InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500 Years ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

heartgirl9229 Thanks for your review as my first reviewer this chapter is dedicated to you. Thanks a million.
Disclaimer: don't own
Chapter 2
With her slightly lighter book bag slung over her slender shoulders Kagome climbed her way out of the Bone Eaters Well. `Stupid hanyou,' she fumed. ` He needs to realize I want to see my family more than a few days a month, plus I have to take those test or I will never be able to graduate in a few months. I can't spend every day of my life looking for jewel shards. I have to rest to you know' She walked out of the well house across the green grass of the yard towards the shrine that has been in her family for ages. Stopping at the front door she took several calming breaths before she opened the door. “Mama, Souta,” she shouted. “I'm home.”
“Nee-Chan,” Souta yelled running to give her a hug. “ We missed you. Is Inu-nii-chan with you? I have a new game I want to show him.”
“No Souta not this time,” she replied. `He is still in the feudal era where he belongs. Stupid hanyou. Even though he could be kind when he wants to and he always makes sure to protect me no matter what comes our way,' she thought to herself. “Mama I am going to go study,” Kagome told her mother who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen. “Let me know if you need anything.” She went up the flight of stair that lead to her room. When she got there she promptly sat down at her desk and grabbed the first book she came across.” Yuck Math,” she groaned and started studying.
A few hours later her mother opened the door to check in and found out that Kagome had fallen asleep in the chair with her head on the History book she had been studying for the past hour. She quietly made her way over to her, lifting her up as gently as she could she made her way over to Kagome's twin sized bed and placed her on it. Turning around to the desk she set the alarm clock so Kagome could get up in the morning for school. “Goodnight Kagome,” her mother said as she softly kissed her cheek and just as quietly as she entered she left her daughter's room.
Buzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzz Buzzzzz the alarm sounded waking Kagome from the sound sleep that she was in. She slowly reached over to turn the annoying thing off her black hair falling over her shoulder as she moved. Stretching her arms over her head she yawned loudly. She then got out of bed and headed for the shower with her school uniform to get ready for the day.
As soon as she was finished she rushed down the stairs. Telling her mother a
quick goodbye and was down the shrine steps before she could reply. She was half way to school when she was met by Eri one of her closest friends since grade school.
“Kagome,” Eri said. “ its good to see you feeling better. Did you get those notes that we left with your mother for the tests today.”
“Yes, I can't think you enough for those,” Kagome replied as they made their way to the school.
The next couple of day went by pretty fast. She took her test and had passed them all with flying colors. She also took the time to visit with her family and friends; catching up on all the things she missed traveling back and forth from the present to the past. She could help but feel as if there was something wrong though. There was heaviness in the air that wasn't there before though it was something that she just passed as nothing seeing as nothing had happened.
Kagome repacked her yellow backpack with everything she would need for the trip including some new crayons and coloring books for Shippo and ramen for Inuyasha. She kissed her family goodbye telling them that she would be back to see them as soon as she could and how much she loved them all. She walked out the door across the yard towards the well house. Slinging the bag over her shoulders when she got there she open the doors and then climb up the edge of the well and jumped. Instead of the blue lights that always greeted her all she got was the cold hard ground. `What is going on,' Kagome thought. `I have to get back.'
She jumped in and out of the well trying to get back. Just as she was about to break down and cry she heard a familiar voice behind her. “ Kagome,” she spun around and there was Inuyasha. But it wasn't him was it, he was dressed in a tight red shirt with baggy pant and he's adorable dog-ears where gone replaced the normal looking ears. He was also wearing shoes something she could never get him to where when he came to her time.
“What the hell is going on,” Kagome said.
“Well…” Inuyasha replied not sure how to answer even though he had practiced it enough. “The short version is after you left Naraku showed up, I was by myself, then Kikyo showed up and killed Naraku. She told me I was free from her promise and she went to hell. I tried to get through the well to let you know but it refused me. It would seem once Naraku was beating and the shard away from him the well quit working. Later that day Shippo noticed your jewel shards near the well….”
“ What do you mean my jewel shards,” Kagome interrupted. “They are right here in my bag where I put them.” She dug around then exclaimed “shit I must have dropped them while we were arguing. Your not joking about this are you,” she got out right before she fainted.
Inuyasha rushed over and grabbed her before she hit the ground. Checking to see if she was ok. Her scent washing over him in gentle waves made he felt a peace he haven't been able to feel in 500 yrs. A peace that had left him when the well closed up and he was no longer able to see Kagome.
Inuyasha carried her over to the shrine jumping into her bedroom window when he got there and laying her gentle on her bed. He went downstairs to explain a little to her family promising the full story later. Heading back to Kagome's room he saw that she had rolled over on her side her face to the door. He took a moment to memories her features all over again. After 500 yrs the temptation to lie there next to her was too great. He gave in and gently laid down next to her inhaling her sweet scent falling into the deepest sleep he had ever had in his life.
Thanks for talking the time to read this if it starts to get to boring let me know 8)