InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Half and Half ❯ AUTHOR'S NOTE ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~***************Author Note**************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You need to read this to understand the rest of the story.

Okay I'm done uploading the chapters that were written by Naoko so there is a little information about the rest of the story. So here is some info you will definatly need.

In this story I added a character. She is Inu Yasha's twin sister, Kori-nama. (pause for astonished gasps) I wrote her in as if she had met up with the group once b4. I had gotten the idea from a friend that once visited Japan. She said that Kori-nama was in the anime over there but they edited her out when they brought it over. Here is some info you'll need to know in the story. Kori-nama is a mute because Sessy ripped out her vocal cords when they were younger and she was being annoying to him. Something in my story is that Kori-nama and Inu Yasha have what in many stries is called "The twin thing"(when one twin can feel what the other is feeling)