InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Flipped: A Different Inuyasha Story - Part One ❯ Episode 30: A Chapter Ends and A New One Begins ( Chapter 30 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Not even bothering with an Author's Note this time. Enjoy.

Japanese Volcabulary:

taijiya: slayer

nii-san: a way of saying older brother

Episode 30: A Chapter Ends and A New One Begins...

Miroku's feet pounded on the forest floor, closely matching the frantic rhythm his heart was beating out. His breath came out in harsh pants as he continued on. He knew that he'd lost Sango a long ways back but he couldn't stop running. He was sure that if he did, his emotions and reality would catch up and crash down on him.

He didn't want to face the facts he now knew to be true. Narakuna's plan was ruined. He'd accidentally messed it all up because of the hope that he'd held that he might be able to alleviate a little bit of the guilt he'd feel. So what if he'd done as Narakuna had told him to with Kagome and Inuyasha, and that he'd technically filled out his end of the deal? He didn't think Narakuna would see it that way.

He clenched his jaw. He knew for sure what was going to happen. Kanna was going to die.... and it was going to be all his fault.....

His thoughts were cut off when his foot caught on a tree root that he hadn't seen because he was too deeply immersed in his thoughts. He tried to catch himself but instead ended up twisting so that he ended up hitting the ground hard on his side and putting the foot caught by the tree root at an odd angle, which ended up being not so good as he gritted his teeth in pain.

He pushed himself up, wincing as he checked his side. It didn't feel like it had been damaged too badly, though he was probably going to have a bruise. He couldn't say the same for his foot though....

The taijiya carefully untangled his foot from the root and pulled it closer so he could examine it. He grimaced as he felt a jolt of pain when he tried to press down on it. He braced himself on the trunk of a tree nearby as he used it to lift himself into a standing position, gingerly placing the foot down. He winced when another jolt of pain ran through it. He leaned back against the tree, releasing a deep sigh. This just wasn't his day, was it?

He turned his gaze up to the tree tops, mournfully, with only his thoughts as company, which he'd rather not have at the moment. He closed his eyes.

Kanna was going to die and it was all his fault. That morbid thought filled his mind. He'd failed his little sister, not once, but twice now. How would he be able to live with himself after this?

'That's the thing,' Miroku thought, opening his eyes. 'I'm not sure I could live with myself after this.' He tightened his mouth into a thin line, brows furrowed, but with sorrowful eyes. 'I've condemned my sister to death for my mistake. What kind of big brother am I? What big brother destroys his sister's one chance at life because they were so selfish that they ruined everything because they just wanted to alleviate some damn guilt?!' He clenched his eyes shut. 'What kind of big brother, I ask myself? I'm that big brother...'

"What have I done?" the slayer whispered.

"Oh yes. What have you done?"

Miroku's eyes shot open as he snapped his head upwards. Narakuna was sitting on the branch above him, her back leaning against the trunk as she smirked down at him.

"Oh, do go on," she said, the smirk not leaving her face. "Don't mind me. Do tell what you've done, slayer."

Miroku found himself unable to speak as he stared up at Narakuna with wide eyes, a tiny sprig of hope blossoming in his chest. Maybe she was unknowing of the fact that he'd accidentally ruined her plan.... He thought that over. If it was true, then he could go along and pretend that he'd returned immediately after he'd done the deed with Kagome and Inuyasha, just as she'd told him, too. Then, she wouldn't kill Kanna and he'd have his sister back. Miroku forced back a smile. He couldn't give it away. This was his last hope. If it turned out she was just toying with him well.... he'd be back where he'd started, wouldn't he?

"Hm... Cat got your tongue, slayer?" Narakuna said, smirking darkly.

Miroku's gaze turned determined. "No, but I would like to know what you've done with my sister."

Narakuna mock sighed, as she leapt down from her perch to land in front of the taijiya. "You're no fun, slayer. Did you know that?"

"Where is my sister?" Miroku said in a low voice, glaring at her.

The demoness mock sighed once more. "Oh, fine. Here she is." She snapped her fingers and purple smoke billowed around her. When the smoke cleared, Kanna was held in Narkuna's grasp.

Miroku's eyes widened. Kanna's eyes were just as emotionless and blank as when he'd first seen her at the Inn. He glared again at the demoness. "What did you do to her?"

Narakuna turned her gaze down at the emotionless violet orbs on the young child's face. "Oh, right. Forgot about that."

Kanna's eyes then lost their emotionless look. "Wha-?" She then spied Miroku with a gasp. "Nii-san!" She tried to run towards Miroku but found that Narakuna was holding her back with a hand to her shoulder and a set of claws now across her neck. Kanna's eyes widened as she recalled the familiarity of this position. Her eyes turned pained as she recalled what had happened last time she'd been in this position.

"Nii-san..." the little girl whispered, tears pooling in her eyes.

Miroku once more found tears stinging his own eyes. "Kanna..." He then noticed the set of claws across her pale neck. He swallowed hard. Did Narakuna know....?

The demoness smirked. "Don't worry. I remember our deal, taijiya, but that is what I want to talk about." Her mahogany orbs flashed. "Did you do as I said?"

Miroku steeled himself. "Yes," he said coldly. "I did just as you asked with Kagome and made sure that Inuyasha saw." He glared at her. "I've done my part of the deal. Now you do yours."

Narakuna chuckled darkly. "I don't think so, slayer..."

Miroku froze. "Wh-What?"

She smirked coldy. "Things did not quite go as planned..."

Miroku's eyes widened. 'She knows...'

"It seems that two of your former traveling companions met up together," the demoness said. "Two who were not supposed to meet up together."

The slayer felt his mouth go dry. This was it. She knew. Kanna was going to die. It was over. This was the end...

"The half breed and the reincarnation of Sesshoumaru met up, it seems," Narakuna said. "You know what my plan was. What do you have to say about this.... predicament?"

Miroku felt hope spring up in him again. She was talking about Inuyasha and Kagome! She didn't know! He paused. But wait... they'd met up? So that meant... Narakuna's plan was basically ruined anyways.... It didn't matter.... Kanna was still going to die.

"No..." The taijiya whispered.

Narakuna smirked. "Oh yes, slayer.... I suppose I would kill your sister..." Her claws flexed over Kanna's throat, threateningly, as the young girl swallowed frightened. "But... despite the fact that my plan to tear apart your group was ruined.... that was not my true goal in the first place..."

Miroku's eyes widened. "What?" Not her true goal? Then what was...?

"Yes," the demoness grinned, evilly. "My true goal was completely different. My true goal was...." Her eyes narrowed. " take the reincarnation of Sesshoumaru...."

"Wh-What?" Miroku said in shock. "But... why? What do you want with him? Do you want him for the shards?"

Narkuna chuckled. "Oh no, little slayer. It had nothing to do with the shards, although that is a bonus..."

The slayer furrowed his brows. "Then, why...?"

"Simple, taijiya," Narkuna purred. "Very simple." She smirked. "If I can't have Sesshoumaru himself... why not use his reincarnation as a replacement?" She turned his gaze upwards as if in thought, as she grinned hungrily. "I can think of so many things to do with him that I never had a chance to do with Sesshoumaru...."

Miroku's eyes widened as he reeled back in a mixture of shock and disgust. Wa-Was she implying what he thought she was implying? He shuddered. He didn't want to think about that.

"You'll never take Inuyasha!" Miroku said. "He won't let you and if that's not enough, Kagome won't let you either!"

The demoness chuckled again. "It's a little late for that when I already have him in my grasp..."

"Wh...What?" Miroku whispered with wide eyes.

"Yes," said Narakuna. "That's right. My plan is complete, slayer.... And there's nothing you or your friends can do about it..." The demoness smirked. "But it will be oh so much more fun when I have the half breed watch..."

Miroku allowed a shudder to pass through him as he stared at Narakuna horrified. He'd thought that it had been cruel and evil when Narakuna had forced him to kiss Kagome and make Inuyasha watch but... having Kagome watch and be helpless as Narakuna did whatever she was going to do to Inuyasha? He shivered. That was by far the cruelest, most despicable, evil thing he could think of. He shivered again.

But then, the demoness turned her gaze down to Kanna with a smirk. "Now that I have no use for you, slayer, I see no more need to keep your sister around..."

Miroku's eyes widened as Narakuna pulled her hand back to slit Kanna's throat. "Kanna!!"

Suddenly, Narakuna leapt backwards, pulling Kanna with her as a golden blur passed through the area that the demoness had been only seconds before. It was halted with a thud as it connected with a tree in the way. Miroku saw the object to be a familiar golden staff with a thin red diamond dangling from the diamond shaped hoop at the top, blue beads wrapping around it...

"Looks like we have company, slayer," Narakuna spoke, narrowing her eyes. Kanna released a shaky breath at her near brush with death.

It was then that Sango, Kagome, and Kirara appeared from the undergrowth, but with Sango missing her ever familiar staff which was the one sticking from the tree trunk.

"Narakuna," Kagome spat, speaking the name as if it was some deadly poison.

"Ah..." Narakuna said. "If it isn't the half breed, monk, and young cat demon. So nice to see you, albeit a little sooner than expected, but..." Her eyes drifted across the group as her eyebrows lifted in mock surprise. "What is this? It seems you are missing a member..." She smirked. "Searching for a certain reincarnation of Sesshoumaru, perhaps?"

"What'd you do with Inuyasha?!" Kirara cried out, glaring.

The demoness turned her gaze down at the young cat demon. "Brave little one, aren't you, to speak to me that way?"

Kirara paused, swallowing, but did not lessen her glare.

"What've you done with Inuyasha?" Kagome growled, eyes narrowing. "I know that you're the one who's been behind all this."

Narakuna clucked her tongue. "Oh, come now. You wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, would you?"

"Answer me!" The black haired hanyou barked.

"Don't worry, little half breed," the demoness replied with a smirk. "You'll see him eventually..." Then, Narakuna turned her gaze to Miroku, smirking as she flexed her claws over Kanna's throat. "And don't worry, taijiya. I'll keep your sister, nice and safe..."

Miroku's eyes widened. "No!" But it was too late as purple smoke billowed around Narakuna and Kanna, and when the smoke cleared... his sister was gone....

Miroku stared at the spot as he slowly slid down the trunk, until he was sitting on the ground. "Kanna..." he said in a choked whisper, bowing his head.

But then, he felt a hand on his shoulder. The person was quiet for a few moments before finally speaking. "Why didn't you tell us, Miroku?"

The slayer turned his head away from Sango. "How much did you three hear?"

Sango sighed. "Enough to know the real reason for your actions...."

Miroku slumped further against the tree. How could they even stand to look at him after what he'd done? He'd picked his sister over them. Didn't they understand that?

"How can you stand to even speak to me?" Miroku whispered. "Do you not know what I've done?"

"Of course we do. How can we not?"

Miroku winced as Kagome spoke. What he'd done to Kagome and Inuyasha had been terrible...

"But we know that you didn't really want to do it..."

Miroku turned his head to the female half demon in surprise.

Kagome shifted uncomfortably under his gaze and wouldn't meet his eyes. Miroku winced. He should have expected as much...

"Kagome's right," Kirara spoke, standing beside Sango who was kneeling beside him. Kirara turned her gaze downwards as if ashamed. "So.... I'm sorry I said those things to you Miroku... You didn't deserve them..."

Miroku was shaken from his surprise at those words. He shook his head. "No Kirara. Don't apologize. I did deserve them, that's why I had hoped so that I would meet up with you and Sango. So that I could recieve those words..." He bent his head so his eyes were hidden. "So I could recieve the punishment I deserved...."

"Stop with the pity party," Kagome interrupted, glaring. "I'll admit that I really didn't like anything that you did, but the way I see it, you had to do it or Narakuna would've killed your sister. Now, did you want to do what you did?"

Miroku shook his head, numbly.

"Then, I don't see how you deserve any punishment. This is Narakuna's fault, not yours. Do you understand me?"

Miroku nodded, still unable to speak.

Kagome nodded her head, crossing her arms. "Good. Now, you are going to stop beating yourself up over this, come with us, and help us find Inuyasha. That is not a suggestion. That is an order. Got it?"

Miroku nodded again.

"Good." And with that, Kagome turned around and started to walk away.

Miroku just stared after the female half demon in something akin to shock. Kagome had been the last person he'd expected to forgive him. True, she hadn't exactly said she'd forgiven him, but knowing Kagome, that was the closest he was going to get. He suddenly felt the strangest urge to grin.

"Wow," said Kirara, brows lifted. "I hate to admit it, but the mutt's good."

Sango chuckled after the hanyou, but then turned to Miroku with a smile as she stood, holding our her hand to help Miroku up. "I suppose you'd better do as she says, ne?"

The slayer stared at the gloved hand held out to him for a few moments, before grabbing it and allowing her to pull him up. He let out a hiss of pain when he accidentally put too much pressure on his injured foot.

"Are you okay?" Sango asked, frowning.

Miroku lifted his violet orbs to her own concerned brown ones. He stared at her for a moment feeling warm inside. It was kind of nice to know that someone felt concern for him, despite the terrible things he'd done.

"Miroku?" she spoke again. "I asked if you were okay."

He blinked in surprise. "Oh. Sorry. I'm fine, I just injured my foot on a tree root, earlier."

"Well, here," Sango said, putting her arm around him and giving him her shoulder. "Let me help."

Miroku paused for a moment but accepted the shoulder, but leaning against her with as little weight as he could.

"Are you three coming or not?!" Kagome shouted back at them.

Kirara rolled her eyes. "We're coming, okay! Miroku hurt his foot!"

Kagome repeated Kirara's action. "Ugh. You humans are so fragile..."

Sango frowned. "I take offense to that!"

Kagome scoffed with a slight smile. "Of course you would. You're a human. Now come on!"

Miroku watched this, a sense of normalcy creeping over him. Something he hadn't felt in a long time... and for the first time in two weeks, he felt a genuine smile cross his lips.

And with Sango helping him along, they headed off to find Inuyasha, with the feeling that a chapter of their lives had just been finished but also... that a new one was just about to start.

End of Part One