InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Eternal Night ❯ Tainted Hope ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Akara let out a shuddering breath. I'm alive? I…can't believe it…
She sat up and rubbed her head. She then looked around and noticed that young lord was gone.
“Lord Kagewaki?” she looked around again.
Oh well…On to more pressing matters I suppose… she thought, standing in stretching, yawning slightly.
The morning light was bright and the day full of chances and opportunities.
What should I do now? There's nothing to do…Where did Lord Kagewaki go off to? Will I ever see him again? She thought as she roamed the countryside, looking for something to eat.
She fiddled with the bracelet of violet beads around her right wrist and her mother's face and voice filled her mind.
“Akara…Take these beads. You must not let your father know that you have them. They possess great destructive power and would bring blood to our land if your father wields them.” She had gasped right before dying in front of Akara.
Akara looked up and saw that she had come to a wide, deep-looking stream with healthy-looking fish. She shrugged and rolled up her sleeves on her kimono. There was nothing in the laws that said she couldn't fish. She reached into the stream, fishing her arm around and humming a tune her mother would sing to her when she was still a child.
After three fruitless [or should I say fishless] hours, she sat on the bank, looking at the twisted forest on the opposite bank and felt a great pang in her heart. What is this? Why do I feel this pain in my heart? She pondered, placing her hand gently to her heart.
She got up, dismissing the short lived heartache, and walked slowly into the icy water and stood for a minute, trying to decide whether or not she was going to journey across the river of if she would enjoy the sun.
Kill. Kill anyone you cross paths with…
Akara's normally bright lavender eyes turned blank, dead lavender. She crossed the river and thought nothing of the icy cold as it seeped through her kimono. She came across a little boy on the other bank. The little boy smiled up at her, his innocent eyes shining brightly.
She grabbed the boy around the collar and lifted him into the air with her left hand. The boy's and her bodies glowed a metallic blue and the little boy squirmed to get free, crying out for his mother.
“Silence, little boy!” Akara demanded, the boy's cries and squirming ceasing almost instantly.
The beads on her right wrist glowed a blood red color before sliding off and entangling themselves around his neck and tightening. Akara concentrated on the beads, commanding silently they restrict the boy's breathing even more.
An arrow shot by, shattering her concentration, causing the beads the fall limp around the boy's neck. Akara whirled around and looked at the shooter of the arrow. A girl dressed in strange clothing stood before, bow still drawn.
“Why don't you pick on someone your own size?” she asked, pulling an arrow from the quiver and swiftly drawing it, this time aiming for Akara's neck.
“Well…Isn't that the coincidence? You seem to be just my size.” Akara hissed, a dangerous smirk on her face.