InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dance on ice ❯ show down1 ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dance on ice

Chapter 16 Show down 1

Hi everyone! I made it! I finished with my idiotic exams! I'm free! And that means more updates! Finally I can get some work

done! Thanks for all your support! Hope you enjoy ! JA NE!


He heard her desperate cry, heard her whisper.

Trapped. They were trapped.

Looking around he noticed Naraku. The one business-associate of his father. He hadn't seen him for a long time. Hadn't paid much attention either. But now . . . now, he was so going to pay.

Really pay.

Glancing at his mate again, he saw her chained to the darkness; it was like the chains literally came out of the darkness.

Her sapphire eyes were brimmed with tears, tears that he now recognized not as tears of panic but as tears of fear . . . fear for him.

Allowing his lips to curve into a smile he tried to assure her, assure her as best as he could that her fear was unfounded. Truly unfounded.


,,Oh my the lovers reunite! What a pleasant display of affection, or should I call it a last display of affection." Naraku laughed menacingly at his newfound prey.

,,You should be more concerned about your own affections Naraku." Sesshoumaru warned coldly.

,,And why is that my dear Lord of the Western Lands?" Naraku questioned sweetly.

,,Because this will be the last occasion you will be able to express them." The frosty reply came again.

,,Well then we should honor this last occasion."


And with that the battle began. Naraku attacked, Sesshoumaru dodged and then attacked himself.

Endless blows seemed to be bestowed upon one another. Continuous tactics seemed to be tried out on one another. Incessant blood seemed to pour from wounds.

Powers clashed together, igniting the ice-like fire of crippling thunder, shaking the black - painted ground, making roars of combat breach the frozen air.

She looked at them, looked how her love seemed to win, and how then again he seemed to turn victim to the blows inflicted upon him.

She couldn't understand, couldn't comprehend how he didn't crumble, didn't collapse, but continued, never once showing fatigue, pain, despair.

What force could drive a man to such battle?

What force could give him the power, the patience , the courage to . . . win?

Looking beside her she suddenly saw the reason. A reason she looked upon with hate, rage and

disgust. Looking at the girl who had had the audacity to demolish her plans, she suddenly saw it.

While she feared for his life, this girl feared for the others. While she knew he could not win, this girl had blind faith. While she deteriorated from within because of his abnegation towards her, this girl would smile at it.

This was it, wasn't it? The thing she so desperately claimed to feel.


Only love could grant such courage, only love could fund such trust, only love could create such selflessness.

With that her decision was final. May she die, but he would not.


Kagome couldn't believe what was going on before her eyes, how Sesshoumaru seemed to win

until Inuyasha and some girl who looked exactly like her interfered .Three against one wasn't fair!

Sesshoumaru would have had no problem if it would have been just Naraku and Inuyasha but the girl was a miko and she weakened him.

This wasn't fair! Trying fruitlessly to get off her cursed cuffs , she suddenly looked to the side seeing how none other but Rin stood there, watching her with a look of utter disbelief on her face.

She was surprised though when Rin, kneeled down beside her, taking off both of her cuffs.

Looking at her with shock Kagome uttered one little word, one question, why?

,,Because he loves you . " The girl answered quietly, emotional despair and sadness lacing her words.

Kagome couldn't help it, she had to. She hugged her tight to herself, whispering to her.

,, Thank you. . . you will love again, I promise you, and when or if you'll ever need me I'll be your best friend, for we once loved the same man. Don't think about losing him, think about gaining a sister ."

Rin looked at her startled for a moment, how could a person she had treated so badly , now offer to be her sister. Smiling ruefully , tears sliding down her cheeks , she nodded, accepted her new sister, but then the look of happiness faded leaving one of astonishment as her back and chest were pierced by an arrow.

Kagome couldn't believe it, the person she had hugged , the one she had forgiven the one she had given a promise , now smiled sadly, whispering into her ear.

,,Some sisters we would have been. Forgive me."

She died. Blood dashed from her wound, cladding her in venomous red.

,,You are forgiven." Kagome whispered, closing the eyes of her previous enemy.

Stumbling to her feet, looking down at a face contorted in what seemed to be blissful resignation

she turned around, her yell, freezing all , waking even the damned from their eternal curse.
