InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Halloween Treats ❯ Nemo nisi mors ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha and Kagome. Ms. Takahashi does and I'm grateful she lets us play with them. Written for Forthrightly's Second Annual Halloween Drabble Challenge Theme: Primal Fear, 500 words or less. Warning: spoilers for current chapters of the manga and torture.
Nemo nisi mors
By Licentia poetica
The throbbing ache woke her; she fisted her hand and pressed hard against the pain, curling her body in a fetal position in a futile attempt to ease the agony. She whimpered, the sound pathetically weak; a ripple against the flood of pain.
“Hush, Kagome.”
The whispered words were accompanied by the silken glide of a clawed hand in her hair, but the ache only intensified as a body pressed against her back and the hand moved to her side.
“I'm here with you. I'm always with you, always by your side.”
The whispered words wound around her soul and she grasped at them, holding on to the sounds as an anchor against the throbbing agony that stole her breath and reason.
“I'll stay with you forever. No one can part us. I won't even let death come between us; I swear I'll follow you into hell.”
She shuddered at the words and tried desperately to speak, struggling to form a coherent thought as the pain robbed her of sentience.
The hand stroked down her side, sinking into the valley of her waist as the claw tips insinuated themselves under her fisted hand where it pressed against the old scar.
“After all, without me here, you might…” the voice stopped and she tensed as the pain intensified without the lifeline of sound.
“Remember how to use your powers.” Agony ripped through her body as the claws stabbed her in the side where the Shikon no Tama had lain quiescent for most of her life.
She arched backwards, finally finding her voice as a tortured scream was ripped from her throat. Twisting away from the claws, she turned to face her assailant. She stared in stupefied horror, clutching at her side as blood from the opened wound welled through her fingers.
Magatsuhi grinned malevolently at her and sensuously licked her blood off of his fingers. “Surprised, Kagome?”
The pain increased as he reached for her again, tenderly, almost lovingly, stroking her face with his bloodied hand. “I will be with you, always. Every time you try to find your power, I'll be here, and you don't ever want to face this again, do you?” He gripped her chin and kissed her, his lips moving over hers in a parody of a lover's gentle caress as his other hand moved back down to her side trailing agony in its wake. He pulled away from her and smiled possessively. “Here—in your mind—you are mine, Kagome.”
She screamed again, the sound of her voice becoming muffled and distant as she forced herself into consciousness to escape the violation of her soul.
At the edge of her perception, his malicious laughter echoed in her mind. “You can't escape, Kagome. I'm always here.”
Nemo nisi mors: Latin; Nobody except death (will part us).
Magatsuhi is the dark will of the Shikon no Tama, introduced in Volume 52, chapter 513. He put Kagome into a trance state in chapters 514 and 515; this is just my interpretation of what was going on in poor Kagome's mind while she was out of it.