InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Life in Sakura High ❯ Getting to Know Each Other Part V ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey everyone!! I'm really sorry I'm not updating regularly but I'm trying my best, honestly. This chapter just goes on and finishes Kagome's first day, and after this chapter the story will start to get exciting… or at least I'm hoping…… Wow I spent basically seven chapters on the first day… I'm surprised any of you guys are sticking with this, really… it's going on soooo slowly hahah.
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--A Miko's Life in Sakura High--
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Disclaimer: Y'all should have this drilled into your head by now… I never have and never ever will own Inuyasha… a sad perspective I've came to realize :'/
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(Sesshomaru's Beast)
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--Getting to Know Each Other Part V--
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Last Time:
They all followed after, except for Kagome, who was looking at the ground before she looked back and bit her lip. After standing there for a minute she quickly followed the group when she heard her name being called.
Kagome! You coming or what?!”
Looking back once again she yelled back, “Yea… just a minute.”
And with that she left with her cousin and friends, going back to finish the rest of her first day of school.”
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This time:
--Back at school; between classes—
They returned just a few seconds after the end class bell rang. They strolled through the halls, talking amongst each other until they came to an intersection in which they had to go their separate ways as to stop by their lockers.
Miroku and Kikyo turned into the hallway on the left after Kikyo gave a chaste kiss on the lips to Inuyasha. Miroku tried doing the same to Sango; resulting in a laughing crowd, one angry, blushing teenage girl, one dazed teenage boy stumbling boy down the hall with a curious bump on the side of his head, and one gray-eyed miko on his trail, shaking her head.
After saying their farewells Onigumo and Sango turned to the right into another hall… Sango still blushing and mumbling something about `stupid perverted monks…”
As Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Kagome kept going straight they continued to talk, that is until Kagome noticed something peculiar - Wait a sec…-- she thought as she slowed down. --Something's not right…-- It was a little too quiet for a hallway filled with overly-hormonal teenagers.
She stopped short when she realized that, halting the two half-brothers in their steps when they noticed she was no longer walking nor talking with them.
They looked back at Kagome questionably, but she ignored them in favor for scanning the crowded halls as something slowly came to her… girls and guys alike were whispering quietly, and their eyes were shifting to Sesshomaru… and… her…?
--What…the...fudge?—she thought to herself, puzzled.
Then she noticed something else, something mildly important. The students weren't just staring at her; in fact, the girls were glaring at her, green with envy and their faces twisted in fury. And they guys… Kagome shuddered in disgust at them; they pinned her with disgusting leering gazes, the lust burning in their stares as they looked her up and down, and licking their lips in anticipation.
Her fingers curled as she clenched her hand, extremely irritated at the moment.
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha followed her gaze, their eyebrows both furrowed in thought when they saw the same thing. They both shared a confused look before turning an ear to the whispers they traded with their companions.
A girl's angry whisper filled their ears. “Oh em gee Mitashi! Did you like hear what happened during like fourth period?!”
Another girl's voice entered the conversation. “Oh my god I did! Who didn't?!”
Tara spoke again, and gestured to Kagome. “You see that black haired girl that's like dressed in the guys' uniform by Takishi-sempai and his brother?!”
Mitashi peered over. “Uhh sure?”
Tara rolled her eyes, “Weelll that's her! She's the one who kissed Takishi-sempai in gym, and she just transferred here today!” her tone was aghast.
Mitashi sucked in a deep breath of air as she gasped wildly. “Nooo!!” she exclaimed, appalled.
Tara nodded wildly, now glaring at Kagome. “Yes!! And she was all over him too on the gym floor, on top of him. Ughh, like O-M-G seriously, who does that slut think she is?! Walking in here and like forcing herself on poor Takishi-sempai?!”
Mitashi's voice took over, now angry. “I know! Like what a total smut! Rubbing up on our Takishi-sempai like she's trying to get it on right then and there! Thank Kami Takishi-sensei stopped them… she'd probably would have raped him if she had the chance!”
Inuyasha snorted in laughter, the thought of a girl forcing her way on the all powerful cold demon Fluffy… :If that was even possible it would have already happened…and a hundred times over…:
Sesshomaru's eye twitched when he heard that. #Me? Weak enough to let something like that occur?# he thought incredulous.
He heard chuckling echo in his mind (Hahaha yea right!! It being Kagome I bet you wished that happened… I sure as hell wouldn't mind letting that girl have her way right then, she looked good enough to ravage in that slip of a gym uniform hahah! I mean really! The way it hugged her every curve! Mhmm and her straddling us on the gym floor and pulling that dagger out from between her breasts… ahhh!! Icing on the cake I tell ya!) His beast replayed the mental image sketched into his mind, over and over and over again.
Sesshomaru clenched his jaw as a wave of pleasure and lust washed over him. #Cease that this second you infidel or else I will think of that song over and over again just for you until you go insane!!#
Inuyasha glanced at him, utterly shocked as he smelt the emotions coming off of his half-brother.
Sesshomaru shot him a scathing look saying `Just leave it or else'
His beast whimpered in protest. (No! No, no, no!!! Please! Anything but that! Anything but that!!) he begged.
#Then do not do that ever again in public!!#
He left himself opened for what his beast said next.
(Ohhh so you want me to do that in private huh?) the perverted suggestion flooded his voice, replacing the fear instantly.
Sesshomaru mentally snarled. #You left me no choice…# he warned.
The fear was back. (Noooo!! NOOOOOO-) he was cut off as a melody was played.
(NOO!! Please stop!! Not this song!! Kami not the-the the Telly Tubby Theme Song!!!!!)
The horrific melody resumed until his beast disappeared, no doubt with his tail between his legs as he whimpered softly.
Sesshomaru sighed in relief as the presence faded, and he noticed Inuyasha was now grinning at him stupidly, realizing what set him off. He bared his teeth at him in a silent snarl, before his ears picked up something that for some strange reason made his claws itch to strike.
A male, lust filled voice drifted to his ears, as well as Inuyasha's. “Hey Tobano, look! That's the chick that took down Takishi in gym!” The guy's eyes raked up and down Kagome.
Another male voice entered as he did the same as his friend. “Yea I remember Haki! Damn she was fuckin' hot in that uniform!! I wish it was me under her!”
Haki agreed eagerly, his eyes lustful. “Damn straight! Wouldn't that be nice…? Takishi is such a prude, only kissing her!”
Now Sesshomaru's claws faintly glowed an acidic green tint. He mentally snarled viciously.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes at them, sneering at their conversation, but couldn't agree more with the part about Sesshomaru being a prude…:Seriously, after years of easy girls chasing after him, not one did he take a liking to… still a virgin after so many easy outs, I really would still think he was gay if it wasn't for Kagome.:
“For sure! I woulda done more than that if I was in his place! Shit, I woulda tap me some of that right there!” Tobano boasted.
“Hah yea right! You don't have the balls to do something like that!” Haki's tone was taunting.
“Keh, I'll show you. I'm gonna talk to her right now!! She can't resist this piece of hotness, no one can!” and Tobano's tone was haughty.
Tobano walked over to Kagome confidently, ignoring Sesshomaru as he passed him.
The lust coming off of him made Sesshomaru momentarily see red, and his beast, who heard everything that took place, was back quicker than the speed of light, and not at all happy.
Sesshomaru shook his head, trying to shake away the blood lust tempting to overcome him. #Cease this now, he is only human.#
Stubborn resolve filled Sesshomaru. #We shall not harm him until he does something that deems it so and that is final#
His beast snarled at him, the grisly sound echoing in Sesshomaru's head, but he relented. (FINE!) And with that his beast left again, but not without putting in (…but it will be your fault should something happen to her!)
And all was silent as Sesshomaru turned his attention to Kagome and Tobano.
In the one minute that all of that took place, Tobano reached Kagome, now giving her what he called his `winner smirk' and slipped his arms over her shoulders. Everyone stopped whispering and watched the show.
Kagome recognized the guy as the guy who was leering at her, and she glared at the hand that hanged over her right shoulder.
Tobano ignored it and introduced himself. “Hey baby, the name's Tobano, what's yours?”
Kagome's face scrunched up at the name, and slowly turned to Tobano and fixed him with a cold glare. “Sorry, I don't give my name out to potential stalkers.” She retorted sarcastically.
Tobano's smirk faltered a little bit but he continued on as if nothing happened. “Well I saw you in gym today and I just wanted to tell you… your body looked like a temple in that uniform.”
Inuyasha started to snicker at Tobano and his pathetic attempt to hit on Kagome. Sesshomaru just stared on in amusement, not feeling threatened in any way now.
Kagome raised her eyebrow at him, before giving him a mock look of sympathy. “Ohhh I'm sorry, there're no services today for pigs. Ido have preferences and none of them include ugly or disgustingly perverted.” She shot back, before shrugging the arm off her and walking away.
Tobano gaped at her back, before he heard his friends laughing at him. Scowling he followed behind Kagome and grabbed her shoulder halting her. “Hey! Where do you thing you're going? We're not done here!” he told her angrily.
Immediately, Kagome, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru went stiff.
Inuyasha watched intently, waiting to jump in if needed. Sesshomaru growled silently as he glared at the hand on Kagome's shoulder.
Kagome's head turned to glower at the hand on her shoulder; she clenched her jaw and fisted her hand. “You do want to live till you're an old man… am I right?” she asked him, her voice low and dangerous.
Tobano thought nothing of it; he was confused at the question. “Uhh sure…?”
Kagome looked back at Tobano and gave him the coldest glare you could imagine, and spoke slowly, emphasizing every word “Then I suggest. You remove. That very vulnerable body part. That is latched. Onto my shoulder. Before it gets snapped.”
Tobano just rolled his eyes, not believing her. “Awhh ya know you like it… you're just playing hard to get like every other girl… I bet you even want me to do this.” As he said this he walked forward, letting his hand press against her slightly as it drifts downward to cup her chest.
Several reactions resulted due to this action.
Girls in the hall gasped as they realized what he was about to do.
Guys were smirking at them, some at the fact that the guy had some balls to pull off a stunt like that, and the rest at his stupidity for going along with it.
Inuyasha froze at that, appalled that any guy who actually saw Kagome in gym today would even try something like that. :Two words… Death wish…:
Sesshomaru's eyes widened at the audacity, an involuntary snarl ripping out of his throat.
Every head shot towards Sesshomaru, save for Kagome's, and Tobano's hand froze in mid-air.
Kagome was rigid with tension, still glaring at the hand, before she snapped. “You sick fuck!” she shouted before her hands shot up and gripped Tobano's forearm.
Tobano quickly looked down when he felt Kagome's strong grip, and his eyes widened in shock. “He-hey!” he managed out before he was lifted off the ground.
Kagome leaned forward, lifting Tobano over her shoulder, before twisting slightly and swinging the offending pervert over to the left, before she let go after putting strength into her arms as she shoved him up and away.
Tobano flew to the left, towards the locker; which students who were near, cleared out in a snap. He flew for about ten feet until he hit the lockers.
The lockers shook violently on impact, and Tobano slid to the ground; dazed but still conscious.
“I don't play hard to get, and I bet neither did any of those girls you've tried hitting on… with a face that looks like you've been dragged down a fuckin' highway with a rope tying your feet to a semi goin 80, no one would ever find you attractive.” Kagome screamed at him.
Everyone gaped at her with wide eyes before Inuyasha busted out laughing and fell to the floor rolling on the ground. Even Sesshomaru had to chuckle. Gradually the whole hall filled with laughs, but stopped in an instant at what happened next.
Not done yet Kagome marched over to Tobano, her fist raised. Realizing this Tobano protested. “Whoa just wait a sec-“ he was cut off but Kagome's yell.
“Oh just shove it!” she yelled at him furiously before punching him on the cheek; the force of it giving Tobano whiplash as his head whipped to the left and banged against the locker, tossing him into the world of unconsciousness.
Kagome was crestfallen at the fact, but decided to do one more thing before she walked away. Lifting up her right leg and bending it back she gave a nice, hard, swift kick between Tobano legs, earning a high-pitched groan from him.
Snickering darkly she turned to face the others in the hall, and glared at all the guys, save for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. “If anyone,” she started at slowly, her voice still containing a dangerous edge, “and I mean anyone, tries something like that again, I swear to all that's holy you are going to go through the most painful gender change known to man and demon kind alike.” And then she strode over to Sesshomaru and Inuyasha who were for the most part gaping at her.
When she reached them, their mouths closed and they watched her warily, and they had good reason to… they didn't want to end up like a certain knocked out senior over there.
She gave them a cheerful, happy, sweet grin… a little too sweet and sugary. It made the two brothers all the more wary. “Well, what are we waiting for huh?! Let's get going before we're late for class… we wasted too much time already.” And with that she skipped away merrily, leaving two wide-eyed Inu demons to follow after her at a safe distance…
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--6th Period; Trigonometry II Honors—
The few people actually in the classroom whipped their heads to the left and towards the source of the sudden sound, only to see that the door was kicked open and three ole normal teenagers were standing in the doorway.
Keh normal… as if…
It was three students, all seemingly male to those in class as they were all wearing the boys uniform, well that's what they thought until they heard the conversation that just took place.
One of the `guys' in the little group was shoved through the doorway, stumbling `his' way into the room. The voice the other highschoolers heard was quite the opposite to what they expected.
“Hey man, watch it!! Can't you be a little more gentle!!” A very annoyed, yet undeniably female voice exclaimed as the person turned back to the other two still in the doorway.
They just gave her looks. She glared them heatedly before childishly sticking out her tongue.
“Nyaa!! You guys are meanies…ya know I'm just a girl right? Didn't your mothers ever teach you not to be so rough to girls? I ain't as strong as ya for your information!” You could practically taste the sarcasm rolling in the feminine voice.
One of the actual guys stepped into the room; he had dark, long hair. He scoffed at her “Yeaaa you're as delicate as a daisy, sorry, my bad.” His remark had just as much sarcasm.
“Your use of sarcasm ain't very appreciated Onigumo.” The girl scowled at him.
Onigumo just brushed it off. “Not my problem, you deal with it.”
The last guy, with a crown of long, unruly silver hair and a pair of dog ears on top his head, also entered the room. He snorted at the two, crossing his arms as he walked over to stand beside them. “Tch you guys are really something eh?”
The cross dressing girl nodded eagerly. “Yep!! That and a bag of chips.” She grinned at him.
The two guys cocked an eyebrow at her. They turned to each other, sharing a look, before looking back to her. “You're weird, ya know that right?” they told her simultaneously.
The girl just shrugged, giving them a curious look. “Oh yea I already knew that… did you just now figure that out?”
The silver headed boy gave her a smirk. “Nope, that was this mornin' when I met you, I just knew you were messed up… I mean seriously, a cross-dressing girl who gets up in the face of a medusa look-a-like and tells her off for a stranger…? Yea there's no way you're all there up in here.” He tapped his head.
The girl snorted, giving him a flat look. “Wow Inuyasha, you're so nice.”
Inuyasha gave a mock smug look before nodding. “I know Kags… I try.”
Kagome rolled her eyes, a fake concerned look on her face. “Don't try too hard Yashi-kins, you might strain yourself.”
Inuyasha's eye twitched at the disturbing name and scowled at her. “Don't worry Kagsy-chan I won't.”­
Onigumo shook his head at them. “Dear Kami I really need to find some new friends… mine are a little too demented for my tastes.” He muttered to himself.
They heard.
“Well sor-ry we don't meet up to your standards. Maybe you should do a better job at picking em.” Kagome told him, rolling her eyes.
Onigumo nodded with fake seriousness. “Yea, I'll remember that next time, thanks.”
Kagome just shook her head, before turning around and walking further into the room, taking a look at her surroundings; her friends followed.
While Kagome looked around a wisp of air wafted past Inuyasha's nose and he grimaced. Taking a tentative sniff, he growled silently, the only evidence being his chest vibrating a bit. He looked around, searching for something, or more like someone.
It didn't take him long to find the source of his irritation.
He spotted Naraku sitting in a seat at the far left side of the room, in the middle of the row. He was watching Kagome like a hawk; his red eyes glinting in lust, and he was smirking, the bastard undoubtedly conjuring up some sick fantasy in that twisted mind of his.
Inuyasha curled his nose in disgust and suddenly remembered what Sesshomaru, who actually asked him -instead of demanding- to do something for him back at the arcade while Sango and Kikyo were in the restroom for a moment and Kagome was `playing' one of the games.
Sesshomaru just got done telling Inuyasha, Onigumo, and Miroku of the confrontation he had with Naraku and the one he witnessed between Kagome and Naraku, before he pulled Inuyasha away while Onigumo and Miroku talked.
“Inuyasha, I need to do something for me…”
Inuyasha glanced at Sesshomaru curiously. “What is it?” he asked hesitantly.
Sesshomaru looks at him before turning his head and continuing. “It's about Naraku, he's in your 6thperiod right? Trig II Honors?” He looked back at him.
Inu nodded slowly. “Yeaaa”
“Well, Kagome has it too.”
Inuyasha's eyes widened a bit and grimaced. “Really?”
Sesshomaru nodded “Yes, and as much as I detest asking you of this, but since I am not in the class I need you to watch over Kagome for me just in case.”
Inuyasha stared at him, realizing he was actually very serious. “Alright, of course I'll look after her… I mean, she is my girlfriend's cousin. Kikyo would be pretty pissed if I just let something happen to Kags and not help and I'm not stupid enough to get her pissed. But… do you really think Kagome needs protection?... she seems strong from what I saw in gym.”
Sesshomaru nodded his agreement. “Yes, I know very well she can take care of herself, but this is just a precaution since Naraku is-“
“-A tricky, underhanded, cowardly bastard of a lowlife?” Inuyasha interrupted.
Sesshomaru stared at him with narrowed eyes at his interruption but let it go, this time. “Yes, precisely. I do not know what that dark hanyou has up his sleeves but it is nothing good. I have already warned him but he is not one to listen to others, that is a known fact. If there is one thing I am absolutely sure of, it is the fact that if he wants something, he willdo anything to get it, and he wants Kagome… for himself.”
:End Flashback
Inuyasha shook himself out of his daze to find the bastard still staring at Kagome. He narrowed his eyes in deadly intent and growled so quietly that only demons could hear.
Onigumo heard him and looked over at Inuyasha weirdly, before following his line of sight to find the object of Inuyasha's contempt. He growled quietly himself.
Hearing the two demons threatening growls half of the almost now filled room grew quiet which in turn made the humans in the room stop talking. All demonic eyes were fixed upon the two half demons in front of the room.
Naraku had stopped staring at Kagome to turn his gaze to Inuyasha when he first growled. His lustful gaze turned hateful; even more so when his half brother started to growl as well.
Tension was felt and was growing by the second.
Kagome, who was so busy staring around at her surroundings finally realized that the room was quiet. “Uhh why so quiet all of a sudden…?”
Practically every head in that room whipped over to Kagome when she spoke.
Feeling all eyes on her she started to get annoyed.
Donning a frosty look Kagome spoke, voice rigid. “What are y'all starin' at? Get back to your boring, pathetic lives before you're added to my `assassination' list.” She cracked her knuckles, emphasizing her point.
Quickly all eyes were off and murmurs filled the room, all about her.
Kagome rolled her eyes, irritated. “And mind your own business people.” She snapped when she saw some people glancing over at her.
She looked over at Onigumo and Inuyasha. “What was that about?” She asked, oblivious of why all was silent earlier.
Onigumo stared at her. “Well we-“
“-don't know why they were all actin' like that… probably cause ya new here, that's all” Inuyasha lied, smiling nervously at Kagome.
Onigumo stared at Inuyasha, confused.
Not suspecting a thing, Kagome nodded. “Oh okay… well I'll be right back, I need to talk to the teach'.”
Inuyasha nodded. “Alright, uhh we sit in the back just so ya know.” He told her, pointing to the back right corner of the room.
Kagome looked over. “Gotchya, can ya save me seat back there?”
“Can do,” Inuyasha turned to go before stopping. “Oh yea… ya might hafta yell loudly or shake the teacher kinda hard of something to wake him up.”
Kagome groaned at that, exasperated. “Ughh what is it with the teachers in this school? Freakin' second teacher today slackin' off. I have the worst combination of teachers ever!
Inuyasha and Onigumo stared at her, eyebrows raised and amused.
Kagome paused to glance at Inuyasha for a moment, realizing what she just said and who she just said it to. “Oh! Don't get me wrong, your Okaa ain't included in that. I absolutely love her… she's sucha sweetheart from what I can tell so I ain't got nothin' against her.” She remedied, before continuing on with her rant.
“And every teacher I have is awesome and chill but still!! I have the worst bunch…a lazy, hot-headed cat youkai for homeroom. My first period teacher is a blood sucking bugger. Second period I come to find out that I got an aunt I've never heard of from my pops side and an old, perverted Inu demon for a gym teacher; the worst kind in the worst class ever, I swear!! What's next? My English teacher is an alcoholic pimp that's works as a druggie for a side job?! And the students here!! Kami, most of them are so fake and/or slutty/whorish that it's petrifying!!” Kagome stopped, taking deep breaths to calm herself before looking back at her two friends, and glaring at them.
Why? Well it was hard enough for Inuyasha and Onigumo to sit through her ranting and only barely keep their laughter down but when she said that last sentence they couldn't help but burst out laughing. It was just too funny not to.
Therefore she stood glaring at them before she soon too let out a chuckle.
“Ya know…” she started out, grabbing their attention. “Even though this `prestigious' school has some of the worst teachers I've ever seen- and trust me, I've seen some that would horrify you and it still doesn't beat this- I still find this school to be the best and most exciting one I've ever been to… and it's only been the first day.” She commented, shaking her head in utter amusement.
The two half-demon teenagers nodded their agreement, feeling the same way.
Kagome flinched when she heard the bell ring. “I hate when that happens….” She rolled her eyes. “Oh well, I guess I gotta shake the teacher awake… be right back.”
With that she turned to walk over to the teacher, leaving Inuyasha and Onigumo to themselves. They turned as well and walked over to their seats in the right back corner. Setting their stuff down next to their seats they sat down before Onigumo asked a question.
“Sooo why did you tell Kagome that earlier?” Curiosity radiated off him.
Inuyasha looked around him nervously, as if afraid a couple of certain someones would hear him. Deciding he was in the clear he answered in an almost silent whisper. “Well ya know how Fluffy told us about what happen before lunch with him, Kags, and Baboon-face?”
Snorting at the little nickname, Onigumo nodded.
“Yea well when Fluffy pulled me over he told me to watch over Kags for him since yah lovable brother and her are in the same class. And call it a hunch but I don't think Kaggie here would like it if she found out that Fluffy is having her tailed by a `bodyguard' like a helpless little girl. And from what I already seen from earlier today, there ain't no way I'm gonna get on her bad side if I can help it… I'm too young to die by a pissed as fuck powerful miko…it just ain't the way to go man.”
Onigumo rolled his eyes at the little dramatic speech but couldn't help but agree with him. Getting on the bad side of this unique miko was a death trap waiting to happen, and he sure as hell wasn't gonna get caught up in it…
As this was taking place Kagome was making her way to the teacher's desk.
As she came closer Kagome studied her new Trig teacher; he was a demon, and an old one at that; he had thinning gray hair pulled up into a short ponytail. He was sitting upright in his chair; his head tilt way back as he faced the ceiling. His big eyes were closed but the lids twitched; his eyes moving sporadically as his mind was off in la la land. He was slightly tanned, and his skin wrinkly due to his old age. He was snoring deeply but quietly.
To Kagome he seemed fragile and decrepit as he napped, so her eyes softened a bit and she changed her plans. Instead of shaking and yelling at the old man, she would be nicer. Old people need their rest, so she wouldn't be too hard on the guy.
When she got close enough, she reached out and tapped the teacher's shoulder. She spoke softly, “Hey? Totosai-sensei? Wake up for a minute… class is gonna start soon…”
The snoring halted and quiet mumbling was heard, “Wha-what? Who's there?”. The demon's head tilted forward, his eyelids fluttered open, and tired black eyes stared dazedly at Kagome. He seemed to remember where he was as he jolted back to reality, his eyes wide.
Kagome gave a small smile. “Hey… uhm I'm a new student here soo yea…” she told him, holding out a piece of paper.
The teacher blinked as he took the paper and squinted as he looked over it. He nodded when he was done, surprise in his eyes as he gave her back the paper. A raspy, kind voice sounded out. “Interesting record Higurashi-san.” he commented amusedly.
Kagome chuckled sheepishly as he continued.
“Alright Higurashi-san, well right now we are going over chapter six in the standard Trigonometry textbook, and from what I saw you are already past this point so the work shall be easy enough for you. I'll get your textbooks later in the week, for now you'll have to share with someone whenever you need them. When we go over Weaponry though, you're gonna get caught up with it somehow. It's like history and shop class combined, but for weapons, that's all, not too hard stuff.” He smiled at her gently. “I won't make you introduce yourself; you probably already had to do that enough times today so just pick a seat wherever you want.”
Kagome grinned at him, happy with all the news. “That's great! Thanks Totosai-sensei!!”
Totosai chuckled heartily. “You're welcome.” And he shooed her away as he went back to his nap.
Kagome chuckled lightly as she turned to walk over to where Inuyasha and Onigumo were sitting.
As she reached them she sat in a seat that Inuyasha had pointed to; it was next to the window in the back and in front of Inuyasha's desk. Onigumo's desk was in the next row beside Inuyasha's.
Kagome looked around the room from her seat, studying the twenty people in the classroom. There were a few random houshis, mikos, demons of different variety, demons slayers and regular humans. Only a few of these caught her attention though.
She stared in the direction of a row next to the wall at the opposite side of the room. Situated in the middle of the row was a group of demons… none of them very pure except for one who was tainted just a bit. She recognized two females as Yura and Kagura, sitting on a couple of the desks where two male demons sat. The male demon in front of Kagura was Naraku. Kagome rolled her eyes in disgust when she heard Kagura laugh at something she thought Naraku said was `funny'.
-They really deserve each other… an ultimate slut and a creepy pedophile wannabe… the perfect match.-- The male demon in front of Yura looked much younger than her. He had white long hair and lilac eyes that could look through your soul. He was the one demon whose aura was tainted a bit. Listening closely she figured out that his name was Hakudoshi. She studied them for a moment longer, thoughtful, before continuing on with her `people watching'.
Out of the corner of her eye though, something interesting caught her attention; the intense stare Onigumo was giving as a certain someone. Following his line of sight Kagome found that the object of such a gaze was a girl standing beside a seat exactly two rows down and one desk up from her; taking out things from her dark green bag. (Middle row, one seat up).
The girl had a small figure, reaching up to around five feet, two inches, and not anorexic skinny but not overweight at all. She had naturally straight reddish brown hair with orange highlights and blue white tips that was angled and had layers, ending right above her chest. The girl wore the school uniform in a decent and acceptable way; the shirt being at the right cut and not too loose or tight and the skirt ended one inch above her knees.
Kagome studied her more intricately, looking at her aura. An image of a graceful and elegant bird with reddish brown, orange streaks, and blue white tipped feathers bird soaring flashed over her, revealing she was some kind of bird demon. Her aura itself was primarily red which meant demon. Sparkles of pink meant she was very pure. There were also sparkles of orange and blue white, signifying that this girl controlled two elements, fire and electricity.
What surprised Kagome was the fact that her aura was compressed, giving the façade that she wasn't as strong as she genuinely is, which was very much so and it concealed what kind of demon she was. Her actual aura ranked up above Inuyasha, but below Kagome and Sesshomaru.
Kagome blinked, clearing her vision of the aura and studied the girl herself again. By now the demon was sitting down and she got a good girl vibe from her, but she couldn't exactly rely on that seeing how she hasn't even met her.
Noting that Onigumo was still gazing at the girl Kagome turned in her seat and jabs her elbow softly at Inu. “Hey, Inuyasha?” She whispered.
Inuyasha turned to look at her. “Yea?”
Kagome jerked her head over to the girl Onigumo was gazing at. “Who's she? Why does he-” she gestured to Onigumo, “-keep on staring at her?”
Inuyasha looked over and saw what she was talking about before he snorted, shaking his head. He signaled Kagome to come closer.
She did so and Inuyasha whispered in her ear very quietly. “That's Seishou Meitori. Onigumo has a thing for her.”
Inuyasha leaned back and Kagome looked over at the girl again, her mouth opened in a silent `Ohh'. She thought back to earlier. “As in dark bird of victory? But she seems so innocent and like a goody two shoes or something.
Inuyasha nodded. “Yea but I don't know… she's new to the school this year, like you, but she was here the first day, apparently she likes to keep to herself… no one really knows much about her… just that she's some kind of bird demon and that's it.”
Inuyasha looked over at Onigumo and sighed at him, exasperated “Man ya don't even know the chick, and you're already mooning after her… its pathetic.”
Onigumo turned his head towards Inuyasha slowly and glared at him. “Shut. Up.” He looks back at the girl for a moment and sighs, letting his shoulders droop. He turns back to Inuyasha. “You're right though… ever since she came here this year I can't help but feel drawn to her. There's like a connection between us and I don't know why. I wonder if she feels it too… I doubt it, she doesn't even glance at me.”
Kagome peered over at Meitori while he said that, and catches her doing the opposite of what he just said.
Meitori was gazing at Onigumo with the most unique eyes ever. They were sad blue green eyes with dark green, gold, gray, and dark blue speckles in them. Along with the sadness they held a tiny bit of fear in them, and a small frown was placed on her face. She looked to the ground for a moment in something that seemed like disappointment to Kagome, before she looked back up. When she did so she noticed Kagome staring intently at her, and her eyes widened a small fraction before she swiftly turned around to look at the board, a light pink blush playing her cheeks at being caught.
Kagome shook her head at her, amused. -Ahh she's one of them shy girls… not one I would think Onigumo would like really with the way he acts but oh well…-- She frowned. -But the fear in her eyes when she stared at him… what was that about? Does she fear him because he's Naraku's twin?—She looked at Meitori again and noticed she was tense. She thought of something and looked over to the other end, and she found the source of Meitori's discomfort; Naraku. He was glaring at her heatedly, hatred and yet lust, swirled in his eyes.
Kagome, now adorning a scowl on her face, glared at Naraku himself. Feeling a little evil she looked around him and saw an open bottle of water placed on his desk by Kagura. Kagome smirked before chanting a few words under her breath so low that no one could hear.
Soon enough the water in the bottle started so shift, more so every time it did but nobody noticed. The bottle then started to tilt and it fell down, water splashing all over Naraku's desk and work before trailing down to spill on Kagura and Naraku.
As soon as Naraku felt the water drop on him he shouted. “Fucking hell!!” And he jumped up, letting Kagura drop to the ground.
Kagura shrieked when he did so.
Everyone else in the class room, except for their old sensei that was sleeping at the moment, whipped around to stare at the disruption. All was silent until…
“Hahahh great job there Naraku… if ya really needed to piss ya coulda gone to the restroom instead of goin' on yaself!! “ Inuyasha shouted over to him, laughing hysterically.
Naraku glowered at him, pissed off.
Onigumo snorted at Naraku, also amused. “Smart Naraku… real smart.”
Naraku looked over to him and snarled. “Shut it dear brother,” he started, mockingly. “If you know what's good for you that is…” Naraku stole a glance at Meitori who had her hand covering her mouth, eyes slightly wide and only Onigumo saw what Naraku did.
Only thing was that she wasn't hiding a gaping mouth like it would seem, she was actually smirking at the situation.
Onigumo glanced quickly at Meitori, eyes wide with realization. “You fucking asshole!! Is that the reason why…” he trailed off when he saw Naraku starting to smirk. //Is that the reason why Meitori won't even glance at me…?// he finished in his mind.
“Take that smirk off your face ya little coward… it makes ya uglier… something that I didn't think was possible.”
The smirk on Naraku's face was wiped off as his head shot towards the blue-eyed female on the other side of the room. Like Onigumo was before she was leaning back against her desk, watching the scene unfold until now.
She stared at the water on his desk and the ground before turning her attention to him. She smirked at him. “Hmm… I wonder how that little incident happened…” she trailed off, mocking him.
Naraku narrowed his eyes at her as realization hit him. “You little bitch.”
Kagome's smirk widened. “Yes I am… quite proud of it too…” She closed her eyes a moment, her lips moving, and her fingers twitched.
The water still on his desk shot up and splashed Naraku on his face. He spluttered. “Damn it!” he snarled out as he bared his tiny, barely at all sharp fangs at her.
Kagome was unfazed by the action, actually she even yawned. “What? Was that supposed to be scary?” she asked him innocently.
Naraku just glared at her heatedly, growling viciously, so Kagome continued on.
“If it really was then good job, it didn't even come close. It was pretty pathetic if ya asked me… but you get a C minus for effort.” She mocked.
The room erupted with smothered snickers and giggles… well mostly smothered… a certain two half demons didn't feel like giving the effort to cover up their laughs… and giggles sounded out from a certain blue-green eyed brunette demon.
Naraku's eyes flashed furiously. He made a move towards Kagome, but froze at what he saw next.
Inuyasha stood up menacingly. Crossing his arms he went to stand in front of Kagome, daring Naraku to try something. “Watch yaself Naraku…”
Kagome stared at Naraku with narrowed eyes over Inuyasha's shoulder. She reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder, pushing him to the side as she spoke. “No Inuyasha. Let him. Then I can show him who he really shouldn't mess with…”
Inuyasha looked over at her with indecisive eyes, before he shrugged. “Whatever… but if it gets outta hand…” he trailed off in a warning tone.
Kagome looked back at him, and smirked. “Oh trust me, it won't.” she assured him before stepping up and walking forward a few steps, cracking her knuckles as she did so. She grinned maliciously at Naraku before speaking to him. “Ya know… there's a reason why I transferred here, do ya know why, Na-ra-ku?” she asked him tauntingly, pronouncing his name slowly and emphasizing each syllable.
Naraku's eyebrows came together in a confused fashion. “…No…” he trailed off, uncertainly.
Kagome advanced further. “Well then let me inform you… does the '16 to 1 beatdown' at Chikoto High ring any bells? The one roughly around two weeks ago where most of the senior cheer squad fought against one senior and lost? And how they were-“
“Pinned upside down by some mysterious force all across the cafeteria unconscious… well most of `em, those who weren't, were scared shitless. And the head cheerleader was in front of the cafeteria, bounded by two, blue and white rings at her feet so she could swing and just dangle there; shrieking at everyone around her to get her down. But they were too scared of what the person who did it all would do to them if they did anything…” Onigumo explained, the admiration filling his voice as a cheeky grin spread on his face. “That was you?!” he asked, excited.
Kagome nodded, a cocky smirk playing on her lips.
Gasps echoed through the room, wide eyes were pinned on Kagome.
“That's freakin' awesome!” Onigumo told her, still grinning.
Kagome chuckled.
“I head that on the news…” Inuyasha commented as shocked realization flooded his eyes. “but earlier ya just said that ya pinned the head cheerleader and that's all! You never mention the rest of `em!” he exclaimed.
Kagome just gave him a shrug. “Ehh… I didn't want the attention… too bad it's out in the open now…” She turned back to look at Naraku and snickered at his expression.
His dark red eyes were wide as dinner plates with his mouth opened a little; which clicked shut when his mind registered her laughter. His eyes returned to their normal size, as they narrowed at her in obvious fury. “So?! Do you actually think it matters that you did all that?!” he scoffed. “Yes, ok, beat sixteen little cheerleading human girls... that is sooo impressive. I'm a demon, and you are just a weak little human miko… I have nothing to fear when it comes to you.” He spat at her.
Everyone was silent at what he said; the tension in the room thick as ever.
Kagome's face had composed into a neutral expression as he said these things; her eyes blank of emotion before she finally blinked oh so slowly and a few seconds later started to blink rapidly. She shook her head, and looked over at Naraku, her eyes a little lost. “Uhh what? Did you say something? I kinda zoned out there for a minute… this was starting to get boring and my mind just slipped.”
Inuyasha and Onigumo snorted at her, amused. Meitori snickered as most of the others in the room were gaping at her, Naraku as well until he started glaring at her again. He opened his mouth. “You fuckin' cu-“
The sound of someone clearing their throat cut Naraku off, the sound resonating through the room as it put a freeze on all activities within the classroom.
Everyone turned to the front, only to see Totosai staring back with a stern look on his face.
“Is there a problem?” he asked them, eyeing them suspiciously.
Kagome looked over at him swiftly, before giving him an innocent smile. “Uhm no there isn't… we were just having a friendly debate on something… nothing too serious…”
Totosai just lifted a gray eyebrow, not believing her. “Riiigghhtttt…” he drawled out. “Nevertheless all of you back to your seats and take out a sheet of paper and a pencil. The warm up is on the board so get to it… you have five minutes.” He ordered them as the students did what they were told and Kagome, Inuyasha, Onigumo, and Naraku went back to their seats reluctantly to do as their sensei told them to…
Kagome busted out through the door and threw her hands up in the air. “Ahhhh yes!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YESSS!!!! I'm finally outta that hellhole disguised as a math class!!! Thank Kami!!” she exclaimed, eternally grateful.
Two males followed after her hooting with laughter.
Students already in the halls turned over to them and looked at them strangely.
Ignoring the stares they walked through the halls to their next and last class of the day.
Onigumo looked over at Kagome. “Hey what class do you have next?”
Kagome bit he lip in thought, scratching the back of her head. “Uhmm… Oh! I have AP English with… Akitoki I guess?”
Onigumo grinned. “Sweet! So do I! Sesshomaru and Lover Boy's girlfriend too… ugh hey, what the fuck was that for?!” he shouted the last part at a certain dog eared hanyou who slapped him over the head.
Inuyasha scowled at him, eye twitching. “Lover boy?” he repeated flatly.
Onigumo shrugged. “So? You didn't hafta hit me… I bruise easily ya know…”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Stop being a wuss man and suck it up… I didn't even hit you that
“Ass…” Onigumo mumbled back.
Kagome snorted in laughter. “Geeze is this how ya guys act every day?”
Inuyasha and Onigumo shared a look, before nodding in unison. “Yep.”
Kagome chuckled. “Guess I'm not gonna be bored as much as I thought I would in this school.”
They snickered at her… she didn't know the half of it…
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--AP English IV—
Kagome walked into room 5-212 with Onigumo with ten seconds to spare, and took one look at the teacher and stopped dead in her tracks and gaped, eyes wide as dinner plates.
Onigumo snickered.
Sesshomaru and Kikyo walked in just five seconds later to this, their foreheads creased at their friends.
“Oh my freakin' Kami…” Kagome breathed out, incredulous. “When I said a drunk, druggie, pimping teacher for an English teacher I was just playin'….” she groaned, before turning back to the mess of a teacher she now had.
Medium length, brown hair stuck out in various places. Half-lidded, dazed hazel eyes stared at nothing. A stain splotched undershirt peeked out of a blue, half-opened, winkled button up dress shirt that had the buttons in the wrong slit. Winkled black trousers partially covered untied black shoes that were on the wrong foot. Various oversized rings were on each and every finger, and flashy sunglasses were slid down to the tip of the man's nose. All in all… the man was a total and absolute slob.
You could practically taste the weed and beer with the strength of the stench that rolled off the teacher.
Kagome turned back to her friends to see Onigumo now trying to smother his laughter, Kikyo staring back with a confused look, and Sesshomaru giving her a look that said `What kind of crack are you on?'
Onigumo noticed their looks and let out a small chuckle, shaking his head. “You don't wanna know, trust me…”
And they did trust him
“Is this guy seriously our teacher…? Please say it's not and that it's a sub or something… a replacement… anything!!!” Kagome pleaded.
Onigumo smirked and shook his head slowly. “Nope.”
Kagome groaned out in frustration. “This sucks!!” Her nose winkled in disgust. “And now I have to wake his ass up!!” she exclaimed before stepping towards the gruesome man and reach out to shake him gently.
Her friends choked with laughter.
Kagome paused and looked back, her expression one of a frozen flinch. “I don't wanna touch itttt!!!!” she whined, giving a pout.
They rolled their eyes at her, though Sesshomaru couldn't help but think Kagome looked cute when she pouted.
“Oh just suck it up and get through with it… and do us a favor and make him so scared that he'll shit bricks… he's an ass most of the time and no one likes him.” Onigumo sincerely asked her, a sneaky smirk forming on his face.
A similar smirk formed on Sesshomaru's and Kikyo's faces as well.
Kagome studied Onigumo and it wasn't long before a sinister smirk played on her lips. “Sureee…” she drawled out as she shrugged off her bag and dug through it. Few seconds past and she pulled out a tiny object; a bottle that had a dwarfed funnel and a itsy-bitsy button on top.
Looking back up, she shook the bantam bottle, showing them what it was; a travel-sized air horn.
They gaped at her, well Kikyo and Onigumo did while Sesshomaru's eyes widened slightly, before their faces broke out in grins and a small amused smile.
Kagome's own smirk turned into a cheesy grin and she opened her mouth to warn the rest of the class. “If you're a demon and have very sensitive ears, you better plug `em up in the next two minutes or else you're gonna go painfully deaf.” She held up the mini air horn as proof.
Demons and humans heads alike snapped up and heard her. The demons followed her advice as soon as they saw the little bottle.
Kagome stepped over to the desk, and held the air horn to the teachers head. Turning her head away and plugging her left ear, she tilted the funnel down and pressed the little button.
`Thud' 'Thud' “AUGHHHH SON OF A BITCH!” A deep voice shouted out.
Akitoki had jumped up at deafening sound of the little horn, terrified, and fell to the ground, knocking the glasses of his face and the chair to the ground.
The whole class erupted in laughs and snickers.
Kagome quickly slipped the air horn in her sleeve, and put on a very convincing confused look on her face. “Uhmm Sensei, are you… ok?” she asked with fake concern.
The laughs and snickers went down considerably, waiting to see what was going to happen next.
He stared up at her confused for two reasons. One; Why was he on the ground…? Two; Why did the boy talk with such a girly voice…? He decided to find the out the first one.
His stare turned into a glare. “Why the hell am I on the ground?” he demanded as he got up.
Kagome's eye twitched, but she left it. “Oh I don't know… I tried waking you up by tapping your shoulder and you just jumped for some reason…” she told him and a sickeningly sweet voice.
Smothered laughter could be heard but the sensei didn't think anything of it.
The glare faded, “Oh…” before it came back up full strength. “Well why the fuck did you wake me up boy! Everyone in this class should know by now that no one disturbs me for any reason!” he scolded her harshly.
Kagome was getting pissed, but held it in… she wasn't done yet. She blinked innocently, “B-but I didn't know that… I'm new here and no one told me that…” she said in a small voice.
Various coughs sounded out in the room, covering up snickers.
Now the glare went away, but his eyes still held an angry look. He rolled his eyes. “Whatever, you didn't know any better, but you better have learned you lesson. Where's you papers?”
Kagome handed it to him, trying to hide the irritation in her eyes.
He looked over it, and became confused again. “Higurashi Kagome?...? Isn't that a girls name?” he mumbled.
Kagome narrowed her eyes. “Yea, what of it?” she asked smartly.
He looked back at her, studying her. A surprised look came on his face. “You're a girl?” his question was more like a statement.
Kagome just nodded curtly.
His eyes scanned over her face, lust hinting in his eyes.
Kagome became stiff, along with her cousin and friends who saw/smelt the lust.
Kikyo stared at her sensei with narrowed, suspicious eyes. Sesshomaru and Onigumo glared coldly, watchful.
Akitoki narrowed his eyes at her. “Why aren't you wearing the girls uniform like you're supposed to?” he demanded, having a different reason for asking.
Kagome set out her chin stubbornly. “The school rules says I have to wear the uniform, it didn't specify which.” She informed him sharply. “Take it up with the principle if you have a problem with it, sir.”
Akitoki was taken aback by her change in attitude. He glared at her. “Watch who you're talking to little girl, I won't hesitate to send you out.”
Kagome smirked. “Go ahead, me and the principle could have a talk about teacher etiquette. I didn't know teachers were allowed to cuss and dress like slobs… I wonder if he knows…” she retorted, an obviously fake thoughtful look on her face.
Akitoki stiffened, and relented reluctantly. “Fine you little smartass, go ahead and pick a seat and shut your mouth. You'll get the things you need from the office in a couple days, until then find someone to share with, if you can't then you're out of luck. Get to it.”
Kagome gave a smug smirk and shrugged. “Fine with me ya donkey fucker.” She snickered at the furious look he gave her as she turned around and walked back to her friends.
They had amused looks on them now, but they still held some anger. “C'mon guys, lets go… where do y'all sit?”
Kikyo spoke. “Over here.” And she started walking to the back, the three of them following. When they reached the back right corner they sat in their seats; Sesshomaru in the back corner, Kagome to his left, Onigumo in front of him, and Kikyo to Onigumo's left.
When they sat Onigumo bursted out laughing. He held out his hand for Kagome to slap. “Haha that was freakin' awesome, I loved it! You totally made my day.”
Kagome snickered as she slapped his hand. “Oh it was my pleasure, that teachers such a rude asswipe. I'm gonna have so much fun messing with this fucker.”
Sesshomaru rolled his eyes at the crude language, and this time Kikyo didn't reprimand her… she didn't like this teacher either so she not going stop her fun…
Time in this class went by slowly, the minutes dragging on and on, making it feel like eternity, just always when you're in your last class of the day and waiting for the bell to ring.
There was only ten minutes left, and Kagome glared at the clock, willing it to just speed up and hit 2:10.
Kikyo was working on some other stuff for another class.
Onigumo gazed at Meitori three seats up and a couple rows down from him, who happen also be in this class.
Sesshomaru was bored out of his mind until something flitted into his thoughts.
He turned to Kagome and stared at her as she still glared at the clock.
Kagome was oblivious at first, but the sneaking feeling of someone burning holes into her skin creeped into her and she started to fidget uncomfortably.
After a minute she got annoyed and looked around to find whoever was staring so she could pin a glare on them, only to stare puzzled as she discovered the offender was Sesshomaru. She blinked before cocking an eyebrow up at him questionably. “Staring problem?” she muttered to him, a little miffed.
His eyes narrowed in an amused fashion. “No, I was just wondering how long it would take for you to notice I was staring.”
She gave him a flat look. “And that's it?”
Sesshomaru rolled his eyes at her. “Of course not, I wanted to inform you of our next practice. The band usually meets at my garage for practice and our next one is this Saturday. Can you make it?”
Kikyo and Onigumo overheard and looked over at Kagome for her answer.
Kagome looked up at the ceiling in thought. “Hmmm…” she sounded out before shrugging and looking back at Sesshomaru five seconds later. “Sure, of course. I ain't got anything else to do… but I'm gonna need a ride there… I don't exactly know where to go and I don't have a car right now… ” she trailed off uncertainly.
Kikyo spoke up. “You can grab a ride with one of us… someone can pick you up on the way there, none of us would mind.”
Sesshomaru nodded his agreement. “Yes, do not worry, it'll be fine.”
Kagome nodded as well. “Alright then.” She looked over to Onigumo and wondered something. “Are you going to be there?”
Onigumo nodded. “Yeaa, I'm not exactly in the band but I can play pretty good with the guitar. I'm more of a behind the scenes guy cause I'm not that into performing. I fill in when I'm needed though for when we play certain kind of songs and at practices I pretty much act as a judge for the songs we write, see if there are any tweaks that could be made ya know.”
Kagome looked curious. “That's pretty cool… what kind of guitar do you play.”
His eyes lit up at the question. “I own an acoustic and an electric but I prefer acoustic.”
Sesshomaru nodded. “Yes, which is why he doesn't need to play as much since most of the songs we play use only the electric and bass and I prefer the electric, so it works out fine.”
Kagome understood. “You guys have everything worked out nicely… what kind of gigs do you guys have?”
“Pretty much anything we get which are just small gigs at clubs and events. We just got together around a little more than a year ago. People say we're great, but apparently what we needed was a female lead singer to make us even bigger. Male and female pairs make a good duet so it was a miracle you transferred over when you did.”
Sesshomaru and Onigumo nodded their agreement.
Kagome grinned. “Well I'm glad to be of service.”
They chuckled.
Sesshomaru looked at Kagome. “Now that you're in the band we can go out for any competitions that pop up, it'll be interesting.”
Kagome nodded. “I bet… I can't wait, so when's the next gig?”
Sesshomaru shrugged. “We do not know yet… my father takes care of those kind of things and we will not take a gig until we know you are ready and know all the songs.”
“Ok, that sounds good.” Kagome agreed.
And they continued talking until the bell rang and made their way out of school, signifying the end of Kagome's hectic first day of school.
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Words; 9,919
'BIG SIGH'Oh geeze, I'm finallydone, after monthsI'm finallydone with this chapter, praise the lord!! Hahah. Sorry it took so long though, I'm just a really good procrastinator and my muse isn't very cooperative right now for this story. My other fic on the other hand I'm getting a lot of ideas so it's gonna be hard to get this story flowing. But boy was this chapter was fun writing!! The part with Tobano and Kagome telling him his face looked like he was dragged down the highway by his feet tied to a semi goin 80? Oh geeze that's like my fav quotes ever and my brother came up with it!! lol
Oh, ya know, when I wrote this I realized… If Kagome and them live in Japan… wouldn't they take Japanese instead of English…? Heheh, I thought about changing it, but I'd probably forget later and say English in future chapters, so lets just say they take English and go with the flow lol.
And for those who actually did look at my drawings… yea I know they suck hahah…. I just wanted to give ideas. They woulda been better but my other computer broke down, and that was the cp that had my drawing program on it. I didn't finish shading and touching up so it looks like that… plus I have a crappy mouse that like twitches so I can't draw a semi straight like without it going all freaky on me lol. But I have sketches, which are actually a whole lot better but I'm not gonna put em up just yet cause I need to tweak em.
Oh yes, my new OC Meitori Seishou. [May-tor-e C-e-a-sho]… well that's how I want to be pronounced lol. She's gonna be a pretty big character and later on you'll learn more about her. Her name is supposed to mean dark bird of victory. Keywords: suppose to. Mei in Japanese is supposed to mean dark. Tori is suppose to mean bird. And Seishou is suppose to mean victory. I looked all this up in a online English-Japanese Dictionary so to those who know Japanese… If it's wrong then, oh well I tried. The reason for this OC is that… well I thought that Onigumo needed a girlfriend haha. Actually this girl is actually supposed to be me!! XD It where I got my inspiration from… same goes for Kagome but Meitori is exactly like me, whereas Kagome is only one side of me. My more confident, rebellious, pranking, crazy side, hehe. You'll get to see her wholepersonality in another chapter and I'll explain more when the time comes
Well that's that's it, I really hope you guys enjoyed it and don't forget to reviewwwwww pleaseeee!! I adore your opinions!! Ja ne for noww!!