InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.
I do claim rights to original characters in this chapter.

A/N: I wish to thank all those who reveiwed that I was unable to thank personally because I did not have a way to contact them. Thank you all for your kind words, encourgement, and prayers for my family. It has meant a great deal. I can not promise when the next chapter to this story will be as my father is still in the hospital but, I was able to have him moved to a rehab hospital closer to home. Thank you once again for your patients as far as the story goes, I promise I will not give up on my story. This is as much therapy for me as it is to entertain others. Now on with the show!

After the final phone call by Rouyakan the girls returned to the whirlpool room to change from their bathing suits into their clothes. As Kagome changed into her clothes she listened to Sango and Rin dicuss the death of the Thunder Bird.
"Do those Chupacabras often cause problems Sango?" Rin asked as she dried her hair a little more.
"We haven't had any serious problems with them for about a hundred years . Kizin, the Northern Chupacabra leader back then, now he was hard to deal with." Sango explained as she combed out her hair. "That was the last big fight Inuyasha has had. Kizin had went to make war with the Thunder Bird's, Wovoka the leader of the Thunder Birds was the leader back then too and is one of Inuyasha's strongest supporters. Wovoka has been Inuyasha's supporter since he became Taiyoukai of the Americas. Wovoka asked Inuyasha to be mediator for him and Kizin. Kizin's group were responsible for several deaths in the Thunder Bird tribe. Kizin's tribe had even went after humans. I believe it was in the same area they are fighting over now."
"Well, Inu nii-chan took care of him." Rin said as she finished changing.
"Yes but, it was close. Inuyasha tried to talk to through the situation but, Kizin wasn't going to give up. He made an attempt on Inuyasha's life at the end. That's why Inuyasha took Kizin down." Sango supplied, "you know Kizin was Xipe's grandfather. Xipe, took over not long ago as the Northern Chupacabra tribe leader, I guess stupidity is heredity."
Kagome finished dressing, she turned to her friends. "I guess with this mediation you'll all have to return huh?"
Looking up at her friend Sango remembered that Kagome's family had said they didn't want her to return with them. "Oh Kagome, I sorry, I wasn't thinking. I'm afraid Inuyasha will need all of us with him to deal as mediator for this problem. He'll have to settle this problem between the two spirit types." Considering options for a moment Sango asked. "Kagome, do you think there is any way your family would allow you to return with us? You and I could share a room if it would easy your families mind."
Sighing Kagome said, "I don't think so Sango. I don't see what the difference is between me going to hunt shards and going to Canada but, I guess mama thinks there is. How long do you think this will take?"
"I'm not sure, it could be just days if both parties are willing to work together or it could be months. Last time something like this happened Inuyasha ended up having to slay the Chupacabra leader, they are very treacherous creatures."
'Months! I can't believe I might have to wait months to see them again.' Kagome thought distressingly. "Sango, do you think Inuyasha will forget about me being here when you go back?" Kagome asked looking at her feet.
Sango shared a glance with Rin. Both understood Kagome's fear, they walked over and enveloped her in a hug. "Don't worry Kagome, Inu nii-chan didn't forget you in 500-years. Why would he now?" Rin asked.
"That's right, none of us want to leave you behind and we won't forget you." Sango promised.
"Come on let's go get dinner, it was almost ready before all the calls came. Then you and Inu nii-chan can spend some time together." Rin said pulling Kagome out of the room.

Meeting the men in the living room, the group of unconcealed youkais, hanyou, and humans moved on to the dining room for their evening meal. Taking the same seat she had at breakfast by Inuyasha, Kagome smiled at him trying to be supportive.
Kagome's support warmed Inuyasha's heart, sneakingly he slid his hand under the table and to hers. Feeling him touch her hand Kagome turned her hand over to interlace their fingers.
Dinner was a quiet affair with only the occassional exchange of information on the Thunder Bird, Chupacabra problem. As dinner ended Inuyasha continued to hold on to Kagome raising from his seat he helped Kagome from her's and began to lead them from the room.

Looking up from his meal Miroku watched Inuyasha and Kagome smile at one another then observed Inuyasha slink out of his chair to help Kagome from her seat as well and then lead her from the room. 'Finally those two can spend some time together.' Miroku happily thought till he noticed the hurt look Shippou wore as he watched them. Setting his face with determination Shippou vaulted from his chair to follow. 'Now what is he up to?' Miroku wondered as he also exited his chair to give chase to the kitsune youkai leaving the rest of the diners wondering what was going on.

Catching up to the kitsune youkai Miroku reached out and grabbed Shippou's unconcealed tail. "Hold up Shippou!"
"Eeep, damn it Miroku. That thing is attached you know." Shippou reminded Miroku as he took his tail from him. Looking around Shippou saw he had lost Inuyasha and Kagome, not happy with loosing them he turned to Miroku. "What was so important you had to yank my tail over?"
Sighing Miroku calmly ask, "why are you being so hard on Inuyasha?"
Taken back Shippou looked around. "Wh..what do you mean? I'm not being hard on him."
Taking hold of Shippou's pant loop Miroku pulled him into the living room. Pushing Shippou to sit on the coffee table once again Miroku sat down on the couch acrossed from him. "Spill it."
"Miroku, I got nothing to tell." Shippou promised looking very unconvincing.
Miroku rolled his eyes, " were fine with Kagome and your fine with just Inuyasha but, when their together you won't give them a minutes peace. What's wrong?"
Shippou knew he had been defeated. Growing up raised by Inuyasha, Kaeda, Miroku and Sango he should have known he couldn't hide his feelings from them all. What one didn't catch another did. "I don't mean to be a brat."
"I never said you were but, you have not been acting your age my friend. It is like you have reverted back to when you were a kit riding around in Lady Kagome's bicycle basket."
"I wish that were true Miroku. At least then I'd know where my place was."
"I don't follow my friend." Miroku said furrowing his brow in an attempt to understand Shippou's reasoning.
"Miroku...when Inuyasha completely takes Kagome as his mate do you think he will still allow me to live at the estate?"
'Oh, so Shippou is concerned where he stands,' Miroku realized. "Shippou, Inuyasha allows Sango and I to live at the estate I see no reason until you decided you wished to live else where that you need to be concerned. Inuyasha will always have room for you. Besides, Inuyasha needs us. Are you not his second? I believe you are very much needed." Miroku explained.
"Yes, I guess Inuyasha does need me still for work. I just wonder what I do now that he has Kagome. I've put my own life on hold for so long, I'm not sure what to do with myself." Shippou admitted.
Miroku had often worried what Shippou woud do when Kagome was back with them. Shippou had flirted and had a few girlfriends but, never became to close to any. He had always devoted himself to looking after Inuyasha over the years. 'This is probably very difficult for him to deal with.' Patting his friend on the shoulder Miroku said, " Shippou you will always be part of the family. Just now is time to find a path for yourself. Perhaps a path in the land of love."
Shippou eyed his lecherous friend, "maybe but, I wouldn't know where to start."
"Simple just be willing to open your heart. Don't worry as soon as Inuyasha and Kagome figure out where they stand we will all fall into our parts." Miroku promised Shippou as he stood to make his way back to the dining room to allow Shippou to find his way.
Shippou thought about what Miroku had said. It wasn't that he regretted his choice to stay by Inuyasha's side. After Kagome was taken from them and then Kaeda's passing Inuyasha had been truly lost in the world. Shippou could never be sorry for standing by Inuyasha, he had avenged his father's death and had allowed Shippou to join his pack. Inuyasha had taught him how to hunt and fight, even claiming Shippou as his ward and later when Inuyasha had become Taiyoukai of the Americas and last names were a necessity Inuyasha gave Shippou his last name, the name Taisho. That act in it's self claimed Shippou as family. 'With all he has done for me, how could I every be sorry I put some of my life on hold? Without Inuyasha I would have never survived.' Unsure of how to proceed Shippou's thoughts skimmed through his life, he realized he was unable to remember a time he had been truly a lone to face a problem. That truth frightened him. 'Is this how Inuyasha felt while he tried to face life without Kagome?'

Flashback to one year after Kagome's loss.

Inuyasha is sitting with his back against the bone gobblers well in deep thought. Bounding through the forest Shippou, on a mission to find his missing hanyou friend who was the name sake of the forest, calls out to him "INU...YASHA!" Coming to the clearing housing the well Shippou spots his missing friend. "I found you..hey, Kaeda needs you." 12-year old Shippou says watching Inuyasha carefully.
Inuyasha's eyes were glazed over and he was staring off not really seeing anything. On the ground by Inuyasha is his pouch to make his potion. The bowl of water Inuyasha had heated earlier was empty and several used straining pouches lay around him.
"Inuyasha? Kaeday needs your help." The young kitsune said again leaning in to look Inuyasha in the face. Still the hanyou made no movement that he had heard anything that was said to him.
Shippou reached out and shook Inuyasha's shoulder. "The village oxen broke out of their pen again. The villagers are having problems finding them." Shippou said.
Sighing Inuyasha finally focused on Shippou. "Alright, let me gather my stuff." Slowly Inuyasha proceeded to gather his items and place them back in his pouch that housed them.
"What are you doing out here?" Shippou asked putting the used straining pouches in the bowl to be washed later.
"Thinking..that's all."
"What about?"
Sighing again Inuyasha stood up and began walking towards the village with his belongings. "Inuyasha...Miroku says that it helps to talk about things..if you don't know the answer someone else might. I know i'm only a kid but, I can helps me to talk about things." Shippou said falling in step beside Inuyasha.
Smirking at the young kitsune Inuyasha replied, "thanks runt but, some times..sometimes a man has to figure things out for himself."
"Miroku says it's okay to talk about things." Shippou tried again.
"Well when your a man there's times you have your own demons." Inuyasha explained.
"Demons? Where?" Shippou asked looking around nervously.
Shaking his head Inuyasha replied, "no...not those kinds of demons. Oh, just forget it...I'll explain it when your older. Come on, let's go drop this stuff off at Kaeda's. I'll teach ya how to track the oxen."

End flashback

'I guess I found them demons you were talking about.' Shippou decided.

Sesshoumaru watched with interest as those sharing his table exited the room. He was actually pleased to see his brother taking his miko out to spend time alone with her. 'Maybe he will admit he wants her to return with him and go ahead and make her his mate.' Sighing Sesshoumaru knew he had a better chance of sprouting wings then his brother admitting his feelings to the young miko.
The kitsune and houshi soon followed, Sesshoumaru could only shake his head at what those two might be doing.
Moving out of his chair Sesshoumaru excused himself from the room. Entering his den Sesshoumaru took a seat behind his desk to reflect more on his brother and the young women who had held his brother's heart for so long. The idea that his brother would return to Canada and leave his future mate was an unimaginable to him. 'Inuyasha has suffered and waited long enough.'
Hearing someone clear their throat Sesshoumaru looked up to meet his mates gaze. Rin had her back leaning against the door frame. Her beautiful long black hair was pulled back in a low pony tail. She wore a pair of jeans and a light yellow tunic shirt.
"Did I distrub you my lord?"
Sesshoumaru drank in the site of his beloved mate. 'After all these years she still holds me in such regards.' A slight smile graced his face, "no my lady mate. You could never be a disturbance to me."
Rin straighten herself and walked in to the den to take a seat on Sesshoumaru's desk.
Sesshoumaru continued to eye his mate, she was still physically that same 16-year old girl he had taken as his mate. 'The same except for the changes birthing three healthy sons did to her.'
Rin still held the same lively and kind spirit that had drawn him to her so long ago. 'I suppose that part of chichi-ue's blood found me as well, I have learned what he seen in these humans.'
Though everyday he thanked the bond that kept her young and out of death's reach he also cursed it at times when having such a young wife was no longer as accepted as it once had been. At those times Sesshoumaru knew he should have listened to his brother and not been in such a haste to claim her. 'I'll be damned before I admit he was right.' He thought to himself.
Remembering his earlier questions about his brother Sesshoumaru apprised his mate, 'if anyone understood Inuyasha it was Rin.' Sesshoumaru had often wondered what had transpired between them while he had been away fighting the serpent youkais. When Sesshoumaru had returned Rin had claimed Inuyasha as her brother renaming him Inu nii-chan and had treated him a such ever since. Sesshoumaru nostalgicly remembered how Rin had babied Inuyasha after he entered adulthood.

Flashback Inuyasha had reached his 150-year mark a few months before. This evening found him suffering the effects of entering adulthood.

Sesshoumaru dozed lightly in the master sleeping room he shared with his mate Rin. He required little to no sleep being a full demon but, still he did enjoy watching his human mate sleep.
He could barely make out the sound of foot falls coming down the hall towards their room. Taking a deep sniff he recognized his brother's scent coming closer.
Gently he untangled himself from his mate and went to the shoji and slid it open just as his brother arrived. Sesshoumaru could tell his brother was in some pain. Inuyasha shifted from foot to foot stretching out his legs and rubbing his arms. Sesshoumaru raised his eyebrow at his brother recognizing the symptoms from when he reached adulthood.
"Growing pains?"
His answer came in a whimper and a nod.
Rin had awoken when her lord mate had left the bed pulling her sleeping yukata closer she went to see what was going on. Seeing her brother, Inu nii-chan in discomfort she moved in to try and help him. "What's wrong Inu nii-chan?"
Whimpering slightly Inuyasha explained, "now I've reached adulthood I guess I'm growing again. It hurts."
Rin remembered how Shippou had hurt when he reached adolescence and had went through growing spurts. "Does your skin feel to tight?" Rin asked thinking of how Shippou had complained.
She was also answered with a whimper and a nod. Reaching for his hand Rin lead him inside her and Sesshoumaru's bed chamber.
"Come on then." Leading the way to her dressing table Rin pushed Inuyasha to sit on the floor and grabbed her skin oils taking a seat in front of him. Reaching out she untied the ankle ties on his hakama and pushed the pant legs up. Putting oil onto her hands Rin began to rub the oil onto Inuyasha's legs.
"I use to do this for Shippou when he had growing pains. Does it help Inu nii-chan?" Rin asked.
"Thanks Rin, it helps some." Inuyasha replied leaning his head back against the wall closing his eyes. Sesshoumaru simply stood watching them. He could not help but, to notice they acted more like siblings then Inuyasha and he ever had.

End flashback

Looking at his mate Sesshoumaru asked. "Rin, do you understand why Inuyasha hesitates taking the miko as his mate? We all know he wishes too."
Crossing one arm over her lap and cradling her other arm's elbow Rin put a finger to her lips. Finally she answered, "I believe it is because he never told her how he felt about her. That and he is concerned with her acceptance of him."
Sitting back in his chair Sesshoumaru steepled his fingers to his chin in thought. "That is ridiculous, he has spoken often of her acceptance. Why worry now? He has much more to offer her now as Taiyoukai."
Leaning over Rin placed her hand on her mates check. "I believe that is what he fears. What will she think of who he is now."
Shaking his head Sesshoumaru asked, "will he really be so foolish as to leave without her?"
Wrapping her arms around her stomach and slouching over Rin said, "if he truly believes he must to prove himself honorable. Yes, he will."
"There is nothing honorable about suffering unnecessarily, he truly is a baka at times."

Returning to the dining room Miroku was meet by only Sango. "Sango my dear, has everyone left you?"
"So it would seem. What's going on?"
"It would appear Inuyasha and Kagome are not the only ones effected by these turn of events." Miroku said taking his seat by his wife once again. "Shippou is having problems dealing with Inuyasha and Kagome being together."
Pushing her plate away Sango turned to face Miroku, "What is his problem?"
Following his wife's actions Miroku turned to face Sango. "It would seem he is having trouble sharing."
"Sharing Kagome? Well I guess I can see why, she did always lavish him with attention..." Sango began only to be cut off by her husband.
"No Sango...he is worried about loosing Inuyasha."
"Loosing Inuyasha? To what?" Sango asked wide eyed.
"I guess to Kagome."
"Oh for heaven sakes! Shippou has had Inuyasha to himself for 500-years. Why would he not want to share now?"
Taking his wife's hands in his Miroku replied. "Sango my darling, Shippou is just lost with what to do. Unlike you and I, Shippou and Inuyasha have placed their lives on hold awaiting this event. Now Inuyasha is beginning his journey while Shippou is ended his."
"True...I guess trying to find a new way can be unnerving no matter your age." Sango replied moving to stand. Still holding her husband's hands Sango pulled him out of his seat to lead him from the room. "Well, let's go prepare to leave in the morning."
"Sango my sweet, I'll follow you anywhere." Miroku replied wrapping an arm around her waist as they headed to their room to pack their belongings for the journey back to Canada.

Cautiously Inuyasha lead Kagome from the dining room towards the front door in hopes to spend some much needed time alone with her.
He flicked his inu ears back when the sounds of Shippou following reached him. To speed up their trip Inuyasha placed his free hand on the small of Kagome's back and picked up the pace. Turning the corner to the foyer and the front door Inuyasha silently thanked Miroku for intercepting Shippou. The two soon found themselves outside of Sesshoumaru's house heading towards the wooded area where Kagome had surprised him by coming to him. 'I should have remembered she wouldn't just sit around waiting for me. She never did.'
Kagome sneaked glances at Inuyasha as he lead her from the house. 'He is being so kind and gentle to me. I wonder if this is how things would have been if I had been able to stay with him in Sengoku Jidai or if he has changed this much?'
Coming to a large tree with sturdy branches Inuyasha finally stopped. "Would you like to sit in this tree with me?"
"I guess that's one thing you never out grew, huh?" Kagome giggled thinking of all the time he use to spend in the trees while they hunted the Shikon No Tama shards.
Startled for a moment by her giggling Inuyasha quickly recovered. Smirking at Kagome he wrapped his arms around her body, holding her firmly against him. Because of their height difference her feet dangled off the ground. Tensing his muscles he lept to the tree as Kagome gasped at not only the sudden change in location but, the feeelings he sent through her with the way he held her. Settling down against the tree's trunk on the limb Inuyasha placed kagome acrossed his lap holding her in a bridal style. "Something wrong Kagome?"
"Warn me next time you decide to do that." Kagome replied as she tried to calm her racing heart.
For a while they sat in the silence of the evening. Occasionally Inuyasha would gently nuzzle the top of her head taking in her scent. Kagome was the first to break their silence. "You do know that I wouldn't have ever left your side by my own choice right? I mean, I want to go with you now but, mama.."
Inuyasha tightened his hold on her as she reminded him he was going to have to let her go. "I..I don't blame you for what happened Kagome. It's not like you made a wish on the jewel or anything, right?"
Pulling back from his hold Kagome looked up in Inuyasha's eyes. His eyes held some unnamed emotion in them. "No, Inuyasha I swear I didn't wish for anything. You didn't think I would wish myself away, did you?" Drawing back Inuyasha's eyes widened, he hated to admit it but, he had at times. Clearing his throat he replied. "At times, the whispered things to me. Before I gained control over my's not that I doubted's just..."
Kagome reached up and laid her hand on his check her eyes were washed with unshed tears, tears for him. "I'm so sorry, I'm glad you never gave up." Wrapping her arms around his neck she whispered, "I never meant to hurt you."
Inuyasha returned her hug. "I trust you Kagome. I guess this is just how the fates meant for it to be." Inuyasha pushed her back to look in her eyes. "Mankee told me once that maybe the kami's were trying to prepare me for you. All those years apart were shaping me for when we were together again. If your willing to give me a chance...maybe I'm better then I was back then."
Kagome scrunched up her forehead trying to understand what he was asking.
"Look, the stigmatization of being a hanyou and being with one is no longer there. I mean if your interested...if you feel that way towards me...oh shit!" Inuyasha took his hands away from Kagome as she perched on his lap, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands he admitted. "This was easier when I did it in front of a mirror, hmm."
Kagome hid her smile behind her hand. 'Okay maybe he isn't all that different,' she thought. "Inuyasha, I thought we were going to date? That's what you told my family. Did you change your mind?"
Jerking his hands down Inuyasha looked her over. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have spoken for you...they just put me on the spot so I spoke what was in my heart..." Inuyasha smiled sadly at her. "I hope I didn't overstep my bounderies there."
He was happily shocked when she reached out and embraced him again. "I'd like that very much Inuyasha." She whispered to him.
Relieved he released the breath he had not realized he had been holding. "So, you'd be willing to be seen with me?" He asked smirking.
"Would you be willing to be seen with me?" Kagome asked smirking right back.
"I'm hanyou."
"I'm not. Does that matter to you?"
"No, why would it?"
"Then why would it to me?"
"I'm not 20-years old anymore." He warned her.
"Well, I'm still 18, do you really want to date someone who is so young? I'd understand if you didn't...we could still be friends." She promised.
Growling he narrowed his eyes at her. "It's you or no one Kagome."
Kagome put her hands up like she was surrendering. "Okay, okay don't be so touchy. I was just giving you a chance to back out if you wanted to." She explained putting her hands in her lap and sighing.
Pushing her hair behind her ear Inuyasha replied. "I don't need a chance to back out...just one to get in."
"Well, you got all the chances you need. If this is what you really want. I mean it's me not Kikyou.."
"Kikyou!" Inuyasha drew back like he had been slapped. "Damn, now there's a name I haven't had to deal with in a long time."
Kagome regarded him with surprise and confusion. Taking in her look Inuyasha continued. "I guess you understand how I felt when you revived me off Goshinbuko now, huh?"
"For you it was just a couple of days ago, the battle with Naraku and all, for me it's been ages. I always understood Kikyou was dead, you know. Even after Urasuea brought her back in that clay body. Can you understand I had a duty to set things right? I wanted her to be a peace, to know we had been tricked by not go to her after life thinking I betrayed her. When you revived me, Kagome everything to me had just happened. I hadn't changed, time had frozen for me when I was hit by that arrow. For everyone else 50-years had passed...not for me. Now for you everything has just happened and we have had 500-years to deal with it all."
"Inuyasha, what are you saying?"
"I'm just saying that Kikyou isn't even an issue between us. When she took Onigumo's heart away, she found her peace and so did I where she was concerned." Inuyasha replied smiling, "understand?"
"Yes I understand."
"Good, she was the first person after my mother's death who showed me kindness. I won't lie, I cared for her a great deal but, I didn't know what real love was...I was to young to know...hell, I hadn't even reached full adolescence until the year we destoryed Naraku. I couldn't have taken a mate before that anyway. I guess you could have called it...puppy love?" Inuyasha looked at Kagome from under his bangs. She looked shocked at his words so he waggled his inu ears at her again. "Get it, puppy love?" He asked still twitching his ears.
Taking in his smirk and twitching ears Kagome couldn't help but, laugh at his joke.
"So what happens now?" She asked finally getting control of her giggles. "Well unfortunately we got to take care of this problem. I don't know how long I'll be gone."
"Sango said it could take months." Kagome supplied trying to keep her tone neutral.
"Don't say that!" Inuyasha said pulling her closer to him. "I don't even want to think about being away from you that long."
"Inuyasha?" Kagome could hardly believe he was admitting to not wanting to be seperated from her.

Pulling away from him she looked up into his eyes. Looking deeply into one another's eyes Inuyasha slowly descended his lips to Kagome's. Gently he touched his lips to hers. Both trembled slightly as they held on to one another. Slowly both closed their eyes, to overwhelmed by their emotions and the feelings they each gave and received.
Inuyasha breathed in Kagome's scent as he wished for time to stop. He felt many things that seemed impossible to feel at once. He felt completed yet longing for more, as if he had returned home yet was still lost. He wondered how such conflicting emotions were even possible.
He opened his mouth slightly to continue the kiss drawing her lips more into his mouth so he could taste her. Her taste reminded him of the honeysuckle blossoms he sucked on in the late spring back at his estate in Canada.
One hand cradled her head while the other went to the small of her back. He had not meant to let the kiss be this consuming but, he realized his love for this young women was like the love between a wild fire and the wind. It burned him and swept him away only to pick him up and spur him on ward. This was what he had longed for all these years. To hold her in his arms, the chance to reconnect and build their relationship.

Kagome was overwhelmed by her feelings Inuyasha stirred within her as well. He was a living contradiction. He held her in a tight embrace, she knew his strength he could easliy overpower her. Yet his kiss was soft and gently like a soft breeze that caressed you in the summer. He at one moment seemed in command, his hands moving to cradle her head and her back. Only for his kiss to become more desperate and searching for reassurance from her. She moved her arms to wrap around his neck returning his kiss with all the love she had for only him. Willingly given herself to him as the kiss deepened. Kagome felt like she was on fire, burning from the inside out.

Their kiss boke as they both panted from a lack of breath. Inuyasha rested his forehead on hers. Kagome opened her eyes to watch him. Still his eyes were closed, he had moved his hands to hold either side of her head. Inuyasha panted but, his mouth was turned up into a content smile. Finally he opened his golden amber eyes to hers. They burned with such love and passion it made Kagome gasp.
"Wow." Was all he could say to her.
Kagome felt light headed from their kiss and had to agree with his sentiment nodding her head in agreement unable to find her voice.
Realizing the lateness of the hour Inuyasha pulled Kagome to his chest resting his chin on her head. "We better go get some sleep. I have to return you to your family in the morning and head out."
Sighing Kagome wrapped her arms around his waist and asked, "you won't forget I'm here will you?"
Pulling back to look in her eyes Inuyasha smirked. "Wench, you just ravished me with that kiss now your worried I'll forget you."
Blushing Kagome bowed her head to hide. "We just found each other again and now we have to part. It's not fair."
Inuyasha enveloped her in his arms as he slid off the branch to the ground. Standing her on her feet he put his arm over her shoulder as he lead her to the house. "Some times life sucks but, it's okay. Nothing can keep us apart I promise. Come on, let's get to the house."
Chancing a glance up Kagome asked. "Inuyasha...could I stay with you in your room?"
Inuyasha stopped tripping over his own feet. He looked at her shocked by her boldness, "Kagome?"
"Inuyasha!" Kagome blushed, "we use to share rooms all the time..I mean we slept by one another in the past. Can't we now?"
"Sleep! Hee,hee." Inuyasha rubbed the back of his head with one of his hands while the other scratched his chin. "Of course, what was I thinking!" He replied blushing furiously as they resumed their trek to Sesshoumaru's house.
"I think maybe you've spend to much time with Miroku." Kagome replied giving him a knowing look.

*__________________________ ______________________________________________________________

youkai: demon/spirit/ghost/magical creature
hanyou: half youkai
houshi: Buddist monk
chichi-ue: formal way of saying father
shoji: screened door
hakama: pants
kitsune: fox
baka: idoit/fool
yukata:robe/informal summer kimono/bathrobe
kami: god
inu: dog
Inu nii-chan: dog brother
Taiyoukai: demon lord
Chupacabra: 'the goat sucker' in Spanish
Kizin: Mayan evil god of earthquakes, lives in purgetory. Name means 'sticking one.'
Xipe: 'the flayed'. worshipped in ancient Mexico. usually depected as wearing a flayed human skin as
a cloak. From the Nahua Religion, Mexican Mythology.
Wovoka: He was a Paiute mystic that lived from 1856-1932. Took the white man name of Jack Wilson,
responsible for teaching the Ghost Dance to other Native Americans. Was considered a great
leader of his people.
Goshinbuko: Sacred Tree of Ages
oi: hey
web sites of interest: http(colon)(dbl slash)www(dot)crystalinks(dot)com(slash)mayangods(dot)html
http(colon)( dbl slash)www(dot)comparative-religion(dot)com
http(cololn)(dbl slash)www(dot)members(dot)tripod(dot)com

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