InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Free To Love ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Romance
Rating: A
Warnings: None
Word Count: 500

~ Free To Love ~

With Naraku defeated, it was time to purify the sacred jewel. It was also time for Inuyasha to keep his vow of joining Kikyou in hell, the undead priestess reminded him, as he stood with his friends in the congratulatory afterglow of finally defeating their enemy. Shocked gasps rang out over the clearing, Miroku and Sango both speaking their minds on how they could not believe she still wished to hold him to such a vow, that the promise had been made under duress, and before she had learned the truth of Naraku.

The one person who should be defending him the most though, did not, although it wasn’t because Kagome was upset or had resigned herself to Inuyasha’s fate. Sharing a look with the hanyou was all she needed to know that he wanted to live, although he believed he was honor bound to keep his promise, regardless of the circumstances. If Kikyou refused to release him from his vow, then he simply had no choice.

Even though Kagome understood, though, she didn’t really understand, because she still believed that he loved Kikyou most of all, and that he had sworn to die with her in the first place because she was his soul mate. It didn’t dawn on the future-born miko that possessing the same soul as Kikyou also made her his soul mate just as equally.

Announcing that she had a solution that would make everyone happy, all eyes were on Kagome as she held the completed jewel in her grasp.

“I wish for Kikyou’s body to be restored to flesh and blood, so that she may be granted a second chance at the life that was wrongfully stolen from her.” Kagome declared, earning shocked gasps from her friends.

So that Inuyasha doesn’t have to die, and can freely be with the woman he loves… she added silently in her head, her wish really for the hanyou more than her preincarnation, although it was true that she did sympathize with Kikyou’s unfair lot in life.

It would pain her to see them living together happily, but she would rather have that ending a thousand times over than witnessing Inuyasha give his life to die with his love. He didn’t deserve to die because of what had happened to Kikyou, but neither did Kikyou deserve what had happened to her. This was the perfect solution.

In a flash of light it was over, the jewel gone from Kagome’s grasp as Kikyou gasped in surprise, taking in her first breath in over fifty years.

Completely shocked, humbled and grateful, Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a fierce embrace, not caring who was watching, Kikyou included, as he crashed his lips upon her own.

“You don’t know what this means to me.” he murmured after pulling back from the kiss, Kagome too stunned to speak or move.

“With Kikyou’s life restored, I’m free to be with you.” he told her.

Eyes widening in true understanding, she pulled him into a second kiss.

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