InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fates Intertwined ❯ Let the Sunshine In ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi.
Written for the Summer Challenge #3 at the Mirsanficart community challenge at LiveJournal. The prompt was “sun” and the limit was 500 words.
Title: Let the Sunshine In
Author: doggieearlover
Rating: T
Type: Canon
Pairing: Miroku/Sango
Word Count: 500
Summary: Counting his blessings, Miroku wonders what changed.
Note: takes place during Manga chapter 558; immediately follows Who'll Stop the Rain
Let the Sunshine In
Even though it was still lightly raining, Miroku felt as though the cloudbanks had broken and the sun was shining on him. He had not experienced such relief since Naraku was defeated and his kazaana disappeared.
He was afraid to ask what had suddenly changed Sango's mind - why she'd abruptly decided to allow him to come home. All he knew for certain was that she'd burst into Kaede's hut, forgiven him, and told him to come home. The monk also had enough sense to keep his mouth shut as to the fact he should not have needed forgiveness because he had done nothing wrong.
Miroku remained silent as he followed his pregnant wife into the hut they shared. He moved to the chest he kept his clothing in and opened the lid. The monk began to strip out of his damp clothing. However, before he could pull a dry set out, he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“Miroku?” Sango said softly. “I... I… I'm sorry for earlier. I should not have assumed you had reverted to your lecherous ways.”
He couldn't hide the trace of bitterness in his voice. “It was nothing.”
The former taijiya's voice was firm. “Yes, it was. You were clearly upset that I did not trust you.”
“I was upset because I thought I'd lost the only thing that meant anything to me,” he whispered. “And I had no idea why or what I had done.”
Sango looked at the floor and sighed. “I'm sorry. I should have let you explain.”
Miroku shook his head. “That would only work if I knew what I was supposed to have done. I had no clue when we arrived back as to why you would not allow me in.”
She started twisting her apron in her hands. “I was too quick to believe you'd fallen back into your old ways… when that traveler came through… and it'd been so long…”
The monk looked puzzled. “I don't understand. So long since… what?” He didn't want to say since I'd propositioned another woman.
“You know…” Sango blushed and rubbed her swollen abdomen.
“Ahhhhh…” Realization suddenly struck Miroku. “You thought that since it had become uncomfortable for you, I went elsewhere.”
He placed his hand over hers on her belly. “I won't deny that I miss being with you, but I realized some time ago I had no desire to be with another. I know I occasionally still flirt out of habit - or to get something for you, but I would never betray you like that. If I feel that desperate for relief, I have other ways to cope.”
That “look” started to form on Sango's face, and he quickly continued, “Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to be caught by InuYasha?”
She responded, “You do owe him a thank you.”
Miroku quirked an eyebrow.
“He made me listen when I didn't want to.”
“And said that he'd kill me if I hurt you?”
Sango smiled. “That, too.”