InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hana: Protector of the Shikon no Tama ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

(I don't own Inuyasha and co., just everyone else in the story)
Chapter 4
Later that night, Hana and Shippo were asleep. Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, And Miroku had a talk. It was about Hana, and those powers that were emerging. Sango had Kiara in her lap, though she really couldn't see it because of her swollen stomach.
“I still don't understand Inuyasha,” Kagome said, scolding him, “Why would you say that to her? I mean, she's barely four, and is obsessed with you. She thinks you're her father.” Inuyasha scoffed, and sighed. He didn't looked at anyone; he chosse to look out at the moon. “She's not mine,” Inuyasha said, “….but it was unintentional. I mean, she nearly killed me. Right then, I could've killed her if….” Kagome bit her lip.
`If the Tetsusaiga wasn't there….'
Kagome sighed. “Inuyasha…..thank you for taking her in. `He corrupts everyone's life, even in death,' Miroku thought quietly, sighing at Inuyasha and Kagome. Sango petted Kiara. “But what will we do about Hana? She'll be dangerous if she's not trained….” Kagome sighed, and looked at Inuyasha. “….maybe we could train her to be a miko….” Inuyasha grunted. “That old woman won't live forever,” Inuyasha said, looking into Kagome's eyes. His copper eyes bore into Kagome, so intense, “Find someone else.”
Miroku shook his head. She'll need more training. She's a demon, Kagome. Miko train wont help completely,” kissing a sleepy Sango on the forehead, he rubbed her stomach. “What about…Lord Sesshomaru's mate? Did she not tell us once that she had a sister with Miko powers?” Kagome leaned back on the wall, looking at the floor. She didn't want to ask Kane for anything; she had a feeling that she had already imposed. “…Sesshomaru won't let us near them,” Inuyasha cut in, “Kane had a pup last summer, and all he did was send a letter. His name is Hajime.” Kagome looked at Inuyasha again. “…Well, Kane likes us. Maybe, if come to the palace, they'll hear us out. Besides, we are family.”
Inuyasha sighed, getting up. “Fine then, we'll leave tomorrow. The sooner the better.” Sango, who slept threw most of it, looked around. “Going where?” “To the western palace. Tomorrow, so get prepared.” Inuyasha snapped, and left. Kagome got up, and left looking at the couple. She felt isolated with everyone, all because of Hana. “Good night.”
Kagome walked to her, Hana and Inuyasha's room. She was surprised to See Inuyasha there, looking at Hana. She sighed, and walked in. “Inuyasha….” “When will we ever have our own pups, Kagome?” Kagome let out a breath she didn't know she held. “What?” Inuyasha looked at her, frowning. His eyes held so much emotion. He was angry, she could tell by his clenched fist.
Kagome frowned, setting on her futon. She was only 18! “I don't know, Inuyasha.” Looking up, she saw Inuyasha walking towards the door. “Where are you going?” “Don't worry about it. Go to sleep.” He left, closing the door behind him. Kagome sighed, covering her face. She started to cry, and soon was asleep, dreaming of what could've been, if hana wasn't born.
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The next mourning, Hana woke up, being carried on Kiara's back with Shippo. She saw a red blur, and immediately recognized it as Inuyasha. “Daddy…Mommy….” She said loudly. Shippo looked down, with a smile. “Don't worry, were going to Your Auntie's house.” Hana cocked her head to the side. “What? Auntie Sango is in the village Shippo...” Shippo held Kiara tighter, and shook his head. “No, your Aunt Kane, remember her?” Hana shook her head, but left it alone. She'd figure out who it was later. Now, she just wanted to sleep a little more.
Hana woke up to screaming and yelling; once again in an unfamiliar place. They seemed to be at a door, a large door. There were beautiful flowers of different species all around with trees and fountains.
“We're your family, you arrogant Bastard!”
Hana recognized that as her father's voice. Looking up from Kiara's fur, she saw Her mamma, papa, and two others. One was a male, or she thought so anyway. He was tall, really tall and long silver hair and this fluffy white thing on his shoulder. There was something blue on his face, and reddish marks. The other, was a woman, with long blonde hair. Her eyes were blue, almost strange. She recognized her.
Hana ran towards the woman, and stopped. The man stepped in front of her, growling. “Get away,” Hana was scarred. “Auntie….” Hana began to cry, wailing loudly. Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Shippo, Hajime and Kane covered there ears. Kiara rolled on the ground trying to make the noise stop. It seemed like scratching a chalk board, but Kagome couldn't hear a thing.
Kane ran toward Hana with Kagome. “Hana, baby stop,” Kagome pleaded. Kane growled. `Damn, she's got some lungs…' She thought. “Hana, Auntie is here. Please stop, you're hurting me….” Kane's eyes were bleeding red, as she heard her pup start to cry. Hana stopped, after all the cooing and petting. Looking up at Kagome and Kane she sniffed, holding her arms up. “Shhh, Auntie Kane is here…” Hana looked over Kane's shoulder to see to see and angry Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Shippo was busy trying not to cry.
“I sorry, Auntie….” Kane gave a weary smile. Looking at Kagome, she gave a soft laugh. “By Kami she's strong. How do you put up with it?” Kagome and Inuyasha sighed.
“We dunno…” they said in unison.
Sesshomaru growled. His mate would be punished for this. “….talk in the study. I'll get Hajime.” Turing on his heels, Sesshomaru left, without another word. “Well then,” Kane said laughing, “let's get to the study.”
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Hana looked around the `study'. It was more like library to her. It was so many books, and Hana just wanted one to play with. Kane, Inuyasha and Kagome were talking about something; but Hana was busy looking out the window, at the garden. “Hana?” Hana turned to look at Kane, who was smiling. “Huh?” Hana smiled back, getting up. The door opened, and she saw Sesshomaru, with two others. One was a girl, a human one, and a one year old; Rin and Hajime.
“Hana, meet your two cousins: Rin and Hajime.”
Kane waited for Hana's response. Rin had grown these two years, looking more and more like a young woman. Her hair was longer, with waves, and had a soft brown color to it; her eyes seemed softer, kinder and held less childish naïveté that she held as an eight-year old child. Hajime looked more like Kane. His hair was blonde, with soft texture; though he only let Kane Sesshomaru and Rin touch it. He the same blue eyes, though they were wide and curious. The only thing that let anyone know he was heir to the throne was the magenta stripes.
Hana smiled and waved. “HI! My name is Hana!” Jumping up, she nearly flew past a worried Kagome and Inuyasha, landing in front of them. Hana's wavy hair flew around her, giving her a wild look. Rin stepped back; baby Hajime clutched her leg.
Hana gave a confused look at Hajime, and petted his head. He gave her a little growl. Rin immediately frowned. “Hajime doesn't like it when people touch his hair.” Picking Hajime up, she looked at Kane. Hana looked at the ground. “Sorry, didn't know…”
Rin smiled, reaching out to Hana. “It's…alright. C'mon, let's go out to the garden.” Turning around, Rin walked away, expecting Hana to follow. And, that she did. “Bye bye mommy, see you later……!” Hana disappeared down the hall, and Sesshomaru closed the door. Sitting down at the table they were at, Sesshomaru glared at Kagome and Inuyasha.
“What is it that you want?”
Kane frowned inwardly at her mates words. Nothing had truly changed; even with a pup. Kagome bit her lip a little and, looked at Kane. “Well, last night, Hana did something…totally unexpected.”
“That's an understatement, wench…..”
Kagome rolled eyes. “What happened?” Kane asked, leaning on the table. “Well, a demon attacked a friend of hers-” “That little shrimp-” “And she had a power out burst. From what he told me, it was pretty bad. She almost purified them.” Inuyasha grunted, and glared out the window. “Who?” Sesshomaru said, finally interested.
“Inuyasha, Shippo and Kiara….wait where are they?” Kagome got up. She hadn't seen Shippo since they were outside! “Don't worry about the runt. He went back with Miroku and Sango, to make sure everything is alright,” Inuyasha growled, looking at her. “We need to focus on Hana…” Kane smoothed out her purple kimono. “So….she has out of control powers? You're a Miko, and the old ningen that lives there is one as well. Train her.”
Kagome sighed. This was getting difficult. “Well…I don't think I can. I'm hardly done with my training, and Kaede is old. So, I was wondering, since you had a younger Sister, and she's in a similar situation may be she could help Hana.”
Kane had a look of hurt on her face. “..I don't know.” Sesshomaru growled at the human and his half brother. They would say something about her to upset Kane, wouldn't they? “We shall…..consider it,” Sesshomaru bit out. Standing up, He left, with Kane close behind. “Inuyasha, you and your mate my stay, as well as her pup. A servant will show you her room.” Walking out Kagome groaned.
“I just made things worse, huh?”
Inuyasha looked at her, with the `no shit' look. “We better get hana before she kills someone.”
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Rin laughed as she played Tag with Hana and Hajime. She was happy she had someone to play with now. “Got you!” Hana screamed, and ran the other way. Little Hajime just sat in the grass, torturing a helpless bug (better start off small if he wants to be like daddy). “Hana, you run to fast!” Guess you expect that, since she was a three year old, and was part demon. “Catch me Rin!” in happily chased after Hana, enjoying the company. Its not everyday you meet someone at the castle your age.
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A/N: well, what do you all think? My friend said I was moving to fast, so I'm slowing down. This story could drag on for a while…..but read and review.
--Lil Mari