InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ I'm falling even more in love with you ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Romance
Rating: Y
Warnings: Language, nudity and voyeurism
Word Count: 500

~ I’m falling even more in love with you ~
(part 1 of 2)

Under the pretense of scouting for threats, Inuyasha didn’t dignify Sango’s comment with a response as he exited the hut, the taijiya having reminded him of Kagome’s bath in the river, warning him to stay away. Hearing Shippou’s defense of him that Sango had him confused with the monk brought a smile to the hanyou’s lips as he disappeared into the forest before circling wide, towards his true destination. The kitsune was right, of course; he was nothing like Miroku.

Keh, fucking lecher

As the sound of splashing water came within range, Inuyasha switched over into stealth mode, making sure his approach was silent as he reached the forest’s edge, the river coming into view. Standing waist deep in the cool water, Kagome had her back to him as she washed her hair, and for that he was grateful as he quickly ducked out of sight, settling himself into the perfect hiding spot, concealed by the thick foliage all around him.

I’m not like Miroku at all… the hanyou thought, almost convincing himself as he argued over the key factor that made him different in his mind.

The miko wasn’t just a piece of ass to him. He would never defile her by touching her inappropriately, or even verbally insinuating anything of a remotely indecent nature existing between them. She was far too special to him; a mint doll too perfect to ever take out of the box, though that was a crude analogy as Kagome was no toy. But like a doll too perfect to play with, all he could do was look, and so he allowed himself that single sin, burning her image into his memory for the countless days he would have to suffer in solitude once their mission was over and she left him for good.

As the miko in the river turned slightly before running a soapy loofah across her body, Inuyasha shuddered, the warm-blooded male in him reacting to the sight before him despite himself. Kagome was flawless, her smooth body glistening in the sunlight. Dunking in the water to rinse the shampoo from her hair, Kagome arched her back, her breasts peaking beyond the river’s surface to tease Inuyasha’s hungry gaze mercilessly, fueling him and stripping him at the same time. Fueling the fire he felt igniting in his blood. Stripping him of his confidence, his sense of honor and self-worth. There was no way she could ever want somebody like him, a miserable, lowly, spying half-breed. If she ever found out he made it a point to watch her bathe, and for more than just the excuse of making sure she was safe, she would probably sit him until his back broke before fleeing to her time and sealing the well. He would just have to make sure she never found out, because ceasing to watch her wasn’t an option. Kagome was a goddess, his perfect doll, and he loved her too much to not admire what he could never play with.