InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Can't Get Enough ❯ I Can't Get Enough of Your Love...Yeah ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Can't Get Enough of Your Love…Yeah
There was a commotion on Takaosan. Visitors to the park stayed away from an area where the trees seemed to be falling for no discernable reason. Some people said they heard the angry howls of an animal, possibly a dog.
InuYasha was pissed, and his sexual frustration was eating him alive. He leaped at another tree, swiping at it with his claws and jumping away as it fell. He did not know who he was angrier at; himself, Kagome or that asshole Hojo who dared to touch his women. How else did she expect him to act? She belonged to him. Therefore all other males should keep their hands off her. He lunged and swiped at another tree, quickly leaping away. He stood panting among the devastation, and clenched his fists as his blood boiled and the erection in his pants burned with need. He was so stupid to make her angry with him when he needed her so much.
Just then he heard voices and the trample of feet. The park maintenance crew was on its way to see what was going on. InuYasha bounded high in the air, over the treetops and away.
It was her last exam. Kagome could barely drag herself through it. Her concentration had been shattered by the confrontations between InuYasha and Hojo, and InuYasha and herself. It was such a mess, and she didn't know what to do about it. To top it off her friends kept chattering about how they couldn't wait to meet her boyfriend. How could she bring him out in public now? If she couldn't trust him to behave, then there was no way she could bring him to Harajuku tonight. Despite her anger part of her was worried about him. Was he being consumed by youkai rut? And what was even worse, what if he decided to take his needs to someone else.
“Ohhhh...” She moaned as she passed her finished exam forward.
Then she folded her arms on her desk and rested her head face down on them.
“Are you okay?” said Eri.
“Fine,” was her muffled reply, “Just tired.”
If only that were true, she thought.
When Kagome got home, the first thing she saw was a note from her mother. It said that she and Grandpa had gone to Sota's school for an end of the school year event and would be back later. Looking around she did not see InuYasha. Wearily she dragged herself up the stairs and opened the door to her room. No sooner had she gone in when a clawed hand slammed the door shut behind her. Startled she jumped, looked up into his golden eyes and blanched. Not since she had first freed him from Goshinboku had he looked at her with such a dangerous look in his eyes.
“Are you still mad?” he said, his voice low and rough.
Wide eyed, Kagome swallowed her mouth gone dry. Then she closed her eyes and shook her head.
“No…” she whispered.
“Good,” was his reply, in that same dangerous tone of voice, “Because I need you Kagome Now.”
She heard a ripping sound and opened her eyes to see he had ripped off his t-shirt. Next he ripped open the jeans, and the buttons went flying. He shucked them and lunged for her.
“Eep…” she squeaked as he ripped off all her clothes with a few precise swipes of his claws and pushed her back until she was forced to sit on her desk.
His hot lips landed hungrily on hers and he pressed himself between her legs, forcing them to go around his hips. His enraged cock parted the lips of her pussy and rammed up against her clitoris, inner lips and opening. The heat radiating off his body hit her in waves, and she could feel his body shaking. His hands caressed her roughly, as if trying to cover her whole body with his touch. Suddenly he reared back and plunged himself inside her. It felt like he had penetrated her so deep she could feel him in her stomach.
Grabbing her under the arms he started pumping madly into her, and she felt like a rag doll being shaken in his arms. His speed and force caused searing orgasms to hit her, one after the other.
“Scream,” he said hoarsely, “scream my name.”
“Ahhhh…AHHHH…INUYASHA!” she screamed, her eyes squeezed shut so tight tears came from them.
“Who do you want?” he said, continuing his relentless pace.
“Ohhhh…mmmm. AHHH…INUYASHA!”
He chuckled darkly.
:”This is fun,” he whispered, “who do you need?”
She was getting hoarse. Her head was spinning as each orgasm caused a blinding white light to explode behind her eyes.
“Who do you love?”
“No more, I can't…ahhh. OHHH..INUYASHA!”
“That's it,” he said, “I'm coming Kagome…RRRRRAAAARRRR!”
His hot breath hit her face as he screamed his climax. They stood together, trembling, she still on the desk, when his ears twitched.
“They're home,” he said, leaning his forehead down against hers, panting.
They're eyes met, and then the bedroom door swung open.
A/N: Caught in the act! Who just opened the door on them? Stay tuned for the next chapter to find out.