InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Half-Breed ❯ Half Breed: 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Darksinokaru
Rating: Adult ++
Warnings: Language, Violence, Lime, HJ, (light) Humor
Inu-Yasha stared into Kouga's clouding eyes, the skin along his spine crawling. Kouga took a tentative step forward and Inu-Yasha jumped back and snarled.
“Stay back Wolf!” Inu-Yasha hissed dangerously. Kouga chuckled darkly.
“Wow, so this Hanyou has the gall to actually order me around.” Kouga mused aloud and Inu-Yasha's ears flattened against his skull, his eyes becoming bitter. Just great, he could tell where this was going. The bastard was going to use his heritage and placement in the world to talk down to him. It made him sick.
“You! I know what you're going to say and don't! Screw you flee-bag! Just take a step back and I'll high tail it out of here.” Inu-Yasha growled when Kouga took another step forward, standing just on the edge of the spring. “I'm warning you! Stay back! Or it's gonna be a fight!” Inu-Yasha bared his fangs and Kouga couldn't help the smirk on his face that grew. This Hanyou had spirit, and he liked that very much. Which was odd, usually if anyone ever had the nerve to speak to him that way he'd beat the shit out of them in a rage. Kouga did not take kindly to insults and people below him ordering him around. It usually warranted a good smack at least. But every time this Hanyou said something he felt his blood boil in lust. It surprised the Ookami a little that this irritating little turd could be such a turn on with that nasty mouth of his. He had no class at all. In fact, the thought of that nasty spoken mouth sucking him off entered his mind in a flash and he hardened even more. Oh now he'd done it. Kouga would make this brat pay, and he'd pay up with his body.
It happened so fast Inu-Yasha had barely any time to react. Kouga sprung from the edge he stood on and nearly tackled Inu-Yasha face down into the grass surrounding the spring. Inu-Yasha cried out in surprise and from the slight stinging pain that scratched over his face in the dirt, his arms pinned. Kouga smirked lecherously.
“You fucker! Get offa me!” Inu-Yasha snarled and tried to kick backwards in the water to get Kouga but to his dismay the half demon couldn't find Kouga's legs. Kouga watched with amusement as he stared down a the, much more slender than he'd previously thought, Hanyou struggle around and grunt with every attempt to get his arms free, which were currently pulled together behind his back. Inu-Yasha growled and Kouga's smirk only grew. Leaning down to the furry appendage that had so earlier interested him Kouga breathed on it, enjoying the flickering action he caused. However, the gasp and string of curses from the Hanyou were even more enjoyable.
“Keep talken'. The more you do the worse it's gonna be for you.” Kouga snickered, and for added measure took one ear into his mouth and sampled it. It was very soft, softer than a feather. Kouga roved his tongue around it and a whimper floated from below him, stroking his ego in his control of the situation. Moving it between his teeth he gently applied pressure and was rewarded with a shudder and something of a strangled moan. Kouga felt the demon blood in him boil with lust. He was perfect with which to take the edge off. “Damn, do you know how gorgeous you are, pup?” Kouga nearly purred into Inu-Yasha's ear once he released it and Inu-Yasha almost seemed to visibly shrink. Deciding to explore a bit of the unknown Kouga used his free hand that wasn't pinning the Hanyou's arms and slid it down Inu-Yasha's chest, purposely dragging his claws over a rosy nipple. Inu-Yasha gasped and again his struggle for freedom was renewed.
`Such a helpless creature…. So weak and vulnerable, and I have it all under my control, all mine.' Kouga thought darkly as his hand traveled down what felt like the descent ridges of a slight six-pack. Moving lower yet to feel the protruding hipbone Kouga was rewarded with another snarl as Inu-Yasha resumed his earlier plan of trying to kick the wolf backwards. He reached the curls of Inu-Yasha's pubic bone and Inu-Yasha's hips attempted to jerk away.
“Now, now, mutt. Can't have that now can we?” Kouga crushed his hips against Inu-Yasha's ass and the Hanyou was forced closer against the side of the spring.
“Bastard! Fucking flee-bag! Stop it! Or else!” Inu-Yasha's eyes shot open wide and an uncontrolled gasp was forced from his lips when Kouga suddenly grabbed his slightly firming cock. Inu-Yasha quickly regained sense of himself and a whole new sling of curses were thrown at the wolf. Kouga chuckled seductively as he massaged the muscle in his hands, making it come to life against its owner's wishes. “Shit! Head!” Inu-yasha rasped as Kouga took to moving his fist up the nearly completely hard shaft.
`No! No! No! No! No! No!' Was Inu-Yasha's chant as he screwed his eyes shut. He wanted to scream and cry, but he didn't want to give this bastard the satisfaction. Out of all his years of being on the run he'd experienced a lot of things, but never this. This was just too sick and twisted for even the likes of most demons. Kouga groaned and rolled his hips against Inu-Yasha's behind, again rewarded with a startled gasp when his hard cock met Inu-Yasha's behind. Inu-Yasha whimpered from the sensations. Kouga's hand moving up and down his shaft, sending jolts of pleasure into his testicles, and the feeling of Kouga's clothed erection against his rump. Kouga leaned forward into the crook of Inu-Yasha's neck and continued to grind, drawing more and more pleasure from himself. His fist moved a bit faster, occasionally letting a finger run over the slit of the delectable Hanyou's member. Inu-Yasha fought the urge to moan, he'd never been touched quite like this before, and he hated that he liked it. He hated that damn wolf for making it feel so good, and he hated himself for being to weak to not be able to stop it. Inu-Yasha groaned in the back of his throat when the fist moving up and down started jerking him faster, overloading his brain. Kouga ground harder yet, thrusting his hips against the Half-Breed. It just felt too good. Kouga had never been intimate with anyone before and it was driving him crazy that the Hanyou felt so good, even the earthy forest scent of the Half-Breeds hair was adding to his build up. Inu-yasha gasped and panted, feeling the pressure in him build and build.
`No! I don't want to! Not like this!' Inu-Yasha desperately wished something would happen; that somehow this would be stopped. Because if he came then that would mean that he lost, that he'd been dominated in this humiliating way. Inu-Yasha suddenly jerked with his hands, making Kouga growl dangerously, eyes tinting red as he tightened his bone-breaking grip on the Hanyou's wrists. Inu-Yasha felt the pleasure explode and his balls tightened, liquid pleasure exploding into the water and a cry he tried to withhold tore its way out of his throat, leaving it raw. The sound, it sent chills down Kouga's spine, instantaneously forcing him over the edge and soiling his under clothing. With a deep breathy groan Kouga hit climax, panting hard. Inu-Yasha sagged in shame and after his orgasm Kouga relaxed on top of the Hanyou, both breath slightly labored.
Regaining himself Kouga sat back and stood fully, releasing the Hanyou whose arms went limp into the water. Staring at the slumped over Hanyou was doing marvels for making him hard again. It'd been so enjoyable Kouga was now actually debating on taking his clothes off and actually screwing the piece of trash.
“Kouga! Koooouuuuga!” Kouga cursed and spun around in the direction his voice was being called. It sounded like Ginta and Hakaku.
“Shit.” Kouga growled slightly before looking back at Inu-Yasha. “Well mutt, looks like you've been saved, but don't get too comfortable. I will be back.” He announced in a smooth smug voice before jumping out of the spring and without a glance took off in that great speed that had caught Inu-Yasha. Leaving behind a broken Hanyou that after a few minutes of silence, for the first time since he was a small child-cried.
Done! Sorry for the long wait! Things got in the way! Hope you enjoyed!