InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the animer/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.
I do claim rights to the orginial characters that will appear in this chapter.
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Inuyasha paced the stone steps of the shrine. No one would let him just forget about that day 18-years ago. If he didn't know better he would think they knew and were rubbing it in. No, he knew what it was. The gods, were sitting back laughing at him. "If you weren't going to let me be with her, why let me live?" He yelled to the heavens, much to a pedestrian's dismay. Realizing he was been watched he snapped, "can't a man worship at a shrine?" The by stander quickly left.

Sitting on the stone step, he rubbed his hand on his face. He was tired, tired of beating himself up. Tired of worrying what Kagome would do. Sighing he decided it was time he set things right. Going to the SUV he opened the back hatch and pulled the last two chests to him. Opening the newest one he hoped the letters Heng Kun had helped him with so long ago was still there. "Thank the gods," pulling the ancient documents out he looked through it.

The ancient dragon hanyou who had made the talisments for him had helped write the letters. It was an old Chinese marriage custom, Heng Kun had used the custom to obtain his human mate, he had overwhelmed her family with the shear number of betrothal gifts. He had promised Inuyasha that if he followed the custom then he would win Kagome just as Heng Kun had won Zhen Niu.

Of course Inuyasha wasn't following all the rules but, the three letters and gifts were considered the most important to the arrangement to win over the bride's family. By the 1900's Inuyasha had figured out that the custom wasn't practiced anymore and probably wouldn't be needed so he didn't add to it anymore. Then 18-years ago he knew he couldn't just take her and not compensate her family for her loss so he had took the idea back up again.

These two chests were the last two he had filled. His friend Charles, the human negro slave he had found in California in the 1850's had talked him into following the 'gold rush'. Charles had been the slave of a man who had came out to California for the 'gold rush'. In 1849, it was passed that slavery was illegal in California and when Charles found out in 1850, when he was brought by his master to California he had started trying to escape. All the times before men had found Charles and given him back to his master but, that last time he was found by Inuyasha who offered to let Charles travel with him, to helped him with his English. It had been thanks to Charles knowledge of mining that they traveled to the Klondike where they worked a claim till 1895. Inuyasha had filled the last two chests with gold nuggest and knew he was needed back at his estate so he left the claim with Charles, who had not aged as Inuyasha had given him one of his talisments. A few years later Inuyasha received the talisment back with a note that Charles had found a young lady he had made his wife and wished to live his life with her. Inuyasha had went to visit not long after wards but, the claim was abandoned, he never knew what had become of Charles.

Lifting the chest containing the gold he headed up the shrine steps. Entering the house and dropping his concealment spell he headed back into the living room to make his intentions clear. He could hear everyone laughing. It seemed they were looking at the old west pictures they had from during the time they had to deal with the Thunder Birds in the late 1800's. After that was when he had meet Charles and went after the gold, 'how fitting.'

"So you couldn't get him to ride the horse?" Kagome asked through her laughter.
"Nope," Miroku said, "Kouga said animals like that were for eatting not riding."
"Now tell me why Inuyasha has feathers in his hair?" Inuyasha walked in an dropped the chests by Kagome's mother and grandfather. "Keh, it drew less attention then my fire rat did." He told them, turning to face Kagome's family he bowed, "these are for you."
"Oh Inuyasha you didn't have to bring us anything." Mama Higurashi began as Inuyasha handed her the papers. Kagome's grandfather leaned down and opened the chest nearest the him, "what in the name of the gods?" Her shocked grandfather exclaimed. Mama Higurashi looked over and gasped dropping the scrolls she had been trying to read to hold her chest. Kagome went around Inuyasha to see what could have caused such a reaction from her family. Looking into the chest she wondered why he brought rocks. "Why rocks?" She asked. "Keh, those aren't just any rocks, it's gold nuggets."
"Gold!" They all exclaimed.
"Inuyasha I'm afraid I don't understand these papers." Mama Higurashi explained picking up one of the gold nuggests.
"This is an ancient Chinese custom, it is refered to as a price. The hanyou wizard who made the talisments told me of it. Those papers are the letters of my intentions towards Kagome and these chest are a sample of the wealth of my family."
"What are your intentions towards my granddaughter?" Jii-chan asked.
"I will be taking her with me when I return to Canada. I am making restitution to your family for her loss." He replied crossing his arms over his chest.

Kagome was in shock, he had just laid out a chest of gold and declared he was taking her away from her family to another country. Kagome stared at him wide eyed, her mouth slightly ajared. Just like he did three years ago when the journey began, he just came in and demanded her. Only this tme he was paying for her like a package of ramen at the grocery store. She turned to take in the reaction of her friends, 'had they known about this?' From their reactions she gathered that while they might have had an idea they certainly couldn't believe it any more then she did.

Kagome almost smiled at them, they looked like the three wise monkeys. 'Speak no evil, hear no evil, and see no evil.' Sango had covered her mouth with her hands, obviously gasping at the baka hanyou. Miroku had grasped his head, covering his ears in the process. Shaking his head slowly with his eyes closed Miroku seemed to be mumbling something. 'Probably praying that Inuyasha lives to see tomorrow.' Kagome figured. Lastly was Shippou who had covered his eyes and seemed to have a pained look on his face. 'That's it Shippou brace for impact.' She turned back to her mother who was shocked still, Kagome wondered how long her mother could go without blinking. Souta just seemed to be taking it all in and her grandfather was stroking his beard in deep thought. 'What is he trying to figure out the going rate for granddaughters these days?' She huffed, 'how dare he, he can't buy me!' "Inuyasha, what do you think you're doing?"

Looking over his shoulder at her he replied, "well, you expect me to take you without compensating them? I did that during the batttle with Naraku, I won't again."
"Inuyasha, we haven't even talked about any of this. You can't just buy me."
Inuyasha turned to face her this time, he was in full pout, "you promised."
"What?" Kagome asked taking a step back.

The tension in the room was thick and so was the silence. Inuyasha bowed his head to hide his eyes under his bangs, inside he was raging. his youkai blood was screaming as the old madness tightened its grip on him. She was refusing him, now after everything she would not honor her promise to stay by his side. The madness gourged him, 'baka you had to wait, now look. She could have been yours years ago but, no you couldn't do it. Here's your reward.' Locking eyes with her his golden gaze flashed red with anger. "Your back out then." It was a statement, not a question.

His intensity surprised her and she found her self stepping back again, "Inu...Inuyasha..." He seen her backing up and his eyes flashed again, to him it was all to clear, before she could finish what she was saying he turned and stormed out of her home. Kagome waited only long enough to take in the shocked looks of those in the living room. None seemed able to voice what had just occured. Kagome bolted from the house intending to catch the angry hanyou.

As Kagome ran out of the house the others regained their composure. "Mama," Souta asked, "is Inu nii-chan really trying to buy Kagome?"
"I don't know Souta. I'm sure he has a reason behind what he is doing. Jii-chan do you have any idea what is going on?"
Jii-chan turned his attention to Kagome's other friends, "houshi what do you know of this Chinese custom the boy spoke of?"
Coming out of his stupor Miroku spoke. "As Inuyasha said he got the idea from the hanyou wizard that made the taliments. All I know is what he told me of his time in the mainland."

Flashback to the months after Kaeda's death.

Inuyasha had made his way to the mainland, following rumors of a dragon hanyou who had the knowledge of wizards. Traveling through a bamboo forest he comes acrossed a human female being chased by bandits. Inuyasha saves the women who happens to be the human mate of the dragon hanyou wizard, Heng Kun. In thanks Heng Kun makes the talisments for Inuyasha.

After Inuyasha tells him the tale behind his need for the talisments, Kagome's loss and his hope to make her his mate in the future if her family will agree to it Heng Kun is touched by the tale and explains his own trouble at winning his human mate, Zhen Niu. He explains the custom he used to win Zhen Niu family over to make her his mate. "In ancient times here in China we followed the principles of the 'Three Letters and Six Etiquettes.' The letters included the Betrothal Letter, Gift Letter, and Wedding Letter. The letters included lists of gifts the groom would bestow to the bride's family. Once everything was accepted a matchmaker would make sure the two would be compatable. They would propose, check birthday matching, present betrothal gifts, wedding gifts, pick a wedding date and then would have the wedding cermony." Heng Kun explained. "It worked for me, it should work for you. Just have to overwhelm them with gifts. Show them how much a hanyou can offer."
"Heng Kun, we aren't Chinese." Inuyasha started only to be cut off.
"No, Inuyasha you are not but, if you provide proof to your intended's family of what you can offer and provide they will look past the fact you are hanyou."

End flashback

"Marriage!" Mama Higurashi gasped, "Jii-chan," Mama grabbed hold of his hands.
"Oh mama, our little Kagome is getting married."
"There's so much to do, oh we must prepare Jii-chan."
"I'll get the sacred saka and my best robes." Jii-chan yells running from the room.
"I'll check on our families traditional wedding Kimono." Mama fussed leaving the room as well.

Miroku, Sango, Shippou and Souta remained looking at one another. "Well," Miroku said breaking the silence. "That was received better then I thought it would." The rest just nodded their agreement.

Outside Kagome had been pursueing Inuyasha. She saw him walking towards the steps, "Inuyasha wait!" She tried to get him to stop but, he just kept going. 'Your not walking away from me.' "INU.YASHA...OSUWARI!"
"Ooof!" It was a strange sensation, it had been 500-years since he had be made to submit. Had things been different he might have been nastoligic but, now he was just...'hurt, angry, devastated, lost, feeling guilt.' He thought. He settled for anger, it was an old stand by and normal for this situation. Pulling himself up he yelled, "Bitch! You sat me!"

Stomping up to him Kagome leaned over and looked him in the eyes. "Yes, I did and I'll do it again if you don't talk to me. What is this all about? You haven't even talked to me about going with you . Then you bring in two chests of gold and say your taking me. This isn't a grocery store, you can't just walk in, pick up something you want, pay for it and be on your merry way! I'm a person not a thing." She finished, her hands on her hips.

This had not been the last thing he wanted to see of her. he could feel the youkai madness tightening its grip on him. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath, 'I will not let her see me like that.'

Even though she was angry Kagome watched him to see what he would do. At first he looked at her with the same old anger he always did when she sat him. He had closed his eyes an took a deep breath then when he opened them once again her anger slipped away. She had never seen him look so truly lost before, 'what's going on?' She thought, "Inuyasha come over to Goshinbuko and lets s.i.t," she spelled so not to make him submit again. "Tell me what this is all about."

Sighing in defeat he followed her and took a seat next to her on the ground by the sacred tree. She sighed as well, it had never been easy to get Inuyasha to talk and she only hoped he would now. "Why?"
Inuyasha glared at her out of the corner of his eye, "why, why what?"
"Why the gold?" She asked.
He sighed again and entertained himself with the thought that they both were doing a lot of that lately. Looking up into the canopy he spoke. "Things are not like they once were. Especially in the Americas, hell North America is a land full of hanyous and not just youkai hanyous but, human ones too. While some countries frown on their people being with foreigners most North American humans ancestors came from other countries. They couldn't tell you from where and if they could you better believe it's a mixed background." he leaned back against the tree and rubbed his forehead, "Kagome I know I'm not the filthy outcast I once was..."
She laid her hand on his arm, "Inuyasha you know I never seen you like that," she began only to be cut off. "I know Kagome but, I came to your home after you revived me when I was 17, yanked you away from your family and called you a bitch for leaving the first time. Gods, I shouldn't have done that."
"I forgave you along time ago and besides it was my choice to return I went willingly. I don't remember you dragging me kicking and screaming." She told him with a smile.
"Kagome, all your family ever did was be nice to me and I took you away from them. I just wanted to do the right thing for once."
Smiling Kagome said, "it's noble of you to want to do things right but, like I said you didn't force me to be there. I went willingly, it wasn't like you could have forced me if I didn't want to."
Looking away from her he said, "you don't know me as well as you think you do."
Pulling her hand back Kagome moved to sit on her knee's, raising up a little she put her hands on her hips. Teasingly she said, "or maybe I know you better then you know yourself."

Jumping to his feet he walked away from her only to turn and fix her in his gaze. He looked at her with such intensity it made her breath catch. Inuyasha approached her, moving like a predator stalking its prey. "Or maybe, " he said leaning down to look her eye to eye. "I'm almost as big of a bastard as Naraku was." Jerking back up he crossed his arms and looked down at her.
'Where is all this coming from? It can't be all because of how we first started our journey.' Kagome thought. Standing up she brushed off the jeans she was wearing. "I know better then that Inuyasha. I wouldn't have stayed with you had you been evil."
"I'm not talking about then. I'm talking about what a selfish bastard I am now." He said as his ears drooped.
Laying a hand on her heart she tried again. "Inuyasha, you have to talk to me. Your right, I don't know everything you've been through and how it has changed you." She was silent for a moment then started again. "I still care for you, I want to understand. What do you want from me? I don't even know where you and I stand." She said as she gestured between them.
He looked away trying to rein in his emotions. Reaching up she touched his check and turned him to look at her. "Please, tell me what it is you need me to know. Don't turn me away, right beside you is where I belong and where I always wanted to be. Give me a chance to make up for the times I wasn't." "Kagome.." he said breathlessly as he suddenly dropped to his knees before her. "I'll do anything you want as long as you stay by my side. Tell me your dreams, I'll make them come true by my own hands." He promised as he raised his clawed hands to her. "Just forgive me," he pleaded dropping his head to hide under his bangs.
Taking hold of his face to make him look at her Kagome asked, "Inuyasha what do you need me to forgive you of?"
He could hid the truth no longer. He knew this was it, the end but, the truth had to be told. "I'm not only trying to pay your family back for taking you to hunt shards or wanting you to return with me to Canada," he sighed. "I committed a crime against your family."
She searched his eyes, they spoke of remores and old pain, "what crime Inuyasha?" she asked.
"It happened 18-years ago, the day you were born..." he began.

Flashback 18-years agon on the day of Kagome's birth.

Inuyasha, under his human concealment, sits on the stone steps leading to the Higurashi Shrine. He had posted Jaken and Myogua to watch over Kagome's family and when her mother had neared Kagome's due date the two old youkai's had called Inuyasha to report the time of Kagome's birth was nearing.

He had been so excited he jumped on a plane to come see. He had not even told his friends he was leaving. The thought she would once again be in the world with him made his heart soar.

He had been sitting for days at the shrine awaiting the time. In boredom he used his claws to carve into the stone steps, to the human eye the carving would have just appeared as his hanyou claws were disquised as human nails. In the back ground he could hear old Jii-chan yelling words of encouragement to his son and daughter-in-law as they headed out of the shrine. As the young couple came through the entrance Inuyasha looked up he heard the the young man ask, "are you alright dear?" Inuyasha watched as the man escorted his heavily pregnant wife down the stairs. "It's, oh...we need to get to the hospital." Running up the stairs Inuyasha offers help to the young couple. "Allow me.." he says taking her other arm. Carefully they help the young women down the stairs and to a car. "Thank you sir. It was very kind of you, may the kamis bless you for your kindness" Kagome's father says as they help his wife into the car. As Inuyasha watched them drive away he thought, 'they will bless me soon.'

The thought of actually seen Kagome struck him so he takes off after the car in the way only one with youkai blook could, by roof tops. Arriving just moments after the couple to the hospital, Inuyasha makes his way to the waiting area in the maternity ward. Inyasha wasn't sure why he had come to the hospital as the hours passed but, the chance he might see Kagome was enough to keeep him there.

Finally her father exited the birthing area double doors and went to use the pay phone. Inuyasha overheard him saying all was well and that he now had a daughter. Walking into the viewing area Inuyasha sniffed to find his future love. A small smile crosses his face as his heart sped up at the sight of Kagome. "So small," he placed a hand on the window.

So enthralled with her he didn't notice Kagome's father coming up behind him, "your the same gentleman who helped us at the shrine. Do you have someone here?" Turning to face her father Inuyasha replied, "yes I have someone here as well. Thought I'd come see the new arrivals." Inuyasha quietly replied with a bow. "How is your wife? Has your new one come yet?"
Bowing in return Kagome's father then points her out, "yes, that is her there. Our first child, we believe we will name her Kagome."
Returning his gaze to her Inuyasha said, "Kagome...a beautiful name for a beautiful child. I can tell that one is meant for great things, congratulations."
"I was just going to get her to take to my wife. She was hoping to thank you for your kindness would you accompany me?"
"Yes, of course." Inuyasha answered.

Coming to the nurses station Kagome's father got his daughter when he noticed Inuyasha eyeing her. Needing to speak to the nurse he turned and offered his daughter to the kind gentleman beside him. "Would you like to hold her? I need to speak to the nurse."
"May I? Really...yes, please." Inuyasha breathlessly said reaching for her with trembling hands. Smiling Kagome's father answers, "go ahead..I have forever to hold her." As he hands baby Kagome to Inuyasha.

Carefully as if he was being handed the most precious gift in the world he took her into his arms. He had held many pups in his life and even cared for them but, this one was worth more then his own life. "Hello there." Inuyasha said as he gently cradled her to his chest, breathing in her scent for the first time in 500-years.

As her father was speaking to the nurse Inuyasha slowly turns swaying slightly from side to side as he had learned to do so long ago when caring for pups. Before he realized what he was doing, so caught up in having her with him, he started to walk away with her. He stopped when the voice of her mother hit his sensitive ears, she was telling a nurse how happy she was to be a mother.

Finally coming back to himself part of him was horrified by the fact he had been walking away with her. Another part whispered to continue on his way. He had helped Sesshoumaru raise his mate. At one time it was not unheard of to have ones future mate be raised near one another until they came of age. "No, I can' would hurt them. Your mother was always good to me.." sigh, "if I take you then you won't be there to revive me. Will you?" He asked baby Kagome, nuzzling her gently he placed a kiss to her forehead. "I guess I have to wait some more, huh, koishi?" He whispered. "Soon..."he promised, "I love you Kagome."

Walking into her mother's room he handed Kagome to her mother. "Your that man who helped us at the shrine. Why do you have my daughter?"
"I ran into your husband, he is talking to a nurse so I brought you your daughter. She is beautiful." "Thank you," her mother said taking her daughter from the man who had been so kind to them.

Bowing slightly he backed out of the room then turned to leave, he heard Kagome's father rushing into his wife's room followed by several nurses looking for Kagome. Inuyasha did not allow the tears he had fall until after he was back to the plane and in the air for his Canadian home. When he returned to his estate he sat outside on his hunches facing the direction Kagome was in. 'I swear Kagome, I'll protect you. Even if it's from myself. I won't return to Japan until after the journey is done.'

End flashback

"I'm so sorry Kagome. I didn't realize what I was doing at first. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me? To trust me again?" He asked as he searched her eyes for some sign.

By the end of his tale Kagome was in tears not because of what he had started to do but, for the pain she knew he was in. 'He didn't follow through, I can't be mad at him when in the end he did the right thing.' She tried to get her tears under control.

Seeeing her tears Inuyasha figured she was hurt by what he had done. He could feel his madness gripping him and he knew he would not return to Canada, at least not alive. Slowly he got to his feet as he hid behind his bangs, "I'll leave you now, for what it's worth, I am sorry." As he turned to leave Kagome grabbed him from behind around his waist. "Baka, I'm not crying because I'm hurt by what you started to do. I'm crying because of what you had to go through without me."

He slowly turned and took her in his arms. Lifting her chin to look in her eyes he couldn't believe what he saw. There was no hate, only love and sorrow. Sorrow for him not because of him, "Kagome?"
"It must have been so hard to know I was here in Japan but, be afraid to come near me." He only nodded. "Here, beside you is where I belong also. I swear I won't leave you again." "You promise?" He choked out, unsure to believe this was real.
"I promise." She said hugging him tightly. He returned her hug nuzzling the top of her head, "with everything I've done wrong in my life. What did I do right to deserve you?"

From the doorway of the Higurashi home her family and their friends watched. "It's funny how life turns upon it's self. Sometimes the one thing that means the most in your life you don't realize it till it's gone and if you are truly blessed you get a second chance." Miroku said holding his wife close to him. He prayed his friend would not forget what a precious thing he held.
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w eb sites for info given in this chapter: www(dot)sfmuseum(dot)org(slash)hist6(slash)blackrights(do)
www (dot)travelchinaguide(dot)com
Heng Kun: eternal universe
Zhen Niu: precious girl
jii-chan: grandfather
Goshinbuko: sacred tree of ages
youkai: demon/ghost/spirit/magical creature
hanyou: half demon
houshi: buddist monk
baka: idiot/stupid
Inu nii-chan: dog brother

A/N: i was unable to answer this reviewer as i had no email to contact them so for that reviewer and any others interested please refer to web site www(dot)bfro(dot)net on info on Sasquatch or also known as Bigfoot. This creature has been reported in every state in the continetal US and also a similar creature in many other countries. When I refered to this creature being in the Rocky Mnts. I wrote area, the mountains cover many states I did not specify which one.

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