InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Back to you ❯ Mixed emotions ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Oh, yeah I don’t own InuYasha but I do own the rights to this story save for the characters!

Back to you

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Fourteen: Mixed Emotions

‘This wasn’t supposed to happen,’
her mind screamed as she ran to InuYasha’s pinned form and laid her head on his chest. The tears poured down her cheeks as her hands clutched his red haori. ‘You weren’t supposed to be pinned to the Goshinboku! InuYasha, we were supposed to have a happy ending! I was so stupid! I ruined everything!’

“I’m so sorry InuYasha,” she sobbed quietly.

His body suddenly pulsed against her and Kagome gasped as she stepped back. Her eyes stared at his face, he was even mesmerizing as he slept. Looking over at the arrow that pierced the Inu-hanyou’s shoulder, she wiped her eyes dry and went back up to him. Swallowing the rather large lump in her throat, she sighed heavily as she reached out her hand to the arrow.

‘You must pull it out to free him,’ a voice cooed. ‘You’ll only live happy again once it has been removed and purified. Hurry before InuYasha is completely consumed by the arrow’s evil aura.’

Touching the arrow sent a shock of pain throughout her body and she bit down on her lip to keep from crying out. She wasn’t weak like she used to be and she absolutely wasn’t going to let it show. A frown contorted on her face as she grabbed onto the arrow as a blinding wave of immense pain shot through her body. She tried to use some of her mind over matter to distract her from the pain as she pulled at the arrow, but alas she still wasn’t that strong for such tricks especially against a very powerful dark priestess who pinned Inuyasha to the tree in the first place.

She cried out in pain as two rough clawed hands grabbed onto her arms. Her eyes shot open and she stared into the icy depths of amber as the arrow jerked out of InuYasha’s body. She stumbled back and something whizzed by her face cutting her cheek and sent her tumbling to the grass.

Kagome quickly got to her feet as the object came flying back at her. Her eyes caught sight of a waking Miroku that she hadn’t noticed before and as she dodged the weapon again trying to keep herself calm and remember what she had been taught.

“Miroku!” Kagome called out frantically, “dammit Miroku I need your help!”

Hearing her voice, the groggy monk looked up to see Kagome in a priestess robe, fear in her eyes as the blood trickled steadily from a cut on her cheek. InuYasha was not that far away staring at the little hole in his chest oblivious to everything around him, the Inu-hanyou was unpinned from the sacred tree and actually awake. Brushing himself off, he returned his gaze to Kagome just as something came flying at her from above.

“Kagome look out!” Miroku yelled, “it’s above you!”

Looking up, he was right and Kagome barely had enough time to throw up a weak barrier before the sword could slice her in half. The force of the sword hitting the barrier knocked Kagome to her knees, but she was still able to keep herself concentrated on focusing her miko energy. She struggled to put up a stronger barrier, but she hadn’t been trained to use so much energy, hell she wasn’t even trained to fight with something as powerful and as evil as the sword was proving to be.

Soon enough she began to become dizzy as she fought to keep up the barrier, Miroku couldn’t get anywhere near her because both the monk and Inuyasha were fighting a large swarm of putrid green and brown hornets that appeared out of nowhere. The sword began cracking through the barrier and Kagome could feel the blood now coming from her nose. She felt so dizzy and tried that she didn’t sense the arrow that shot out through the trees and nicked her sides. Kagome bit back a scream, but a cry escaped her lips as her barrier finally fell.

InuYasha and Miroku heard Kagome’s cry and turned to see an arrow hit a near by tree and watch as the tree disintegrated right in front of their very eyes before Inuyasha unsheathed Tetsusaiga on instincts and lung for the sword before it could kill his “Kikyo”, slicing the stubborn weapon of hell in half as it shattered into a million pieces. Her eyes were wide in shock as she stared obliviously at the sky. His hand gingerly reached up and wiped the blood from her face, being careful not to knick her with his claws.

“You’re alive?” He whispered as her eyes locked with his, “how can you be? I watched as Naraku killed you two years ago! Kikyo ho--”

Kagome jerked away from his as her eyes narrowed angrily. He looked hurt, but she felt as though her heart was torn from her body. Fighting back her tears, she tried to get to her feet and stumbled, InuYasha catching her quickly in his strong arms. Angrily she fought against his hold, but he was stronger than her and fatigue was beginning to settle in.

“Kikyo!” He said worriedly, “it’s me InuYasha! Don’t you remember me? Kikyo stop!”

“I know who you are you bastard!” She growled pushing him away, “and I’m not Kikyo! I’m Kagome! KA-GO-ME!”

Miroku watched in disbelief as the hanyou mixed Kagome for a priestess who had died over twenty-two years ago. The monk could see the pain in the depths of Kagome’s chocolate eyes and he sighed going over to her aide and picking her up bridal style just as her legs gave out and she fainted.

“Come InuYasha,” Miroku said sullenly as he began to walk back to the village. “We have much to discuss about as we head back to mine and Sango’s hut… You’ve missed a lot and need to be brought back up to speed.”

Reluctantly and utterlessly confused, InuYasha followed the monk. Miroku had began to explain the obvious things to InuYasha as the both of them slowly headed back to the village. The hanyou was stunned beyond believe when he was told that his dearest “Kikyo” had in fact been a peacefully resting (dead!) for twenty-two years and how Naraku was defeated. The monk felt as though he was telling one of his old stories to his children which brought him back to the reality that he had left Sango and never returned. Guilt filled throughout his body and he decided to be for Sango’s forgiveness the moment he laid eyes on the magnificent beauty that was his wife.

InuYasha on the other hand was deeply confused as he stared down at the unconscious beauty now in his protective arms. He had no recollection of who she was, but the monk called her Kagome. He was told that he was deeply in love with the maiden before she left and he was pinned the sacred tree by an evil priestess named Tsubaki, but she was dead! The hanyou had remembered killing her himself! Everything was confusing, but InuYasha now understood some what why the girl in his arms was furious when he called her Kikyo, even is she supposedly was his once lover’s reincarnation.

Kagome’s wild flower scent filled his nose, he loved it, but he didn’t know why. InuYasha knew that he could trust the lecherous monk, and yet there was something nagging at him in the back of his mind. Staying quiet as Miroku continued to inform the hanyou of many different things and past events, Inuyasha kept stealing glances at her pale face as her long ebony hair fluttered lifelessly swaying as he slowly walked next to the monk. His mind was filled with confused thoughts as his ears twitched, picking up all the natural sounds around the three of them including her calm, even and steady breathing as her chest rose and fell slowly. Sighing heavily, the hanyou pulled Kagome closer to his body trying to mind his claws and not hurt her. Miroku stole a glance at his hanyou friend gazing down at Kagome and a smile pursed his lips, there could be a happy ending after all.


Sango paced frantically back and forth as Kaede swept the wooden floor of the hut. The demon slayer was driving the elderly woman insane with her irrational thoughts and Kaede selfishly thought about subduing the young woman just so her old mind could get some peace and quiet. Sighing heavily, she discontinued her impure thoughts and continued to mindlessly sweep her clean floor.

The demon slayer bent down and picked up her daughter Ayumi as Kirara comfortably napped right outside the hut entrance. Sango was beyond worried and her mind was crammed with really unwanted thoughts as she went outside into the open. Hers and Miroku’s two other children were busy chasing each other and the village kids around. Putting her daughter down, she watched as the four-year-old laughed and poked the sleeping neko youkai.

It was early afternoon and her hair may have been combed, but it was lifelessly curtained around her as her head hung, silent tears pouring down from her slightly tanned face. The demon slayer’s slender arms were crossed tightly against her chest as her hands held tightly onto her own biceps. Going back into the hut, Sango sat down across from Kaede and picked up the cup of tea that had been made for her. Holding the cup with her trembling hands, she stared at the liquid then into the small fire before taking a sip and replacing the cup onto the floor.

“Do you think he’s okay?” Sango asked blinking back her tears.

“Aye my child, I believe the monk is perfectly okay,” Kaede said darting her gaze momentarily outside.

The two women could no longer hear the laughter of the children and worry showed eve more so as Sango cautiously climbed to her feet, grabbing Hiraikotsu, then going to the entrance and looking out. As her brown eyes surveyed the area around her and she could see none of the village children. Clicking her tongue against her teeth, Kirara lazily came to the demon slayer’s side and mewed loudly. Hearing Minoru’s endless chatter and Seiko’s pleas of “Can I touch them?” , Sango turned around and saw Miroku smiling widely as he spoke with their son.

Dropping he weapon, the demon slayer could feel the tears pour from her eyes freely as she took off in a fast run for her husband. Her heart was pounding like a hummingbird’s and she believed that if she closed her eyes or blinked, he would disappear from her vision.


“Miroku!” His blood ran cold and his eyes flew to the direction that he heard her cry.

Before he could react, Sango flung herself desperately into the monks chest as her arms circled around his neck and she pulled him into a crushing hug. Miroku could feel the wetness of his wife’s tears as his arms wrapped around her waist, his chin resting onto the top of her hair. Her muffled words could barely be heard from the monk, but he whispered soothing words into her ear as InuYasha watched curiously.

The hanyou still couldn’t register what he had been told about his friends, the monk and demon slayer getting married and having three kids? Well, he didn’t believe it until Sango pulled away from Miroku and embarrassedly wiping away her tears before the monk chuckled.

“Don’t laugh at me you ass!” She growled trying to hid her blush, “I was worried sick about you! Miroku you didn’t come home!”

“I’m so sorry my love, it won’t’ ever happen again I promise!” He replied as he pulled the demon slayer back into his arms and his lips claimed hers in a passion filled kiss which she willingly returned. All the time the two children faked gagging sounds and rolling their eyes at their parents.


OKay so this is all that I'm willing to give you. It may be crappy, but it's all that mean reviewers deserve! I don't know exactly when the next update will be, or if any. I am looking for a job at the moment so don't count on much. SO if you really want more review, or who knows when you'll get something new.

Until next time, Krystal.
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