with your body in such a fragile state that would normally be asking for certain death. But if it works then there is a chance that the virus will be swept from your system."

"And I'll get better?"


Kagome's grandfather frowned. "Why didn't the other doctor suggest this?"

"Probably didn't occur to him." Kouga smirked slightly, making Kagome want to kick him. And she probably would have tried if he hadn't been sitting on her foot. "But I can't be a hundred percent certain that this will work. And during the procedure we wouldn't be able to give you sedative or anaesthetic because the virus rebukes it and makes you fit. So the pain would have to be endued..."

"What are the chances of her pulling through?" Mrs Higurashi asked, her father put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"I can't be certain, but I'd roughly say around the area of... fifteen percent chance of success and complete recovery."

Kagome didn't like those odds, and it must have showed on her face.

"It's better than zero percent chance of survival, Kagome." Kouga told her directly. "Do you want to try it?"

Kagome didn't reply. She simply turned over in her bed and closed her eyes, promptly ending the discussion. Death was a more welcoming idea to her then... because being alive was just one pain after another, physical and mental...

She was exhausted of living.


"So you're just going to let them let you die?" Sango didn't understand her. "Why?"

"Because..." Kagome grabbed another balloon and popped it with a pair of scissors.

"Because?" Sango yanked the balloons away from Edwina Scissor-hands before the loud bangs made her a nervous wreck

"Because I want to die." Kagome sighed with a frown as she dumped the scissors and began wheeling he way out of Sango's ward. Sango just followed her.

"So you're suicidal now?" Sango frowned. "Do you realise how pathetic that sounds? Don't you ever remember hearing about people who wanted to die and remember wanting to shout at them to stop being moany pathetic morons and to go out and get a date?"

"It's not being suicidal. It's called accepting." Kagome scowled as her wheels squeaked. "I went through all the stages like Inuyasha said. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. I accept I'm going to die - there's no way I can go back now... I'm tired... And will someone get me some friggin' oil for this bloody wheel?!"

Sango rolled her eyes and grabbed the handles behind Kagome to steer the chair.

"Let go!" Kagome cried angrily.

"No - I'm taking you to see someone."


Mir oku glared at Inuyasha across the table in the cafeteria. He was glad the idiot couldn't find the heart to eat, he deserved to suffer. "I can't believe you went and said that after all I said to you."

"I don't want her to get attached to me." Inuyasha growled.

"I don't want her to get attached to a moron like you either." Miroku snapped back. "But if she's going to die then at least make it happy for her."

"What about me?" Inuyasha bit back. "This way her pain only lasts for a while because she'll die soon. But if I get attached to her then my pain lasts a life time."

Miroku narrowed his eyes. "You coward."

"Stop saying that!" He hissed. "Sango said that too."

"I know. I'm just reminding you." Miroku folded his arms. "You're worried that if you get attached to her then you'll be heart broken when she dies? Are you saying that you'll fall in love with her... because that's not good."

Inuyasha tapped his spoon angrily against the table, clenching his jaw to keep from snapping at Miroku.

"But... if you know that you'll fall in love... doesn't that mean that you are already IN love with her now?"

"Dammit Miroku!" Inuyasha slammed his fist down. "You spend too much time around Sango, you know that?! All that perceptiveness is rubbing off on you - it's not natural for you to be this understanding!"

"I can see where you're coming from..." Miroku nodded knowingly. "I can see how my understanding of your emotional state could cause you to feel irritated, annoyed and angry... but you know you can always talk to me. I'm listening..."

"Don't bother..." Inuyasha's eyes had glazed over somewhere at the beginning of all that crap. He stood up pointedly and went to go fetch a new coffee since he'd let his first one get cold before he'd had a chance to drink it.

This was how much Kagome was affecting him.

"Hey Dogtor!" an angry voice yelled.

Ah... this would make the day all worth while. Inuyasha turned with a sly grin. "Yes?"

"What the heck is this supposed to be?" The delivery man wheeled himself over in his wheelchair and pointed to his cast.

"That would be a leg cast." Inuyasha said simply. "Us doctor's invented it to holding your leg together so the end won't break off... do you want me to take it off and leave it off? Cause I'm warning you... you're leg might drop off."

"I know what it is - WHY is it pink?!" the man was clearly outraged.

"That's not pink." Inuyasha peered at it. "That's puce..."

"It's florescent, radioactive, Christmas tree light glowing PINK!"

"It could be..." Inuyasha shrugged. "How should I know? Aren't we dogs supposed to be colour blind?"

"You'll get what's coming to you...!" The delivery shot him a dangerous glare, before looking thoughtful. "Unless it's been mailed!"

"Great, then I'll just get someone else to deliver the stuff." Inuyasha smirked. "There's someone else replacing you right now. I actually like her better... all that blond hair and firm body... pity that the jump-suit hides it."

The delivery man wheeled himself off again, grumbling under his breath.

"Smooth operator!" Miroku yelled. "That's fifty Yen - I'll take it half price because he had that coming."

Inuyasha frowned again as he put his mug under the coffee nozzle and pressed the button. The machine was as fast as a beached whale... and he stood there irritably waiting for it to get going.

"Checking out the coffee?" Kouga arrived at his side. "How do you hold it all in? You must drink a gallon of that stuff every hour."

The one person Inuyasha just didn't want to deal with had just turned up. He had to work especially hard to keep a hold of his temper, he wouldn't break this guy's nose... it wouldn't be fair on Kagome to have a duff doctor.

"You know, you barely got Kagome to me in time." Kouga smirked before going serious. "I found a treatment for her... pity you've brainwashed her into thinking death is the only cure."

"What treatment would that be?" Inuyasha asked, trying not to sound too interested.

"A complete blood transfusion."

Inuyasha scoffed suddenly. "You think that would work? Have you even looked at her lab results. The virus isn't just in her blood stream, it's invaded the cells of her organs and muscles - that's why she can't walk. Moron. That's obvious. Sure you'd get rid of the virus in her blood but there will still be virus in her tissues. They'd multiply all over again and you'd be back to square one."

Kouga glared at him, seeing his mistake at once.

"And that would only be if she even survived the transfusion which I would seriously doubt." Inuyasha cast him a disgusted look. "She'd live longer without your meddling."

"Well at least I have the face to deal with a dying patient. You take one look at her and go running to hide behind your mother."

Inuyasha's hand dropped the saucer he was holding with a crack. "You did NOT talk about my mother."

At a table close by, Kikyo and Aki looked up worriedly at the two doctors. Miroku wasn't worried. He was happy to sit back and let them fight it out.

"I did." Kouga smirked. "And I don't believe you're fit to be a doctor here. The only reason you passed was because of Doctor Hatsuyo. If some other old fart had taught you, you would have failed miserably. I bet he took all the exams for you. He was biased."

Inuyasha cocked his head slightly... before reaching beside him for a lemon meringue pie... and slammed it into Kouga's face. A hush went around the cafeteria... spoiled only by Mr Takeo who looked around blindly. "What? What happened? Why's it gone so quiet?"

Kouga calmly wiped the pie off his face to see Inuyasha looking equally as calm. They stood like that for a moment before Kouga swung his fist hard, ramming it against Inuyasha's jaw, making his head snap back. And the fight was on.

"Kouga! Stop it! Inuyasha!" Kikyo ran forward as the two young men toppled to the ground, Inuyasha on top and repeatedly punching Kouga in the face. "Inuyasha!"

She wasn't strong enough, even with Aki, to pull them off one another and so looked imploringly to Miroku who was sat slumped in his chair, obviously having no intention of interfering. He could see that Kouga also had had Inuyasha's wrath coming.

"Miroku!" Kikyo hissed. "Do something!"

"Oh..." Miroku cleared his throat before calling in a vague tone. "Inuyasha...?"

The call failed to bring Inuyasha or Kouga to a halt and Miroku shrugged at Kikyo who glared at him. "Thanks for nothing!"

Aki had a better idea. She forcibly pushed Inuyasha half off Kouga so she was sort of between them. "Carry on fighting and then I'll get hurt and then I'll sue."

She'd said the S magic word, and at once the two doctors halted their struggles and glared at each other. Inuyasha gave one last retaliation of thumping Kouga's head against the floor and started to stand, but not before Kouga struck his shin with his foot, bringing the scuffle back into play.

"The lawyers office is just down the hall!" Kikyo snapped. "I'll go now shall I?"

"No!" they both yelled and threw themselves apart hastily, gasping for air. By now Kouga had a black eye and a split lip. Inuyasha had a bruised jaw and a few cuts on his fists.

"Christ..." Kikyo tugged them both to their feet with a stern glare. "Kouga - go back down to your level - Inuyasha - you're next patient arrives for him prostate exam in five minutes, get going!"

"You can't boss us around!" Kouga snapped.

"Actually... she can..." Inuyasha tentatively touched his jaw, wincing at the pain. "She's the Sister..."

"Move it Doctor!" Kikyo snapped at Kouga before turning to Inuyasha. "I'll go with you down to reception."

"Why? Afraid I might run off?" Inuyasha challenged.

"You did last time a patient came in to have his prostate examined."


"W as that supposed to cheer me up?" Kagome asked Sango as they left the ward.

"Well..." Sango sighed and caved in. "Yes..."

"Well it didn't work."

"Of course it didn't - he wasn't there." Sango folded her arms angrily. "He was supposed to show you that there is a point to taking risks like blood transfusion."

"Oh yeah..." Kagome clapped. "The fact that he passed away this morning really encouraged me."

"Well at least the nurse gave you some oil for your wheels."

"I suppose that makes my life all worth while..."

"Stop with the sarcasm, Kagome." Sango said wearily.

"Sorry... It's just..." Kagome glared angrily at the floor. "It's just that... oh, never mind..."

"No, tell me."

"I thought I knew Inuyasha..." Kagome sighed and let Sango guide her wheelchair. "But then he turned around and said all those things... I can't believe he did that to me."

"He was scared." Sango said softly. "Believe me... he didn't mean them."

"You weren't there, you wouldn't know that." Kagome said angrily. "He was so blunt and... and now I'm stuck with Kouga... and I'm going to die miserably... and just knowing that I'm going to die miserable makes me even more miserable..."

"You still want to die?"

"I never want to die..." Kagome rubbed her eyes, fighting off the tears before they sprang up. "I just thought if I had to die... at least I'd have someone like Inuyasha guiding me through it... but he's not anymore..."

"I'm sorry..." Sango patted her shoulder.

"It's not your fault." Kagome said quickly. "I have to go, Kouga's supposed to drop by room and give me my medicine."

She quickly jerked her chair forward out of Sango's grip and went her own way. Sango watched her for a moment before sighing and turning back around to go to the cafeteria and find Miroku.

Kagome was so deep in her thoughts that she almost missed Inuyasha. Almost. She stopped quickly and moved back a bit to look down the corridor she had just passed. She felt a pang of jealousy to see him walking away from her with one of the chief nurses. She kept touching his face for some reason... well at least he kept pulling back when she did that.

It was called spying, but Kagome watched a little longer to see where they were going. Suddenly Kikyo stopped Inuyasha mid-walk and reached up to kiss him.

Kagome's heart stopped with a gasp as she watched. Inuyasha didn't pull away... or do much to stop or encourage her. It was over quickly and Kikyo hurried off ahead.

She couldn't take it any more and pushed herself away and out of sight... but her heart was having trouble starting again... literally...

A horrible searing pain spread through her chest on the left side and she could feel her heart beating painfully hard and loud, irregularly. She clasped a hand to her chest, squeezing her fingers against her ribs as she gasped for air that seemed to be escaping her.

Was she having a heart attack...?

Suddenly the wheelchair was too constricting, she couldn't move, she couldn't breathe... she had to get out of it. She threw herself up, staggered a few steps before her legs folded and she dropped to the ground. Her heart was still racing so fast she thought it would burst...

Kagome desperately scrambled for something to help her, something to cling to... anything. But she was alone in the middle of a deserted corridor. Inuyasha was just around the corner... or was he? Maybe he had gone now...

She looked up and around, vaguely thinking of the picture hanging on the opposite wall. She'd passed it so many times.

Blackness seemed to swamp her entire body and the pain dulled at once as the darkness reached her head... and she gave into it without any fight. She was tired... she wanted to rest.


Kouga came around the corner with a cold lettuce leaf pressed against his eye. The moment he spotted Kagome he cursed, loudly.

"Shit..." he ran to her side and took in her pale complexion before checking her pulse...

He cursed again and slapped his beeper to summon any available nurses and paramedics. Maybe there was a chance he could still revive her.

AN: Sorry... I'll get my raincoat to prepare for all the flames...