InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Destiny's Spiral ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4
“I have seen the future and it's like the present, only longer.”
-Dan Quisenberry
* * *
The voices wouldn't stop. She couldn't escape them, not even in her dreams. The identity of the voices was always present on the corner of her mind but she could never reach them. It irked Kagome to no end. What was the point of knowledge you couldn't use?
There wasn't.
Kagome lifted herself up so she was sitting on the edge of her bed. Staring down at her feet, Kagome thought about her dream. For as long as she could remember she'd had these dreams. They had come once or twice a month, but ever since the day Kaede had investigated the well the dreams came every night. Two weeks of them could make the most centered people edgy.
There were no images in the dream—never were—so voices were all Kagome had to go on. They were always panicked which made it hard to decipher what was going on. Kagome had to replay it several times. The clash of sword on something hard, rushing air, and screaming voices both male and female.
Sango and Miroku! Kagome's head shot up as she mentally screamed. She had to follow each individual sound to figure it out. Two of the voices in her dreams were Sango and Miroku. It comforted her that she wasn't alone in those dreams. Then again Kagome was never truly alone.
Do you take pride in the fact you've tortured yourself until you figured that out?
No, Kagome was never alone. Hearing voices in her head shouldn't be such a strange thing to her either.
Yes, Kikyo, I do. I know one more thing about my dreams than I did ten minutes ago.
You really are pathetic.
You've told me that before. You should think of a new insult next time you speak up.
Kikyo did the mental equivalent of turning away in disinterest. Her thoughts drifted off into memories. Kagome tried to follow the strand of thought out of curiosity, but Kikyo slammed down a mental wall stopping Kagome from seeing them.
“Fine, it's not like your memories can show me anything I'm interested in. I could probably learn everything in them from my history class.”
Kagome got up and looked out her window. The well house was glowing in the dim moonlight. It had been two weeks since Kaede had inspected it and everyday that aura would flare. What ever was in there was getting restless.
Maybe something has changed down there, Kagome reasoned with herself. If something as then it's my responsibility to check it out. Kaede isn't available at all hours after all.
I'm being ridiculous. This shrine is my home and I can do what I want, whenever I want. I can go where I want too.
Mental argument won, Kagome walked across her courtyard to her well house. Inside, Kagome leaned against the lip of the well and peered inside.
“This is becoming a habit. I've snuck here every chance I've had since the day Kaede was here. What is it about the well that draws me here? It never did before.” Kagome paused.
“The aura is stronger today. Maybe it's not getting stronger. Maybe it's getting closer. The hanyou is coming closer to where I am, but from where? It's a well! How big could it be in there? At most it should be a straight line and I doubt it's a marathon run inside the `magic' well.”
I'm surprised Grandpa hasn't resealed the well.
All the better. The creature inside there can burn in hell for eternity. The torture of an existing but unreachable exit. Kikyo glared with malice at the well bottom.
* * *
Inuyasha ran along the never ending corridor of doors. He opened each one as they came, none of them opening to the world he was supposed to find.
“Why the hell am I still going along with this? I should have turned around days ago and made that damn spirit seal me again. Complete damnation is better than a wild goose chase.
Frozen tundra, underwater seaweed world, a world ruled by bats? Are you joking?!” Inuyasha slammed the door shut with all his strength—not a scratch on the door. “Why doesn't anything break?” Inuyasha punched the offending door expecting to make a hole. Instead the door held up.
He was really starting to hate this place.
A scent reached Inuyasha's nose. As soon as he breathed it in, he knew what it was and who the scent belonged to. The knowledge was second nature to him, even though he'd never had that scent before him in his life. It was the blood of Kagome Higurashi. The girl with `the patience of a saint'.
“Another `lost memory', eh? Some one must be trying to motivate me,” Inuyasha said. And why is it working? He thought walking to the next door.
* * *
You're being prejudice, Kikyo. Just because they're a youkai or hanyou doesn't give you a reason to hate them…Unless…you couldn't. Do you know the person down there?
The creature down there deserves what it got. Now is the time for it to regret its choices.
What did they do Kikyo? Was it something to you?
I know you heard me. Even if you didn't want to hear me, you would.
More silence. You're acting like a spoiled child. If this how you act whenever things don't go your way then I don't see how you were such a worshipped priestess.
“It's going to be one of those days, huh?”
Kagome walked out of the well house to see the sky graying in the east. Gramps should be up, Kagome thought. If I'm not going to get any more sleep I may as well get breakfast started. Don't want to repeat of what happened last time Gramps cooked. Kagome cringed at the thought and ran inside.
Her grandfather was walking down the hall towards the kitchen when Kagome entered the house.
“Kagome? What were you doing out there?” He gave her a suspicious glance. Obviously Kagome's secret visits to the well weren't as secret as she thought.
“I had a strange dream and couldn't sleep afterwards. I went outside to clear my mind.” It wasn't a complete lie. She did have a strange dream and couldn't sleep afterwards. Two out of three isn't bad.
Gramps face softened at the mention of Kagome's dreams. “Was it a nightmare or voices again?”
“More voices.” Kagome said starting for the kitchen. “It's no big deal. I'm past it now.”
“Always know that I'm here for you to talk to. I may not be able to give motherly advice and comfort about your dreams, but there are things I know that your mother does not.”
“I know, Gramps,” Kagome said softly.
He seemed satisfied with that answer. “Now then, how about you help me with breakfast?”
Kagome nodded with a smile. Her grandfather may be a pain with all his `lessons,' but he always tried his best to support Souta and Kagome through times of difficulties—just like a father. Crazy old coot, Kagome thought breaking an egg.
She decided to humour him. “There was something about my dreams that I found strange though.”
Gramps got serious. “What was that?”
“Two of the voices in the dream. They belonged to Sango and Miroku. They were shouting about shoki, saimyosho, something called Naraku—” Kagome furrowed her brow trying to make sense of the voices in the dream. “—and the Shikon No Tama.”
“A poisonous gas and insects. It seems this Naraku was a demon. His name suits the role,” Gramps named off. “But that's impossible. The Shikon No Tama hasn't been seen for at least five hundred years.
“That dream must have been a medley of things you've heard. Then again your sacred powers of a priestess may have brought forth memories of your most recent past life. You could be hearing the memories of Priestess Kikyo Protector of the Shikon No Tama!”
Kikyo, whose interest had been piqued at the mention on the jewel, snorted. Those aren't my memories.
“You seriously think that?” Kagome asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Imagine what you could learn through those memories! The council would bend over backwards to have you join them!” Kagome ignored everything he said afterwards.
He didn't hear a word I said. I hate it when he gets like this. What did Kikyo do to make me deserve this?
A piercing scream echoed through the air. Birds were startled out of their trees by the sudden sound. The eggs Kagome had been beating splattered over her pajamas and her grandfather dropped the pan he was holding on the floor. Souta's rushed footsteps could be heard on the floor above them.
“W-What was that?!” Kagome said.
“Whatever it was compares with the screech of a banshee,” Gramps said looking out the kitchen window.
* * *
“Did everything go according to plan?” A woman said to an underling.
“Y-Yes, exactly according to plan. There were no witnesses to the attack and wounds were created in startling likeness,” the underling replied to her mistress.
She was a new-joiner and was not used to being in the presence of such a dictator. Her body trembled despite the effort to cease it. Her nervousness was present in her voice as it cracked and stuttered.
This all amused the mistress—new-joiners were her biggest joy. The pride she would feel as she trained and shaped this pathetic girl into a lithe warrior would be tremendous.
Soon she would kneel in front of her proud, void of emotions. For the task her elite army had begun, emotions only weakened. Their resolve needed to be strong in each and every one of them. If one hesitated because of emotion or conscious, they would be killed on the spot. A traitor was a risk that could not and would not be taken.
Not if their leader had anything to say about it. After all, they had up taken a task of great importance. If there was to be peace and safety in the world, they must not fail.
“Excellent,” the mistress smiled maliciously. “Be sure the body is in a position to be discovered and leave no evidence of my troops' involvement. Any screw ups and I know who's to blame.”
The underling gulped. “Understood.”
The leader turned, her red hakama twisting around her leg from the speed of the turn. “You're free to go.”
The underling stumbled as she got up. It took all her effort not to run out the room like the devil was on her heels. With what she'd seen in that room, that description wasn't far off.
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A/N: A brand new chapter for you. Did you enjoy? Thought I'd put up something new since I won't have a chance to write much in the next couple weeks. I have 4 ISU's due and as soon as those are done it's time for exams! *fake excitement*
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