InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Feni's Snippets ❯ The Ambush ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Not mine; always returned in fairly good condition to Rumiko Takahashi and the assorted corporations that hold Inuyasha's leash.
A/N: For Caitriona's `Get Back In The Mood' contest, posted on her LJ to encourage the InuYasha love. Influenced by KrisCynical's verra pretteh seasonal artwork entitled Winter Gift.
Bouquets to my lovely betas, Ranuel and SilverOnTheRose, to whom I owe new toothbrushes.
Forecast: Coarse language interspersed with fluff flurries, creating a high risk of cavities.
The Ambush
I fucking hate this shit. I'm cold, I'm wet, I can't see anything and it even screws with my nose.
A highly disgruntled hanyou irritably shook the snow off his sleeves, then batted at his ear as an icy droplet trickled through the thick fur and stung the sensitive pink skin inside. “Dammit!” Furiously shaking his head in a fruitless attempt to dislodge the intruder, Inuyasha let out a yell when a well-aimed snowball caught him full in the face and knocked him clean off his branch. “Goddamnfuckingsonofabitch!” he roared, dangling from the claw tips of one hand while smearing at his eyes with his sleeve.
A second snowball smacked into his chest and shot chilly shards up his nose. Losing his battle with gravity, Inuyasha plunged to the ground below and sent a cloud of fluffy crystals puffing into the frigid air. Lying flat on his back, melt water seeping into the neck of his suikan, he made a rude gesture in the direction of gleeful cackling. Glaring daggers at the floating pink ball, the hanyou bared his fangs. “You're fucking dead, Shippo,” he snarled, but the transformed kitsune only chortled some more before sticking out his tongue and rising into the sky.
Sitting upright, the hanyou raked his claws through his hair, dislodging small lumps of ice while plotting revenge… until a pile of snow cascaded over his head, filling his ears and deafening him again. Whipping around, he spotted a pale scarf and dark hair disappearing into the undergrowth. Ho. Two against one, huh?
Bouncing upright, he thoroughly shook himself and set off in pursuit, but not at full speed. Let the idiot think she's escaped… then pow! Swinging through the lowest branches of the trees, he followed Kagome's rapidly-filling footprints since he still couldn't smell her. Fucking wind is swirling too much. All his senses tuned to the hunt, adrenaline surged through his veins as he tracked his prey. He unintentionally gave the young woman a longer lead when ice-brittled wood cracked under his weight and he plummeted into a snowdrift that engulfed him up to his chest.
Extricating himself with difficulty, Inuyasha grinned fiercely when he caught up to his quarry a few minutes later. Kagome's pace had slowed dramatically as she floundered through deep snow on the edge of the forest. Gotcha. His predatory instincts had him airborne in mid-pounce before he could stop himself, and he didn't have enough distance to change his trajectory. “Oh, shit!”
Kagome twisted around; he had a brief glimpse of bright eyes and flushed cheeks before he plowed into her at full speed, sending them both tumbling across the frozen ground. Inuyasha protectively wrapped his arms around her but couldn't do anything to stop their headlong slide until they careened into a snow bank and the world disappeared in a cloud of white.
His heart still pounding wildly from the chase, the hanyou was instantly aware of the slim body trapped beneath him. Ever after, he wasn't sure if it was a residue of the hunting energy that made him react so emphatically to the girl's attempts to free herself, but considering the results, he didn't really care. As Kagome giggled and squirmed, he loosed a low growl and lightly bit down on her throat, getting a mouthful of knitted wool in the process.
She let out a nervous squeak before going rigid, startled by the unexpected pressure of his fangs on her windpipe. When she remained still for several seconds, the hanyou emitted an approving rumble. Pulling away the scarf with his teeth, he mouthed the delicate skin under her chin and tasted the warm, salty tang of her flight. Losing himself in the moment, ignoring the warning voice shrilling in the back of his mind, Inuyasha nibbled along Kagome's jaw and nuzzled her cheek. In response, her hands slowly worked their way under his mass of hair until her fingers curled into the back of his damp suikan. When her embrace cautiously tightened, Inuyasha hummed reassuringly before raising his head to meet her gaze.
Kagome's snow-spangled hair formed a dark halo around her face, highlighting the fresh colour in her cheeks. Her expression was slightly wary but definitely hopeful, her grey eyes searching his. She said nothing; when her glance dropped to his mouth and she moistened her lips, Inuyasha recklessly took the gesture as an invitation to cross the line. She was obviously taken aback by his forwardness, her breath stalling again, but her reticence only lasted two or three beats of her rapidly-thumping heart. Her mouth softened, pressed back against his, and when he reluctantly broke the kiss to breathe, Kagome's eyes were heavy-lidded and misty, her lips rosy pink from his attentions.
Keh. She's speechless… for once. Inuyasha didn't have time to gloat when she pulled herself up from her snowy pillow and kissed him back, but he took full advantage of the situation. Cupping her head in his palm, he angled his mouth against hers and demanded entrance. When she gave in, he was overwhelmed by the sensations of heat and wet, and he took his time exploring every contour and texture. Kagome's tension evaporated when he invited her to return the favour, and he was thrilled by her eager response. Retreating briefly when she scraped her tongue on his fang, she quickly returned with enthusiasm.
Lying together on their chilly bed, they were oblivious to anything but each other and the growing heat between them. Inuyasha's bare hands and feet ached with cold, but he wasn't going to let a minor discomfort interrupt this long-desired encounter… and Kagome appeared to be of the same opinion despite her rapidly-saturating clothing. I could roll us over `cause my fire-rat doesn't absorb water… but I kinda like that she can't get up until I let her.
Kagome also didn't seem to mind that one of his legs was between her thighs, nor that he controlled the length and intensity of their kisses. Having her so easily submit went a very long way towards soothing the regular ego-bruising delivered by her use of the rosary. Inuyasha couldn't help but smirk triumphantly when Kagome moaned softly into his mouth and her scent took on a sultry note. She wants me! She can fuss and flail all she wants from now on, but I know the truth!
Fisting a handful of hair, the hanyou pulled back the young woman's head, again baring her throat. Pressing heated kisses to her skin, he was aware of Kagome's complete lack of fear despite her utter vulnerability, and that knowledge was humbling. I could kill her with one bite… but she trusts me.
“I'll save you, Kagome! Fox magic - Icicle Barrage!
What felt like a hundred rapid-fire punches hammered Inuyasha's back, driving both of them deeper into the snow. Whipping one of his sleeves over their heads, he snarled, “Fucking little twerp,” while hissing painfully as his kidneys took direct hits. When the attack petered out, he asked, “You okay?” Kagome's eyes were wide in the darkened tent created by his fire-rat just before she pulled him down for an aggressive kiss that briefly made him wonder exactly who was dominating whom.
“Let her go, dog-breath, or you'll regret it!” Small paws landed on his shoulder blade and a crackle of youki prickled his scalp.
Reluctantly pulling back, Kagome said breathlessly, “I don't need saving, Shippo.”
“You don't?” the kit asked uncertainly.
“Nope,” she replied, then gave Inuyasha the toothiest grin he'd ever seen and a little push of encouragement. “But you do.”