InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Human Blood ( Chapter 48 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): General, Drama
Rating: T
Warnings: Violence, mention of blood, gore and death
Word Count: 500

~ Human Blood ~

It had been a very close call.

While searching for Naraku's whereabouts Inuyasha had suddenly picked up the scent of human blood, a lot of it, and so the inu-tachi had immediately investigated. They'd arrived on a rather gruesome scene; a village destroyed, a beastly youkai running rampant. It had been too late to save any of the villagers but not too late to avenge them and so Inuyasha and the others had immediately fought the beast, and won.

That was when things went from bad to worse.

While Kagome and Sango began digging graves and Miroku wrote out prayer sutra to cleanse their souls Inuyasha did the dirty work of collecting and gathering all of the bodies, bringing them one at a time to the center of town where the mass grave would now reside. A traveling monk for hire, who had not been summoned by anyone but had merely been passing through, appeared on scene just in time to assume Inuyasha was the murdering youkai, as he held a dead villager. With the others out of sight the monk, who made Ungai look like Mushin in comparison, thought Inuyasha was a lying beast and would not listen to reason as he attacked relentlessly, and with a skill and speed the hanyou had not been expecting. Were it not for the fact that he was a hanyou, Inuyasha would have been turned to ash as the monk's many ofuda made contact and his chanting had him releasing a terrifying howl of pain before suddenly, a black-haired human appeared where the half inu man had once stood.

The others rushed on the scene then and Sango used stink pellets designed for hostile humans against the monk who would still not listen to reason, the scene reminding her of the misunderstanding she had made herself that she still felt guilty for, though Naraku had lied to her and Inuyasha had long since forgiven her. This monk had not been misinformed by anyone, he'd merely assumed all on his own. He did not even show remorse to learn that Inuyasha was half human.

In the end they left him tied up while they finished taking care of the villagers then out of mercy they untied him, after Inuyasha decked him one and made sure the man was good and unconscious.

Finding a safe place to camp in the woods until Inuyasha's youkai powers could heal, Kagome said six words Inuyasha never thought he'd ever hear anyone say.

“Thank the kami you're a hanyou.”

Stunned, he blinked at her, though her logic did make sense. He knew he would be dead if it weren't for his human blood. Sometimes it put him at risk, but sometimes it actually saved him. This hadn't been the first time, as he thought back to Mt. Hakurei's barrier.

Maybe wanting to become a full youkai wasn't such a good idea, after all. He was still much stronger than most youkai, anyway.

“Yeah...” he agreed then.