InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Feni's Snippets ❯ Surety ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, despite my propensity for doing lewd things to him. Don't sue.
A/N: This drabble was written for Forthright's `Quickie Challenge' on Live Journal's `InuErotica' community. Contains spoilers for IY manga #494.
“Are you sure, lovely Sango?”
The slayer's reply was lost in a rustling of cloth, and then there was silence except for the night breeze.
Silence unless you were a hanyou cursed with very sharp hearing, that is.
Inuyasha grumbled, shoved his hands deeper into his sleeves and tried to tune out the clear-as-a-temple-bell noises of the monk and the slayer consummating their love… again. Shifting on his branch, he tried to concentrate on other things, like Kagome's warm scent, but the images that conjured up were just as provocative.
Sparks shot upwards as Kagome poked the fire. Grumbling to himself about horny monks, he dropped out of the tree to crouch beside her. “Like fucking rabbits…” he growled, flattening his ears.
“That's why it's called a `quickie',” Kagome grinned up at him, her eyes twinkling.
Inuyasha blinked. “Your world has a name for it?” he asked incredulously.
She blushed, but her tone was challenging. “Yours doesn't?”
“Well… er… uh… I… um… keh!” He turned his head away, his cheeks scorching while he tried to think… until Kagome casually leaned against his side. Inuyasha instantly recalled that unfortunately interrupted moment in her bedroom a few days before; he made a split-second decision. “Kirara… guard those two and the runt.”
Kagome squeaked in surprise when she found herself flying through the moonlit trees, tucked securely against Inuyasha's chest until they landed on a sturdy branch. Wrapping his arms around her, he seated her in his lap as he sat down against the trunk. She blinked up at him, remembering the last time she'd seen that intense look in her eyes… which instantly loosed dozens of butterflies in her stomach.
Inuyasha hesitated. What if she doesn't…? Shit. Did I just fuck up? His unspoken question was answered when Kagome smiled softly and nestled into him, her arms sliding around his torso to hug him tightly. Licking his lips nervously, he carefully tightened his hold… but somehow one of his hands found bare skin at her waist and he froze.
Kagome held her breath, aware of his tension. Bravely nuzzling his throat as scarlet flooded her cheeks, she whispered, “Please, Inuyasha. I… want you to touch me…” His throat moved as he swallowed, but then the errant hand gently skimmed up her back, making her shiver with the delicacy of his touch. Snuggling close, she sighed contentedly as his feather-light caress became both lingering and firmer as he gained confidence.
“Kagome…?” he murmured, entranced by the warmth and texture of her skin but needing to know before he committed his heart any further. “When the time comes… when you have to choose… which world will you…?”
She had to think for a moment, because being in his arms after so long wanting was very distracting. “I choose you.”
“Are you sure?” he breathed, his heart beginning to hammer in his ears; when her soft lips brushed gently along his jaw, he tilted his head and captured her reassurance with his kiss.