InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ You know what they say... ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Angst, Romance
Rating: T
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 500

~ You know what they say... ~

They say that if you confess your love for one another on Christmas Eve, that your wish to stay together forever will come true.

Of course, ‘they’ say a lot of things. They say you shouldn’t swim right after eating, even though it’s been proven that it doesn’t make any difference. They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but isn’t that what the cover is for? So that you know what type of book it is? She understood that it was an analogy, but it was a stupid one, in her opinion. People weren’t books. If they were, there would be little blurbs written on their backs that told you basically what they were all about. She could’ve sure used that assistance tonight.

They say to be careful what you wish for or you just might get it… Kagome supposed she could understand the logic behind that one, though it wasn’t applicable in her case.

They say you never know what you have until it’s gone.

That wasn’t true. She knew damn well what she’d had, and what she’d lost.

Inuyasha hadn’t died or anything overly dramatic like that. She’d just had her chance and she blew it. Falling victim to the superstitious hype of her century, Kagome had forced herself to find ‘the moment’ where there hadn’t been one, bound and determined to tell Inuyasha how she felt on that most holiest of romantic nights. She’d been fairly certain that he felt the same way. Well, she’d at least been pretty sure that he cared about her. Surely he at least considered her a friend, right? Pouring her heart out to him had resulted in a blank stare, quickly followed by a stiffening of posture, complete with arms crossed defensively against his chest. He’d looked like he hadn’t even believed her, as if her words had been meant to mock him. She was surprised he hadn’t accused her of being Naraku in disguise trying to screw with his brain. Muttering something to himself that sounded suspiciously like “Not again” she’d had to bite back her gasp of shock that he would compare her to Kikyou again after so much time. He’d then told her “Nice try” and walked off into the forest.

Dropping to her knees, she’d wept.

Kagome didn’t know how long she’d sat there and she honestly didn’t care, but suddenly, she was pulled from her stupor by the feel of strong arms wrapping around her, gently pulling her into a warm embrace.

“Fucking hell, Kagome.” Inuyasha murmured above her head. “I’m such a bastard, can you forgive me?”

“Inuyasha…?” she mumbled, wondering if she was dreaming.

Sighing, the hanyou confessed, “Just last week, the runt tricked me, pretending to be you and sayin’…what you were saying. Fool me once, ya know? I just thought…” He sighed again. “It doesn’t matter. I’m a fucking idiot, and I’m sorry.”

Smiling a little, she relaxed against him.

“Oh yeah,” he added, “And I love you, too.”

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