InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Exploring the Sengoku Jidai ❯ He Did Know ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Week 51 - Anniversary
Title: He Did Know
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Word Count: 250
The sun peeped over the horizon and Kagome rolled over in her sleeping bag to see InuYasha perched in his tree, watching the golden light slowly spread onto the valley below. Did he know? He hardly seemed to know when a weekend rolled around, but watching him, so still, she thought he must know what today was.
They went about their business, making meals, sniffing trails and uncovering a small oni nest. That night, Kagome came back from the stream where she'd been brushing her teeth. Miroku and Sango were already curled up asleep against Kilala. She stopped at the edge of the trees to watch InuYasha, sitting by the fire. His long, clawed fingers were raised to his chest, gently probing the unseen spot, his eyes focused on a point far away.
He did know.
Not looking at him, not wanting him to see the questions in her eyes, she moved to her sleeping place. For some reason she couldn't explain, she chose to walk by him instead of around the fire. He reached up and caught her hand. Maybe this was the reason.
He pulled on her hand, gently forcing her down to her knees, facing him. His eyes were unusually deep, golden and beautiful.
“Kagome,” there was an apology in his voice, “I never said thank you for taking the arrow out of me ...,” he left something unsaid.
She felt the smile break into her heart even before it bloomed across her face.
“Happy Anniversary, InuYasha.”