InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Half-Demon from Another World ❯ Wet Dreams ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry it took so long.
Thanx to everyone who read and reviewed.
Oh yeah. Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.
Chapter 8-Wet Dreams
Sesshomaru can't believe his ears. `Is she dreaming about me?' He leans closer curious to hear more.
Suddenly her hand is in his hair, pulling his mouth towards hers. He is too stunned to do anything as she captures his mouth in a searing kiss. Heat goes straight to his groin. Sesshomaru can feel his male instincts beginning to take over. `I have to get out of here now.'
He breaks the kiss and eases her hands out of his hair. He thinks it will better to let a female servant tend to her wound. After pulling the sheet up to her chin, he takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down.
The lord leaves Johanna bedchamber and on the way to his own he instructs a servant to go to her room in a little while to tend to her wound. As he enters his bed chamber he removes his armor. `What the hell happened in there?' He settles down next to a window. He looks out at the star-filled sky. “I have to be careful around that hanyou. Something is happening and I don't like it,” he says to himself. He continues to stare at the sky and it isn't long before he doses off.
Johanna's Dream
She is in a room. A bedroom. Inuyasha's brother is standing in front of her. `Sesshomaru is his name isn't it?' she thinks to herself as she takes a step toward him.
Sesshomaru wraps his arms around her and she put her hands in his hair. They begin to kiss deeply. She breath quickens and she gets hot all over. He pulls her tighter against him. She can feel his arousal against her stomach.
Suddenly he lets her go and walks away. Johanna is filled with an emptiness and feels abandoned. She sits down on the futon and begins to cry.
Sesshomaru enters from his dream
`What the hell am I doing back in her bedchamber?' Sesshomaru thinks to himself. He spots Johanna sitting on her futon crying. Something propels him to sit next to her. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her to him. `Arms? I have my other arm back.'
Johanna stops crying and looks up at him, but before she say a word he brings his mouth down upon hers. She falls back on the futon and drags him along to where he is laying halfway on her. He has one of hais legs between hers and moves his thigh aginst making her moan against his lips. Johanna shoves the top of his kimono off his shoulders and down his arms. Sesshomaru lifts her slightly with one arm and does the same to her with the other. He begins to plant kisses behind her ear making a trail to the valley between her breasts. She runs her hands all over his chest feeling his muscles tighten at her touch. When her hands rub his nipples a growl rumbles deep in his chest making her smile. He slides one of his hands between her legs and begins massaging her. Sesshomaru smells her arousal increase and smiles causing his fangs to gleam in the moonlight.
The lord can't control himself any longer. He uses his claws to rid them of their clothing. He settles himself in between her legs and captures her mouth in another breathtaking kiss. Johanna begins to squirm wanting more. He puts his hands on her hips to steady and thrusts into her. She gasps as he fills her and as the pain eases and is replaced by pleasure. She wraps her legs around his waist and digs her claws into his shoulder. They wrap their arms around each other as they get closer to pure rapture. Sesshomaru bites her neck where the shoulder and neck join and she does the same to him. They have marked each as their own. A warm sensation passes through them right before they reach ecstasy. They moan each others names.
End of dream
Sesshomaru suddenly awakens breathing heavily. “What the hell was that about?” he mutters to himself. He realizes he is hard and throbbing. `I have never lost control over my body like this before.' His ears twitch. He can hear talking coming from Johanna's bedchamber. She is arguing with a servant.
“Move. I have to get up.” He hears Johanna order the servant.
“I can't because I'm not finished dressing your wound.” The servant begins to cry. “And if I don't the lord will punish me.”
“Well I'm sorry for your problem, but I have to get out of here and try to find my friends.” Sesshomaru can hear Johanna slowly lift herself off the futon.
He is up and in front of her door in a flash. He calms himself before he enters and what he sees makes him come to a halt.
She is sitting up and has a thin layer of sweat covering her body. Her hair is mussed and she is breathing heavily. To him it looks as if she has just finished having hot sex which makes him remember the dream he just had. His stiffens when she looks him dead in the eye.
Johanna is about to slap the woman when she feels someone presence in the doorway. `His scent is familiar. Scent! Since when could tell if it's a guy or girl just by their scent?' She looks up to see the cold eyes of Sesshomaru staring at her. The memories of the dream come back full force. She can feel her temperature rising and prays that he doesn't sense it. She makes a slight movement which causes pain in her side. She closes her eyes breaking the trance.
Sesshomaru snaps out of the trance and is pissed with himself. “What are you doing to my servant?” he asks awaiting her reaction.
Johanna takes shallow breaths to ease the pain. “I have to get out of here. Kagome is probably wondering where the hell I am. Please don't punish your servant because of me.”
He is surprised at her last statement. This is the first time he has ever heard anyone plead for a servant. `What a strange half-demon.' Sesshomaru smells fresh blood coming from her wound. He unsheathes the Tensuiga. “Move Sika,” he orders the servant.
Sika does as he says as he raises he sword above his head. Johanna eyes widen in fear. “Wait a minute. I didn't mean to-.” She screams and closes her eyes as he brings down his arm. She waits a moment expecting to be dead or feel excruciating pain. Johanna opens her eyes to see Sesshomaru still standing in front of her with the sword at her side. She sits up straighter surprised at not feeling any pain. Looking down she notices her wound is gone. “What happened? My wound is gone.”
“It's the power of my sword. Now stop harassing my servants and get some rest because you will need it.” He sheathes the Tensuiga and leaves before she can say anything. Suddenly she feels tired and lies back down. She realizes she is still topless but is too tired to care. Johanna pulls the silk sheet up to her chin, rolls over and begins to dream of a certain demon.
I hope you liked the chapter. I apologize again for taking so long. I'll try to have the next chapter up very soon.