InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Enough ❯ A Moment like this Part 2 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7:
A Moment like This
Part 2
The sun crept towards the west nearing, its place of nightly rest casting soft shadows upon the trees; the night was still and it was as if the whole of the world was waiting for this night that bore such great promise.
For Inuyasha had nearly returned to Keade's hut and surrounding village, carried by the wind; the wood smoke from the fires burned in his nostrils. Every mighty leap from bough to branch bringing him closer to his destination. He was a silver-red streak as left the forest for the rice fields, when Kagome's sent taunted his nose and raced even faster in his desire to be near her once more.
She's early, Kagome came back early! But why? Inuyasha could not stop the questions from dancing though his head, but ignored them in considerable rush and excitement.
He had to get to Kagome; he had to speak with her about so many things, things that would change their relationship forever. However, he first had to fix the mess undoubtedly caused by his departure to seek out Kikyo. He slowed upon nearing the hut, the sent of salty water hitting him like a slap to the face, and his ears drooped with the knowledge that once again he'd made sweet Kagome cry. Smiling apprehensively at the thought that what he had to say would change all of that he pushed aside the woven mat door and tentatively stepped inside.
Instantly he found himself the object of four severely harsh glares, and he was very glad that looks couldn't kill. To his friends' abject horror and vast surprise he ignored their looks and gave them a dazzling smile, their apparent confusion was greatly satisfying as they fought to regain their harsh looks. Turning away from Miroku, Sango, Keade, and Shippo, he turned his attention to Kagome and what he saw made his heart clench and spasm.
She was sitting facing the wall, her back turned to him, on her sleeping bag, picking a mostly full bowl of stew. Kagome was a mess, but to him she'd never looked more beautiful; her hair once beautifully arranged was escaping the chignon in waves, falling messily around her face and shoulders. Her silk furisode was wrinkled, and he could see her hair ornaments sparkling in small pile by her tabi covered feet. Inuyasha smiled wider at her and sat between her and the door, helping himself to a bowl of stew. A long uneasy silence followed, and it seemed that no was willing to say a word.
Miroku however, decide to brave the waters his curiosity burning him and he spoke first,
How is Kikyo-sama faring?”
Inuyasha smirked, so blunt was how the monk was going to play it? Then he'd be just as blunt,
Though it isn't any of your business letch, she was well when I departed.”
He paused as barely audible sob came from Kagome,
You nosey bastards got the wrong idea; this had nothing to do with Naraku or the damn jewel.”
He continued on in softer tone and smiled,
Kikyo and I reached an agreement; time doesn't stop for anyone and the living don't belong to the dead.”
Inuyasha laughed at their loud gasps and profoundly slack-jawed faces before continuing,
I will still seek my revenge on that bastard Naraku, for Kikyo, the memory of the woman I once loved. I will seek revenge for what we once had and what could have been.”
The others tried to bombard him with questions, but he evaded them by escaping to the sanctuary of his favorite branch in Goshinboku. He wasn't ready to deal with them yet he wanted to speak to Kagome, but that would wait until morning when they could get some privacy.
As Kagome lay down in her sleeping bag with Shippo curled next to her, the fire was burning low and the others were close to sleep, her last thought was that she'd been waiting a lifetime for that moment, Inuyasha was free to be hers; and maybe that could be enough.
To be continued…
AN: I added chapter 9 and forgot chapter 8 argh I am soo blonde!