InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Early December ❯ Ten ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: ::fondles Inu's ears:: Wish I owned him. . .

Author's Note: Hello, peoples! ^_^

You know, it's funny.

About 3/4ths of you thought last chapter was enormously funny, and the 1/4th of you thought it was disgusting and wanted to kill Miroku. ^_^;;;

Oh well.


For those of you who don't read A Pirate's Life For Me and missed my appology, here it is again.

Gomen it's taking me so long to update, I'm really, really busy right now. Tons of stuff going on in and out of school, and a lot of really big tests are approaching for me. But I *do* have a Thursday and Friday off this week, so there should be some good updates then. ^_^

Moving right along- - -

One: When will Kagome start having cravings? Mood swings? An enhanced scent of smell?

This chapter. ^_~

Two: What does `ja ne' mean?

See you later.

Three: When does the plot begin taking effect?

Soon. To quote a wonderful authoress by the name of Lady Penguin, patience is virtue, loves. ^_~

Um. . . I think that was all. . . ?


Well, here we go, I suppose. ^_^



~Chapter Ten: Chocolate Covered Cherries~

~Kagome's PoV~

I sigh in content as I lean back against the trunk of a tall sakura tree, allowing the warm breezes of May to rustle my hair.

Glancing happily at the blue sky dusted with soft pink blossoms, my hands come to rest on my abdomen; which has gotten a little larger during the transition of the months.

Ah. . .

Such a lovely day. . .

I relish the few moments of silence I have, waiting for Inu-chan, Shippo, and Miroku to return from hunting, and for Sango and Kaguya to come back from their private heart-to-heart inside Kaede-sama's cabin.

The little four-year-old has gotten a little too. . .


Never mind.

Anyway. . .

Though I'm enjoying my relaxation time, I sorta wish I was allowed to go hunting with the guys.

But Inu-Yasha isn't allowing me within a mile of danger anymore.

It's kind of annoying, really.

I blew up at him about it a few days ago and got a good use out of that necklace of his.

Fortunately for him, I had to go puke.

So I let him off easy.

But moving back to the present. . .

. . .

I hope they get back soon.

. . .

I'm really hungry. . .

. . .

"All right, Kagome-chan!" Sango cries happily as she and her daughter leave the aged miko's cabin. "We're done with out talk! Want to come inside?"

"No," I reply just as cheerfully. "It's too nice out here to remain inside."

"Yes! Can I stay out as well, mama?" Kaguya begs, trying to convince her mother with her most innocent of innocent looks- - -

But she fails miserably as a small group of young males passes by, catching her mischievous eye.

"No," Sango replies coldly, grabbing her daughter's hands on impulse. "You're staying with me."

"Aw. . . Do I gotta?"

I roll my eyes towards the heavens, the smallest of smiles playing on my face as Kaguya pouts.

She's her father's daughter, all right.

TOO much of her father's daughter.

"When will the guys get back, do you think?" Sango questions over her daughter's whining.

"Dunno," I shrug, about to get up and join my best friend- - -

When the horrible, over-powering scent of bloody meat reaches my nose, causing bile to rise in my throat.

"Mgh!" I grunt, slapping my hands over my mouth as the stench nears.

"Kagome-chan. . . ?" Sango blinks as I race into the woods, retching up the contents of my stomach as I reach the safety of the inner trees.

"I think," I pant heavily as my heaving subsides and I lean against a nearby trunk, "they're coming. . ."

"How can you tell?" Kaguya blinks as Sango's eyes widen in understanding.

I shake my head as if to clear it as I stumble into the clearing again. Keeping my hands clasped firmly over my nose, I try to hold in a groan as the exterminator takes a go at explaining the processes the female body goes though when pregnant.

In case you haven't noticed, Sango's not great at explaining anything that has to do with anatomy.

"Well, honey," she begins slowly. "Um. . . when a lady is carrying a child. . . her scent of smell gets. . . stronger."

"Like a youkai's?"

". . . Kinda. . ."

"So does that make her a demon?"

I shoot my friend a dry look.

Now she's gone and done it. . .

"No!" Sango struggles to clean up the spillage of questions she's most likely created.

"So you won't exterminate her?"


"But why does your nose get better, then?"

"Um. . ."


"Er. . ."

"Can I ask daddy? He knows all about the woman bod-"


I release a deep sigh, my hands pressed tightly over my face as the males emerge from the woods, looking entirely too proud of themselves.

"I caught a deer!" Shippo exclaims joyfully, bounding excitedly over to me, wiping a bit of blood from his hands on to the back of his pants.

"Yea. . ." I reply, managing to give him a week smile as Miroku drops the dead animal in between his wife and myself.

"It's a big one, too!" the kitsune continues to brag as Inu-Yasha rolls his eyes, biting back a small smile. "And it'll taste really good, I bet! I love freshly cooked meat, don't you, Kagome-chan? `Course, it's kinda bloody now, but I can help clean it and gut it and- - - hey, where are you going?"

He blinks in confusion as I race back into the woods.

"Did I say something wrong?"


"Are you feeling better, Kag-chan?" Inu-Yasha asks as I relax in my favorite spot in the world- his lap- taking in his musky scent of wildlife and moonlight.

"Mmm," I reply, resting my eyes- and making sure to keep them from falling on the roasting animal over the flames.

The scent was enough, thank you.


Though. . .

I still *am* hungry. . .

But not-

Not for meat.

I'm craving. . .

"Inu-chan?" I question, raising my chin to look up at him with my lidded eyes.


"Do we have any chocolate covered cherries?"

I open my azure orbs half way, watching him blink curiously, his eyes locking with my own.

"Chocolate covered cherries?" he repeats slowly.

"What are chocolate covered cherries?" Shippo- who happened to have overheard- asks.

"Dunno what chocolate covered cherries are," my mate shrugs.

"You know cho-cal-ate!" Kaguya admonishes, licking her lips. "That sweet brown stuff!"

"So are chocolate covered cherries simply cherries covered in cho-cal-ate?" Miroku ponders.

"I'd guess so," Sango nods.

"Yeah. They are. Do we have any?" I question again as my stomach grumbles.

"Keh! Where would we get chocolate covered cherries?"

"Chocolate covered cherries aren't invented yet," Sango reminds me.

"Chocolate covered cherries do sound good, though," Shippo fantasizes.

"If you have any chocolate and cherries you could *make* chocolate covered cherries," Miroku suggests.

"I want chocolate covered cherries too!" Kaguya announces.

"What are we talking about?" Kaede questions as she walks out of her cabin, a broom in her grasp.

"Chocolate covered cherries!" everyone choruses.


"Chocolate covered cherries!"

"Chocolate covered cherries?"

"Yep! Chocolate covere-"

"All right! All right! We HAVE established their name!" I cry in exasperation, my craving only intensifying every time they speak of the accursed, uninvented candy. "Shut up!"

"But Kagome-chan," Kaguya pouts as Miroku takes the finished deer off of the fire. "Now we *all* want chocolate covered cherries!"

"This isn't helping!" I half whine, half sob.

"Well, what do you expect us to do about it?" Inu-Yasha questions, frowning. "It's not like we can make `em appear out of thin air or anything."

I blink as an idea crosses my mind.

"No. . . you can't," I agree. "But. . . could you go through the well and get some for me, Inu-chan?"

I give him my sweetest look as his frown deepens.



"No! I'm not going through the well in order to get lost in your city of concrete! Besides, what if I run into your mom or-"

I snarl softly, my eyes narrowing to angry slits as I scoot off his lap. "Inu-Yashaaaaaa!"

His eyes widen at my warning tone.





"You insensitive bastard!" I sob, screaming loudly over my mate's squashed form, oblivious to my nervously laughing friends as they shuffle away with their meal. "I'm not asking you for much! I JUST WANT SOME CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES!"

"But Kago-!"



"Would you let me finish a sent-?!"





"All right!" he grunts, his face smeared dark brown and his body looking slightly flatter then usual as he manages to peal himself off the ground. "All right, I'll go!"

"Eeeee!" I squeal happily, launching myself at my koi and kissing his dirty cheek. "Thankies, Inu-chan!" I chirp in a sing-song voice, beaming as he grumbles darkly and begins to stalk towards the well.

Smiling as I watch him go, I blink as a smell wafts to my nose.

A delicious, delectable scent. . .

Funny, it didn't smell that nice a moment ago. . .

Now. . .

"`ey, Inu-chan!" I call to my mate, waving him back before he gets to far down the long path, my mouth full of roasted deer. "`ever `ind!"

I blink, swallowing the large chunk of meat as I watch his reaction.

. . .

Did he just face-fault?



For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about- face-faulting is when a character falls on their face in exasperation.

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter. We're into month two! XD Only 7 more months to go until the pup is born! ^_~

Anyway, now I gotta go do some heavy cramming for my science test. -_-

Please R&R!

Ja ne!