InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Baby At Sixteen ❯ Marked and Claimed ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

~Baby at Sixteen~
Chapter five: Marked and Claimed
“So,” said Inuyasha as they left the class, “what do you think? Mr. Yatsuke's pretty cool, huh?”
“Yeah,” agreed Kagome. “He's probably the only teacher in existence who can make trigonometry seem fun. Of course, it's just an illusion, math sucks.”
“You mean you're not a math whiz? I was hoping you were. I could use the help,” said Inuyasha pouting. “Ah well, so your next class is French, unfortunately this is where we part ways. I have World History next, but Miroku's in French too; he said something about learning the language of love when we signed up for classes last year. But anyway if you need any help just ask-”
“Me,” interrupted Kouga coming up beside them. “That's two of the same classes, must be fate,” he said smiling cheekily.
“Fate shcmate,” scoffed Inuyasha, “Everyone knows you wanted to take Italian but the class was full so you got stuck with French.”
“I don't think I was talking to you mutt,” said Kouga. “Anyway, Kagome, why don't I walk you to class, so dog boy here doesn't have to go out of his way?”
“No need Kouga,” Inuyasha said smiling. “It just so happens my World History class is right next to Kagome's French class, must be fate.” With that he grabbed Kagome's arm and walked away leaving Kouga fuming.
“Wow, I'm sensing some bad vibes between you and Kouga,” Kagome said. “So what's his place in the royal court?”
“He's a usurper trying to steal my rightful place,” muttered Inuyasha darkly. “Here's your class. Hoshi should be in there already, he likes to get to class early so he can flirt with the girls. I'll be waiting for you when class lets out.”
“See ya,” said Kagome walking into the class. She stood unnoticed in the doorway for a second looking around. There didn't seem to be too many students in the class but she was a bit early. She spotted Miroku sharing a chair with a girl, he was whispering in her ear while she blushed and giggled. A woman, who Kagome assumed was the teacher, was writing on the board and the rest of the students just milled around. Miroku looked up and spotted her, he whispered one last thing in the girl's ear then walked over.
“Hey Kagome,” he said taking her arm. “Why don't you sit at the table with me and Keiko?” He said leading her over to the girl he'd been sitting with. He introduced them and Kagome sat down next to Keiko and Miroku sat down across from her. A bell rang just as a couple of students rushed in. They found their seats quickly as the teacher, Madame DuPont, took role.
“It seems we have a new student in class,” she announced in her charming French accent when she got to Kagome's name. “Kagome Higurashi?” she asked. Before Kagome could say anything the door opened and Kouga waltzed looking around like he wasn't late and everyone else was early. “Bonjour Monsieur Wolfe, you're late, for the third time. That merit's a visit to the principal's office.”
“Je regrette Madame DuPont, I was helping Mr. Yatsuke, carrying some things in for his next class. I have a note,” Kouga said smoothly. He took the note to Madame DuPont who read it suspiciously.
“Fine,” she said finally. “Take a seat.” Smiling Kouga sat down across from Kagome.
“Hello darling,” he said.
“Hello to you too,” answered Miroku sweetly.
“I wasn't talking to you,” Kouga said growling.
“Mademoiselle Higurashi,” called Madame DuPont.
“Right here,” Kagome raised her hand.
“Please come up and tell the class about yourself.”
“Okay,” Kagome stood and walked unselfconsciously to the front of the room. “Bonjour tout le monde,” She said smiling. “Je m'apple Kagome Higurashi; I'm eighteen and I just moved here. My favorite color is green and I have a younger sister who's a freshman here and a younger brother in elementary school. C'est tout,” she went back to her seat as the student's clapped politely. “Am I going to have to do that in every class?” she asked Miroku. Kouga answered for him,
“Probably, at least you didn't have to play all the get-to-know-each-other games at the beginning of the year,” he said.
“I'm pretty sure she was talking to me Kouga,” said Miroku.
“Well she didn't say any names, did she?” replied Kouga mildly.
“Could you guys be quiet?” said Keiko. “I'm trying to hear.” Madame DuPont had given them a page to turn to and she was starting the CD that had the lessons on them. The students listened to the tape and obediently repeated back the words when they needed to. When the tape was done Madame DuPont went to the board and began giving notes and explaining the information in the book more thoroughly. Then she assigned them book work.
“Work together with whoever it is at your table for today.” She told them. “When we're done we'll be putting the answers on the board.”
“Looks like we're working together, Kagome,” said Kouga smiling.
“We're all working together,” said Miroku glaring at Kouga.
“How there's eight questions, why don't we each do two?” said Kagome quickly trying to keep the peace. They agreed and chose their problems then got to work silently. Kagome was working on her second problem when she felt something rubbing her leg and she jumped. Then she realized it was Kouga's foot. She glanced up at Kouga, he wasn't looking at her, but he was wearing a slight smile. She kicked him lightly but he took no notice, she was about to say something but Madame DuPont called for volunteers to put the answer's on the board and Kagome volunteered, so did Kouga.
Someone had already done number's one and two so Kagome did four leaving a space for number three. As she wrote Kouga came up behind her and began doing number three. He braced one hand on the chalk board and his other arm reached past her to write, so without touching her he effectively cradled her body with his. Kagome, blushing furiously, finished writing the answer then dunked under Kouga's arm and headed back to her seat. As she walked she heard a student remark,
“Look's like Kouga's already laid claim to the new girl, too bad, she's a looker.”
“Well it seemed to me that Inuyasha's marked her for his in first block,” said another student.
“Inuyasha and Kouga after the same girl?” said someone else. “This is gonna be interesting.”
Translations: Je regrette = I'm sorry
Bonjour tout le monde = Hello everyone
C'est tout = That's all/That's it
A/n: Hey guys, InuLover here, sorry this chapter's been so long in coming. A lot has happened since my last update. I've moved out of my dad's house back to Virginia with my mom (something I'm very happy about) and I've started my junior year in high school. There might be a little while between updates because I don't have too much time for typing. Also I've uploaded the first chapter of an original story I'm writing and I'd be forever grateful if you guy's would check it out.
See ya,