InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forbidden Eternal Love ❯ Haunting Dreams ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Inuyasha; it belongs to extremely talented Rumiko Takahashi. But I DO own Kane; he is mine to do with what I want! He's my loyal slave, LOL. BTW I forgot to describe his looks…basically similar to Sesshomaru only with ebony hair and emerald eyes…my dream…
I'm so sorry…I was going to update this story sooner and I thought I'd have time since school let out but apparently I was fooled into thinking I could. Forgive my easily distracted mind! On top of that my beta reader is currently on vacation camping and I had joined her for a couple days but just got back myself. She did help me swap some ideas while we were there, except I forgot to bring a notebook! And now I believe all is lost, but hopefully I scrounged up enough in my brain for you, enjoy!
Chapter Seven: Haunting Dreams
The word hung heavily in the air as Izayoi stood before the portal leading to the earth below. Hot tears stung her face as the cold wind blew around carrying that hateful word off the lips of the one person she felt would understand her plight.
“How could you betray your own people by consorting with a youkai? How could you be in love with such a lowly creature!” Their voice shouted angrily at her. “Go now into the arms of you precious demon before the entire heavens know of your betrayal and banish you to the underworld!”
Izayoi looked up at the figured of her best friend, her small figured shaking with sobs and hot anger at her vicious words. Before she could stop herself from giving into the anger that built up and coursed hotly through her veins she yelled out bitterly.
“Oh and you are not a traitor as well? You are a traitor to your heart!” Izayoi accused. Her disgust for her friend's actions clear in her piercing violet eyes. “How long has it been since Onigumo died? A mere week! You claimed you very heart and soul followed him and you would never feel for another…yet here you are practically throwing yourself at the prince! Reveling in all the precious little gifts he has been giving you…so don't you dare accuse me of being a traitor when you are betraying Onigumo's memory as we speak!”
Her friends chocolate orbs flashed darkly as they stared at her infuriated form before she answered in the coldest clipped tone she ever possessed. “Leave now and pray that our paths never cross again.”
Izayoi's face paled in shock at the angered words. “How can you say that? Especially after everything we've been through together and telling each other everything! I could say that I hardly approved of your choice of a lover, being that Onigumo was a bandit, but I held my tongue and wished you both the best. So how can you condemn me for my choice of the man I love?” She cried, angry painful tears cascading down her ivory cheeks.
Her friend stopped walking away and slowly turned to face her. “At least I did not betray my people by fraternizing with the enemy.” She spat before turning to leave once again.
“No Kikyou, you would never do that…you've done something far worse. You've destroyed your once happy and carefree soul and became a traitor to your own heart.” Izayoi whispered before racing through the portal, not wanting to look back at what had once been her home and her friend she loved like a sister.
Her foolish dreams that her and Inutaisho's courtship could end the long period battle shattered with Kikyou's cold and oppressive response. How did she let herself get caught up in a hopeless effort? There would be no end to the hatred between their people…it has been so many years since war broke out that they've forgotten the real reason for it and the hostility had just become second nature to them all.
She continually ran trough the surrounding areas after exiting the portal, looking frantically for any sign of her beloved but unable to see clearly as her tears blinded her vision. Why did she foolishly believe that Kikyou would be sympathetic towards her choice of a husband? She should have known better than to believe she, being the high priestess, would speak to the king on her behalf and convince him to put a stop to this madness. Kikyou's hatred for demons ran far deeper than she thought possible and it would be futile to change her mind otherwise.
“Izayoi…” Someone called in the voice of her husband, their strong hands gripping her from behind, gently shaking her.
“Izayoi…wake up my darling.”
Her lids fluttered open and she reached up with her dainty hands to rub the sleepiness away, smiling as her vision cleared to reveal worried golden orbs staring into her eyes. “My love…” She yawned. “Whatever are you worried about?”
Sighing softly Inutaisho ran a clawed hand through her silky raven locks. “My dear you certainly gave me a fright. You were tossing and turning uncomfortably in your sleep and I couldn't help but hear you silently cry.”
Turning to avoid his gaze, she quickly mumbled a response hoping to evade the inevitable discussion. “It was nothing.”
“My dear it was certainly not “nothing” as you put it.” He lightly chuckled. “Izayoi…I know you long to see your family and home once again but…”
“It doesn't matter now…” She softly shook her head and stood up from their bed pulling on a robe. “I'm happy being here with you, my love. You, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are my true family.”
With that said she bent down to kiss him, desperately trying to mask the pain inside of being scorned by the people she had trusted the most to support her actions.
Such a foolish dream I had…
With as much happiness as she could muster up, she smiled up at the face of her beloved. “I think breakfast is already on the table. Let's go.”
Grabbing Inutaisho's hand she dragged him along beside her, hoping that she had successfully avoided that conversation for a while longer.
After all…I can never go back again…
“DAMN HER!” Inuyasha cursed as he rose swiftly from his bed. “She invades my thoughts and now dreams as well! She must be a witch, no normal human could cast such a spell upon me and that hanyou…why in my dreams to they morph into one?”
A dark chuckle sounded throughout the room startling Inuyasha to the point of fear. “So my dear little brother is being haunted by a human…the youkai would certainly love to hear this piece of information.”
Inuyasha's golden eyes narrowed in anger and blind rage at the appearance of his half-brother. “DAMN YOU SESSHOMARU! Are you lurking around every little dark corner hoping to find a weakness in me?”
“Quite the contrary little brother…” He chuckled. “I was just curious to see what this change in you this past week has been and this new information is certainly intriguing…I now don't have to lift a finger the destroy you.”
Letting out a feral growl Inuyasha lunged at Sesshomaru furiously swiping with his claws but hitting nothing but air as he easily side stepped him.
“You shouldn't let anger drive your actions.” Sesshomaru stated coolly as he easily dodge his attacks and turned to exit Inuyasha's chamber.
“And you should face me rather than leave like a coward.” Inuyasha yelled becoming irritated by his nonchalant behavior.
“I'll fight you when you become a worthy enough opponent. Although that would probably take hundreds of years.” Sesshomaru laughed and walked out of the room calmly leaving Inuyasha standing there with a furious look on his face.
“Damn him!” He seethed, slamming his fist into the near by wall and breathing erratically from the outburst. “Now he knows what is distracting me.”
“What is distracting you?”
Inuyasha snapped his head up to see deep emerald orbs staring at him with curiosity. “Nothing.”
“Come on Inuyasha I know you well enough to perceive that when you are angry it is hardly nothing.” Kane replied taking a seat on his plush bed.
“And I already told you it is NOTHING!” He growled, annoyed by Kane's incessant interrogations. “Why must you always question everything that happens to me?”
Kane let out a frustrated sigh. “Because Inuyasha…I worry about you. Please…let me just ask you one thing…”
“Does this have anything to do with the human girl?” He asked, fearful of the answer.
“Of course! This is all her damned fault!” Inuyasha exclaimed. “If her very image would stop invading my every thought and dream we would not be having this conversation right now! And my brother wouldn't desire to use this “new piece of information” against me!”
Kane stared wide-eyed as Inuyasha vented all his anger and frustration in a long rant, never ceasing to take a breath through it. With each passing sentence a new understanding became clearer to him than ever before and it frightened him to comprehend what it would mean to every youkai, especially the royal family, on earth.
Kami, what have you gotten yourself into Inuyasha?
“Inuyasha I…” He began, unsure that voicing his growing suspicion was the best idea at the moment. All he needed to do was to raise Inuyasha ire just by a few more levels and he would greatly suffer for it.
“Just forget it.” Inuyasha replied before turning towards his open window and balcony. “I've got to get out of here. Tell my mother I'll be back later.”
“Wait Inuyasha…” Kane yelled but his cry fell on deaf ears as he spotted Inuyasha leaping through the trees in the distance. “What about Kagome?”
Cerulean orbs bore into his honey colored eyes, beckoning him to draw near. With each passing moment his heart began to beat at a rapid pace and raise his adrenaline level tenfold. What manner of beautiful creature was she? How could she beckon him like a siren with only one glance of her crystalline orbs? Damn her for this!
Her silky ebony hair flew wildly around her as she drew closer to his chest; her entire body shaking with what he could only assume was fear. But why was she afraid? His head clouded with so many thoughts and possibilities that seemed endless yet ever so unclear.
“What's wrong?” He choked out, wrapping his arms around her thin frail frame.
“Inuyasha…” She cried burrowing further into his chest. “Please…”
“Please what?” He prodded, gently stroking her hair to ease her terror. “What's wrong? Tell me!”
“What's wrong?” He exclaimed. “Tell me what's the matter so I can help.”
The fear so clearly evident in her voice caused his being to swell with anxiety and he roughly grabbed her shoulders. “Tell me!” He shouted, his own fear taking control.
“…Inuyasha…save me…”
“Damn!” He shouted, leaping up abruptly from his resting spot before the Goshinboku. “When will she leave me alone?”
“Inuyasha…save me…”
The desperation in her voice and the feeling of her pressed against him felt chillingly real, a little too much for his tastes. Did she truly place a spell on him or was their a deep meaning to it? Frightened by this uncertainty and haunting images he took off for a hidden part of the castle in search for the only one who could explain his plight and receive some sort of answer, the priestess Keade.
A/N: I'm sorry it is so short, but I wanted to get it out. I may go back and add more if the inspirations hits me again.