InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Life in Sakura High ❯ Getting to Know Each Other Part I ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: You should know by now that Inuyasha never has been or ever will be mine. That would be, sadly, always Rumiko Takahashi's
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Warning- Lots of cussing andsome violence,
--Kagome's thoughts—
#Sesshomaru's thoughts#
(Sesshomaru's Beast's thoughts)
/Sango's thoughts/
+Kikyo's thoughts+
&Miroku's thoughts&
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--Getting to Know Each Other Part I—
Last Time:
His beast just chuckled knowingly. (Sure… keep on telling yourself that, you'll realize it soon.)
#Wait one second! What are you talking about? Realize what? #
No answer. His beast receded once again, leaving him to ponder on what was just said.
#I don't think those things about her are true, and I most definitely don't like her. I just met her… so that wouldn't be possible, right?… right?#
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This time:
While Sesshomaru was lost in his own world, Kagome was having some thoughts of her own…
As Kagome studied Sesshomaru she thought that he looked really handsome, and his markings make him look even more like a god.
--Whoa there girl, where did that come from? I just met the guy, shouldn't be thinking those kind of things so soon.—She studied him some more. -Ah hell, a blind woman could see that he's hot as shit, there's no denying it… But that doesn't mean I like him though… no, how could I like someone like him? He's a rude, egotistical, cold bastard and he ain't afraid to show it too… but he didn't seem so cold when he helped me though… so he can't always be like that…maybe…-- she shook her had mentally, dismissing the thought. --nahh and another thing... he probably goes for the pretty, girly type, not anyone like me… so there's no way he would ever even think about me like that, and it wouldn't matter if he did cause there's no way I'll ever like him anyways…-- but for some reason she had the distinct feeling that she didn't really believe that.
She was shaken out of her thoughts when Inuyasha asked her a question.
“So why exactly are ya wearin' a guys uniform?”
She crossed her arms and stared at him, as if it was obvious. “Ya think I'm gonna wear that?” she retorted, pointing at couple of girls, with an eyebrow rose.
One of the girls she pointed at was wearing the regular uniform, a black shirt (A/N: the same one Kags wear in the anime/manga just different color.) with a silver tie. The girl wore it kind of tight and it riding up, showing a little bit of her stomach. The skirt was the worst though. This girl wore her dark blue skirt so that it ended right below her ass. This, my friends, is what we call a `Class B Slut'
The other girl she pointed at was Kagura. If you ever have the want or need to be a 'Class A Slut', here's your girl. She wore the same as the other girl, but her shirt was like second skin to her, and it clearly cut to show most of her stomach. Now for the skirt, that was a little tight as well and it barely covered her ass.
The bad thing was that these girls weren't exactly on the skinny side. They weren't fat, no, just a little flabby.
Inuyasha let out an `Oh” and agreed. “Yea, I see what you mean.”
Sesshomaru agreed as well. “That is as degrading as it is disgusting.”
“Hell yah it is, I wouldn't be caught dead in something like that. I'm not some 2-cent whore you can find at some dark corner of the street.” Kagome exclaimed making Inuyasha chuckle and Sesshomaru's eyes fill up with amusement.
“You know…” Inuyasha started off after sobering up, “you don't have to wear it like that.” He finished, thinking about how Kikyo and some of the other girls wear their uniforms.
“Yah I know, but the guy's uniform is much more comfortable than the girls, and it's less revealing. Anyways, I can't really do anything in a girl's uniform, it's very restricting. Skirts ain't my favorite thing to wear in the first place anyways” She said, looking down at her own black and blue uniform.
She shook herself out of her thoughts and stepped back from her locker and leaned against it. She crossed her arms and looked at Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. “Soo… what grade are you guys in?” she asked them.
Sesshomaru was the one who answered. “We're seniors here.”
She was confused. -How could they be in the same grade?—she asked herself. -It's obvious that they ain't twins, `cause Fluffy's a full demon and Inuyasha is a half-demon… and Fluffy looks older than Inuyasha.— Her face must have shown her confusion because Sesshomaru answered her unasked questions.
“I was held back from starting school by my father when I was younger. He wanted me to go to school with Inuyasha to keep an eye on him. I'm a year and a half older than he is.” Sesshomaru explained…with the tiniest bit of sorrow showing in his eyes.
Kagome opened her mouth in a silent `Ohh'. -I wonder what happened to make him sad…--
“Hmm that makes sense…” she replied, in thought.
“Well, what about you?” Inuyasha asked.
“Oh, um, yea same here, I'm a senior too.”
“Cool… maybe we'll have some of the same classes together…” Inuyasha paused to look at the clock. His eyes widened. “Kuso! I can't believe we forgot!! We were supposed to meet with the gang five minutes ago!! C'mon Fluffy, let's go!” He grabbed Sesshomaru's arm and started dragging him down the hall. He turned back to Kagome before he turned a corner. “Sorry `bout this Kagome! Maybe we'll see ya later in class… or at lunch… ja ne!!” Sesshomaru just let his brother drag him away, annoyance and the promise of pain for Inuyasha clear in his mind. He gave a nod of farewell before he disappeared.
She stood there for a moment, just gazing at where the two brothers disappeared in wonder. She shrugged. --Okay then…-- she turned around to her locker. -well I guess I'll just put my stuff here and find where homeroom is.—She stuffed her board and some of her stuff, and closed the locker, locking it. She turned around and looked at her schedule. -Hmm… homeroom: room 4-116… okay, well… better get going then.—She looked at her map and started in the direction of her homeroom.
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--15 minutes later—
Kagome stood in front of a door, right next to it the sign said `Room 4-116'. -Finally!! Took me forever just to find this damn room. — Even with the map she couldn't find her way around the school… way too big and twice as confusing. She reached for the door knob, when she had the nagging feeling of someone watching her. She turned her head around only to meet red, menacing eyes. One look into his eyes was all she needed before she knew she didn't like the guy already. She turned around, not wanting to start anything…yet. She told her uncle no fighting before homeroom, and that was exactly what she was going to do. She grabbed the knob, opened the door to the classroom, and walked in. Everybody was scattered around into groups… preps and jocks in the front, huddled by one desk in the corner. Nerds in the opposite side of the front… normal people in the middle, and the punks and skaters taking over the back. When she entered the room, everybody turned to stare at her; she got annoyed and started to glare at the preps and jocks.
She walked over to the teacher's desk where said teacher was sleeping, arms crossed on the desk and his head laying on top. The teacher had short, brown hair with goldish brown highlights. He was a demon, a neko to be precise, and had pointed ears, claws, and a slim, long tail the same color as his hair. He looked to be in his 30's. She stood in front of the desk, rested her right hand on her hip, and snorted while rolling her eyes. -Wow… such a low standard they have for teachers. — She kicked the desk and said “Oi! Ya lazy ass teacher! Wake up!!”
The teacher raised his head to look at her groggily, green eyes blinking. He glared, eyes turning to slits. “What do you want?”
Kagome narrowed her eyes and shoved her schedule in the teachers face. “I'm a new student, just transferred here from Chikoto High.”
The teacher read over the paper and nodded. “Kagome is it?” He saw Kagome nod. “Well, my name is Yakato and welcome to Sakura High school” With that he stood up to address the class. Oi! Everybody shut it for a moment and let the new student introduce herself!” It got quiet quickly and the teacher continued. “This is Kagome, welcome her, be nice to her, and all that other crap…” he paused to look at Kagome, who was picking at her nails, “say something about yourself and pick a seat.” He muttered.
Kagome looked up at him and rolled her eyes. “Whatever,” she turned to the class, and looked around. She saw about four seats, two in the front, one by the Preps and one by the Nerds, one in the middle of the classroom, and the last in the back row towards the corner, right next to the windows. “Well, ya already know my name so you know what to call me… I transferred from Chikoto High for fighting too much…” she looked at Preps pointedly “the one that got me kicked out was with a preppy, cheerleading, slut who couldn't keep her mouth shut so I suggest ya try not to do the same unless you wanna end up like her,” She started to glare as she cracked her knuckles to make a point. “I like kendo, kick boxing, archery, hand to hand… hell any kind of fighting and I'm trained in all of it… My likes are History, all kinds of fighting, skating, and the colors midnight blue, black, silver, and purple. My dislikes are Math, any color of pink, and preppy people.” She started to walk towards the back seat by the window but paused. She grinned cheerfully, her aura going from dark and dangerous to happy and innocent in a snap. “Oh! And my favorite food is Oden!!” Her eyes started to take on a glazed look and she licked her lips, before she shook her head and continued to walk over to the seat in the back, a silly grin still plastered across her face.
Yakato just stared at her and shook his head. “Kids these days…” he muttered. “Okay, you guys know the drill... no law breaking or fires during class. Do whatever you want, just don't bother me.” He stated before trudging over to his desk, plopping into his chair, resuming his previous position, and went back to sleep.
Kagome reached the desk and dropped her stuff by it with a thud and plopped into the seat, copying the teacher. She looked to her left to see someone very familiar to her. That person looked some what similar to her. “Kiki-chan?!” she blurted out before jumping up from her seat.
“Kago-chan?!” the person shouted out.
Both girls let out a similar `Ahhh!!' before glomping each other.
Kagome leaned back and looked her over. “Damn girl I haven't seen ya in a while!! Look at you!! You look great! I've missed ya soo much” she exclaimed, grinning.
Kikyo nodded, agreeing with her. “Oh, I know! It's been so long… and I could say the same for you, you look hot… but I can see one thing hasn't changed…” she paused looking Kagome over. “By the way you're dressed you're still causing trouble as usual!” she said before chuckling.
She gave her a devious smirk. “Well what do ya expect? It gets way too boring when I'm not.” She chuckled, mirth sparkling in her eyes.
Kikyo shook her head. “Well, just try not going overboard with your… games.”
Kagome just pouted at that. “Awww, but why not?” Kikyo gave her a stern look. “Ok, ok, I guess I'll try,” she said, rolling her eyes before muttering a barely audible “not”.
Kikyo just shook her head, amused. She remembered something. “Oh! Kagome, I want you to meet a couple of my friends.” She turned to the two people in sitting in front hers and Kagome's desk.
Kagome looked at the two people. It was a girl and a guy. They stood up and introduced themselves.
The girl smiled at Kagome before saying “Hey, I'm Takamara Sango, and this guy,” she paused, sending a warning glance to the boy, which Kagome rose an eyebrow at. “Is Hysuno Miroku. It's nice to meet you.”
To her, Sango looked like a sweet girl yet tough girl, and seemed like the type that wouldn't hold back if provoked. She checked her aura and found nothing out of the ordinary, no spiritual or demonic power, but looking her over she could tell she was strong and athletic. -Hmm… if anything, she's probably a demon slayer. — Sango had long, dark, brown hair, pulled up in a ponytail. Her warm yet determined brown eyes showed kindness towards her, but was edged with a kind of fire in them. She didn't have much make up on, just some pink eye shadow with some black eyeliner. She was actually very pretty even without make up.
--Hmm, I think I'm gonna like this girl...--
Miroku looked like a kind person as well, and seemed kind of laid back His black hair was long enough to be pulled into a small rat tail at the nape of his neck. His wise violet eyes showed his playfulness, and she noticed, to her displeasure, a perverted glint in them. She also saw a barely noticeable tint of seriousness in those eyes of his, so she knew if the time ever came, he could pull himself together. She could admit that he was rather cute. Kagome checked his aura, and found to her surprise, that he had some spiritual powers.
-This guy's a houshi? You're kidding… How ironic, a lecherous monk. — She chuckled mentally.
Kagome nodded to her. “It's nice to meet you too. I'm Higurashi Kagome, Kikyo's cousin.” She said smiling back.
At Sango's glance, the boy, Miroku, looked around nervously. After Kagome introduced herself, he straightened himself and walked over to her. He grabbed her hand and held it, giving her a kind of grin she didn't like, a perverted grin.
-What's going on…?—
“Yes, it's a pleasure to meet a fine beauty such as yourself. Will you do me the honor of bearing my children?” Miroku asked, shrugging his eyebrow suggestively.
Kagome's eye twitched twice. She looked at Sango and Kikyo to see that the Sango's face was red, and was looking at Miroku through narrowed eyes while Kikyo just rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
She stiffened and all three of the girl's eyes widened when they saw, or in Kagome's case felt, a hand rubbing her butt. Both Kagome's and Sango's hands clenched in not so hidden fury, while Kikyo put a hand to her mouth, snickering quietly.
Kagome was about to tell Miroku off when a thought came to her. -Hmm… might as well have some fun with this...-- Kagome just mentally smirked while on the outside she gave Miroku an innocent smile. Her eyes, though they held her contempt in them, were overfilled with mischief, which Kikyo noticed and shook her head at, sighing a little.
Sango looked at Kikyo curiously, which she only responded with saying nothing but motioning her to watch.
Kagome grabbed the hand that was on her butt and held both of Miroku's hands in hers. She answered his request in an overly sweet and happy voice. “Oh Miroku, of course I'll bear your children! Just tell me when and where.” Miroku's and Sango's eyes widened. Miroku gave Kagome an ecstatic grin, looking like a little kid who just found a bag filled with candy, while Sango just gaped at her.
Kikyo noticed her overly sweet voice and looked on at the scene curiously.
Miroku stared at her with his giddy eyes and a big grin. “Do you really mean it?!” he asked excited.
“Of course!! Hmm, my place or yours?” She said the last part in a lower tone, kind of seductively, while still smiling innocently. She traced his hands with her fingers flirtatiously.
Sango looked on at the two, appalled and jealous. She was about to turn around and walk out but Kikyo pulled her back.
“Don't go yet Sango, you don't want to miss this.” Kikyo whispered.
Sango huffed. “What?! I don't want to see your cousin and the pervert flirt together.” She stated quietly.
Kikyo just chuckled a little, looking at her with knowing eyes. “Kagome's not flirting with him, so don't be jealous.”
Sango sputtered. “Wh-What?! I'm not jealous!! And what do you mean by that?” she asked confused.
Kikyo gave her a mysterious smile. “Oh you'll see, just keep in mind that everything isn't how it appears.”
Sango just gave her a confused look before shrugging and turning back to Kagome and Miroku.
Miroku was gaping at Kagome, obviously not used to being in this situation and stammered. “Umm, um…uhh, umm…” he stuttered out.
Kagome shook her head mentally. -Poor guy… looks so lost right now I almost feel sorry for him…-- she thought back about what he asked her and what he did -yah almost
She gave Miroku a big grin. “Oh I know! How about we meet up at neither around half past never?!” she exclaimed, her tone turning from all cheery to dark when she said `never'. Her eyes narrowed dangerously at him, glaring at him, and showing all her contempt and fury in their icy sapphire depths. Her grin turned to a devious smirk.
Miroku reeled back, staring at her confused, his grin lessened a little. “Wh-Wha…?”
Kikyo looked on, shaking her head in amusement and pity for Miroku because of what is about to happen to him. +Poor, poor Miroku, he'll never know what hit him. +
Sango looked on in glee. Once she heard what Kagome said, and saw the way she looked at Miroku, she couldn't wait to see what happens next. /Hahaha, I love this girl... serves the lecher right. / She watched as Miroku squirmed.
All of a sudden…, “You're suchaPERVERT!!”, the sweet sound of fist meeting face and a loud thud against the wall rang out in the classroom. The sound made everybody jump, including the now awake teacher who fell to the floor, confused.
It was quiet until you could here two people in the back snickering. Everybody turned to see three girls standing up, and a boy slumped against the wall, a curious dent barely visible right above him.
The snickering came from two of the girls standing up, Kikyo and Sango, before it became full blown laughter from Sango.
Kagome just stood there grinning, looking very pleased with herself, before letting out a chuckle.
The guy slumped against the wall was Miroku, who was swaying and dazed from the hit he got. Though, he was still grinning, and you could hear him quietly mutter something that sounded like `It was worth it'.
“Ahem! Takamara! Hsyuno! Higurashis'!” Yakato yelled out grumpily.
They turned to face him. Kagome was the first to speak. “Yes? What do ya want Yakato-sensei? Did I wake you up from your kitty nap?” she asked saying `sensei' sarcastically while rolling her eyes.
Yakato-sensei narrowed his cat-like eyes into slits. “Yes, you did! And this is the second time too! So stop clowning around, get back to you seat, and shut it!” he snarled, eyes tinting with pink.
“Well geeze, looks like someone's grumpy `cause they didn't get their kitty treats today… do ya want me to get some catnip and bring it for ya tomorrow?” Kagome taunted, smirking and placing her hands on her hips.
Everybody in the class room stared at teacher and student with wide eyes. Waking up Yakato-sensei was a big `no-no' and everybody knew it,except Kagome. It didn't happen often since the teacher was a very heavy sleeper, so it had to take a lot to wake him up. Unfortunately, some have been stupid enough to cause enough noise to wake the teacher up and it wasn't a pretty sight. It was hell on earth when it happens… Yakato-sensei was the ultimate devil and scary as fuck and may Kami have mercy for the unfortunate, poor souls who are ever on the receiving end of Yakato-sensei's wrath. What got everybody even more appalled was that Kagome wasn't scared… not even a little and she was even taunting him. Almost every student had one thought running through their mind. `This girl is either extremely brave… or retarded as shit.'
The one student who wasn't even the least bit surprised, was Kikyo. She ran a hand over her face. +Ohh for the love of Kami… Kago-chan is going to have this school turned upside down+ she thought exasperatedly, shaking her head.
Yakato-sensei's eyes flashed red before he sped towards Kagome and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her off the ground. “You better watch that mouth of yours, girl.” he hissed out.
The teacher didn't put much pressure on her throat, so she could still breathe and talk normally. “Why don'tchya make me, huh?” Kagome responded, her voice calm.
Yakato-sensei studied her, a bit surprised. She didn't have even the tiniest bit a fear in her, even when he grabbed her by the throat. She was all calm, face passive, except for the smirk still placed on her face. She wasn't fazed even in the least, but had the gall to smirk more when his lethally clawed hand was wrapped around her little, slim, easy to snap, neck. He realized while staring into her calm eyes that were daring him to try anything, that she wasn't afraid that he could kill her in less than a second, and that she was the first to ever do that. He realized that she wouldn't back down for anything, and he liked that attitude of hers. And because of all that, she was the first student to ever earn his genuine respect, and was one of the few students he actually liked.
Yakato-sensei chuckled quietly and shook his head, his eyes going fading back to their original green color. “You're not going to back down anytime soon are you?” he asked, amused.
Kagome, who was still lifted above the ground by a clawed hand around her neck, let out a small snicker, and gave her sensei a big, silly, grin. “Never!! It just ain't my kind of thing to do.”
Yakato-sensei raised an eyebrow at her. “You do know you could get yourself in situations that could get you hurt, or even killed, with that kind of attitude.”
Kagome's grin didn't lessen when she heard that, it seemed to get a little wider. She shrugged. “Well… I guess I'll cross that bridge when it comes.” She stated nonchalantly.
The teacher shook his head again, very amused by her. He lowered her down to the ground and released her neck. He dusted himself off and crossed his arms. “I have never met another ningen like you…” he paused, looking her over. “I think I'm actually going to like you.” He said before turning around walking back to his desk.
Kagome stared after him before speaking. “Wow, that sounds like an honor, I take it ya don't take a liking to students much.”
Yakato turned his head towards her and she saw green eyes filled with respect shining looking back at her. “You'd be the first.” She gave him a genuine smile, that same respect showing in her sapphire eyes. He nodded to her before going back to his seat and resume sleeping.
She scoffed in good natured amusement, when she noticed everybody was staring at her with wide eyes. She sobered and glared at them, making them turn back quickly and go back to what they doing before.
She walked back to her desk, where Kikyo, who was looking with gray eyes that were filled with exasperation and amusement, and Sango, and Miroku, who were gaping a little at her, were standing.
When she reached them she raised an eyebrow. “You guys look like fishes when you do that.” She said, snickering under her breath when their mouths snapped close.
Sango, who was still a little dazed at what she witnessed a few minutes earlier, spoke. “That was…” she trailed off.
“… Wow” Miroku finished for her, equally dazed.
Kikyo chuckled. “Well, that's Kagome for you.”
Kagome grinned. "Yep! You know it!!" she exclaimed, punching her fist up in the air.
Kikyo sweatdropped. "Yeah, just like Kagome..." she murmured quietly shaking her head with Sango and Miroku snickering in the background.
They sat in their respective desks and just talked until homeroom ended.
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-End of Homeroom-
The group got out of their seats and picked up their stuff.
"So Kagome, what class do you have next?" Miroku asked curiously, while they were walking out of the room.
"Uhh well, lemme see...,” she said while trying to grab her schedule out of her backpack. She slipped it out and showed it to him, while Sango and Kikyo crowded around.
Kagome's Schedule
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
Homeroom; Room 5-116- Yakato-sensei- 7:30-7:45
1st Period; AP Japanese History: Room 6-213- Myouga-sensei- 7:55-8:40
2nd Period; AP Spiritual V: Room 3-111- Midoriko-sensei- 8:50-9:35
3rd Period; Music: Room- 8-122- Takishi-sensei- 10:40-11:25
4th Period: Gym/Weapons & Training: Takishi-sensei- Gymnasium- 2:20-3:05
Lunch 'B':11:35-12:20
5th Period; Free Period:9:45-10:30
6th Period; Trigonometry II Honors: Room 6-107- Totosai-sensei- 12:30-1:15
7th Period; AP English IV: Akitoki-sensei- Room 5-212- 1:25-2:10
Tuesdays, Thursdays
Homeroom; Room 5-116- Yakato-sensei- 7:30-7:45
1st Period; AP Japanese History: Room 6-213- Myouga-sensei- 7:55-8:40
2nd Period; AP Botany: Room 3-101-Kaede-sensei- 8:50-9:35
3rd Period; Music: Room- 8-122-Takishi-sensei- 10:40-11:25
4th Period; Gym/Sports: Gymnasium- Takishi-sensei- 2:20-3:05
Lunch 'B':11:35-12:20
5th Period; Free Period: 9:45-10:30
6th Period; Weaponry: Room 6-107- Totosai-sensei- 12:30-1:15
7th Period; AP English IV: Room 5-212- Akitoki-sensei- 1:25-2:10
They stared at her with wide eyes.
Kagome got annoyed by their stares. She snapped her fingers to get their attention.
They blinked a couple of times, coming out of their thoughts.
Miroku whistled. "Wow Kagome, that's a busy schedule you got there." he commented his voice laced with amazement.
Sango agreed. "Yea. I'll say..." she said, equally amazed.
Kagome's eyes narrowed in irritation. "Well geeze, ya don't have to act so surprised about it. Just 'cause I screw around most of the time doesn't I don't have half a brain." she informed them
Kikyo finally spoke. " Could'a fooled me..." she murmured quietly.
Kagome glared at her. " I heard that ya know."
Kikyo laughed nervously and gave her a small smile. "Anyways, I have pretty much every class with you, with the exception of your sixth."
Kagome gave her a mysterious smile. "Yea, you have your Otou to thank for that."
Kikyo rolled her eyes. "Of course"
"Oh, if this isn't a wonderful day! I have every class with you, fair maiden, except for first, sixth, and seventh." Miroku exclaimed, putting an arm around Kagome's shoulders.
She chuckled before poking his arm off of her. "Yes, it's just wonderful." she said sarcastically.
Miroku feint hurt. "That hurt Kagome, that hurt me a lot, right here." he said, patting his chest over where is heart was.
She just rolled her eyes. "Yea... well, you'll get over it soon enough."
She turned to Sango. "How 'bout you Sango? Do we have any other classes together?
"Uh huh, me and you have most of our classes together... the only ones we don't is your second period and your sixth... but we have sixth together on Tuesday's and Thursdays... fuckin' PERV'!!" 'SMACK' Sango trailed off, slapping Miroku.
Miroku gave her a perverted grin. "Only for you, my dear, lovely Sango. I would gladly endure fifteen of your powerful slaps for just one feel of your lovely bottom, for it would be more than worth it. "
Sango turned a bright red before repeating her earlier actions. "Ughh, you're sucha lecher!" 'SMACK', 'SMACK', 'THUD', she told him, breathing erratically after slapping Miroku twice, the force knocking him to the ground. She tried to calm her breathing down while Miroku recovered.
Miroku was splayed against the ground, swaying back and forth.
Kagome stared at the two, amused and a little surprised. She turned her head to Kikyo. "I take it this happens a lot?" she commented.
Kikyo chuckled. "Yes, very much actually. It's like a routine for the two."
"Ahh...” Kagome chuckled with her cousin, turning back to the scene before shaking her head. She stared at Sango. --Oh yea, me and her are gonna get along good, I just know it-- she thought, snickering mentally.
"Ohh lookie at the pretty little duckies" Miroku suddenly said, still a little out of it. He started pointing in the air at what must be, 'the pretty little duckies'.
The three girls snickered at him while he shook himself out of it. He got up and dusted himself up before walking back to them. He looked at them curiously before shrugging. &I don't even wanna know... girls...& he thought shaking his head.
"Well me and the perv' gotta get to class... we'll see ya guys later!!" Sango said cheerily, dragging Miroku, who was waving good bye, down the hall with her.
Kikyo and Kagome looked at each other before laughing.
They started to walk together to their class as well. "Is it me or does it seem like Sango and Miroku like each other." Kagome asked.
"Haha yes it does seem like they do. Everybody noticed already except for themselves. I'm surprised you notice already, since you just met them."
She shrugged. "Well, it's pretty obvious. She seemed a little pissed and jealous when I was messing with Miroku earlier, and she blushed when he said those things to her."
Kikyo nodded. "True. It is obvious... too bad it isn't to them..." she trailed off, looking at Kagome.
She looked back and a silent message transpired between the two. They both grinned, both similar and equally evil. "Matchmaking time!!" they said together snickering, thinking of how they could get the two together while making their way to class.
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Well I hope you guys really enjoyed it… oh and I have a question for all of you... is it me or am I making Kagome act more like a bitch than funny?? I don't know.. I just get that feeling she's being more snappy and serious than comedic, and I don't want that so please tell me if that's true and if you like it the way she is or if I should make her be I guess a little more goofy.
Review please? I really wanna know if I did good or not and if I need improvement. Ja ne for now!! :D
Here's a preview for what's to come... it's the first thing i came up with--
She came to, a little dazed. She looked up with unfocused eyes and saw a figure; tall, regal, and handsome… there was lots of white and glowing gold eyes. “Ughh... God? Is that you?” she murmured, seriously disoriented. She heard a chuckle.
“No, not quite… but you're close.” The figure stated, amusement laced in his tone.It crouched down, up close to her, and grabbed her hand, pulling her up.