InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Call of the Wild ❯ B is for Both Sesshoumaru's Bitches ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

B is For Both Sesshoumaru's Bitches
Title: B is For Both Sesshoumaru's Bitches
Author: Inu Hanyou Nikkie
Pairing/Characters: Implied/Hinted InuYasha/Kagome, Sesshoumaru/Miroku then to Sesshoumaru/Kouga finally ending with a juicy Man-wich of Sesshoumaru/Kouga/Miroku
List and Prompt (# and Theme): Creamy, #1, New
Rating: R or X
Genre, AU/Canon (works in both), : PWP/Hentai/Smut/Yaoi/
Words:   300
Summary: He came across a scene that broke him and in his grief he disturbed a Great Beast and has to reap the consequences of his wrong time, wrong place, pissing off the wrong person grave error
Warnings: N/C!!, M/M to M/M/M, Dom P-Oed Sess,
Disclaimer: I do not own nor make any monies off of Inuyasha and the gang. No, that pleasure completely belongs to the Goddess Rumiko Takahashi, Shounen Sunday, VIZ. I am only using them for pure entertainment value only.
B is For Both Sesshoumaru's Bitches
Kouga was shattered when he came across “his” woman and mutt-face rutting like two rabid dogs in the forest. Tail curled up between his legs in defeat as he left still hearing the echoes of the very vocal couple in their feral desires. He trudged his way with unseeing eyes until he quite literally tripped over another couple gripped in their own rutting.
Kouga's eyes bugged out in horror as he saw mutt-face's brother plowing into the lecherous monk's ass as he covered him. Escape! He wanted and tried for… but with no jewel shards to provide him the power, fell victim to the viper-fast strike of a Tai Youkai.
Sesshoumaru, red-eyed in rage at being disturbed during his claiming of the wayward monk, turned his blood-lusting gaze upon the wolf. Before Kouga even managed to get onto his feet to run away Sesshoumaru had left the whining monk's welcoming body and covered the scrambling wolf's body with his naked body. One hand yanking the tail up towards his mouth to bite down then in one violent jerk of his hips laid his claim upon the wolf-cub as well.
Kouga howled, fingers digging furrows in the ground as his body was infiltrated savagely, repeatedly. The ivory tower of power, of dominance, burying itself deeper within the wolf's body in Sesshoumaru's maddened need for completion. Miroku crawled under Kouga's body to watch Sesshoumaru drill the virginal ass, before deep-throating the wolf's cock and doing his best to imitate his ex-wind tunnel in sucking power.
Kouga came with Miroku at the same time. His hot cream shooting down the greedy throat as the monk's white cum painted war-stripes upon his face. Sesshoumaru, true to being an Alpha, came last, roaring, his youki-infused semen entering and marking the wolf's ass with his brand.