InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Enough ❯ Enough ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author’s Foreword:
I own nothing except the plot. Steal and marry Jaken! That’s a fate worse than death….

Not-speech. I.e. action, thoughts.
‘Nuff said here’s the story every one.


Every one has a breaking point, and she had just reached hers...

Kagome has had enough!

Enough of the petty arguing...

Enough of HIS indecision...

Enough of the pretended indifference...

Enough of her cursed double life...

Enough of waiting for him to see HER, not Kikyo...

Most of all she had enough of THIS...

They were fighting again trade blows and insults back and forth; it was so stupid, so petty she wanted to scream. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara stood on the sidelines looking on with boredom. This was the last straw, and all of her anger, pain, and frustration of the past few weeks came to a head and something inside snapped; the dam holding back her wrath cracked and broke.

Hands clenched tightly shut, nails digging into skin she strode over to the two combatants. She let loose an enraged scream,“ENOUGH!”

“That's it! I have had it with the both of you! INUYASHA, OSUWARI! You can just SIT there and think about what jerk you are, and you WILL SIT until I have said everything I am going to say!”

“Stupid dog shit, that's what you get for coming between me and MY woman!”
Kouga stated arrogantly.

A vein in Kagome’s head pulsed, just who did he think he was?

YOUR woman?”

She ground out through clenched teeth; so absorbed in his posturing, that Kouga never saw the back of Kagome's hand, heading towards his face. The loud smack of her hand connecting with his face resounded through the now dead quiet forest. Kouga just stood there looking pole axed as she backhanded him again.

Your woman? You CONCEDED Insufferable BAKA! You go around spouting declarations of unending love, yet you never stopped to think and ask me if I felt the same! LOVE?! HOW can you HONESTLY say that when you don't EVEN know me? KAMI! I BARELY know YOU, you come and go like the breeze, spend a few minutes spouting said declarations, and then you're gone again. Your words are empty, and your promises meaningless. How easily you forget Ayame. Love?. You know nothing of love.”

“And you, Inuyasha! I am tired of pretending! Sick and tired of pretending not to care when you go off chasing a memory. That’s all Kikyo will ever be, a memory. Why can't you see that?”

Her tone softened just a touch, and she stood so close to him that she could see the different shades of colors in his eyes. Lost in her confession, forgetting her audience; she continued on staring in to his golden orbs saying the things that needed to be said, that should have been said so long ago.

“Just what is it about her that makes her so special? What is it that she gives you that I don’t?

She reached up, to touch his face... Her fingers lightly brushing his cheekbone, her voice soft, and low,

“Is she warm to your touch, Inuyasha? Can you feel her breath on your face? Does her scent please your senses?”

Her hand slipped down to his mouth, his eyes went wide as her thumb brushed feather light across his lips, and as she did thus, she continued to speak,

“When you kiss her, can you taste her sweetness?”

She let her hand drift down to his chest, fingering his Kotodama beads,

“Tell me Inuyasha, why do you persist in chasing the ghosts of your past when your future stands in front of you? Think about it, Inuyasha, why do you go to her when I can give you the one thing she cannot? A family, Inuyasha I can give you that; I can give you a family. Think about what I have said Inuyasha, because I am waiting for you to tell me that I AM enough.”

Her hand fell to her side, and she turned and walked away. Kouga and Inuyasha merely stood there wholly astounded that Kagome had spoken to them like that. Frankly, they didn't know what to think. The wolf prince muttered something inaudible and took off his familiar whirlwind blazing a trail off dust.

Kagome wasn't quite sure where she was heading. She just had to get away, away form there, and away from those two. She needed to do some serious thinking. She wasn’t very sure whether she should, she go back to the village and talk to Keade or go home.

Behind her Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara stared at her retreating figure, in complete and utter shock. They had never seen Kagome get so angry; much less alone strike anyone, not once but twice.

After about twenty minutes, of walking and thinking, Kagome headed for the hot spring. A good soak would feel wonderful right about now. She had undressed and was just stepping into the hot spring when Sango and Shippo appeared.

"Are you alright Kagome?"

Sango asked tentatively. She wasn't sure if her friend had calmed down yet or not.

"I'm feeling better, Sango. It's just that their constant feuding, arrogance and indifference finally got to me. I swear Sango, if things don't change with those two I'll end up making Kouga wish he could be sat, and Inuyasha wish that he had.” Kagome answered with a heavy sigh.

Sango replied worriedly, " you mind if I join you, or do you want to be left alone?"

"Sango, of course you can join me. I'm sure you could use a hot bath too, after the kind of day we've had. Besides, with that pervert monk around who would want to bath alone?" Kagome replied reassuringly and made a disgusted face.

Sango, laughed and snorted, “Too bad a rosary won’t work on that insufferable letch…”

In a nearby tree, a fairly discreet distance away Inuyasha had heard Kagome's comment about making him wish he’d been sat, he cringed and visibly flinched at the thought of her doing just that. He had some serious thinking to do. He frowned; maybe it was time to tell her just how wrong she really was. Whatever the case, something had to be done, and soon. Inuyasha leaped the tree branches the darkening evening sky ablaze with fiery colors, heading for the gentle peace that could be found within the branches of Goshinboku.

Author’s Notes:

Thanks are in order, so here they are:
Thank you to ALL of you wonderful readers, most especially to those of you who reviewed, and to my Wonderful Betas, Sango’s Courage & Lilis. Their revisions were needed, dare I say BADLY.

This chapter was written to the following music:
Almost Doesn’t Count, By: Brandy
Bring on the Rain, By: Jo Dee Messina
Don’t want to fight no more, by: Tina Turner
Everything, By: Vertical Horizon
Whatever You Say, By: Martina Mcbride