InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 72 Hours To Go ❯ The Three Day Weekend ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

72 Hours to Go
Dis: The blue closet pixies stole Inu-Yasha away from me.
A/N: I shall not bore you with my pathetic ramblings. Read, review, enjoy. RAE-CHAN YOU RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HELP ME WHEN I GET STUCK ((Which is a lot))
Ch1: The Three Day Weekend
Kagome stretched in her chair. “We'll finish this by lets say 3:30 and go over to your place kay Aya?” Ayame nodded. “Yeah we don't have too much left to do.” Ayame said. Sango stood up. “Rin did you get the info on Singapore?” Sango asked. Rin pulled out her stuff. “Yeah it's right here.” she replied and the work on the project began.
In a library on the second floor…
Miroku was scanning a book on Africa not really taking in much of it. “Holy shit!” he exclaimed as he flipped the page. The other three guys having sensitive ears looked. “Whats your problem you made me loose my game!” Koga shouted. The three stared at him. “Err I mean loose the… information on my country. Yeah that's it!” he said nodding.
“What are you shouting about?” Sesshomaru said blankly. “It says here that in some rural countries in Africa that the women go topless! And it has pictures!” he exclaimed grinning broadly. “PERVERT!” Inu-Yasha shouted chucking a book at him. “Um ow.” Miroku said.
Koga laughed. “Nice shot mutt.” He smirked at Inu-Yasha. “Fuck off.” Inu-Yasha retorted. “I'm not you.” Koga sneered. Inu-Yasha launched himself at Koga who side stepped. Koga, Miroku and Sesshomaru winced as Inu-Yasha smashed into a wall.
Inu-Yasha brought a hand up to his head. “Damn.” He muttered. A trickle of blood ran down his face. Koga burst out laughing. “You stupid idiot!” he laughed. “It was your damn fault!” Inu-Yasha replied. “Inu-Yasha go get a band aid. We don't need your blood all over the library.” Sesshomaru said as he returned to his work.
“Yeah they'll think you did it.” Miroku muttered. Sesshomaru glared. “I heard that.” He said. Miroku laughed nervously.
Kagome reached down into her infamous, over stuffed, yellow back pack to find a paper. She with drew her hand. “Oh paper cut.” She muttered sticking her finger into her mouth. “Well go get a band aid.” Sango said shuffling through her papers. Kagome nodded. “Want me to go with?” Ayame asked not looking up.
Kagome shook her head. “Nah I'm fine.” She said. “Don't get lost.” Rin said smirking. Kagome stuck out her tongue. “Loser.” She muttered. “Witch.” Rin retorted grinning.
Kagome pushed open the door to the nurse's office. “Oh she must have left.” She muttered as she grabbed herself a band aid. As she turned around she saw a pair of amber eyes. “Oh!” she exclaimed and jumped back.
“Kagome.” The male said as he pulled open the drawer. Kagome and Inu-Yasha had never been on good terms. Partially because her cousin Kikyo had ripped his heart out, but mostly because she was rather preppy and he well, wasn't.
“What happened to your head?” she asked curiously. He looked up at her as she blotted the blood. “One would assume that I cut it.” He replied coldly. “I was trying to be nice but if you're going to be an ass hole fine.” Kagome said breezing past him.
“Inu-Yasha and them are here.” Kagome said as she got back to the library. “Oh god the perverts here too?” Sango asked referring to her `stalker'. “Oh Koga's here!” Ayame exclaimed smiling. “Yes your little love toy.” Rin teased. “Hey I'm not the one who likes someone who's emotionless!” she exclaimed defensively.
Rin's face turned bright red. “He has emotions! There just… very, very small ones!” she muttered. Sango coughed to cover a laugh. “Either way we still have to get this done.” Kagome said sitting down.
Sango glared at the paper in front of her. “I believe I'm starting to hate Germany.” She muttered sending the paper a death glare. “At least you didn't have to read ten pages on the crocodile protection program,” retorted Ayame. “You wouldn't have anything to read if I hadn't got the information for you,” Sango replied hotly.
“You guys don't argue its only 2:55 and we still have a lot of work to do,” Kagome said trying to get the girls to stop fighting. “Fine,” everyone else mumbled and buried their heads into their books.
“And the idiot returns,” commented Koga as Inu-Yasha walked back to the table. “Shut up flea bag!” retorted Inu-Yasha angrily. “So what took you so long?” asked Miroku perversely which caused him to get a smack on the head from Sesshomaru.
“I ran into Kagome in the health room. Apparently her group is working in the first floor library,” Inu-Yasha replied like he didn't care. Miroku's head immediately popped up from the book he was pretending to read, “Sango is here?!” he asked excitedly.
“You know I believe she is right in calling you her stalker.” Sesshomaru said not bothering to look up from his book. “I'm going to go see if she needs company.” He said brightly as he inched towards the door.
“WE HAVE WORK TO DO!” Koga shouted at him looking up. “Bye!” Miroku said and ran out the door. “I'm going to kill him.” Inu-Yasha said as he crumpled up a piece of paper. “Inu-Yasha.” Sesshomaru said glancing up. “WHAT?!” he shouted angrily. “That was your report.” He said.
“Wha?” Inu-Yasha looked down and slammed his head on the table in annoyance.
The door to the 1st floor library burst open. “Sango!” he exclaimed. They all looked up from their information. “Lord have mercy.” Kagome muttered shaking her head. “Get. Out.” Sango said through gritted teeth. Rin blinked and stared at him. “Hey Miroku!” Ayame exclaimed happily.
Sango sent Ayame a look that could easily freeze over hell. “This is because of the crocodile protection program isn't?” Sango asked clearly flustered. “Uh huh! So Miroku how are you? Do you think Sango's a sexy bitch?” Sango was ready to punch Ayame.
“I'm superb now that I'm with Sango. And yes, I do think she's a sexy bitch. I prefer the term `Sexy Bunny' if you don't mind.” He said with a smile. Sango slammed her head onto the table. “Somebody assassinate me.” She told the wood.
“You know only political figures or famous people are assassinated, you'd just be killed.” Kagome told her. “Kagome?” Sango asked. “Yea?” she asked. Sango flicked her off not bothering to look up.
Rin smirked and stood up. “Hey Miroku!” she said. “Yes?” he questioned. Rin walked over to the doorway and whispered to Miroku. “You're an annoying pervert.” And proceeded to push the letcher out the door and slam it in his face.
Sango used the table to push her self into a standing position. “Ayame?” she asked. “What Sango?” the red head asked. “Run.” She said as she raced around the table. Ayame sprang up from the chair and took off.
Ayame darted towards the door which Rin blocked. “Bitch!” she exclaimed shoving Rin. “I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!” Sango shouted chasing her furiously. Ayame was able to get out the door but was followed closely by the still furious Sango.
“Hey Miroku!” said Ayame as she ran past the pervert on the steps. “Huh,” he looked up as Sango chased Ayame up the steps with a heavy dictionary. “I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU! I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU AND THEN PROCEED TO THROW YOU OFF THE ROOF!” screamed Sango still chasing her doomed friend.
They ran down the second floor hallway until Ayame darted into the library. “Koga hide me,” she pleaded hiding behind the male wolf demon. “Wha?” questioned a confused Koga. The males all turned to see a very angry Sango in the door way with a look on her face that could kill.
“Sango.” Inu-Yasha said staring at the angered brunette. “Give me Ayame and nobody gets hurt.” She told them. “Except for me!” Ayame exclaimed. “Shut up you get hurt either way.” Sango said. The red head `eep'ed and ducked further down behind Koga.
“Come take her. I don't want her.” Koga said with a small shrug. “Koga you jerk!” Ayame exclaimed as she began to pound on his back. He spun around and grabbed her wrists. “Hey Sango whatever torture you plan on using can I help?” he asked with a smirk. “Ah you all suck!” Ayame exclaimed pulling her wrists back.
Miroku opened the door. He paused for a moment surveying the scene. Ayame was perched on top of a book shelf. Sango was furiously trying to pull her down while Koga stood on a chair shouting advice to Sango.
“Kinky.” He commented nodding in approval. Inu-Yasha smacked him. “Alright now as much as I'm a fan of kinkyness, my ancestry does not approve.” He said solemnly. “Ayame please come down from that shelf. Koga, kindly step off that chair you might break it. Sango dearest, Come here by me.” He said with his eyes closed.
They were all taken aback so they followed his orders. Sesshomaru simply took off his reading glasses and watched. “Childish.” He said softly. Miroku smiled. “Now there is only one way to resolve this.” He told them. “And that would be?” Inu-Yasha asked.
“Easy! We all kiss and make out!” he said nodding. “Umm don't you mean make up?” Sango asked. “Nope!” he said and proceeded to… (We all know where I'm going with this right?)
“PERVERT!” A smacking sound echoed through out the library. “Ayame we're leaving. Now.” Sango said as her eye began to twitch. “Okay.” The red head said meekly. “I wanted to make out with Koga though!” she said as they walked through the door.
The craziness had eventually settled down and the groups resumed their work. After awhile Rin looked up and glanced out the window. The sun had already set and stars were beginning to come out. “Holy shit.” She exclaimed causing the girls to look up.
“Damn.” Ayame said as she too looked out the window. “Well I guess it's time to leave.” Kagome said as she began repacking her backpack. “God I stayed at the library this long that's just wrong!” Sango said stretching.
The guys too were packing up as they had stayed later than they had originally planned. “Well I guess I won't see Sango for a few days.” Miroku said sadly. “We have a three day weekend you idiot don't complain.” Koga said as he smacked Miroku. “This fucking sucks I stayed at school longer than I had to.” Complained Inu-Yasha as he threw his stuff into his bag.
Sesshomaru (In that ever so sexy voice) “Inu-Yasha you destroyed your report…again.” He said blankly. “I don't care anymore dammit I'll just steal one off the internet!” he exclaimed.
Miroku was nearing the bottom of the stairs when a loud, frightful, scream reached his ears. (And the demons ever so sensitive ears.) “FUCK!” Koga shouted covering his ears. “I'M COMING SANGO!” Miroku shouted running heroically to `save' said female.
The others followed, interested in what was so important as to destroy their hearing. The scene they arrived upon was quite interesting. Ayame had apparently been the one screaming but now she was attempting to break down the door. Sango was furiously punching the wall.
Rin was on her knees her head in her hands muttering incoherently. Kagome was getting teary eyed screaming “Let us out! Someone!” as she weakly pounded on the door.
The males watched for a moment before Sesshomaru spoke. “What is going on?” he asked them. “Door!” Kagome shouted. “Won't.” Rin continued. “OPEN!” Sango and Ayame shouted.
Miroku suddenly grinned thinking of `possibilities'. “What the FUCK do you mean it won't open?” shouted the angry hanyou. “What does it sound like it means Dumbass?” Koga responded. “It means it won't open, it's locked, stuck, unmovable.” Rin said in midst of her breakdown.
Lightning flashed outside of the school. “Has anyone tried the phone?” Sesshomaru asked pointing at the emergency phone. Silence fell over the group. “I thought not.” He stode over to the phone and picked it up.
He was silent for a moment. “Well?” Kagome asked looking up. “WHATS GOING ON DAMMIT?!” Ayame demanded in a fit of hysterics. Sesshomaru turned around slowly. “The phone… it's dead.” He said as he let it drop. “NOOOOOOO!” Inu-Yasha shouted furiously as he pouned his fist against the wall.
Ha fear my evil cliffhanger. Okay I'm hyper sorry. But seriously, review it.
Rae: Or perish.
Yeah what she said. See ya next time!