InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Back to you ❯ Expect the unexpected ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Oh, yeah I don't own InuYasha but I do own the rights to this story save for the characters!

w00t! Another chapter is done for you! This week the other update will be "Love, Murder, and Betrayal" so please go check that out!

I want to thank everyone who's spent time reading my stories, because I'm so grateful to have you guys! You're the best. So please Read, Review and ENJOY!

Back to you

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter three: Expect the unexpected.

As they ran he could smell the Inu-hanyou close by, but something was wrong. It was in the air and all around him. And his soon to be mate next to him.

"Ayame," He said stopping and looking at the female wolf youkai, 'Boy is she beautiful.' "He's close, I can smell him I want you to turn back and go to the village where the monk and demon exterminator areTell the humans that we've found mutt-boy."

"But Koga!" The girl whined, her bright green eyes pleading, her radiant red hair that was currently up in pigtails that shaped her face just right making her look so innocent.

"Listen," He said drawing her into a loving embrace, placing his head on hers, "You can't predict what dog-boy is capable of.He's a cheat and takes cheap shots.Besides, from what the humans told us, he's severely lost it and I don't trust him around you.Who knows what he'll try and pull on you.."

She was about to whine some more to get her way like she usually would but before she could say another word, the prince of the wolf demon tribe covered her mouth with his. Ayame's mind went blank and her body took control as she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. He snickered as he pulled away from Ayame, she was flustered and her eyes held that glassy dazed look. Placing a chaste kiss on her nose, Koga pulled out of her embrace.

"Now go!" He yelled taking off towards where the Inu-hanyou's scent was strongest.

Ayame growled angrily as Koga sped off, she knew why Koga had kissed her, he had hoped that she would be in such a daze that she would forget and submit to his orders; but hell no! He may have been a great kisser, but he wasn't getting off that easily.

"Koga!" She screamed angrily as she chased after him, "Get your ass back here! Once I catch you there's going to be hell to pay!"

And that's exactly what she promised to do

oO Life is like a melody, sing deep within my soul, sing deep within me. And all these chains that shackle me They won't let me take control They wanna take control of me. I've got to rise above my life To find the reason I'm alive Oo

Kagome watched from atop of the many stairs as her uncle left for work on his only day off. Things hadn't gone like they should have, but what could she do? Sighing heavily, she turned around and headed towards the god tree Goshinboku; she needed to think. A breeze blew passed her and Kagome shivered, it felt as though some one was breathing down her neck, but a quick glance behind her proved her to be wrong.

As soon as she came to the giant tree, Kagome saw a young girl in the traditional priestess attire standing there. The girl's long silky black hair fluttered in the non-existent wind as did her outfit. Her pale skin reminded Kagome that of a porcelain doll that stayed hidden in the darkness. She seemed so familiar, but Kagome couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Excuse me," Kagome said barely above a whisper, "Can I help you?"

The girl's eyes shot open and Kagome gasped, this girl in the priestess outfit looked almost exactly like herself. The similarities were uncanny and it frightened Kagome. The girl smiled and faced the shocked teenager.

"Yes ye can help me Kagome," The maiden replied, "Come here.."

At first Kagome wanted to run, but her body betrayed her and slowly she made her way over to the young girl. For some reason she felt very uncomfortable in the woman's presence, but it soon died away.

"Who--are you?" Kagome asked.

"I'm surprised that ye haven't already guessed." The girl said sullenly, "But I am the priestess Kikyo.."

Kagome gasped, her hand coming up and covering her slightly ajar mouth. 'How could this girl be Kikyo? Kikyo's dead! Lady Kaede told me herself that Naraku had killed her many years ago!' The maiden smiled as she came a few feet away from the girl currently in shock.

"Ye are right," Kikyo said touching her own chest, "I am dead, but ye were miss informed.. Kaede, she wasn't thy younger sisterShe had been thy surrogate mother, took care of meNaraku had lied, for I had only been dead for ten years and though I did put InuYasha in a type of sleep, I knew that ye'd fall down the wellI knew that ye'd be the one who'd love him like I couldn't even find imaginable..'

"Ye see," Kikyo continued, "Ye are thy reincarnation and sad enough to say ye weren't destined to leave InuYasha, but something changedAnd I must now give ye some advice along with some wisdom of thy very soul."

"What do you mean?" Kagome was confused beyond comprehension.

Kikyo reached out and cupped Kagome's cheeks in her hands. Kagome tried to move away, but she was frozen in place; the maiden's hands were ice cold and it sent chills up her spine. The dead priestess said a silent prayer and looked into Kagome's eyes, the world around the both of them began to spin and Kagome felt as though she was going to vomit.

A flash of light blinded her and she felt the ground underneath her hands and knees. The scent of wood filled her nose, damp wood. Panting a bit, she slowly opened her eyes and as they adjusted to the lack of light, the well came into her view

"Where am I? How did I get here?" Kagome asked to no one in particular.

"I would guess you're in the well house," A voice said from behind her.

Quickly getting to her feet, Kagome turned around and took a step backwards. He was standing there in front of her. Why was history always repeating itself? Why couldn't she just be left alone to sulk on her own?

"W-what are you doing here Koga?" She said even more confused than before.

He walked up to her and yet she backed up until her legs came in contact with the lip of the well and he put his hands on her shoulders, pushing her but onto the wood. He seemed to be very sad and his eyes no longer held that spark of life that usually illuminated his bright blue orbs.

"Kagome," He said softly, kneeling to where he was looking deep into her eyes, "I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you.."

"What do you mean Koga?" She questioned, "You haven't done anything wrong!"

"I didn't mean to cause you pain," Koga said, "But when he kissed you, I snapped. You were the most gorgeous creature that I had ever seen and I wanted you to me mineMy angel.."

Her eyes widened to the size of large saucers, "But how could you? You're not from that era! You're Koga Ookami! Rookie police officer! How can you be a wolf demon? You're only twenty three!"

"I know who I am Kagome," He snapped, "But it's too complicated to explain at this time. He needs you KagomeYou have to go back and see him"

"I can't!" She began to cry, "I told myself I would never go to him! We don't belong together.It's just impossible!"

Koga got onto his feet, his hands still gripping her shoulders. He leaned down and planted a kiss on her cheek then he growled angrily.

"GO!" HE said, "Go back to the village! Miroku and Sango will be there along with Kaede! Go back and hurry!"

With that, he pushed her and she went falling down the well screaming as though she was being brutally murdered. The upset Koga watched as the deep blue light could be seen then he turned and walked out into the open. Kikyo was there, her hands over her chest, a frown on her face.

"Yer not supposed to be here wolf," She said softly, "Ye should have left the first time ye diedYe didn't belong in this time.."

"Yeah," Koga snorted, "I'm supposed to do a lot, but if I hadn't pushed her down, I highly doubt that she would have gone willingly.. Then Tsubaki would have won hands down and that bitch needs to die again too! It's just the way things have to be Kikyo.Besides why are you here? Shouldn't you be in hell along with Naraku and everyone else?"

"I just came to retrieve ye" She said flatly, "And to give thy reincarnation some advice and help"

"What ever," He sighed looking down at his blood covered claws. "As long as my wounds disappearThey've been very depressing knowing just how easily I was struck down"

Kikyo glanced at the now wolf prince; his blood was everywhere, his tail was torn from his body and many other horrifying wounds, even though she was it made her cringe.

"They will," She replied as she walked away, her body disappearing into the warmth of the sun, "Hurry up KogaSomeone's been waiting patiently for a long time to see ye againAnd I wouldn't keep her waiting much longer.."

oO I'll save myself, I'm all alone. I've opened my heart to see there's nobody home. It's up to me, I'm on my own. The message of life is turning facing the storm. Facing the storm. Oo

She was surrounded in the deep blue warmth and light as she fell down the well. For some reason she must have really liked falling down the old thing because she seemed to have done it numerous times. Landing soundly on her feet, Kagome waited for the light to die down before she looked up. She was in his time because she could hear the birds chirping and the silence of the forest.

Finding some vines, she slowly climbed up the well and gripped the side as she climbed out. The fresh air filled her lungs and oddly enough she felt as if she was at home. Her legs moved on their own and began to walk towards the village, there was a weird feeling in her stomach and she had to get to Sango and Miroku, something was definitely wrong, it was in the air.

Taking off into a fast run, she followed the path, she had to reach her friends and tell them how Koga was in her time, about how she had missed them all; but most of all how she wanted to apologize to InuYasha for leaving him. At the moment she had no intention of ever going back through the well because she realized that she belonged here..

Minutes passed by quickly and soon enough the village came into view. Children could be seen running around by Kagome and it kind of made her feel bad, it made her think of Sota. Sniffling back her tears, Kagome caught the faint jingling of what she thought to be keys. Raising her gaze, she saw a young man with his back to her, purple and black robes barely touching the ground showing off his ankles as he adjusted the burlap sack filled with herbs. He had a hat on probably to block out the hot sun, and he walked with a staff, to what Kagome remembered as Kaede's hut.

"Miroku!" She called out to him hoping he could turn around, he didn't. "Miroku!"

Slightly peeved, she jogged towards him, but stopped when her sandal broke. Growling angrily to herself, she pulled off the still intact flip flop and retraced her steps to where the other one lay almost forgotten. As she picked up her shoe she heard a familiar voice yelling.

"You forgot to get the plants Kaede needs for that one potion for the villager!" The woman cried out. There was a moment of silence before the woman continued, "Damn right you're going to be sorry monk!"

Kagome snickered to herself as she brushed some of the sweat from her brow. She hadn't done much exercise in a whole and she was a little parched. Everything had seemed to grow unusually quiet and Kagome looked around hesitantly until she heard a loud gasp. She turned and faced Kaede's hut. There stood Sango in her normal pink kimono, the hat that she held was currently on the ground. Her brown eyes wide in shock, her hand clinging over her chest as she stared unblinking at Kagome.

"Sango" Kagome Whispered.

All of a sudden Miroku appeared behind the demon slayer and wrapped his arms securely around her waist, planting a chaste kiss on her cheek. Kagome could see the worry in his face.

"Sango my love, what's wrong?" He asked rather loudly, "Ye look like ye've seen a ghost or something"

"K..KaKagome" The demon slayer managed to whisper. Miroku looked up to where Sango was currently gazing and when he caught sight of Kagome his mouth dropped and he paled.

oO My life is filled with your memory You were deep within my heart You were deep within side me. With all this pain that I'm wrapped around There's a heaven up above. I see the angels falling down. I've got to rise above my life. To find a reason I'm alive. Oo

Okay that is the chapter. Don't worry.. I know you're all wanting to know why Koga and Ayame are in this story and soon all questions will be answered. Stayed tuned till next week for the next installment of "Back to you!"

OOO and I've got yet another's called "A prisoner to his passion" and's lemony goodness is kinda evil... So go check it out!

Chapter Four: One down, two to go!

Until next time, Krystal.