InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Don't know what you've got 'til it's gone ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any other character created by Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter 9 – Reunion

The sun was an orange ball of fire on the horizon, struggling against the forces that were extinguishing it and setting the sky aflame. Kirara sailed through the burning sky with three figures on her back.

Inuyasha gazed at the spectacular sunset over the top of Kagome’s head. He’d never taken the time to do things like watch sunsets before he’d met the sleeping girl in his arms. She had awoken him to many things and enjoying simple pleasures was among them.

They had both passed out shortly after the marking. Inuyasha had awoken minutes later, stealing back from sleep with a delicious lassitude. The feel of his mate under him had filled him with a warm contentment that he hadn’t felt since his mother died.

“Inuyasha, what have you done to Kagome?” Miroku’s soft voiced had shocked him to full wakefulness and lucidity had returned like a plunge in an ice floe. He had pushed himself into a cross-legged sit, positioning himself between Kagome and the monk.

“I … marked her.”

“What? You marked her? A human? A miko?” Miroku had blustered.

“You want I should let Koga mark her?” Inuyasha had narrowed his eyes and hunched protectively over his mate.

“She shouldn’t have been marked at all! Only demons are marked by their mates…” Inuyasha had nodded when he had seen comprehension dawn in the monk’s face. “You’re saying…but…”

“She ran, Miroku. She accepted the chase.”

Miroku had sighed and gazed at Kagome, noticing Inuyasha moving his body slightly to block his view. “So this makes you… mates.”

“…Yeah.” A slow blush had crept up the hanyou’s face.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Miroku hadn’t been able to help himself. He knew he shouldn’t, but even the insides of the hanyou’s ears were pinker than normal. “But you haven’t-“

“That ain’t none of your damn business!” The flush deepened.

“Because if you need some privacy I could take Kirara-“

“Shut up before I make you!” Inuyasha’s knuckles had popped loudly as he flexed his claws, his face a spectacular shade of crimson.

Miroku’s shoulders had shook with suppressed laughter but he knew when to relent. “Ok, ok, if you’re sure.”

“Fucking pervert.”


‘Damn hentai,’ Inuyasha scowled and tightened his grip on Kagome as he thought back. He remembered everything about the chase and had no regrets, though he was chagrined that his youkai had done for him what his human blood would not. He had never thought of himself as a coward, but it occurred to him that languishing over a woman he couldn’t have had been a craven way of avoiding rejection by the woman he could have.

She had remained asleep through their fight and their subsequent efforts to wake her. So much had happened in the past two days, it was no wonder that she was exhausted. He brushed an idle strand of black hair from her face, lightly stroking the star on her forehead. How would she feel, now that her demon blood was no longer in control? Which brought him back to the question: What had happened to her?

Kirara landed gently in the campsite, greeting an overjoyed Sango with a flick of her two tails. Sango’s relief at their return faded rapidly when Inuyasha eased a still unconscious Kagome off of the cat’s back. Shippo hurled himself at Kagome with a cry, only to be caught by the tail in Inuyasha’s clawed hand.

“Wahhh! Let me go, Inuyasha!” Shippo flailed in the air, trying to catch hold of Kagome.

“Not yet, brat. Let her sleep,” but Inuyasha let him scramble up his own shoulder.

“Is she OK?” he asked tentatively, peering down at her.

“She’s fine, just tired,” Inuyasha said quietly and carried the girl to the small campfire. Shippo was concerned but she didn’t smell sick. In fact… Shippo looked up at Inuyasha in surprise. ‘It’s about time!’

Inuyasha didn’t notice Shippo’s wide-eyed stare. He sat near the edge of the fire and tucked the sleeping woman into his lap, folding her into the voluminous sleeves of his haori.

Sango knelt in front of them. “Inuyasha, let me look at her.” Inuyasha’s eyebrows shot together in a scowl. “I just want to make sure she’s all right.”

“She’s fine, I said,” he ground out.

“You aren’t the only one who loves her, you know,” Sango snapped.

“I know that!” he snapped back, then realizing what he had said, stumbled, “I-I mean…dammit.” Inuyasha grudgingly relaxed his grip.

Sango rolled her eyes. “It’s not like it isn’t obvious. To everyone but Kagome, that is.” She touched the girl’s pointed ears, pulled back her lips to reveal fanged teeth, lifted a closed eyelid and noted that the brown eyes were now silver, all the while murmuring to herself. Lastly, she fingered the crimson star on her forehead. “Was she like this when you found her?”

“Mostly,” Inuyasha fidgeted under Sango’s intense stare.


“Everything but the star…” he wouldn’t meet her eyes.

“And when did the star appear?” Sango searched his face for the answer.


Miroku spoke up, “He marked her.”

Sango sat back on her legs and regarded him in disbelief. “Are you sure?” He nodded. “Hmmm…Inuyasha,” she hesitated. She knew that demons were possessive of their mates but it couldn’t be helped. “… I need to see your mark.”

His head snapped up, golden eyes blazing. Sango put her hand on his shoulder, trying to convey her sincerity. “Just me, Miroku will leave,” she shot the interested monk a speaking glare, then turned her attention back to the hanyou. “Please.”

Inuyasha glanced from Sango to Miroku, then back. “Just you.”

“I am a man of the cloth! I-“

“LEAVE”, two voices shouted in unison.

The monk put on his best innocent face walked into the forest. His voice trailed back to them, “…I am so misunderstood.”

Shippo, forgotten for the moment, perched on Inuyasha’s shoulder and held his breath.

Inuyasha adjusted the woman in his arms so that her chest was against his chest, her head on his shoulder, her back exposed. Then he paused, flustered. The kimono she was wearing would not allow Sango easy access to the small of her back. Sango understood the problem and reached around Kagome’s waist, untying the makeshift belt and loosening the fabric of the kimono. Tugging on the fabric, she lifted the bottom edge until she could see Kagome’s lower back.

“Inuyasha, what is she wearing?” she asked, fingering the ragged material.

He shrugged awkwardly, trying to control his blush.

“Well,” Sango eyed the mark speculatively. Resembling a scar, the silvered lines formed an encircled ‘I’ in the center of her lower back, level with her hips. “It looks like her body accepted the mark.”

“Keh. Of course it did.”

Sometimes he could be truly dense. “’Of course’ nothing. You know that humans can’t be marked like this.” She lowered the fabric, covering Kagome’s back. “The presence of this mark will make undoing the enchantment much more difficult, if not impossible. It binds the demon blood to her.”

“But her miko powers-“

“Mikos are human, Inuyasha.” She rubbed a hand over her tired eyes. “I take it you haven’t finished mating?”

“I…uh…Miroku was…uhh.” His face glowed scarlet.

“Is she in heat?”

“…uhhhh,” he stammered.

Sango sighed and stood, looking down at the couple “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’. Try not to do anything else without thinking about it first.”

“W-what’s that supposed to mean?” he growled, trying to recover from his embarrassment.

“You figure it out,” she snapped and followed after Miroku.

Inuyasha stared after her retreating figure, puzzling over her words. Then, realization dawned and his flush returned in full force.


Just a note before I get yelled at - Kikyo, as far as I understand it, is undead but still human. Meaning, she isn't a demon like Sesshomaru, Shippo, or even Naraku. Since miko power purifies demons, it's plausible that a miko couldn't be monoke. It is on this premise (which could be false) that I am basing Kagome's demon/miko conflict.
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