InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Can Pain Ever Realy Go Away ❯ The Train Ride ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

-:-:-:-:-:-CHAPTER ONE-:-:-:-:-:-
Kagome was on the train to Hogwarts seeing as she had no where else to go,
sense Inuyasha killed her friends and family and betrayed her for that stupid clay-pot.
She was looking out the window when she heard some one open the door, there was a boy with black shaggy hair with brown beautiful eyes and on is left was a boy with red hair and blue eyes and on the right was a girl with brown long hair.
“A-ah…hi can we sit here everywhere else is full.” The black haired boy spoke.
“ya, sure go ahead.” kagome replied. “My name is Hermonine this Ron and that's
Harry.” “I'm Kagome.” Kagome took a good look at everybody Harry was staring at her,
Ron's jaw was touching the ground and Hermonine was getting ready to ask questions. “I've never seen you before you can't be a first year you look like you the same age as us.” Hermonine said. “Well I'm a special case.” Kagome said. “How so?” Hermonine asked curiously. “I'm a part miko part whitch.” “That's where I now you from the book on the sacred jewel, you're the girl who traveled in time through the well!!!!” Hermonine yelled. “Yep…wait how did you now that?” Kagome asked. “Wo,wo,wo wait a minute whats going on?” Harry asked. “Ok,ok as much as I hate to bring you into this its too late.” So Kagome explained every thing the time travel, the jewel, Naraku , the betrayal of Inuyasha and how he murdered her friends and family and how he joined forces with Naraku.
When she was done she looked at her new friends faces the looked like the where looking at a ghost. “Bloody-`ell.” Was Ron's reply. Harry was just staring at her shocked at how much more shed been through than he had. Hermonine was shocked as well but not because what she had been through but more of that she was friends with one out of many girls she admired.
-:-:-:-:-:-HARRY'S POV-:-:-:-:-:-
`Not only is she cute but she is brave, strong and is the most beautiful person I have ever seen.'
You got that right!!!
`Wh-who are you?!'
I'm you, you dult!!!
`What do you want then?'
To talk, you like her don't you I'm not surprised she is just-just perfect!!!
`I do not like her in that way just as a friend!!!'
Mmmhhmmm I believe you a hundred percent!!!
It-it's true!!!
-:-:-:-:-:-END OF POV-:-:-:-:-:-
Hermonine was asking questions when some one came in everyone looked in the
Direction of the door there stood a boy with blond hair. “Malfoy.”said Harry.
“Harry.” Malfoy surprisingly acknowledged. “And who is this?” Malfoy asked.
Kagome being the stubborn ass ( It a compliment so please don't get mad) that she is and from the looks of it her friends didn't like this guy so she said, “ Did I tell you?” asked Kagome in a smart but irritated voice. “No.” Malfoy replied. “Then it must have been none of you business.” “Why you little bitch!!!” Right then hit the mark, Kagome stood up and punched him in the stomach so he bent over then giving Kagome the chance to lift her knee and make contact with his head, then she pushed him out of their cart. “GO KAGOME!!!” yelled Hermonine. Then the train stopped. “we're here.” Said Ron.