InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Back to you ❯ I need you Miroku ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Oh, yeah I don't own InuYasha but I do own the rights to this story save for the characters!

Okay I know, even more confusing, Angsty and just plain mean last chapter. :*( You all probably wanna chase me with your pitchforks for the evilness that has gone throughout this whole story. BUT! There is a lemon in this chapter and if you are not old enough, mature enough please don't read..Well please do read but you can't hurt me because I've warned you! This chapter's a little repetative XD. SO ON WITH THE STORY!

Back to you

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Seven: I need you Miroku

Sango watched in horror as the sword flew towards Kagome, but a sigh washed over her as it missed, just barely missing her head. Mysteriously the winged hornets fled into the depths of the trees as a voice rang out.

"KAGOME!" It was InuYasha's voice, Sango was sure of it. "KAGOME HOLD ON!"

The demon slayer immediately jumped onto Kirara's back, ordering the neko youkai to follow the hanyou's scent. The cat jumped into the air and headed directly towards the god tree. She feared for the worst as she drew closer, and when she reached the destination, her blood ran cold. There was InuYasha staring straight passed her, a confused look on his face, his golden eyes were clouded over as he stood pinned to the sacred tree by a single arrow through the chest.

Choking out a sob, Sango continued to watch the hanyou's useless attempts to observe his surroundings. He was too disoriented, he looked like what Kagome had said once to be "Shit on a shingle" whatever the hell that meant. His eyes closed for a moment and the demon slayer's heart did a flip. Here she was standing in front of one of her closest friends gawking at him like he had grown wings.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sango saw the silver chair around InuYasha's neck, it seemed to be stuck on the arrow. Kirara appeared at her side and purred. Sango stroked the neko's head just as her hanyou friend's eyes opened slightly glancing at the weapon that pinned him to the tree.

"InuYasha can you hear me?" Sango asked loudly.

"No." Sango could faintly hear him whisper as she came slowly closer, "Don't.pleasedon't leave me all alone KagomeI'm scaredI'm so sc--"

The arrow seemed to come to life causing InuYasha immense pain. Sango gaped in horror as something small and silver split into two pieces and fell to the ground. Glancing back up at the hanyou, she saw his eyes were closed once again, a peaceful look on his face. He looked as though in a deep sleep.

Kirara must have sensed Sango's distress because the neko mewed and grabbed Sango by the back of her exterminating outfit and jumping into the air back towards the village.

Oo Love to be beside you, the way you smell The way your lips feel and your fingernails. The way your fingers crawl up my spine, The way you always make me the last in line. I carry the weight of the world as the past is unfurled, but I won't stop to wonder. Going through this life on my own made me as cold as a stone; I'm a ship going under. oO

Miroku and a few of the village men had barely finished putting the bodies of Ayame and Koga into a small hut and cleaned up some of the blood when Kirara had entered the village with a dazed Sango. As the neko released Sango, the demon slayer collapsed to her knees.

Rushing over to his wife, Miroku dropped to the ground and immediately wrapped his arms around her hot body. He could feel the wet moisture of the sweat and now the tears as she sobbed into his chest, her hands clenching his outer robes.

"Sango my love," He whispered gently, "Are you okay? What happened?"

When she didn't answer, the monk began rubbing her back in a slow and circular motion. He needed to find a way for her to open up to him and tell what was on her mind. Pulling Sango closer to his body, Miroku hissed her hair and rested his chin on the top of her head, silently rocking his beloved back and for in a comforting motion as she sobbed.

Minutes passed before Sango had sniffled her tears to a stop. She looked up at her husband with a tear stained face, her eyes were red and puffy, she looked completely distraught and Miroku still didn't even know why.

"Miroku" She whispered hoarsely, "Miroku,I need you"

Gathering Sango in his arms, Miroku got to his feet and walked towards their hut. He hated to see her in this depressed state, especially if she 'needed him'. For some reason she looked as though as she was a small and scared child, and it always made his heart ache to see her in such pain.

Upon entering the hut, Miroku sighed heavily as she lay his beloved Sango down on their futon. Caressing her cheek, the monk watched Sango carefully. He never had imagined that he would be married to the demon slayer. It was like a dream come true. Putting his elbows on his knees and hiding his face in his palms he tho9ught long and hard about everything that had happened recently.

So far both Ayame and Koga had died, and the wolf tribe had yet to look for them. The corrupted priestess Tsubaki had miraculously come back from the dead. As a young child he listened to passing villagers about her evil intentions, how she tried to murder Kikyo, but lost her life by the hands of a fearless hanyou; it had been InuYasha, no doubt about that. Kagome who is the reincarnation of that of the deceased priestess Kikyo, had some how unlocked her hidden miko powers, he'd witnessed it himself, but now she was back in her own time. Well hopefully at least.

Miroku was suddenly torn from his thoughts as Sango's lips grazed his exposed neck as she pulled the ponytail from her hair, sending her long dark brown tresses tumbling over the monk's shoulder. He shivered involuntarily as she turned to face his wife. Her hand wrapped around his neck and pulled him down on top of herself, she needed him to help her forget, to release all the pain and anguish that was flowing in her veins.

His hands immediately began to roam her body and his lips covered Sango's in a passion filled kiss. She parted her lips and moaned as Miroku's tongue dove into her mouth massaging her tongue, feeling the hidden crevices of her mouth. The monk could feel himself harden as his hands brushed her clothed breasts.

Leaving her mouth, Miroku placed slow chaste kisses down Sango's neck as he began to undress her. He kept reminding himself that he wasn't taking advantage of his wife, she needed him and he would never leave her alone. Pulling all of her clothes off, Miroku pulled away from Sango and watched her. She was breathing some what heavily as her chest rose and fell quickly. Her hair was strewn out everywhere, but her lovely brown eyes still held the glassy depressed look, she was only acting upon her desires because she couldn't handle depression very well.

Quickly undressing his own self and throwing his robes onto the floor, Miroku crushed his mouth over Sango's in a intense and brutal kiss surprising her as he began to kneed her breasts in his palms. Hearing Sango only enticed Miroku further, he had to have more of her. He smirked against her lips as he felt the gooseflesh on her as his hands slowly roamed downwards on her naked body.

His hands soon found their way to Sango's inner thighs. He gently wrapped one of his arms around Sango's waist as the other reeked havoc on her lower regions, he was teasing her. Being completely gent at the moment, Miroku slid a finger into the demons slayer's wet folds, causing her to softly cry out as he trailed hot open mouthed kisses across her jaw and down her neck.

As he pumped his long slender finger into her womanhood over and over he quickly added two more fingers, a loud groan escaping his lips as he felt her inner walls clamp down against his appendages. Lost in the moment, Miroku clasped his mouth over Sango's breast, sucking on the hardened bud while his tongue swirled around it, causing Sango to huskily call out his name. After a few minutes of horrendous torture on one of her round breasts, the monk eagerly switched to the other being sure not to neglect it for too long.

Her head was completely blank as she moaned loudly. Sango had never felt such an intense sexual pleasure before. Miroku was doing things that she would have never deemed possible, he was gently and yet it was driving her absolutely insane with frustration. Her nails dug deeply into the monk's shoulders, leaving tiny crescent shaped indentations on his sweat covered body. She could feel that he was holding back on her, and she needed more or else she would take itagain.

"Miroku" She hoarsely hissed biting back another pleasure filled moan, "Ineed you" Her breath hitched in her throat, she was close to release, but fighting desperately against it, "NowMirokuPlease don't hold b-b--"

Some how Miroku had lost control by Sango's lousily hidden anger. Her was so hard that it literally hurt. Releasing her breast from their torture, he extracted his fingers from her heat, gingerly licking them clean and then crushing his lips against hers. He could hear her intake air fiercely, he wasn't going to give her any mercy, he wasn't going to hold back any longer.

Gripping her hips with his enormous hands, he didn't wait for Sango to get situated; Oh no, he roughly thrusted himself into her unsuspecting womb, causing the demon slayer to cry out in pain. Even muffled, he could hear her as clear as day. Miroku's body demanded that she would succumb to him as he forcefully pounded into her small body. Soon enough, Sango had wrapped her legs around Miroku's waist, pushing his pulsating manhood deeper into her heat than ever before. His tongue dove into her mouth yet again, taking her breath away by the brute strength that he possessed, yet never shown before.

Sango whimpered as he bit on her lip hard enough to draw blood, the metallic bitter taste could be tasted on her tongue as they both fought for dominance. Miroku thrusted powerfully into her womb, his hands roughly pushing against her hips as she was sent spiraling over the edge into utter ecstasy.

Screaming out his name, Sango clung to her husband as his pace began to slow down. As soon as she'd thought he had come, he surprised her by pulling out of her only to slam his engorged member back into her, sending her into yet another powerful gut-wrenching orgasm as he silently moaned her name into her mouth. He filled his wife with his hot torrent seed as her inner walls clamped tightly against his erect manhood, and Miroku could feel Sango's body relax as she lay limply underneath him.

Collapsing next to his wife, Miroku kissed her temple as he tiredly draped his arm across her waist pulling her hot body against his, spooning her if you will. He listened to her breathing until it became slow and even; she'd fallen asleep. Brushing the damp hair away from her face, the monk sighed heavily as he held her tightly against his naked body.

"I love you Sango." He whispered silently into her ear, "I just wish you'd tell me what is wrongIt breaks my heart to see you like thisTo see pain in your eyesI'd take it all away if I could, just so that you'd never be sad again" with that Miroku closed his eyes and fell into a light sleep.

Oo And i'd tell you this, but I don't know how. I'm caving in and I'm falling out. And I can't resist and I can't rebound With the weight of the world as the world falls down. Its the way you thrill me, then pull away. The way you seem to kill me a little more each day. And it's what you're thinking in your twisted mind. The way your body trembles when it's next to mine. oO

Scenery changes brought to you by "weight of the world." by Saliva.

Okay so I know that this was kind of an awkward lemon, but I believe that it kind of needed to be done in order for the later chapters to understand. I hope that you liked it and another chapter should be out next week. I promise. SO please leave a review.

Chapter Eight: Caught in the crossfire.

So until next time, Krystal.