InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forbidden Eternal Love ❯ Seeing is Believing ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Inuyasha; it belongs to extremely talented Rumiko Takahashi. But I DO own Kane; he is mine to do with what I want! And the name Maiku is mine! It's my friend Mike's name in Japanese, LOL.
All in Heaven are humans and all on Earth are demons.
Chapter Three: Seeing is Believing
Day One, or Night One
Inuyasha quietly landed on the safety of the ground, after he jumped off of his balcony. He sneakily ran through the forest that surrounded his home, and he made his way closer to the portal that would lead him to the kingdom in the sky. He quickly hid behind a tree as he spotted the guardians of the portal, both asleep.
“Hehe, lazy bums. What a shame they've fallen asleep.” He chuckled as he quietly snuck past the slumbering guards and entered the glowing blue portal.
Inuyasha saw the end of the passage up ahead and prayed that the guardians on the other side would be asleep as well. Sure enough his prayers were answered and both sets of guardians were asleep. He swiftly took shelter in the nearest wooded area, then cautiously approach the gates of the kingdom.
“Come on Sango, you've got to help. I don't know what's wrong. I had it down before, why can't I do it again.” Came Kagome belligerent cries as she failed a third time trying to remember the spell.
“I don't know what you are doing wrong. You are doing everything it says here.” Sango exclaimed to her while looking up from the old dusty book.
“Give it here.” She said as she grabbed it off of her bed. Kagome's eyes scanned over it and repeatedly tried it three more times, only to fail again and again.
“Arrgghhh. Great now I can't do it again.” Kagome shouted.
“Calm down Kagome. Let's just practice it more and maybe if we get it down we can go tomorrow evening.” Sango calmly suggested.
“I guess you are right.”
“Well I'm tired so, I'll leave you be. Goodnight Kagome.” Sango said as she headed for her chambers.
Kagome sat on her bed staring at the old book of Priestess Spells she had stolen from the library in her mother's secret place.
“Why can't I get it right?” She wondered.
A loud knock at her door sounded, scaring her out of her wits.
“Ahh, who is it?” Kagome jumped as she asked.
“It's your mother, may I come in for a moment?” Kikyou asked.
“Uh hold on just a second Mom.” She quickly replied while shoving the book underneath her bed, them briskly running to open the door. “What ever do you want mother?” She asked in a syrupy sweet tone.
“I wanted to talk to you about something.” Kikyou stated, a little annoyed with her daughter's tone of voice.
“Okay what is it?”
“You are growing up my dear, and you have growing powers. Even more so than I. I feel that it is time to train you in the ways of a Priestess.”
“Oh mom are you serious? I've always wanted to learn but you never let me before.” Kagome exclaimed and hugged her mother.
“Well I've noticed over the years how your power is starting to surpass mine, so its best to teach and train you on how to control that power, and I also have a gift for you. Well I'll see you in the morning dear. Don't stay up too late.” Kikyou said as she kissed Kagome's forehead, then walked off to her room.
Kagome squealed with delight over hearing this wonderful news. She was so happy that she couldn't possibly fall asleep now. She slowly got up off her bed, still dressed in the gown from earlier, as she made way to her favorite place, the rose gardens. She sat quietly on the bench and gazed down at the kingdom below, oblivious to the fact that someone was watching her from a near by tree with intense violet eyes.
Inuyasha was resting up in that tree for a moment. He was about to depart after not finding anything worth his interest, when lo and behold, the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, walked in the midst of the rose gardens that were along side where the majestic tree stood. Strangely the tree here looks exactly like the Sacred Tree that's in his kingdom, but he brushed that thought off. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her, her hair as black as the night sky, yet having a blue hue to it, her alluring cerulean orbs shimmering with unspoken joy and longing, her fair complexion glowing on the moonless night.
`She's not beautiful, she surpasses that word, I don't think there is a word to describe her kind of beauty.' Inuyasha thought as his violet eyes locked on her perfect form, he was drawn to her, he let his breath go and inhaled deeply catching but a faint scent coming off the girl. Even though in his human form, he could still catch the vague scent of lavender and vanilla radiating off her. He would permanently remember that scent forever.
Kagome felt a little uncomfortable, as she was staring down at the kingdom below, she felt like someone was watching her closely. She turned he gaze in the direction of the Sacred Tree, and no one was there. I could have sworn that I felt someone's presence. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. She thought as she glanced one final time down towards the earth, then silently made her way to her room, to go to sleep.
Inuyasha cautiously made his way back home, his thoughts still dwelling on that girl, as he climbed up the vines on the side of the castle that led to his balcony. He slowly made his way towards his bed, then collapsed as soon as he hit the soft mattress. His dreams filled of the unknown girl.
Day Two
Kagome woke up bright and early and as excited as ever. Her mother would start training her today, and she simply could wait. She quickly ran into her bathroom to take a relaxing bath before dealing with the rigorous tasks of training. Her mother had brought her a pair of Priestess garbs, that she put on after her bath, and did her hair up in the normal way a Miko would, and then hurriedly made her way to the outside courtyard to meet her mother.
“Good morning Kagome, are you ready to begin you training? Do you have any questions?” Kikyou asked her daughter, as she approached the courtyard.
“Good morning mother. I am ready to do this. Mother, do you possibly could uh...teachmetheconcealmentspell.” She said all in one breath.
“Kagome dear, slow down and carefully repeat what you just said.”
“Could you...possibly...teach me...”
“Yes, come on now what is it?” Her mother prodded.
“The concealing spell, perhaps?” She asked, her voice full of hope.
“Kagome, why on earth would you need to learn that spell for? Where would you use it?” Kikyou retorted
“I just want to know it, in case I need it.” She lied through her teeth. You just answered the question yourself mother, why on earth. She inwardly thought.
“Fine, but let's begin with the basics.”
After completing basic menial tasks required for a miko, that took seven long hours, Kikyou decided to start on the archery lessons, so Kagome could learn to protect herself. Kagome watched as her mother pulled an arrow back in her bow, and concentrated on the mark and with one deep breath let the arrow fly towards the target. It glowed a faint pink as it reached the target, and hit the bull's eye.
“Now Kagome you try.” She said as she handed her daughter the bow and an arrow.
Kagome walked up to the marking of where she's supposed to stand and gently pulled the arrow back in the bow. Her mother helped her adjust a little with the way she was holding it, and finally, Kagome took in a deep breath, kept her eye on the mark, and let the arrow fly. It hit right above the target. Kagome slumped down a little, but her mother brought her cheer back up.
“Kagome that was wonderful for the first time trying, in fact if you had aimed a little lower you would have split my arrow in two.” She replied cheerfully as they continued on with the archery lessons for another couple hours.
After they were done, Kikyou took Kagome into a secret room in the back of the library, were she taught her to use the concealment spell. After practicing a couple of times, Kagome had it down pact, and she could even conceal her mother as well.
“Kagome, you are done for the day. But I have a special gift for you, hold on a second let me get it.” Kikyou said as she got up, and headed toward the very back of the room, only to reappear with a small box that was glistening with a sense of purity all around it.
Kikyou sat down in front of Kagome with the small bow on her lap, and she slowly lifted off the cover, to reveal the pure and untainted Shikon No Tama, the Jewel of Four Souls.
“Mom, it's the sacred jewel, why are you giving it to me? I'm not trained enough to take on the task.” Kagome gasped.
“The Jewel of Four Souls was given to me when I was twenty, and I was instructed if I ever had a daughter, to give it to her when she turned the same age. The moment I was given the jewel bad things started to happen, but I was able to put a stop to it. Now that it has been given to you, you must protect it with your life. I didn't want to give it to you for I feared for your life, but now I realize it must be passed on. Kagome, my precious daughter, keep the jewel safe and guard it well.” Kikyou said solemnly as she handed the jewel to its new owner and protector.
“Yes mother, I promise to protect and guard it. I accept the responsibility as the new guardian of the Shikon No Tama.” Kagome pledged as Kikyo placed the precious and pure jewel in her hands.
Kagome put the jewel around her neck and hid it beneath the white kimono top, and hurriedly ran to find Sango and put their plan into action.
Inuyasha had long since woken up, taken a shower to get off the smell of humans so no one would suspect a thing and then spent most of the day training with Kane. Practicing wielding the Tetsusaiga, in front of his half-brother's face, who was holding a scowl. By now it had grown dusk, and Inuyasha and Kane had gone off to their favorite spot in the secluded forest,
The Sacred Tree located deep in the forest.
“So Inuyasha, what happened when you got there?” Kane asked curiously.
“Well thankfully both sets of guardians were asleep, and I could easily sneak past them. At first I didn't find anything interesting, but I did notice something odd very odd. The Sacred Tree that is where we are was also up there as well, and it looked exactly the same. Maybe this is what allows there to be a connection between our world and theirs.” He replied.
“Hmm that could be true. Is there anything else that you found fascinating?”
“Well what was it?”
“None of your business.” He snapped.
“Come on Inuyasha, open up once in a while.”
“I ain't gonna, so shut the hell up!”
“Come on Inuyasha. Please...”
“Please, please, please, please, please, please...” Kane begged, knowing that through his annoyance Inuyasha would crack just a little.
“Fine it was a GIRL okay, you happy now!”
“A girl huh...” He smirked but then it suddenly faltered “What did you think of this girl?”
Inuyasha was once again in a daze as he pictured that perfect goddess, “She was beyond beautiful... and she smelled of sweet lavender and vanilla.”
“Inuyasha! Its bad enough that you traveled to the other kingdom, falling in love with a human is FORBIDDEN! You can't, don't you know what'll happen!” Kane exclaimed in horror.
“I did NOT fall in love with a human, I just thought she was pretty that's all. Nothing more nothing less. So save your speech for someone who actually needs it. I am not in love with that wench. So can we just drop the subject?” He stated trying to convince himself more so than Kane.
Besides, I wouldn't call it love I don't even know her, and even if I wanted too, Its forbidden. I'll call it a foolish infatuation.
“Very well then. I'm heading back to the castle, are you coming?” Kane asked.
“No I'm gonna stay here for a while, I'll be back later.”
“Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye.” He stated then headed off toward the castle.
“Yeah, bye.”
“Kagome, I'm afraid that I cannot go tonight.” Sango said sadly, though she wished to go protect her princess and friend.
“Why not Sango?” Kagome asked curiously.
“I made some other...plans.” She replied.
“What plans and with whom?”
“What makes you think there is a whom involved?” Sango asked trying to keep her guilty face at bay.
“Oh Sango I know you too well, so who are you going to meet? I bet it's with Miroku.”
“What! Like I'd ever go on a rendezvous, with that lecher!” She expressed with a guilty look all over her face.
“I knew it, It IS Miroku. You are SO in love with him, it's not even funny.” Kagome giggled.
“Fine okay its Miroku, I'd just thought I'd give him a chance, since my parents seem apt on getting me married off. Plus my parents saw his affection for me and they said that if I didn't at least give him a chance, they would go ahead and betroth me to him.”
“Well good luck. I'm sure you'll enjoy his company. Since I'm going you'll have to cover for me, okay?”
“Okay fine, but please hurry back, I don't want you to get in trouble.” Sango said as she took her leave to find Miroku.
Kagome quietly took off in the night; she cautiously approached the glowing portal and noticed that indeed the guardians were asleep.
“Hehe they are lazy.” She chuckled softly.
She soundlessly chanted the incantation, for the concealment spell, and she swiftly began to change into a half-demon. Her ebony locks grew a little longer, her fingernails grew to claws, she filled out the kimono a little better, and on top of her head appeared two cute black dog-ears.
Hopefully the spell will hold. Here I go. She silently thought, as she snuck up to the portal and jumped inside. She floated through portal, and she finally saw the other end and hoped to Kami that the other guardians were asleep. It seems her prayers were answered they were asleep, as she slipped out of the portal ever so quietly a made her way through the forest.
Kagome was in awe of what the earth looked like, there were things unlike what she has ever seen; she was especially excited when she found a hot spring. Then she spotted a great majestic tree off in the distance, but not to far; it looked exactly like the Sacred Tree in her world. She wondered over to it, and was about to step in front of it, when she saw a red and silver blur in the tree's highest branch. She quickly hid behind a near tree as her vision started to clear, and there was the most handsome man, err half-demon, she had ever laid eyes on.
His unusual silver hair glistening in the night, he had a rugged look to him, but he had the most captivating molten golden orbs she had ever seen that entranced her as soon as she saw them. And on top of his head were the most adorable sliver dog-ears, they were so cute that she had the urge to reach up and rubbed them. His were real, were as hers were just an illusion to make them seem real. She could tell by his aura that he was indeed a half-demon, a demon father and a human mother. But isn't it forbidden for the two to mix? She pondered as she slowly made her way back home.
Inuyasha was in deep thought about the girl he had seen just the night before, so he didn't notice the pair of deep cerulean orbs that were just on him. He thought he was alone, till a small breeze of wind blew the strong scent of lavender and vanilla his way. He took in a deep breath, but stopped. That scent, it's the girl! But wait something is different, it has a demonic smell to it, its slightly twisted. He thought as he frantically turned in the direction of the heavenly scent. No one was there. Maybe cause I'm thinking about her so much that, my mind is playing tricks on me, I better get home.
Kagome had made it home successfully, and released the spell off of her as she walked to her room. When she finally made it to her bed she collapsed, and her dreams were filled of a half-demon with silver hair and golden eyes that captivated her.
Hope you all like this other chapter.
Love and huggles