InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by A Moment ❯ Chapter 14 Long Awaited ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hanging by A Moment

by Lor

Here it is, the long awaited next chapter! I know it's been months upon months since this fic was last updated. I could go into this huge long spiel on what I've had to deal with in my life which led me to not writing. But here's the short version; school, work (I got a job at Regal Cinemas), family, one of my dogs died in February, got a new puppy about two months month ago, stress, and major personal issues. If anyone wants to know more in detail about anything, I can always e-mail you and tell ya part of the story of what happened to me these long months.

Everyone can thank goth_inu_girl, from mediaminer, for getting me to start writing again. It was her review that reminded me that people still want to read my fics.

Poll: (please vote)

How do you want the ending of this fic to be?

1 - A happy little ending

2 - A sequel

3 - Mysterious

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Remember to R&R!

' .... ' thoughts

" ..... " dialogue

~ ...... ~ flashback or dream sequence

Without anymore babbling...or waiting.....

Chapter 14

Long Awaited



Back at the present; Yash opened the door and walked inside.

"Looking good, Yash!" Roru said smiling at him from her seat next to Akio. Yash wore a pair of baggy khaki pants with a dark gray sweater, with a white t-shirt on underneath.

"Is Kagome ready yet?" he asked stepping into the den.

"Just bout. She should be down in a few minutes," Akio responded as he glanced over at the stairs. Yash sat down in one of the lounge chairs and joined the couple in watching Ocean's Eleven.

Ten minutes passed before they heard Kagome call down, "I'm ready!"

Yash quickly got to his feet and moved to stand at the foot of the stairs. Roru giggled as his antics to impress Kagome, earning herself a deserved glare from Akio.

Kagome walked slowly down the stairs to stand on the bottom step, "Well, what do you think?"

Yash just stared at her before he whispered, "Beautiful."


Kagome smiled brightly seeing Yash standing before her holding a gorgeous bouquet of pale red roses. In her mind she had never seen him look better then he did at that exact moment. He was there for her, not someone else. For her this moment marked her happiness in the future. Kagome took a careful step off the steps to stand in front of Yash. He then handed her the bouquet, which she cradled gently in her arms simply beaming at him with happiness radiating from her body.

There was a good reason for Yash to say she looked beautiful. The ends of her long black hair were softly curled to rest upon her shoulders. The shorter sections of her hair were gently curled to frame her face. She wore a fitted black tank top which had a modest v-neck, just showing a hint of cleavage. The skirt she borrowed from Roru's closet was blue silk with a soft flower pattern of a lightly lighter shade of blue, and it reached down to the floor just allowing her open toed black heeled sandals to be seen.

For a few moments the two gazed at each other, the only sound coming from the TV which could barely be heard. It was Roru who broke the silence, "Shouldn't you two be going so you don't spend the entire night just standing there?"

Kagome and Yash blinked themselves back to the reality around them, "I want to put these wonderful roses in a vase before we go," Kagome said moving to stand beside Yash. "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of them for you and put the vase in your room. You just go ahead and have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Roru said with a smile getting up from her place on the couch beside Akio. "Alright then," Kagome said reluctantly handing the bouquet over to her cousin. "See you later!" Akio called to them with a wave as the couple stepped out the front door onto the porch and the beginning of their first date together.

Yash shyly took Kagome's hand in his as they slowly walked down the shrine steps to his car parked along the road. "What do you have planned for tonight?" Kagome asked smiling at the hanyou. "Oh you'll just have to wait, it's a surprise," he replied with a toothy grin. "That's not fair! You know and I don't," she said with a fake pout. "Ah, but that's the point of the surprise my dear," Yash said with a laugh. The ice had broken between them and they were back to acting normal between one another, comfortable in the other's presence.

When they reached his car, Yash opened and held the passenger side door open so Kagome could slide into the seat. "Being a gentleman for once are you?" Kagome questioned with a giggle in her voice. "Just wait and see dear Kagome, just wait and see," he responded as he got into the drivers seat and the two sped off down the street into the night.


Time seemed to pass slowly as they drove under the inky blue sky which glittered with thousands of tiny stars. Yash held Kagome's hand in his as he drove them to their destination. "Why won't you tell me where you're taking me?" Kagome asked him for what seemed to be the thousandth time.

Surprisingly though, she wasn't annoying him. Her interest made him feel overjoyed at the wonder on her face which was lit up by the full moon in the sky above them. "All you need to know is that I have something special planned." Kagome's eyes lit up at his words, "Something special? What does that mean?" Yash laughed softly at her questions, "Don't worry you'll find out in a few minutes." "You mean we're almost there?" "No I mean all we need to do is find a parking spot."

Around them was a serene and beautifully landscaped park. "This is where you're taking me?" Kagome said in a voice filled with awe, "It's charming." "This is just the main location," Yash said getting out of the car to hold her door open for her. "The main location?" "There is a slight walk to the main event," he told her with a smile as he offered her a hand to aid her in getting out of the car. After closing the passenger side door he walked to the trunk and opened it to pull out a picnic basket. "A picnic?" Kagome said delighted by his idea. "Shhhh, you'll spoil part of the surprise," Yash said with a smile.

With that he took her hand gently in his to lead her down a secluded path that led into a small cluster of trees. The place Yash led her to, was what appeared to Kagome as a magical place. It was a small clearing, tiny glasses with lit candles etched the sides providing a soft romantic light. In the center directly below the opening to see the night sky and the moon, was a silky soft red blanket. Yash pulled on her hand gently to get her out of the stupor she was in so she could take a seat on the blanket.

"Yash....I don't know what to say....this is just magical," Kagome said her voice will with awe and amassment towards him. A soft blush crept over Yash's cheeks at her praise. "It must have taken awhile for you to set all of this up," she told him taking every detail of the clearing into her mind, trying to memorize it so she would never forget this night. "All the work was worth seeing the look on your face when I first led you here." The look that appeared on Kagome's face locked Yash's eyes to hers. She was deeply touched at his words, along with all the work and planning it took for him to set this all up for her.

An owl hooted somewhere in the trees, spooking Kagome causing her to jump into Yash's lap. "What was that!" she whimpered into Yash's shirt hiding from the terrible fiend. He couldn't help but chuckle at her antics, "It was only an owl, Kagome. Poor little Kagome afraid of the big bad owl?" "Oh shut up," Kagome said hitting him on the shoulder. A second later she realized what position they were in causing her face to turn crimson from embarrassment. She quickly slid from his lap to sit next to him looking away from him. A smile crossed Yash's face at her cute embarrassment movements. "How about some dinner?" he asked her while he opened the picnic basket.


Time seemed to pass too quickly to the hanyou, Yash. `I guess it's now or never,' he said to himself trying to psyche himself up for what he was about to do. `Why does he seem nervous all of a sudden?' Kagome wondered to herself as she took a sip of her cherry coke. Yash slowly got to his feet and walked over to the edge of the clearing and pulled something from the woods that had been just out of sight. "Yash?" "Hum?" was all he said to her as he took a seat beside her on the blanket, setting a guitar case on the ground beside him. "What's going on?" she asked him intrigued sliding closer to him the candle light brushing on her face. "Do you really want to know now?" he questioned her, pulling a beautiful mahogany guitar from guitar case. "Of course!" "Well, there's one more surprise," Yash replied as strummed the guitar softly to check the tuning before he began to play, his voice joining moments later to the echoing melody.

"Find me here

Speak to me

I want to feel you

I need to hear you

You are the light

That is leading me

To the place where

I find peace again

You are the strength

That keeps me walking

You are the hope

That keeps me trusting

You are the life to my soul

You are my purpose

You are everything

And how can me

Stand here with you

And not be moved by you

Would you tell me

How could it be

Any better than this

You calm the storms

You give me rest

You hold me in your hands

You won't let me fall

You still my heart

And you take my breath away

Would you take me in

Would you take me deeper now

'cause you're all I want

You are all I need

You are everything



The song in this chapter, Everything, is performed by the band Lifehouse and appears on their first CD, No Name Face.