InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Confrontation II: Trials and Tribulations ❯ Between Lovers ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: As always, and I'm really tired of saying this. All character will be walking that fine line called OOCness!! Next and more to the point, thank you all for your amazing heartfelt reviews!! I would also like to thank my amazing beta, who I am humbled before. (Ha) I'm acting like a won something, aren't I? Well I didn't, hell wasn't even nominated for anything, but I, yes me, Simonkal of Inuy has be greatest group of readers anyone could ask for, and for that I'm thankful. Now that that's been said, I'll go a head and shut up and let you guys enjoy. Oh and I might just update again, in a few days…well less than a week.
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of anyone with the exception of Kanomaru, Joudama, Susamajii, Teela and Reinto.
Chapter 8:
Between Lovers
The wind whistled through the trees around him as he awaited the undeniable arrival of his mate. The hanyou found it strange that she would automatically know where to find him, but it wasn't something that he allowed himself to think too much about. He knew that as soon as he left the table she would be close on his heels, wanting to know if he was okay and if there was anything she could do to help save him from himself.
As he quietly watched her feel her way in his direction, he realized that the truth was, there wasn't a damn thing to save him from. It was quite simple actually. His demons…the things he feared were locked away in the dark recesses of his mind. It was a part of him that he protected and kept as far away from her as possible. And today would be no different.
“Inuyasha, I know you're up there,” the Miko called as she came to a stop at the base of the large tree.
“Feh, can't I get a moments peace?” he shouted back at her, his voice holding just a hint of playfulness.
“Come down here and get me!”
“And if I say no, will you go back to the house?”
Kagome glared up at the spot she was sure he was sitting since she could see the red of his hakama. `I should've never had Keade remove the sit command from that damn necklace,' she thought irritably.
Chuckling, the hanyou stated in a gloating manner, “I bet you wish you could sit me, huh?”
Balling up her fist at his overconfident comment, she bit her tongue and refused to respond to him since he was actually correct in his assumption. `What the hell? Is he reading my mind?'
“Your silence makes me think that I'm right, you know,” Inuyasha remarked, now peering down at her flushed face.
“Oh just shut up, and come down here and get me!”
“Ask me nicely and I might think about it.”
Glaring up at him she wanted to tell him just where he could go, but refrained. “Forget it! Forgive me for caring about your feelings; I'm going back to the house!” Turning away the miko mumbled angrily, “Baka.”
“Oi, who said you could leave,” Inuyasha asked, leaping from the branch so that he was standing directly in front her. He couldn't help but laugh at the surprised look on her face.
“Didn't I tell you never to do that?”
“Do what?”
“Scare me like that!”
Scratching his head, as if he had actually forgotten he stated, “I don't remember you ever saying that.” He loved toying with her. One could say it was the highlight of his day lately. Especially now that the cursed command had been lifted.
Subconsciously it may have been his retribution for all the times she `sat' him, but he called it fun. Besides he felt she looked sexiest, when she was pissing mad. Of course, he'd only push her so far before he bent to her will.
Glaring at him the miko tried to push past him but he caught her wrist. “Didn't you come out here to wend your way into my head?”
Kagome blushed, of course that's why she came out here, but she wasn't about to admit it. “I did not! I…I just thought that after what happened at breakfast you could use some company! But since your being a jerk, I'll go back and sit with Rin.”
Frowning in concentration, as if he was thinking of whether to let her go or not, Inuyasha stated, “Nah, I think I'd prefer if you stayed out here with me.” Pulling her into his arms, he then leapt back up into the tree that he had been previously sitting in.
Slapping him on his shoulder the panicked woman stated breathlessly, “Are you trying to kill me? Why couldn't you warn…” Her words trailed off as she stared at the view this specific branch was giving her. `Breath taking, ' was her only thought.
Directly in front of her she could see the massive castle looming before them. `Is it really that big?' Quieting her mind, her eyes continued to devour the land before her.
She could actually look down into the beautiful Sakura garden with its many striking Koi ponds. She could see the stable that housed Ah'un and the gorgeous white mare that Sesshomaru had gifted Rin with, on the night of their mating ritual. To her left was the amazing blue ocean, which seemed to stretch to the ends of the earth and beyond. “Inuyasha, this is amazing.”
The hanyou glanced around him once, and then down at the branch they were sitting on, “What's so amazing about it? It's a branch in a forest, Wench.”
Blinking euphorically, while turning her attention back towards the castle she replied, “No, I'm talking about the view. How'd you find it?”
`Oh, that,' he thought looking back towards the castle then glancing over at the ocean that he at one time tried to drown himself in. Sighing dejectedly he mumbled, “I can't remember.”
The truth was he had found this branch when he was about 8. It gave him the best view of a home…a home that he silently prayed for without being noticed by anyone on more than one occasion.
Memory Flash
He was just a young hanyou chasing after the meal of the day when he stumbled on this place…this castle. The smell around it was so strong that he knew it had to be the home of his half-brother. From that day until the day he met Kikyo he would secretly come back and sit at this exact same spot and watch the castle his brother called home.
At first he wondered why Sesshomaru never welcomed him in. He wondered why his older brother didn't bring him here after saving him from the humans in that village, where they locked him in a dirty cellar and left him to starve to death. He could tell by the many windows that stared vacantly back at him that there was more than enough space for a small hanyou such as him.
On many of those visits he would fantasize about one day being welcomed in. He would imagine himself running through the gardens and hiding in the many branches of the Sakura trees or getting lost for hours within the walls of the castle. But more than anything else he dreamed about not starving, not having to worry about being attacked when he slept or being hunted on his human night and he dreamed…fantasized about being safe…protected. That's what he wanted more than anything else.
Sadly, it wasn't until much later that he figured out that his daydreams were foolish, nothing more than fabrications of a pup's overactive mind. He would soon learn that it was nothing more than his brother's hatred that kept him on the outside looking…wishing…praying to be on the inside.
End Memory Flash
Inuyasha directed his attention away from the ocean and his wayward thoughts. There was no need for him to live in the past and what could have and should have been. He was dealt the hand of an orphaned hanyou…a vagabond and nothing more.
Sure he could've continued to detest Sesshomaru and a part of him did, but he no longer blamed him for all the horrendous things that happened to him. He just tried to accept them for what they were.
Unknowingly interrupting her mate's thoughts, Kagome asked, “Inuyasha, are you listening to me?”
His brow frowned in concentration as if he was really listening to her. Placing his arm around her, he pulled her closer. “Yeah, I was listening to you.”
“Well what did I say?”
Glancing at her with shifty eyes, he stated while tightening his hold on her. “I think you said something about demons in purple yukatas, or something like that.”
Kagome laughed, “You've really developed a twisted sense of humor, dog boy!”
“Wasn't it you that told me I didn't have one,” the hanyou stated then leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on her temple.
Leaning into him, she rested her cheek against his shoulder. “I was asking you why you left the table like that. Rin thinks she hurt your feelings.”
Staring at the doors of the castle, Inuyasha closed his eyes and sighed. He hadn't meant to leave like that, but the thought of what had been done to Kano had dug up such old wounds that he was sure he was going to snap, if not worse. “Feh, she'll be fine.”
“I'm sure she will be when Kano wakes up, but are you okay? I know you took what happened to him hard,” Kagome stated looking up into his distant eyes.
His human heart wanted to tell her about his fears so that she would tell him he was being foolish to think such things. The bigger part of him…the demon part of him, ruled the words that fell from his lips, “Keh, don't be stupid. I'm fine.”
She knew he was lying to her, but what could she do? Was she supposed to demand that he tell her his deepest darkest secrets? Was she supposed to jump on his lap and try to choke the truth out of him? Or perhaps refuse to have sex with him until he told her what she wanted to hear?
Kagome would do none of that. She would allow him to believe in his self-served lies until he could no longer bare the burden alone. When that time came she would be waiting with open arms and a tender smile.
Sighing softly, she decided to change the subject, “You know something? This place would be perfect for a picnic.”
Glancing around at the landscape, Inuyasha stated, “You think so?” He figured he'd never understand her fascination with those asinine things.
“I can see it, can't you? It will be Sesshomaru and Rin, Miroku and Sango and you and me. We'll be sitting down on a beautiful blanket having a casual conversation while our children play a few feet away.”
`Our… children,' Inuyasha thought, not really wanting to believe what he had just heard.
Staring at the same spot with a dreamy look in her eyes, the miko continued with her fairytale, “The boys will be play-fighting and Joudama will be chasing butterflies.”
`The… The boys? What in the he hell! What boys,' he thought, really not liking where she was going with this. `Boys… I don't…we can't…' He saw flashes of his childhood and what had been done to Kanomaru and he grimaced, `Stop Kagome, we can't. We can't bring another hanyou into this disgusting place. Not now, not…not in this lifetime.'
“Shippo will be standing on the sidelines because he'll be the referee, but Kano and our son will be tussling trying to prove who's the strongest.” Throwing her hands out as she pointed to different areas she continued, “You and Sesshomaru will have to eventually intervene, because one of them will end up getting hurt.” Kagome cooed the last part as if the picture in her mind was just too precious not to believe.
Inuyasha sat frozen in place. He didn't want to move because then she would continue with her vision of the perfect family. But in the same instance he needed to move in order to stop her from building up a fantasy that would never happen, at least not for them.
Swallowing, he forced his lips to move, “You…you sure have a vivid imagination.”
Shaking her head, the ecstatic miko leaned back and looked up at him with a radiant smile on her face. “It's not my imagination, Inuyasha. That's our future. That's what I see for you and me and the rest of our friends. We'll be happy, you'll see.”
Inuyasha just looked at her not saying anything. His eyes though, said more than he was willing to say verbally.
“What's wrong? Did I…Did I say something wrong?”
`I need to tell her that I don't want a pup…any pups. It won't be fair to her if I let her get her hopes up! Damn it all!' Inhaling, the hanyou tried to quiet his rapidly increasing heartbeat, “Kagome, you and I…we…” He stumbled over his words. Inhaling once more he glanced at her then looked away. “I don't want…”
“Look, its Kanomaru! He's up,” the Miko stated happily, accidentally cutting her mate off. “Hey, where's he and Sesshomaru going?”
Annoyed that his first real chance to tell her how he felt about pups was interrupted, Inuyasha looked in the direction of the Castle. His frown quickly turned into a soft smile as he watched his brother walk away carrying his nephew. He could feel a weight lifting off his shoulders and he sighed, “I knew that runt was too tough to be taken out by some weak demon.”
Watching the father and son until she could barely make out the silver of Sesshomaru's hair, Kagome sighed as well, “See I told you we would be happy!” Turning her attention back to her hanyou, she stated, “What were you about to say, Inuyasha?”
Looking from his brother to his mate, Inuyasha smiled, “It was nothing worth talking about.” He knew he was lying but he really didn't want to ruin the current mood. His proclamation would just have to wait until the time was right. “Come on let's head back.”
Smiling up at him she nodded in agreement and prepared for the decent to the ground.
Simonkal of Inuy
“Don't you think it's time to start feeding Damy whole food? How much longer are you going to mash up everything she eats,” Miroku asked, while nonchalantly leaning against the wall of the kitchen he and his wife had disappeared to in order to give the Lady and Lord some privacy, his two-year-old daughter sitting on the floor besides him.
“She's only two. Keade said it's fine, and besides I don't want her to choke,” the Slayer responded while pouring a small amount of milk into the mixture she called her daughters breakfast.
“Sango, she's two and she has teeth. I do believe she knows what to do with them. Besides, I seriously doubt you'd let her choke on anything.” He didn't mean for it to sound any other way than the way he said it, but he knew she'd hear something totally different.
“Monk, what exactly do you mean by that?” the Ex-Slayer inquired with a glance over her shoulder.
Staring at his wife Miroku bit his tongue. He would not start another fight with her, though as of late it seemed no matter what he did or said. It always ended that way. He was quite sure that Kagome and Inuyasha hadn't a clue as to the problems they were experiencing, because Sango made sure to keep the things she didn't consider a problem, a secret, ironically.
When he and his wife was in the presence of company she made sure that they acted as if they were the perfect happy little family, but behind closed doors it was a totally different story. Behind closed doors they barely spoke unless it had something to do with Joudama and lately even those talks ended in arguments.
Of course, the Houshi being the peace keeper he was, tried to rectify the situation, but every time he asked her what was wrong she'd tell him, `Nothing.' If he asked her if he'd done something, she'd say, `Not a thing,' then walk away. Every time he asked her to have sexual relations or even tried to initiate it with her, she'd have one of her magical head aches, backaches, toothaches or was just too tired.
After about the 3rd month of asking her to please him sexually and she saying, `No', the Houshi decided he wouldn't ask again. Instead when he felt it totally necessary, he pleased himself.
Thinking back, he knew it started with the birth of his child. It was suppose to be the happiest time in both their lives, and it was for him. For Sango however, it seemed to be nothing more than the beginning of a wicked spiral into an ungodly obsession with a beautiful dark haired princess by the name of Joudama.
“All I'm saying is, you can't keep babying her like this. She's going to grow up regardless of whether we want her to or not,” Miroku stated while smiling down at his daughter, who was busy playing with one of her dolls that her Aunt Kagome had given her. “Maybe if you let her spend sometime with someone other than us…”
“Don't start this again, Monk,” Sango retorted in a clipped tone while picking Joudama up and sitting her on the edge of the table. “Whenever you speak like that, you sound like you're jealous of your own daughter!”
`And when you speak like that, you sound like nothing less than a simpleton,' the monk thought, but quickly berated himself for even thinking of speaking to his wife in such a manner. Relaxing against the wall with one leg bent backwards, he replied verbally, “Pfft, it's always the same thing lately.” Closing his eyes as if he needed to calm himself he continued, “All I'm saying is you have a husband that comes along with that daughter of yours that you dote over 29 hours a day, and he deserves your attention too.”
Feeding a spoon of food to Joudama, Sango replied nonchalantly, “I don't have time for this.” She then started making gaga googoo baby sounds as if she was trying to block him.
Miroku stared at the back of his wife's head in disbelief. He couldn't believe that she had the audacity to say that she didn't have time for this…for him. But then why was he surprised? Was this really any different from all the other times he tried to talk to her?
`My patience, sweet Sango, runs out quickly.'
He had done everything within his power to please her and make her happy. He never ventured too far from her or their home, as not to give her a reason to distrust him. He didn't grope nor solicit favors from her female counterparts regardless of whether she was with him or not. He tried to tell her he loved her everyday and even brought her flowers on occasion. When she was pregnant he made sure she didn't have to lift a finger to do a thing. When she wants to go off and do whatever girlie things her and Kagome do, he's always happy to watch his daughter, isn't he?
Hell, he built the place they called home for her with his blood and sweat, just because he didn't want her to feel like she had any less than her dear friend, Kagome. Of course he knew she would never admit to feeling that way, but he'd spent too much time around women in his lifetime, not to know what was destined to eventually happen.
Deciding that he might as well try reaching out to her once more in hopes that, maybe this time she would actually respond, he began while pushing off the wall, “I don't know what to say to you anymore. You've been shutting me out since the day my daughter was born, and everyday since then, it just gets harder and harder to reach you.”
Looking down at her, a part of his very being wanted to throw his hands up and walk away. It wanted to pull an Inuyasha and say, `Fuck it! Let the chips fall where they may.' But that wasn't in his nature. He was the peacekeeper; he was the levelheaded one that could talk to anyone about anything. Miroku refused to give up on her, not after everything they had been through. No, he would keep trying. He had broken down that wall around her heart twice before and he was certain that he could do it again.
Stepping a little closer to her he began, “I'm a man in love with a woman that I'm not sure loves me anymore. What do you suppose I do about this? I've tried talking to her, I've tried pleasing her, and I've tried pleading with her. I've even tried giving her the silent treatment in hopes that she would come to me and tell me where the problem lies, but she never comes.” Stooping down so that he was kneeling behind her he asked softly, “Sango, what do I need to do? What would you have me do? Just tell me and I'll do it.”
The Ex-Slayer refused to look at him or acknowledge him. Quite honestly she felt she had no time for this! After she fed her daughter she would have to go bathe her and get her dressed for the day. Then she'd need to prepare herself and begin the prepare lunch. This, what he was talking about was nothing but a nuisance, a small annoyance in her ear. Besides what was so wrong with their relationship, that he would think such foolish things?
Feeding another spoonful of food to her daughter she snapped in a very annoyed tone, “Miroku, just stop! Everything's fine!”
Staring at her in disbelief the monk stated quietly since he refused to yell around his daughter, “If I felt everything was fine, would I be here begging my wife to talk to me, Sango? Just tell me what I need to do.”
The Ex-Slayer turned around in a haste almost knocking her daughter off the table. Why wouldn't he just leave her alone? Why couldn't he understand that she had nothing to say to him at this moment? Glaring at him she stated heatedly, “Be a man, Miroku. Suck it up! So I'm not talking to…” She stopped mid sentence when she recognized that look of nothing less than shock followed by rage on his face.
It was an expression that she hadn't seen since the night she…she killed Ayame. Turning around quickly she tried to go back to feeding her daughter but froze when she felt his heated breath on the lobe of her ear.
To say the monk was stunned by her revelation was surely an understatement. This woman that sat before him was not the same lady he married. It couldn't be the woman that he had made his precious daughter with. She would never talk to him in such away. She would never attempt to strip him of his manhood. Especially when she knew that he was an excellent father, a wonderful husband and a damn good friend to all around him. This situation…her words…her attitude caused a crack to appear in his resolve, perhaps this…what they shared wasn't worth saving after all.
Leaning in the Monk whispered quietly as if whispering words of love, “I get it now. I understand just fine, sweet Sango. You wish to bend over, so that I can kiss your ass. Is that it?”
Sango twirled around in her seat to face him, not believing that he had uttered such words to her. “Wha…what did you just say to me?”
The monk stood up staring down his nose at her. He was angry…infuriated at this moment with her, so much so that he could not hide it and honestly didn't care to! He'd just poured his heart out to her and she stomped on it! She basically called him weak! “You heard me, Sango.” Stepping back in attempt to leave he spat, “I'm your husband, but you must have forgotten that!”
“He's awake,” Rin shouted while happily skipping into the room a bright smile on her flushed beautiful face. Stepping back she stared from husband to wife as they practically glared daggers at one another, “Am I interrupting something?”
Instantly, Miroku turned and bowed briefly to her while cooling his features. Looking up at her, he stated with a brilliant smile, “Not at all, beautiful lady. I was just having a chat with my radiant wife.”
Sango added, “Don't be silly, this is your home. Besides it wasn't anything important.”
Rin stared at them again; unable to miss the way Miroku stressed the word, `wife' and Sango emphasized, `important.' Trying to clear her mind Rin smiled and stated, “Well good, because I need to prepare something for my son to eat.”
“So the little one is finally awake? I'm so happy for you and Sesshomaru-sama. Where is that rambunctious scamp now,” Sango asked, trying to keep her voice sounding friendly.
“Oh, he's with his father. I think he took him for a walk, to talk about what happened.”
“That's just wonderful, wouldn't you say, Sango,” Miroku stated while turning to his wife a cheesy over sympathetic grin on his face.
“Of course it is,” she exclaimed, stepping up to Rin and hugging her.
“Daddy, Damy want to walk too. Can you take her,” the little girl added from her seat on top of the table.
Sango hurried over to her daughter, “Not right now honey. You still need to have your morning bath.”
“Damy want to go with daddy,” the little girl stated excitedly while reaching for Miroku with one hand and pushing away from her mother with the other.
Rin watched the exchanged with guarded eyes and couldn't help but to wonder, `What is going on between these two?'
Stepping towards his livid wife that was trying hard to hide her true feelings, Miroku stated while reaching for his daughter, “I guess I'm taking the jewel of my eye for a walk then.” He could tell that Sango was reluctant to let the girl go so he held on firmly to his daughter's underarms and yanked gently, pulling the child out of her mother's grasp. Cuddling her to his side he turned back to his wife and smiled, “There, now Sango you have more time to reflect on what we discussed. Perhaps you'll find some importance in it.”
The Ex-Slayer stood staring at her husband as he bowed briefly to Rin and walked towards the door. Her fists were balled up so tight they looked white. Grimacing she stated through clenched teeth, “Have fun honey and Miroku don't keep her out too long.”

Staring at Sango's clenched face and balled up fists, Rin thought, 'Okay, now I know something is going on with them.'
Kissing his baby girl on the temple, Miroku ignored his wife's statement all together. “Who loves you the must,” he asked to Joudama.
“You do daddy! You do,” the child replied happily, while snaking her short arms around his neck.
Smiling down at his daughter, he stated seriously, “Don't ever forget that, Damy. No one will ever love you more than I do.” Sparing a moment he glanced over his shoulder at his wife. Smiling almost sadly at her, he then proceeded on. `What wouldn't I give to spend just a moment inside your head…your heart, my love? What wouldn't I give?' He wanted to fix what was broken in their relationship, but how could he, when he hadn't a clue as to what it was and she was determined not to tell him.
Until Next Time…(I want…need your .02 cents)