InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Autumn and Winter (Inuyasha & Naraku) ❯ Similar yet Not Exactly ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

In the past couple of weeks, Inuyasha and Kagome gained new additions in their group. A demon slayer named Sango, who is thirsty for revenge, a holy monk that goes by Miroku and a small demon kid name Shippou. All of them thing in common; they all despised and wanted to kill Naraku, a Hanyou. They will travel together to destroy Naraku.
Traveling on a dusty road, the whole gang traveled from their homelands in search of Naraku. They were all tired after getting ambushed by a horde of demons and killing them; they just wanted to reach the village before night fell. Everything around them was as peaceful as the ocean ripples.
“I'm tired!” Shippou complained in his whiny voice
“Just hold on Shippou, we are almost at the village,” Kagome replied in reassurance yet even she felt it was hopeless to reach there before nightfall.
As they were walking, Inuyasha stopped as if she smelt something foul. But it was the opposite of what he thought. Inuyasha smelt the scent of rich flowers and water. Everyone stared at his perception; all were confused at his peculiar behavior.
“Where are we, Miroku?” Inuyasha asked
“Around, near the East Mountains. Why?” Miroku questioned.
East Mountains, Inuyasha thought. He did not want to wait until night to see her. He jumped and ran toward the village, thus the whole group was ran after the jumpy dog-eared Hanyou. He ran toward the hypnotic scent and found a tall figure among shorter figure. Inuyasha hesitated, but said her name.
She stopped where she was and stood up straight. She slowly turned around and found the great Hanyou across the green, flower-filled field. His eyes glowed hypnotically. She smiled and waved him to come over to where Mikado was. Inuyasha hesitated to go on but when he overcame that hesitation, his friends yelled out his name, snapping him back to Earth.
“Who is that?” Miroku asked
“She is a miko, her name is Mikado,” Inuyasha replied, sounded annoyed that Miroku had to ask
“Let me handle it,” Miroku offered
He quickly walked to where Mikado was standing. Both Inuyasha and Sango knew what his intentions and quickly followed after, than Kagome and Shippou. Soon, he arrived and quickly took grasp of her hands and held them up high. The children that were behind Mikado were somewhat terrified at his sudden movement. Mikado stared in confusion and looked beyond Miroku's head to find Inuyasha behind him, glaring angrily. The children held Mikado's kimono, terribly disgusted at the monk and frighten at the demons near Mikado.
“Will you bear my children?” Miroku seductively asked.
“I'm sorry, monk, but no,” Mikado replied confused as she took his hands off of hers.
Miroku looked at the miko, as though she was a ghost. She has never been denied except much from Kagome but she used such kind language instead of yelling or running away. The look of Inuyasha was both happy and glad that Mikado refused his offer. Though even he would refuse that offer, and he is a somewhat guy!
“I assume that these are your friends,” Mikado asked, directing to Inuyasha
“Yeah, somewhat,” He replied feeling embarrassed to have Miroku under the category `friend'.
“Come children; let us return to the village. You can also follow us if you wish Inuyasha,” Mikado spoke as they began to walk off. Behind, Inuyasha and the gang followed.
Kagome stared at the miko. Kagome saw a glimpse of Kikyo as she stared at Mikado. As a teenage girl, she couldn't help but to feel a tip of jealousy, although knowing the facts why would you be. But as Kagome looked at the miko, she also saw herself in the image, a mixture of her and Kikyo, but not exactly the mixture.
As they continued to walk on the dirt ground, as old man was walked the opposite way from them, heading toward the forest.