InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fates Intertwined ❯ Unexpected ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi. I just enjoy making them play with each other.
This was written for the mirsan_fics community at LiveJournal. The prompt was “Suprise” and the word limit was 250.
Title: Unexpected
Rating: PG13
Genre: Canon - takes place during Chapter 558 during Kagome's three year absence
Word count: 249
Summary: Miroku awaits the birth of his first child
For all of his insistences that Sango was strong and he wasn't concerned, Miroku paced incessantly back and forth outside of the hut they shared together. The look on InuYasha's face was indiscernible - it was impossible to tell if he was worried or just extremely annoyed with the nervous monk. The one time he'd left his post by the entry was to bop Miroku over the head and tell him to quit driving him nuts. Then he sat down right back by the doorway to keep the monk from charging in.
“The women will take care of her, Bouzou,” InuYasha assured, causing Miroku to pause and look thoughtfully at him.
“Just wait,” Miroku started, but then stopped himself. He was about to add `until it's your wife in there,' but realized that would be cruel. The hanyou's heart belonged only to Kagome, and she had returned to her world. They didn't know if they'd ever see her again. Instead, the father-to-be sighed.
“Nothin's wrong,” InuYasha insisted when Miroku charged the door after an unexpected yelp reached his ears from inside. “It shouldn't be much longer.”
After what seemed like eternity, the door flap was pushed aside and Rin's head appeared. “Kaede-sama said you can come in now.”
Anxiously, he pushed past her and the smirking hanyou to enter his home but became transfixed just inside the doorway.
His eyes widened. “Two?”
“Girls.” Kaede confirmed. “The second was certainly a surprise.”
InuYasha chuckled, leaving the scene behind. “Paybacks are hell.”