InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Don't know what you've got 'til it's gone ❯ Motherly Advice ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any other character created by Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter 15 – Motherly Advice

Kagome shielded her eyes from the sudden light and pushed herself off the edge of the well. She hadn’t noticed how dark it had been; she had been able to see just fine. “Something like that…” she answered her brother. Her grandfather’s heavy footsteps thudded outside the shrine, followed by his reedy voice.

“Kagome? One of your friends from school stopped by with some notes. He said you had a math test soon.”

Inuyasha’s low growl stepped up a notch. “He?”

“You heard him, just a friend,” she hissed at him. Mounting the stairs, Kagome winced inwardly. ‘That must have been Hojo. He’s as persistent as Koga, but not nearly as resilient.’

Inuyasha leapt over the well and onto the stairs, grabbing her elbow. “Which friend?”

“No one!” she yanked her arm out of his and stomped up the stairs. How could he go from wonderful to possessive jerk so quickly?


Sota rolled his eyes and switched off the flashlight, strolling back to the house and the cheerful rectangle of light shining from the open door. They hadn’t been back five minutes and they were already fighting. And it had been such a peaceful evening. His grandfather’s voice, shrill with alarm, stopped him in his tracks.

“Kagome, there is a demon aura around you!”

“Grandpa, not the -“ Sota turned in time to see his sister get doused with sacramental rice wine. “-rice wine,” Kagome finished soggily. She pulled a limp ofuda from her hair.

Inuyasha made a rude noise and smirked at him. “I told you those things don’t work, old man.”

“You watch your tongue. No respect for the elderly these days…” the group followed Sota into the house, followed by Grandpa’s grumbling.

Kagome made a beeline for the kitchen sink and began wringing out her hair. The stolen kimono had really had it too; now it was unraveling and soaked, clinging to her skin with a sticky coldness that made her skin crawl. ‘And I’ve been walking around with no shoes. I’ll have to spend some serious time with a pumice stone to get rid of these calluses. I really, really want a bath.’

Inuyasha lounged against the counter, trying to keep his eyes in his head. That kimono would be the death of him. In self-preservation, he tried to concentrate on Sota’s description of his latest video game, but it sounded the same as the other ones he’d played and his eyes kept straying to the curve of Kagome’s butt outlined by the dripping kimono. It was almost within reach. If he took one step to the right he could-

“Inuyasha, are you listening?” Inuyasha’s gaze snapped back to Sota’s earnest young face. “This guy, he has a sword like yours and he-” Was this what Miroku went through day after day? ‘Poor monk, I guess I could be easier on him when he grabs women’s butts, as long as he doesn’t grab that butt.’

Kagome’s mother entered the kitchen as Kagome was considering the logistics of painting her clawed toes. “Oh, Kagome! Did you have some trouble in the Warring States Era? Do you want me to prepare a bath for you?”

She glanced at her mother gratefully, shaking her hair over the sink. “That would be great, mom.”

Her mother gasped and ran over to her, catching her face in both hands and glaring at Inuyasha suspiciously. “What has happened to my daughter?”

“Mom, it’s not his fault.” Kagome covered her mother’s hands with her own.

Grandpa stomped into the kitchen brandishing a mummified claw, “This will cast out the demon aura!” He almost tripped when he saw Kagome under the harsh florescent lights of the kitchen. “Kagome, you are the demon! But- but-”

“Wow, cool! I knew there was something different about you! Can I see your claws?” Sota jumped up and down beside them, trying to get a better look at her hands. “Do you have fangs like Inuyasha?”

“Sota, settle down. Kagome, why don’t you get cleaned up and Inuyasha can tell us about it.” Kagome nodded gratefully and headed for the stairs.

Inuyasha found himself encircled by Kagome’s family. Their stares were questioning but not unfriendly, but he was still distinctly uncomfortable. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his ears twitching. He had never heard the term “hot seat” but would have found it appropriate.

“Well?” Kagome’s mother crossed her arms over her chest.

“Well what?” he was starting to sweat. How could one small human female be so intimidating?

“Why is my daughter a demon? I thought you were supposed to be protecting her.”

He jumped at a sudden roar from above. A floral scent, mingled with Kagome’s musk, reached his nose. ‘Relax, it’s just Kagome’s bath.’ He tucked his arms into his sleeves, “I am protecting her. She was alone when it happened.”

“Why was she alone?”

He flushed at an unbidden mental image of Kagome at the hot spring, “She was bathing!”

Her mother gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, “She was attacked while bathing?”

“No, she…triggered some kitsune…soul vessel thing,” he wished he had paid more attention when the others had been discussing it. “The kitsune’s soul merged with hers and…” he gestured to where Kagome had left.

“Is it reversible?” He shrugged. “I see. But you’ll try?”

Inuyasha blinked at her. “Yeah…” but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to. The more he thought of it, the better her transformation seemed to be. Aside from the mark, as youkai, Kagome’s life span would match his. They could use the completed jewel to make him human, but he really didn’t like being human. Once a month was bad enough. The alternative, him living the long life of a youkai while Kagome aged and died, was unthinkable. Maybe when Kagome got used to the change she wouldn’t want to change back.

Kagome’s mother gave him a piercing stare, then nodded. He couldn’t help wonder if she could read his mind. “Grandpa, Sota? Would you excuse us a minute?” The two men started to protest but were quickly silenced by a stern look. Inuyasha winced inwardly and had a feeling that he was not off the hook yet.

When they were alone, Kagome’s mother regarded him quietly for a moment then sighed. “What are your intentions toward my daughter?”

He didn’t understand exactly what that meant but he had a good idea. He couldn’t stop the blush that crept up his neck and suffused his face. Kagome didn’t want to bring up the mating and they hadn’t finished it yet, anyway…

She sighed again, reading the hanyou’s features like a book. She had seen the looks he’d been giving her earlier and her mother’s intuition told her the relationship between the two had changed. They would tell her when they were ready. Her little girl was growing up - she couldn’t deny it. “Just understand that Kagome is still young and in school.” His blush deepened, confirming her suspicions. “I trust you to keep her best interests in mind.” She patted him on the shoulder and walked out of the kitchen. She really wasn’t that surprised and Kagome could’ve done a lot worse.

Inuyasha watched her go, confused but relieved.


Kagome sighed loudly and slammed her book shut. The furor over her transformation had died down, dinner was eaten, and she had finally found a few minutes to review for her math test. Except that somebody wouldn’t let her. “Inuyasha, will you stop that?” She turned in her desk chair and glared at the hanyou who was lying on her bed, throwing a small rubber ball against the ceiling and catching it. Thunk.

“What?” Thunk. His innocent golden eyes stared back.

“You said you’d let me study. I can’t concentrate with you doing that!” she waved vaguely at the rubber ball.

Thunk. “Doing what?”

She made an exasperated sound in the back of her throat and stalked over to the bed, snatching the ball out of mid air. Inuyasha caught her outstretched arm and pulled her down, then rolled and pinned her beneath him.

“Inuyasha!” she gasped, her heart suddenly pounding.


“My family is downstairs,” she pressed her palms against his chest, trying not to be distracted by the hard muscle she felt under his haori.

“So?” He trapped her legs with his and settled his weight more firmly on her. He thought he had smelled something different about her when she had gotten out of the bath and he wanted to test the theory.

“So, get off me. Besides, Shippo and Myoga are waiting for us.” She tried to wriggle out from under him, but he shifted his weight to prevent it. A part of her didn’t want him to move, and that part was getting a little more insistent.

“They can wait until morning.” The thin camisole that was part of her pajama set had ridden up during her wriggling and he slid his hands up her sides, tickling bare skin and nuzzling her neck.

Her skin jumped and tingled where his claws grazed her and a throbbing heat was collecting deep inside her. “…have to study for…my math test…” she mumbled, her eyelids drooping. His proximity was intoxicating; she was rapidly losing coherent thought.

Inuyasha blinked; that wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind. And she said he was dense. “Math can wait, too.” He captured her lips in a languid kiss, stilling any further protest. A spike in her scent that almost lacked the spice of heat told him what he wanted to know. ‘A short heat...maybe tomorrow…’ He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips, deepening the kiss when she parted them. Of its own volition, one hand worked its way under her back, finding his mark.

Each brush of his fingers over the silvery brand on her back sent sparks dancing though her. A strange energy was building in the pit of her stomach, goaded by his caresses. It burned and pulsed in time with her heart, coalescing into white-hot ball of fire straining for release.

Kagome’s bedroom door swung open and Sota’s head poked in. “Kagome, Mom wants to know if you guys…”

Kagome’s eyes flew open and, with mighty heave, shoved Inuyasha off of her. Startled and off-balance, Inuyasha rolled off the bed, landing heavily on his back and cracking his head against the floor.

“…want some ice cream,” Sota stared at them, eyes wide as saucers, with his mouth hanging open. “I guess not,” he backed out of the room and closed the door quietly after him.

Kagome stared at the door and took a shaky breath, her face bright red. The energy had dissipated, leaving her head buzzing and her entire body crawling with goose flesh. Inuyasha sat up, rubbing the back of his head, “Runt, I’m gonna-“

Kagome reached over and tweaked one of his hanyou ears. “Leave him alone. Just hope that he doesn’t tell Mom.” She straightened her jammies and slid off the bed, planting her fists on her hips and glaring down at him. “Now, I’m going to study and you are going to let me.” Trying to ignore her shaky legs and the burning ache in her abdomen, she sat back down at her desk and opened her math book. ‘Oh kami, what were we just doing? If Sota hadn’t walked in…’ she flushed again, and pressed her fingers against her lips, still tingling with the memory of his hard body molded against hers. She knew he was in great shape but she hadn’t known.

Inuyasha smirked at her back. She couldn’t fool him; he could smell her arousal. She had almost marked him - would have if her brother hadn’t walked in. As frustrated as he was, he supposed he was grateful that they were interrupted when they were. If she had marked him, they would have finished mating and as much as he wanted to, neither of them were ready for the consequences.


‘Hmm, what to make for a snack…’ Kagome fished through the fridge, pushing aside cans of soda. Nothing really looked good, but she had the munchies and she was having difficulty concentrating on the math problems. Who really cared what the volume of a curve was, anyway? It’s not like she’d ever use this stuff. A Styrofoam box caught her attention and she reached for it. Soft footsteps and White Shoulders perfume announced the arrival of her mother in the kitchen. “Kagome, I can see we are a bit overdue for a talk.”

Kagome’s heart just about hit the back of her throat, but she managed to squeak out, “About what, Mom?” as nonchalantly as she could and dropped the box back on the shelf, her appetite gone.

Her mother pursed her lips. “I think you know what.”

‘Sota, you snitch, I am going to kill you.’ She shut fridge and faced her mother.

“Have a seat, dear,” she sat at the table and gestured for her daughter to do the same. When Kagome had settled herself, her mother leaned on the table, taking her hand and looking deep into her eyes. ‘Those silver eyes will take some getting used to but the soul behind them is still belongs to my girl.’ She squeezed her hands and gave her a small smile. “You and Inuyasha have gotten closer.”

Kagome nodded, wondering exactly where she was going with this. Was she in trouble?

“I know you two care for each other and will want to express it,” she squeezed her hands for emphasis.

Kagome tried not to blush. ‘Please don’t let this be the sex talk, please, please, please…’

“I just want you to remember to take precautions. You’re still very young and don’t need that kind of responsibility.”

‘At least she isn’t saying it outright,’ Kagome thought. Where was a pit to hell when you needed one? ‘And I bet Inuyasha can hear every word of this from the bedroom.’

“So if you need me to get you anything, let me know. I don’t know what methods of birth control are available in the past, but I’m sure what we have here is much better.”

‘She said it,’ maybe her shoulders would swallow her head. “Thanks, Mom.” Her mother squeezed her hands once more and rose from the table.

“You’re a smart girl, Kagome, and I know you’ll make the right decisions.” With that, her mother left the kitchen. Kagome stared thoughtfully after her. When all was said and done, she had a cool mom.
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