InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chosen Pathes ❯ Festival ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own InuYasha and company, but I do own this story and everything with in my arm span. I have had both the questions in this chapter answered for me and I don't feel like taking them out. All the oher Japanese names are real ones that I got off of I can't spell period, and I have really bad grammer. So you are going to have to work with me people. Thanks for understanding that not everyone in this world is perfect, well maybe except for my snotty little sister who thinks she is. Anyways, Enjoy. ^_^;;

~Amanda a.k.a. Kazk



"No, I'm not doing it."

"InuYasha, please. Only this once."

"No, it's bad enough that I have to turn human, I am not going to spend it in your time." Kagome stops her bike suddenly, causing the normally graceful hanyou to lose his balance and tumble off the back. He quickly picks himself up and acts like nothing had happen. Kagome lets out a small giggle as she watches her mate get up in obvious embarrassment. "What's so funny, its your fault I fell?"

"Well, you're the one that can't keep his balance. We're at the well anyways Mr. I never lose my way." Kagome walks to bike to a near by tree and chains it up for when she comes back. She walks back over to InuYasha and looks him in the face. "This festival is only once a year and I want you to come. It is also only once in my lifetime that you will be full human on this date."

"Feh. If I go, will you stop pestering me?"

"Maybe. Come on," Kagome grabs him hand and starts pulling him towards the well. "It is almost time for you to change and it will take us a good 20 minuets to walk there." They get to the well and Kagome climbs onto InuYasha back. He leapt into the well and a cloud of blue tingly light immediately surrounded them. The light stopped and InuYasha jumped into the shrine. Kagome hops down and leads InuYasha to her house. Sota jumps out of nowhere and onto InuYasha's back.

"Sota!" Kagome yells, pulling her kid brother off of InuYasha's back.

"Kagome is that you?" Calls Kagome's mother from the kitchen.

"Hello mom. Where's grandpa?" answers Kagome as she puts Sota on the ground and walks into the kitchen with InuYasha behind her.

"He is already at the festival selling his toys." She looks up from packing a dinner for them all to see InuYasha standing there. "Kagome, why is InuYasha here?"

"Oh, umm................... Well tonight is a new moon (honestly, I can't remember if it truly is the new moon that this happens, I only have the first book in manga and seen the rest on TV, so I can't remember.) and well he turns full human, so I asked him to come."

"Oh.... okay. Anyways when will he change, we have to leave very soon."

"Too soon." InuYasha says just as the sun finally sets. His ears disappear and his white hair goes black.

"Everyone is going to be dressed up tonight, so I don't thin he ill stand out too much in his outfit. Kagome, if you go get the large basket from the closet, we can leave."

After Kagome returns with the basket, the four head down the shrine stairs and towards the festival site. Kagome's mother and Sota were leading the way with Kagome and InuYasha trailing behind. "Why did you have to tell them about the moon phase changes, we could have just waited the extra few minuets before we left the feudal era." He growls into Kagome's ear as they walked along the sidewalk (Do they have sidewalks in Japan?)

"Because I wanted to see my family again, I haven't been back in almost a month." Kagome answers.

"You could put me in danger by telling people that I become full human." He growls.

"I wish you still had your ears." She wines

"Why, you always say they keep you from showing me off, like I was a prize or something. Feh, I don't understand you sometime."

"No, I only want you to have ears again so I can make you purr.," explains Kagome as she strokes InuYasha head, where his ears usually are.

"There are other ways to make me purr." says InuYasha as he reaches for her waist to kiss her, but receives an evil glance from her instead.

"You know this isn't the forest and my mom is right there. She may know somewhat about what is going on with us, but not all of it." Kagome mumbles, looking at the ground.

InuYasha fold his arms and walks along side her looking at nothing. "Feh, why don't you tell her? What are you waiting for? Everyone else knows."

They continue to walk in silence until they reach the site of the festival. Sota and Kagome's mom head off the Grandfather's booth, while Kagome drags InuYasha off to find her friends. As they walk against the crowds moving towards the open field, some man bumped in Kagome and earned a loud, frightening growl. He looked up at InuYasha and hurried off, sinking towards the ground. Kagome stops and looks at him. "What as that for?"

"I don't like people bumping into my mate and not saying anything. "He growls not knowing why she sounded so confused. All he ever did was try and protect her.

"Because we are in a crowd and these things will happen." Kagome shrugs her shoulders and looks ahead a little bit to spot two of her old friends, Nari and Chyio, standing by an Ice Cream booth. As the draw closer she yells to them. She is greeted by two over excited yells and a bunch of hugs that bothered InuYasha.

After a few minuets of greeting, Nari and Chyio realize there is some else with Kagome. "Who is he? He's cute." whispers Chyio while carefully eyeing InuYasha.

"He's not cute, he's hot!" Nari chirps up a little too loudly, earning a glance from InuYasha who was just beginning to remember what Kagome had told him the words ment in her time.


Not to long of a chapter, but I have the next one in my head and need to get it down on paper first. It should be up soon enough. Email me at or AIM me ther or at't email me here.)

~Amanda a.k.a. Kazk