InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Back To Where Inuyasha and Kagome First Met ❯ A Sad Ending And A Happy Beginning ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha or the characters in this story they belong to Yomiuri TV/Sunrise and Rumiko Takahashi.


Chapter 4: A Sad Ending And A Happy Beginning

It had been a while since she went to school. She was wondering if it was ever going to be the same again. Knowing her friends they would probably play 20-questions, asking why she wasn’t as sick as she normally was. She just kept to herself for most of her classes. When she was taking a math test she couldn’t help but look out the window to see if he was watching her. But she knew what the answer was.

She mentally laughed at a memory of Inuyasha sitting on the ledge of one of the windows and scratching his ear with his foot, like a dog would. She also got in trouble that day because she jumped up and yelled ‘sit’ when the guy she was sitting next to was going to look out the window. She got sent out into the hall and started mentally cursing at Inuyasha for following her. But at lunch time when he told her why he was following she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for what she did.

Unfortunately that brought some tears to the surface. Eri looked at her friend with tears starting to swell at the border of her eyes. She felt so sorry for her. She figured that Kagome was never going to get over her boyfriend leaving her. So she thought of a plan to try to get Kagome’s spirits up.


“Inuyasha…you̵ 7;re gonna have to separate from that tree someday!” Shippo yelled up to the thick bushy tree. He knew that Inuyasha was up there even if he couldn’t see him he could still smell him. But what puzzled him is why he could also smell tears. Inuyasha’s tears? No, Inuyasha never cried…or did he?

Miroku, Sango, and Kirara looked on watching as Shippo tried to get Inuyasha pried from that tree. They didn’t know what he would die from first, starvation or the loss of Kagome. Either way they all knew they had to get Inuyasha from that tree, even if it meant finding his brother and throwing him out of it.

Miroku heard of a demon that had been getting really close to the village and it had to be slain. So maybe a little demon hunting would take his mind off of Kagome.

Shippo came back and went up to Miroku with defeat written all over his face. “Your turn Miroku.”

“I’ve already tried.” He said with a heavy sigh, “Right now I think the only thing that can get him out of that tree is Kagome.”

Shippo had an evil idea one that he always used to get Inuyasha to listen when Kagome wasn’t around. So he reached inside his shirt and pulled out a leaf and put it to his head.

Miroku looked down at the little kitsune figuring out the evil plan, “Shippo you know what happened last time you did that to Inuyasha…”

Shippo looked up at him. He knew what to expect but what else could they do, “What other choice do we have? Besides we need him out of that tree, right?” Miroku just sighed in defeat and shook his head and gave him a look that said ‘alright, but I told you so‘. And with a sudden puff of smoke Shippo was gone.

Sango looked on and hoped that this would work.

Shippo went under the tree and put his hands together and acted as if he were praying and then started to speak as girly as possible, “Oh, Inuyasha, please come down from that tree…I can’t bare to see you in such pain.”

Inuyasha had his eyes shut and was trying his best not to listen to his friends that is until he heard what he though was Kagome’s voice and looked down and saw Kagome standing below him. Immediately he jumped down.

“Ka…Kagome…” But then he looked closer and saw the fluffy tail behind her and knew who it really was, “Shippo!” He bonked him on the head and he transformed back into a kitsune. “Ow! That hurt!”

Inuyasha ‘feh’d’ and glared at the kitsune, “Serves you right!”

“I was only trying to help!”

“I don’t need any help!”

“Inuyasha!” Sango yelled trying to get the two to stop, “will you cut it out already we know how you feel okay?”

Inuyasha turned to look at Sango, “No! No you don’t know how I feel! I lost Kagome!” he yelled at Sango trying to prove a point.

“And what did I loose?!” Sango yelled back at him, “Kagome was like a sister to me! And yes you loved her but that doesn’t mean that me, Miroku, Shippo, Kaede, and Kirara didn’t lose her either. She was a part of our family!”

Inuyasha opened his mouth and quickly shut it. She was right she also lost Kagome but, he loved her and was a fool to let her go.

Sango started to tear up. Kagome was practically her sister and they did everything together. Kagome shared secrets with her and she did the same with Kagome. There was hardly anything that Sango didn’t know about Kagome. And she just couldn’t believe how selfish Inuyasha was acting. He was acting as if he was the only one who cared about Kagome.

Miroku and Shippo looked on and watched the fight before them. Miroku couldn’t help but wonder if Sango was gonna slap Inuyasha upside the head for being so stupid. He cringed at the thought of even hearing that skin on skin contact. But then something brought him from his thoughts…

The demon that Miroku told Inuyasha about made it’s appearance rite in front of everyone. Shippo ran for his life to the nearest tree for protection.


Finally the last bell of the day rang. And it was time for everyone to go home. Kagome was walking out of the building and headed down the street to her house. Little did she know this wasn’t going to be an ordinary day.

Eri gathered up Ayumi and Yuka and told them her plan to cheer up Kagome. What they didn’t know was they were going to be bringing a fourth guest.

“May I come to see if I can help?” Hojo asked. He was noticing how sad Kagome had been lately and the girls had already told him why. He really liked Kagome but slowly he wanted to heal the wounds of her broken heart. He didn’t know how long that would take but he was willing to help her.

“Sure Hojo! Maybe you can cheer her up, after all it looks like she still loves that guy.” Yuka answered.

Slowly they made their way to the Higurashi Shrine.


The demon stood towering above everyone, drool falling from it’s fangs. It was a giant tiger demon. But this wasn’t like most of the feline demons the group has encountered. It didn’t have any human characteristics. It was a beast. And rite now a hungry beast. Miroku had his hands on the prayer beads, Sango had her Hiraikotsu over her shoulder ready to throw at the demon, and Inuyasha had Tetsuaiga aimed at the giant tiger.

The tiger looked back and fourth between the three beings in front of it, as if choosing which one to eat first. It noticed Inuyasha taking a step closer so it started to growl. On instinct Inuyasha began to growl too, telling it to back off. Even though the tiger wasn’t that smart it still knew that the thing growling at it did in fact have demonic blood, but it could still smell the human blood mixed in.

Deciding that the half-breed would be easier, the tiger leaped for Inuyasha. And thus began the fight.


Kagome came into the house and took off her shoes at the front door. And headed up to her room to start on her studies. Mama went to the store to get groceries, Sota went over to his friends house after school and would most likely be staying the night, and Grandpa went to an ill friend in the hospital. She figured that her mom would be gone for about an hour so she decided to go study before her mom came home and had to help her with dinner.

She set down her backpack and went to her closet and pulled out a red tank top and black shorts. She set the clothing on her bed and began to strip. She pulled up her shorts and heard someone at the door. Running down the stairs barefoot she headed for the door.


Sango and Miroku were watching. They were being the onlookers, of course they would jump and help if Inuyasha really needed it. Inuyasha was really pissed, he couldn’t quite understand what the demon was growling but he did under stand, weak half-breed. Of course he was pissed he hated that everyone just assumed he was weak because he was a half-demon, but he was different, he was a half-dog demon.

Inuyasha managed to dodge the demon’s first blow by throwing it to the other side of the clearing with his Tetsuaiga. But this thing just wouldn’t give up. It stood up and attacked again.

They did nothing but fight and Inuyasha was getting tired. The tiger came at him again and grabbed a hold of the Tetsuaiga’s blade and threw Inuyasha. Inuyasha hit the Sacred Tree with a loud thud and was knocked unconscious.

Realizing Inuyasha would soon become the tiger’s food if they didn‘t join in, Miroku and Sango ran for the demon. Shippo was under a carved-out hole in a nearby tree, he had his eyes shut and when he saw Inuyasha get knocked out. He snapped his eyes open when he smelt something that he always feared of. Looking around he found what he was looking for…the Tetsuaiga was lodged into one of the nearby trees. It grew a bright gold and shrunk to it’s normal rusted form.


Kagome opened the front door to find Eri, Ayumi, Yuka and Hojo staring back at her. She really didn’t expect to have her friends over.

“Hey guys, not to be rude or anything but why are you guys here?” She asked with a confused look plastered to her face.

“Well…” Hojo piped up, “We all saw how you’ve been kinda down lately and decided that we needed to do something to cheer you up. “

“Kagome if this delinquent boyfriend of yours left you then he obviously doesn’t know what he’s missing.” Yuka told her friend.

Kagome looked down to her feet and started to rub her left arm.

The four friends looked at each other as if saying ‘the poor girl’. “What’s the matter Kagome?” Eri asked a little concerned.

Kagome looked up with glassy eyes, “Why don’t you guys come up to my room?”


The tiger, Miroku, and Sango all felt the sudden change in his aura. Miroku looked at Sango as she raised her weapon she didn’t want to use it against her friend, no matter how many times he needed the sense knocked into him, she just couldn’t use it against him.

Miroku had hoped that ever since Kagome left that Inuyasha wouldn’t turn into a full demon anytime soon, unfortunately he was wrong. He knew that Kagome was really the only one that would, no could, get through to him, but she wasn’t currently available at the moment and he doubted that he would fall for Shippo’s little trick again.

Inuyasha slowly raised from the tree’s roots. He had his bangs covering his face but that didn’t mean that his comrades didn’t know what was lying underneath those heavy silver bangs. He slowly raised his head but kept his eyes shut, the purple streaks running across his cheeks assured Miroku and Sango’s fear. He then raised his right hand and flexed it making a loud cracking noise as his claws grew twice their size and more deadly.

In a very deadly tone he stated the worst, “That wasn’t very nice.” Just then his eyes flew open revealing blood red eyes and blue orbs floating within them. He launched himself from the tree, over the humans’ heads and in one clean swipe the tiger vanished off the face of the planet.

He turned around to face Miroku and Sango and did the scariest thing, smile. But this was no ordinary smile, it was one of hunger, hunger for blood and they knew who his next victims were.


Kagome plopped herself on her bed with Hojo on her left and Ayumi on her right. Eri was sitting in her chair at her desk and Yuka was leaning on her desk. Hojo put his hand on Kagome’s that were sitting in her lap, “You know you can tell us anything Kagome.”

Kagome stared at him and it only reminded her of Inuyasha and how he always tried to get her to talk when he knew something was wrong. She turned her head to look at the other girls, “I know.” She blew a heavy sigh before continuing, “Inuyasha didn’t leave me…I left him. I figured that he would be best to be with the other girl rather than me, I mean they have more of a past then me and him ever did. Inuyasha would’ve given his life if she ever died.” It wasn’t a complete lie.

“Wow, he’s really loyal.” Ayumi said thinking out loud again.

“Yeah he was…he was also brave and would protect me if he thought it was too dangerous, even though I could take care of myself.” Kagome said thinking of all the times Inuyasha was there when she needed help.


Inuyasha took one step toward the others and realized something wasn’t right. He turned around to see an arrow flying straight toward him.

Miroku and Sango were knocked back when Inuyasha flew between them and hit the tree with a loud thud. The arrow was lodged in his chest and was still glowing from the aura around it. Miroku and Sango looked up to see Inuyasha face changing, Shippo ran from his hiding spot when he saw this happen. The purple marks and red eyes faded from his face. He looked up in pain at the woman who had shot him.

“Ki…Kikyo” he stuttered, with a shaky hand rising as if trying to grab something. Miroku and Sango turned around them when they heard him say ’Kikyo’.

Kikyo gave that cold stare that you always see from Sesshomaru. Inuyasha gave a little chuckle before his breathing started getting softer, “Thank…you…Kikyo. I don’t…have…to live…in pain…anymore.” With the final word came his last breath. As Inuyasha was drained of his life he was also drained of his demonic blood. His silver hair faded to a midnight black and his golden orbs became lifeless as his eyes shut. His claws receded into his fingers. Shippo, Miroku, and Sango watched helplessly as Inuyasha’s life faded. As his eyes finally shut Shippo began to wail and cry out for Inuyasha to come back, but to no avail.

Miroku looked down at the sobbing kitsune and suddenly felt grief that would out match anything. He turned on his heels and faced Kikyo, “What have you done?!” He yelled at her. This surprised everybody, normally he was polite to her and would say ’Lady Kikyo’ when addressing to her but obviously she pushed it too far this time with him.

“What was necessary.” And with that said she vanished into the forest.

He gritted his teeth and Sango placed a hand on his shoulder, “Miroku…” she began but was interrupted… “Sango, Miroku! What’s happening to Inuyasha?!”

The two humans turned around to see Inuyasha glowing a bright blue, a light they’ve seen before but couldn’t quit put their fingers on it, then suddenly he vanished, arrow and all, leaving Miroku, Sango, and Shippo speechless.


“Kagome…” Hojo said to get her to look at him, “I don’t know if letting him go was the right choice for you but I can tell that you cared enough about this guy that you would let him go and be happy.”

Kagome turned to look at Hojo with a small smile on her face, “Thanks Hojo for understanding. I…UUGGHH!” She gasped in pain and clutching her chest with her right hand. She felt like her heart was going to be ripped out of her chest, she never felt anything like this before. She started heavily breathing seeing if that would help, but it didn’t.

“Kagome!” Eri shrieked, “What’s happening to the Sacred Tree?”

Kagome realized the pain stopped, but why? They all looked out the window to see the tree glowing and then fading and then glowing, as if it were calling something. They all ran out the door and down the stairs to the old Time Tree. They stopped no more than 10ft. from the tree and once Kagome got there it grew a bright blue glow that seemed all too familiar. Suddenly in the light a form was emerging, like it was coming out of the base of the tree. Kagome gasped when she realized who’s form it was that was emerging.

When the light finally receded Eri, Yuka, Ayumi, and Hojo all gasped to see a boy, no older than them, pinned to a tree with an arrow protruding from his chest. Kagome ran to the foot of the tree and looked up at him, “Inu…yasha?”

The four friends looked at each other and whispered, “Inuyasha?”

Kagome realized that there was no response and then realized the worst…he wasn’t breathing! “Inuyasha…Inuyasha please answer me…Inuyasha…INUYASHA!” She screamed Tears pouring from her pinched shut eyes. She grasped his haori looking for comfort from the man she loved.

Eri started slowly walking toward her friend, she couldn’t believe her eyes but it hurt her to see her best friend crying over him. “Kagome…is this really Inuyasha?” Kagome just nodded her head hopping that this was just a bad dream that she would wake up from soon.

Eri looked back at her other friends then back at Kagome, “Is he…is he okay?” she just had to ask.

Kagome stepped back from his lifeless body to acknowledge his features, “No, he’s…he’s human and he’s not supposed to be!” Kagome yelled more to herself.

Eri gave a look to the others to say ‘not to bring it up until she’s ready.’ Kagome looked at the arrow and knew exactly who’s arrow it was. “She killed him, she actually killed him. I thought you’d be better off with her.” She said more tears pouring from her eyes. Suddenly the arrow started to glow like it did when she first met Inuyasha when he was pinned to this same tree.

She turned around and asked her friends if they could help her. They looked at each other but agreed with whatever it was they were doing. “Guys I need you to hold him up while I pull the arrow out.” She didn’t know why but she had to get that arrow out of him. They all nodded their heads.

Kagome reached for the arrow and was surprised that it shocked her. She pulled her hand back to her body. The others looked on trying to figure out why this arrow was glowing. Kagome sat there rubbing her hand. Then realized why it shocked her.

She reached for the arrow again this time pausing, “Kikyo! I’m NOT gonna let you take his life! NOT THIS TIME!” Her own aura starting to flare, it was now visible to everyone. And with a quick snatch she grabbed the base of the arrow, Kikyo’s aura retreating back seeing as this girl was much more powerful than it. With one tug the arrow began to glow a bright purple, then vanished.

Now Hojo, Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi knew what Kagome was talking about when she asked them to not let him fall. Instead they carried him away from the tree and laid him down on the ground. Kagome got down on her knees next to his head. She took her hand wiped away the loose hairs from his closed eyes. When she took her hand away a miracle happened.

It was like her touch gave him his power back. His hair started to lighten to a silver color. The four humans gasped, witnessing this transformation. They watched as his finger nails became sharp claws and they all had to take a double-check when they saw his ears moving up his head and transforming into dog ears. Well, now they all know why he’s called Inuyasha. Once he was done transforming Hojo was the first one to pipe up, ”What the heck is he if he’s not human?”

Kagome looked down at him and put her hand on his, “He’s Inuyasha, the half-dog demon. And this is who I fell in love with.” Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi looked on as they watched her stroke his hair. Kagome moved around and lifted his head on her lap. She kept stroking his hair she just couldn’t let go of him, not yet at least. The other humans decided to sit down and make sure that Kagome was going to be okay. They all sat around Kagome and Inuyasha, even though they didn’t really know him they still felt sorry for him and especially Kagome.

Kagome looked at all of her friends as if giving them a silent thank you. She looked back down at him and brushed his bangs from his eyes, “Inuyasha, I’m so sorry it had to end like this.” She suddenly remembered this position from when they first met, “I can’t believe were back in this position. Do you know how many memories this reminds me of?” She knew he wouldn’t answer it, it just felt comfortable to know that he was in better hands. “Do you remember what you said to me before you transformed back into a half-demon?”

Suddenly Inuyasha started pulsating, then it started to fade until it was a steady heartbeat.


She looked down at him and closed her eyes, she put her hand over her mouth and then took her hand away and opened her eyes, “Yes?”

“You smell nice.” His eyelids began to flutter open revealing two golden orbs staring back at her.

“Inuyasha, you’re back” she said and put a hand on his chest.

He put his hand on her hand, “I never left your side.”


A/N: I am terribly sorry for not getting this chapter up and running as fast as I promised. I've been so busy with horse training and trying to get my horse ready for the APHA show's coming up. She's finally 2 1/2 and I'm finally able to break her. Anyways, there will be one more chapter after this one and I will try to get it up as fast as I can, plus I'm working on a new story it won't be about Inuyasha and Co. but it will be about another anime and a cartoon crossover. Please R&R.