InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Back to you ❯ Sit! Bi-polar style ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Oh, yeah I don’t own InuYasha but I do own the rights to this story save for the characters!

Back to you

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Twenty: Sit! Bi-polar Style.

His heart was pounding wildly in his chest as he ran, it was early in the morning by the looks of it and he didn’t know what he was doing but he was nervous. He was scared. The trees passed by as he ran to his destination, it was as if he would die if he didn’t get there in time. A moment went by and InuYasha realized where he was headed, it was towards the bone eater’s well, but why? His question answered it as everything cleared out of his way and he saw Kagome standing on the lip of the well trying to lift what looked like a heavy pack only to over use her weight and losing her balance. The hanyou didn’t stop to think as he darted for her, his clawed hands wrapping around her waist and pulling her into chest. Her forearms were trapped between their bodies, but her fingers clutched his haori as if it was her last life line.

‘What the hell is going on?’ He asked himself realizing he was having yet another creepy “dream.”

“Kagome,” there was something familiar in the tone of his own voice and he immediately recognized it as worry. “Are you okay?”

Her once closed eyes flew open and he could see the surprise in her brown orbs as well as hear the gasp that came from her lips. There was a sudden scent of salt in the air and the hanyou knew that Kagome was fighting back her tears as she hid her face in his chest.

“I told you not to come after me InuYasha,” her voice was weak and shaky, she was really crying and her grasp on his haori only tightened.

“I could never do that Kagome, I-” He was now nuzzling his head into the younger version of Kagome’s shoulder. “I love you and I’ll be damned before I let you try and leave me again!”

InuYasha couldn’t believe that he heard himself correctly, he loved Kagome? It oddly enough did make more sense, but as some of his questions diminished, more popped up in their place. Like “then why did he not remember?” Or “What happened all those year ago and why weren’t they together if he loved her?” To bad the hanyou didn’t know that his new questions too would be answered.

“Please don’t make this harder than it already is,” she was begging.

“Kagome,” he heard himself say sternly but his tone was slightly quivering as he spoke. “When I read the letter my heart broke! I can’t lose you! I don’t know what I would do without you! You promised that you’d never leave me again! Did you mean it?” The hanyou was confused, but his ‘dream’ self continued, “I can’t move on, can’t you see it Kagome? When I see myself I see you by my side as my mate! I don’t want to live without you! I couldn’t bare it for long.”

InuYasha could feel the desperation in his own words and it was as if he was putting salt on the wounds he believed he never had, but had suddenly resurfaced.

“Stop InuYasha,” she demanded pushing him away angrily. “I don’t wish for you to proclaim your love for me! I don’t deserve it. You have to move on InuYasha, forget about me, let the memories die for they will not be a reality! It can’t end happy for I could never give you happiness. So please InuYasha, don’t stop me!” It was then that she turned away from him and began to walk away from him.

“NO!” He all but growled as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her roughly against his chest.

The hanyou had felt like somebody ripped out his heart when she turned away from him and he couldn’t deal with it, dream self or not. It was as if his animalistic side was taking over as his lips crashed down upon Kagome’s in a deadening kiss. Even if it didn’t feel right it was something that had to be done in order to make her understand. His tongue slid across her lips and as she gasped, it darted slowly into her mouth, he was going to try and persuade her to stay. It seemed to be working as he snaked his arms around her waist, intensifying what he started and she relaxed into his body before he slowly ended their heated kiss.

“I don’t want to move on and my memories of you shall never die.” Oh how ironic the world seemed to be, “I wish for them to always stay in my mind. The only thing that will make me happy is if you were to stay and let me love you because your smiling face makes me happy. The sweet and innocent moments that we spend together,” his voice was getting more distant as the images begun to fade. The hanyou was beginning to wake up. “Rather it be from a far or you in my arms, that’s what makes me happy. I can’t choose who I am destined to love Kagome because my heart has chosen you along time ago. So please, don’t leave me. I need you.”

InuYasha struggled to stay asleep, he had to find out what happened, he had to know how things had ended because they didn’t look as though they were leaning in his direction. Bringing his clawed hand to his face, the hanyou opened his eyes and realized that it would be morning soon, he hadn’t been sleeping for more than a few hours. Running his clawed hand through his silver locks of hair, the hanyou glanced down to where Kagome laid and his heart skipped a beat. She was no where in sight. Jumping to his feet, InuYasha left the hut and frantically looked around until he spotted her retreating form in the distance.

Trying his best to calm down his racing heart, the hanyou somewhat quickly followed after Kagome. He didn’t understand everything that was running through his mind, but something deep inside was afraid that if Kagome left his sight she would surely disappear forever. Clenching his fists as he stepped on a rock, he hissed silently, he needed to start paying attention to where he was going or he could seriously hurt his feet. Taking his eyes off Kagome for a moment, InuYasha closed his amber eyes and tried to recall the odd dream that he had dreamt. It had been so unnerving and called to his heart, it had seemed so real and the hanyou was beginning to believe that it was. It was one thing to have a realistic dream, but it was a completely different thing when he felt everything seen deep inside his bones. InuYasha sighed heavily, opening his eyes as he slowly walked closer to Kagome. There were feelings coursing through his veins that he remembered experiencing before and he had to find out if he was making the worst mistake in his life.


Rolling over onto her side, Kagome mentally groaned, she really wanted to just go back to her dream world but she couldn’t be able anytime soon. Slowly sitting up she stretched before glancing around, she was inside a hut and it was most likely either Kaede’s or Miroku’s and Sango’s. A flash of silver aught the corner of her vision and Kagome found herself staring directly at a sleeping InuYasha. A smile pursed her lips as she leaned over to where he was and gently touched his tanned face. She always thought he was so beautiful when he slept. Quickly pulling her hand back as InuYasha moved mumbling under his breath, she watched him carefully, to her he was so entrancing.

Tears stung the back of her eyes as she thought about all the things they had gone through, it was heart breaking. Blinking back the moisture in her eyes, Kagome climbed to her feet, she needed to think. She needed to get out of the small hut because it was smothering her. The cold air hit her face once she was outside and Kagome let out a heavy sigh, the feudal era she was currently in was so relaxing and in a way it was her home. The ground felt good against her feet as she calmly walked down the dirt road. She wasn’t sure of where she was going to but Kagome would find out when she stopped. At the moment the only thing she was worried about was how dirty her feet were going to be after her little walk.

Kagome laughed at herself for how stupid her thoughts were; they were so pathetic that she couldn’t believe that she had been so worried over it before. Inhaling deeply, she wrapped her arms around herself as she kept her eyes forward, it was still early since the sun still was not up, but the sky was gently glowing. Kagome couldn’t help but smile at the scenery around her, it was soothing and helped her relax more than she thought was possible. Sitting down on a grassy hill, Kagome pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on them as she looked ahead.

Minutes passed by quickly for Kagome and she could feel him coming towards her. The sun was beginning to rise and she knew that another day would come to fruitation, but what was in store was a complete mystery. Letting a smile come to her face she ran her fingers through her somewhat tangled hair, it would need to be brushed and probably washed later.

“You can come sit by me if you like InuYasha,” Kagome said not glancing behind herself. “I promise that I won’t bite you.”

Hearing his stubborn snort, she wanted to laugh but resisted the desire as she felt his haori brush against her arms when he sat down next to her. She took a quick glance at him and could feel the blush heating her cheeks, she suddenly had the urge to touch him whether be his haori or his skin. Returning her gaze to the scenery in front of her, Kagome swallowed the lump growing in her throat.

“He didn’t hurt you did he?” InuYasha asked before she could say anything first.

“No,” She replied. “He didn’t hurt me, he didn’t even touch me at a--”

His clawed hand laid over her hand and his eyes were suddenly staring into hers, laced with something so familiar. “I don’t quite understand what’s going on but when I saw you being dragged under the water by those vines, something inside me snapped. I thought that I was going to lose you and I don’t know what I would do if I did.” There was desperation in his voice, but it was so soft that Kagome didn’t dare to blink. “I’m not sure of how I really feel about you yet, but I know that I didn’t mean what I said earlier. I would never do anything intentionally to hurt you.”

“InuYasha I-” She started only to have him cut her off.

“Wait, I’m not done yet.” The hanyou said almost urgently. “I know that there is a huge piece of my life missing, I can feel it, but until I can remember everything I wanna know that you’ll always be there for me.” InuYasha’s voice wavered a bit and Kagome saw his trembling, it was taking a lot for him to say everything. “I wanna know if you’ll willing stay by my side for as long as it takes. I don’t wanna be without you.”

It was as if the air had been sucked from her lungs because Kagome could have sworn that she couldn’t breathe. She didn’t know what to do, she wanted to cry, she wanted to scream with joy, but all she could do was stare at the trembling hanyou in front of her, his amber eyes searching for something positive. Kagome opened and closed her mouth a few times, though poorly imitating a fish, she couldn’t find herself able to say the words she wanted to scream from every hillside and mountain top. InuYasha’s eyes lowered and he sighed heavily climbing to his feet, he didn’t understand why he poured his heart out to her, but he did. It hurt his ego badly when she didn’t answer and he immediately knew why; she didn’t feel the same as he did. The hanyou had jumped the gun by trying to believe what Miroku said, he should have known better because all he received was rejection.

“InuYasha wait!” Kagome cried out as she grabbed his clawed hand.

The hanyou frowned angrily as he shot a glare at the girl a few feet away from him. Sure he wasn’t mad at her, but at himself because he had been a fool to be telling himself that anybody wanted a hanyou. He was pathetic for wanting to be loved and having someone to love. Tearing his hand from her grasp InuYasha growled, he couldn’t stand to be next to her at the moment, he needed to get away.

“Why don’t you go home!” He didn’t want to sound as rough as he did, but couldn’t help it.

The look in Kagome’s eyes were devastated but instead of crying, she narrowed her eyes, she was getting upset. “Why don’t you quit acting like an angst-ridded boy and grow up InuYasha? I don’t understand you! You’re so fucking bi-polar that a woman during menopause looks like a mere kitten! So why don’t you SIT down and get your act together? If you need me I’ll be through the well. I’m totally going home!”


E/N: YAY another chapter finished! lol Well I know that wasn't too happy but oh well. I was editing "A Prisoner to his passion" late last night and I was surprised how well it was written since the whole story was kinda rushed. It helped remind me exactly how much I loved writing stories, well that and me re-reading all the reviews that people left me. I laughed so hard at some of the reviews because they were funny.

HAPPY TURKEY DAY! (Thanksgiving) and please leave a review!
