InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hand Games ❯ Worn Out ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Genre: Poetry (Free Form)
Word count: 139

Characters: Miroku and Sango
Summary: Eros requires contact.
Sometimes when I
Refrain from touching you
Just long enough
You speak--something
Of the comfort you draw
When you meet another kindred soul
I? Comfort?
How shall I
When you keep me
At arm's length
Cannot touch you
Or kiss away
Old hurts
I see them in your eyes
Shine, shine
Then shatter
Like a mirror, so perhaps
I was seeing myself
Reflected back
Darkly all along
Dark like the sky
Under which you told me
Secrets, whispered in my ear
Hiss softly, only I hear
But did you really
Want me to listen
Or just to pour out
The liquid lead weighing down
Your heart,
So that with out it, you
You could rise
Float away, leaving
Me to burn my holy hands with your heavy burden.