InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Can't Get Enough ❯ Well I Take Whatever I Want ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and her publishers. I make no money from the incessant porn I am obsessed with writing. The song “Can't Get Enough” belongs to Bad Company.
Can't Get Enough
Well I take whatever I want, and baby I want you
You give me something I need, now tell me I got something for you.
Come on, come on, come on and do it
Come on, come on, and do what you do.
I can't get enough of your love
I can't get enough of your love
I can't get enough of your love…Listen
The scent traveled the night air. With it came a feeling, an electric charge, which galvanized the instincts of all the adult youkai, great and small. InuYasha sat on a tree branch, trying to sleep, but it was proving impossible. Restlessly he changed position for the seemingly hundredth time. Damn the season of the rut and damn Kagome for leaving now! He thought angrily. His body was tingling, itching all over with need, and he had an erection that wouldn't quit. In his mind all he could see were replays of the few nights of passion he and Kagome had given into before she said she was over due in her own time and left. Oh, for the feel of her silky, smooth skin, the firmness of her breasts in his hands, the taste of her filling his mouth when he sucked on her nipples. The sound of her panting and moaning with pleasure as he thrust his cock in her hot, wet pussy; and the way she would scream his name when she came, bathing his cock and balls in the sweet juices of her climax.
No more, no more! He thought in frustration. Her exams be damned, I want her now and I will have her!
Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kirara were startled awake as he landed with a thud in their midst. Without a word he took off.
“I bet Kirara and I know why he left,” said Shippo.
The neko mewed in affirmation.
“And, so why is that?” said Miroku.
“It's mating season for the youkai. I'm too young for that sort of thing, but I still know what the smell on the air means.”
“Hmmm…I wonder.” The monk said musingly.
“OW! Sango, what was that for?”
“That was to knock out any ideas that might be forming in your perverted brain,” She said. “Let's all try and get some sleep, InuYasha can take care of himself.”
“Obviously he can't, that's why he's going to look for Kagome.”
“Miroku!” said Sango menacingly.
“Okay, okay, I get the message. Good night.”
They all resettled themselves and went back to sleep. But InuYasha continued to run through the night towards the well. Around him he heard them, he smelled them, mating youkai. Never before had he experienced such hunger at this time of year. Usually he had ignored it, like a persistent itch that would go away in a few days. But until recently he had never had a mate. Although it was not official, he and Kagome were mated in every other sense of the word. Finally the well drew in sight. Ready or not Kagome, here I come he thought and smirked, a mischievous look in his eyes, and leaped in.
Kagome was sleeping, dreaming that she was in class and the math teacher had put an incomprehensible problem on the board.
“Can someone answer this problem?” said the teacher.
Kagome tried to shrink down in her seat as he surveyed the class.
“Ah, Higurashi,” he said, “come up here and do this problem for the class.”
Oh, no, she thought as she slowly got up and walked to the chalk board. She bit her lip, rolling the chalk nervously in her fingers as she stared at the bewildering numbers and symbols.
“We're waiting Higurashi,” he said.
Taking a deep breath, she went to the end of the problem and started scribbling furiously. When she was done she sighed and put down the chalk, staring at the floor as the teacher looked over her work.
“Uh, oh,” he said, “this is not correct.”
Kagome wilted.
“You must come here and receive your punishment, Higurashi.”
Kagome gulped, as he beckoned her over to him. Meekly she obeyed.
“Turn around,” he said, and she faced away from him.
She felt him lift her skirt and pull down her panties, and she blushed furiously.
“Bend over,” he said pushing on her back.
Then she felt him enter her. He was thrusting his hard cock deep in her, hitting her in just the right place every time. Oh my god, I'm going to come! She thought. As she neared her climax the dream fizzled around her and she came swimming up to consciousness, her walls constricting on the familiar feel of the hard member that penetrated her from behind. She turned her face into the pillow and screamed as she climaxed, stars exploding behind her closed eyes.