InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Garage Band Mondays ❯ Decisions and Some Modern Art ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I never realized how happy reviews and such make people. So thanks to CanineKagome who reviewed-it made me all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
I don't own Inuyasha or any of the songs I use. Songs are owned by their respective bands, and Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.
Soundtrack: I Hate Everyone by Get Set Go
No Sleep Tonight by Faders
Chapter 2: Decisions and Some Modern Art
“What am I supposed to do?” I said as I rapidly paced the floor in Sango's basement.
I looked over at Sango who was supposed to be sitting on the couch, but she wasn't there. Letting out an exasperated sigh I looked over at the TV while pinching the bridge of my nose. I could feel the headache coming. The only time the headaches come is when Sango is flaking out. I mean come on! We're supposed to be best friends, and I'm in a major dilemma, but instead of being with me and supporting me, she's plastered against the TV watching Dane Cook on Tourgasm.
Jeez. Obsessed fan girls. Wait a second…IS SHE LICKING THE TV? EWW!
I rushed over and pried her away from her electronic love, and then pushed her to the floor. There's only one way to get her attention when she's like this, and I really hate to do it. But it's the only way.
“You have camel toe.” I calmly said to her.
That got her up really fast. She pushed me off her and ran to the bathroom hunched over, trying to cover herself up as much as possible. I snickered. Sure I lied, but you have to admit, what's so scary about your best friend seeing your camel toe? That's what friends are for. To tell you when your dandruff is really bad or if you have something in your teeth.
After five minutes or so Sango came storming out of the bathroom only to find the Dane Cook unplugged and the TV's power cord missing. She let out a puff of air which caused her bangs to fly up in all directions and then sat beside me on the couch. I was reading the booklet the Creepy Red Man-whose name is Naraku I guess- gave me. It has all the rules of this competition or whatever.
It turns out the people I saw the other day are major executives from companies all across America. Since people seemed to like American Idol so much, they decided to develop a show where America makes its own rock band. There are four brackets a person can audition to enter: Singing, Guitar, Drum, and Bass. I mistakenly entered the Guitarist audition, and I must say- they loved me. They really loved me! Ah, so dramatic.
The only problem with the audition was the fact that the execs were convinced that I was a boy. A boy named “Go Higurashi”. Very rock n roll. Oh boy.
“I should-“
“No you shouldn't.” Sango interrupted. “Think about it. You're about to enter a national competition. This is the chance of a life time! And not only that, Garage Band is supposed to make a rock band. Do you seriously think anyone would have taken you seriously as a girl? How many spectacular, famous, and female guitarists are out there Kagome?”
I grumble something neither of us can make out, but Sango knows what I mean.
“Exactly. Kagome Higurashi, you are a great, amazing guitarist, but you weren't made to be in a band. You're to shy and quirky.” She took a breath before continuing. “But Go Higurashi, he has the chance to do great things. No one will question his greatness, because nobody knows who the heck he is.”
“Kagome, you have the chance to remake yourself and be a guitar hero like you always wanted.” I open my mouth to protest but stupid Sango. “Don't even lie to me and tell me you don't want to play guitar on tour with other great musicians. I've seen how many times you play that stupid Guitar Hero game. Now you have a chance to live it.” She pauses and collects herself while I just sit on the couch in silence.
Sango, thinking I'm still not totally sold on the idea adds, “Plus, if you're famous, I can totally meet some famous people and rub it in Kohaku's face.”
Kohaku is Sango's younger brother and a total pain in the butt. When he got his first screen name Sango put all her friends on his buddy list to give him someone to talk to, but he ended up calling them something along the line of *#$@!, so I'm the only one who still talks to him. Even then I can hardly talk to him because he uses that horrible internet lingo crap. You know what I mean right? Instead of typing “you” he puts “u” and a 2 for to/too/two. Stuff like that. Is it to much of an effort to type the whole word? Does everyone have a stinking letter quota they hit every day, and once they've filled their quota all bets are off? Fend for yourself among my language arts skills people! Blah. Lazy, lazy bums.
So getting back to the point, Kohaku is somewhat of a brat sometimes, and he always seems to get away with it. Sango's parents never catch him in the act, and choose to blame Sango instead, so anytime she can rub something in his face, she does it without hesitation.
So after that little speech from Sango, I figured what the heck. It's a great opportunity. People would hear me play, and I'd get to strike a blow for women everywhere! As a…man… Does that even make the least bit of sense?
So that was how I decided to compete in Garage Band, which airs on Monday nights at 8, so be sure to tune in.
But there's a tiny, tiny, itsy bitsy problem here people.
How does one go about masquerading as a boy? I personally have never done it, and if you have, well, there's a fine mental institution about twelve blocks from my house if you're interested. I'm sure if you all get together you can get a great group rate.
I told Sango of my dilemma, but she just whipped out her black monstrosity (aka her cell phone) and dialed a number. The next thing I knew, Sango grabbed my hand, shoved my keys in it and was pulling me up the steps. Now, I'm not the most graceful human being on the planet, and if I'm not in control of where I'm going, then this sucker's going down. And in this case, it was literally.
My sneaker caught on the lip of the step so I went flying up the steps and into Sango's back. Since we were near the top of the steps Sango ended up flying face first into the door frame.
After she regained consciousness, I told her the bruising should be gone in a day or two. The bruising to the door frame however... (Let me just say that Sango's head is freaking huge! Who knew a nose could leave that big of an indentation?)
After that, we made it out of the house without further mishap and on our way to Rin's house. I don't know why I didn't think of Rin when I came up with my identity crisis. I mean the girl knows anything that has to do girly stuff like that. Hair, make-up, fingernails, bikini waxes. If a girl can do it, she's done it. Except for a pedicure. The girl is terrified of feet. It's kind of funny actually. We went to see the Lord of the Rings movies, and Rin could never stay very long because of the hobbit feet. Great movies though.
So we got to her house, and it couldn't be soon enough because Sango was moaning out loud about her face. It's not like she needed to impress anyone with it. The girl can't get a boyfriend to save her life. It's not like she isn't attractive-the opposite actually. She's got this straight, glossy black hair which is either tied loosely at the end, or up in a ponytail if she's in the butt kicking mood. This one sappy romantic guy equated her eyes to “the pools of cinnamon sugar on a piece of toast”. *Cough cough*. Yeah that guy was one of my favorites. At least he was good for a laugh.
Sango has no problem attracting the boys, but her idea of the end of a romantic evening is a good old fashioned arm wrestle. If they beat her, they get a second date. If they don't well…they only lose their pride and sprain their elbows, so it's all good.
We piled out of my car, Sango clearly milking her injury as much as possible with her ice pack clutched to her face. I rang the bell and waited for the tell tale pounding of feet on the steps. Rin is not a subtle person, and can't be quiet or sneaky if she tried. She's loud and has really bad foot in mouth disease. The girl doesn't have a mean bone in her body, but she has no sense of, well, I guess discretion is the word. I'll give you an example.
There was a new student in our class back in sophomore year. I don't remember what her name was, but she was at least half Native American. Cherokee I think. All during class Rin had been bouncing up and down, or swinging her legs, or shuffling her papers, or some other annoying action. After class we had lunch, so when the bell rang Rin jumped out of her seat to follow the new girl to the cafeteria. She caught up with her at the end of the lunch line, then leaned against the wall and asked (innocently), “Are you and alcoholic and a gambler? Because I read somewhere that all Native Americans are alcoholics and gamblers.”
Yeah, that nailed Rin in detention and her school nickname was Racist. Oh good times. Who doesn't miss high school?
The door opened to reveal our tiny brunette friend, who is now…blonde?! Gah! I think I choked on some spit at this point.
Rin took us upstairs into her overly pink and fluffy room where Sango explained the situation. After hearing my plight, Rin squealed with glee. She's always wanted to do a make over on me you see, but I've never let her. I guess letting her change me into a boy is better than nothing.
She started buzzing around the room, picking up hair gels and makeup, or throwing around her stuffed animals. She paused, took a deep breath, then whipped around, advancing on me with an evil glint in her eye. She grabbed me and threw me in the chair which lies in front of her vanity. I'm assuming that she's assuming I'm going to run away, so she handcuffed me to the arm rests. Sometimes I question my choice of friends.
And so the make over began.
Hours Later….
Has anyone ever told you how boring makeovers are? And I'm guessing they're painful. Just thinking about getting my eyebrows plucked makes me shiver. Don't misinterpret me, I DO NOT HAVE A UNIBROW. But it looks painful to have eyebrows plucked. And who knows what's in that mask goop they put on your face.
Sango let Rin give her a make over once. She put the goop on Sango's face and then Sango's face ended up fire engine red for about a week. And she “plucked outside of Sango's designated brow line”, as I'm told. No idea what that means, but it made Sango look surprised for a month. I laughed out loud just thinking about it. Sango and Rin didn't even glance up. They knew by now never to question me when I suddenly burst out laughing. They accept that my brain works in mysterious ways.
“Okay Kagome, or should I say Go? We're all done.” Rin said to me while unlocking the handcuffs. I rubbed my wrists to get the circulation going again and clasped the clothes Sango shoved into my hands. She pointed to the bathroom and said “Don't look at yourself”, so I meekly complied.
She gave me some khaki boy's cargo pants and a loose black t shirt for the top, as well as long strip of cloth which I think is to tie my breasts down in some way. I stared at it for a few minutes then start stripping.
Ten minutes and two falls in the tub later I'm all dressed and tied down. I walked back into Rin's room and sat down in the chair, which was facing away from the mirror. Rin was in the closet, rummaging around for something. She surfaced carrying a black watch with one of those wide wrist bands like boys seem to wear. She snapped it on my arm and spun my chair around. And I was finally able to look at myself. When I did, I gasped and stood straight up.
My hair, which normally fell to my shoulder blades, had been tucked up into a wig which had a similar hair style to my little brother's. Some of the bangs managed to fall in front of my blue eyes, making them blink and water a little. Fake sideburns had been added by my ears, as well as beastly eyebrows. Think Stalin's moustache, just on two sides of my head.
My boob cloth did a good job of smashing my chest into a smaller size, and the shirt hid any bumps that I might have. The pants were baggy but not to loose, and with a belt, I'm sure they'd stay up just fine. That was a relief. I mean think about it. How are baggy pants attractive? If I wanted to see a guy's butt or his boxers I'd date the guy. Most guys flaunt something they just shouldn't bring attention to.
Rin did such a good job making me a boy I couldn't help it. I did a little jig dance thing. Now mind you, I don't dance. It's not a pretty sight, but it consists of me, bopping up, and then bending at the knees to go down, then back up. Not fantastic, but at least I didn't fall.
“Rin this is amazing! I almost didn't recognize myself! And boys clothes are surprisingly comfortable.” I said as I proceeded to pet my clothes. They were really soft. Rin must use a lot of fabric softener and dryer sheets.
“Kagome, you are my work of art. And now you will be my Barbie, because we have to go shopping to get you a bunch of clothes.” Rin said as she gathered her purse and coat.
“And since you are going to be boy, we are going to treat you like one. You get to carry the bags.” Sango laughed an evil laugh at that one. But I wasn't worried, because I would get her back. I know all her weaknesses.
And so a month passed. Every day I practiced my guitar for a couple hours before going over to Rin's for my boy lessons. Sango suffered a bunch of mishaps due to her poor attitude. One of my favorites was when I put methylene blue in her juice when I was over at her house for breakfast. The girl has cups and cups of it everyday, and she left it unguarded. I put a whole bunch in each glass, and she didn't even taste the difference. But oh did she see the difference later. She peed green for three days. Happy early St. Patrick's Day! (And no matter what she says, the doctor bill wasn't that much, and her insurance paid for it anyway.)
So the day finally came. The day I would officially enter Garage Band as eighteen year old Go Higurashi, Guitar Hero extraordinaire! Or at least I hoped so. The only things I could bring were clothes and my instruments. So I packed all the clothes Rin bought me, as well as some of my own, just in case I needed to be a girl for some reason. It never hurts to be prepared. I also brought two of my guitars with me, a regular acoustic which had been my mother's, and my electric which was a birthday present when I turned sixteen. I threw it all in my car (I didn't throw the guitars though. They were placed very carefully in my backseat while all the other crap went in the back) locked the doors, and then went back up to the house to say good bye. The only people I could say good bye to though were Rin and Sango. My father was probably “off on business”, Souta (my brother) was at summer camp, and my mom was, well…we don't talk about her.
Rin and Sango wished me luck, and promised they'd come and visit when they could. It shouldn't be too hard I figure. Garage Band was being hosted in the city, which was only a couple of hours away from our town. I never realized the city was good for anything- until now.
I hugged Rin before moving on to Sango. I couldn't help but giggle when I saw her. She made the mistake of making fun of me again, so last night at our last hoorah before I left I decided to do my own art. Sango is a heavy sleeper, and my Sharpie collection never came in handy like this. So, for future reference, if someone uses your skin as a pallet, it does come off-eventually. Soap and water works, but hand sanitizer worked the best. I offered mine to Sango, but she just glared then punched me on the arm, leaving a bruise.
She looks at everything in such a negative light. She needs to look at the glass half full I say. Now she knows that if she ever grows a moustache, she'll look just fine in a furry mountain man kind of way.
I finally managed to pull myself away from them, but just as I was leaving they pulled me back and Rin placed a small, rectangular, thing in my hand. I looked down and it's a silver monstrosity I can call my own! Yay! (Hear the sarcasm? I'm trying to make it drip here people.)
“Now before you go off on us Kagome, think of it this way.” Rin explained. “If you get in a freak accident we're just a phone call away. For emergencies. Otherwise, just keep it off.”
“You just wanted to be in someone's speed dial didn't you?”